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*Questions raising a FBE revolution*
I'm too tired to deal with this.

It is so hard to keep everyone on the same page in this RP... to avoid confusion over simple things...

Please, please, please do me a favor, and don't make it harder on me.

Thank you.
*Goes to post something fun*
*See's @The Silver Paladin is Staff*

Aw... No more fun. :(
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Then I should probably give you the same warning I gave Gwazi a while back:

When it comes to managing this RP in particular and making it clear what people can and can't do, you have to be really obvious when you're joking -- otherwise I sort of have to assume you're being serious. Jokes will fly straight over my head in this particular context. Really.

So, that being said, let's start over...

What did you want to do with SCP? Because now I don't know which parts were serious and which parts were a joke.
I mainly wanted to use SCP to contain FBEs and Fandom based items (T-M's Grail, OFF's Switch, The Doctor's Moment) for the Council, as well as trying to keep chaos from spreading via FBE's from the SCP Fandom.
I mainly wanted to use SCP to contain FBEs and Fandom based items (T-M's Grail, OFF's Switch, The Doctor's Moment) for the Council, as well as trying to keep chaos from spreading via FBE's from the SCP Fandom.
Ok, yeah, all of that is fine.

I would prefer you call them fandomena, but it's fine.



Do you guys think I'm too strict about managing this RP? (Policing tiny things that don't matter?)

Or do you think I'm not strict enough? (Being too lenient in certain areas and then letting things spiral off into bigger problems and more confusion?)

I AWAIT YOUR ANSWERS because I think about this a lot and it's kind of stressing me out...
Ok, we need some Dalek-Goblin Tag Team shit here.

Do you guys think I'm too strict about managing this RP? (Policing tiny things that don't matter?)

Or do you think I'm not strict enough? (Being too lenient in certain areas and then letting things spiral off into bigger problems and more confusion?)

I AWAIT YOUR ANSWERS because I think about this a lot and it's kind of stressing me out...
You're fine usually, but when you start to get stressed you also start getting too strict.
Honestly, if we pushed so hard to make Fandomena a known term, why is it not just as easy to make it clear that fandom-based entities are not fandom personifications themselves, but just canonical entities from each fandom?

I like the term Fandomena to describe EVENTS, but I still dont like the fact that it refers to the ENTITIES as well... Which is why I personally want a distinction made between the two terms. Fandomena could easily contain fandom entities (like, the events are caused by shenanegins from entities...). but i just dont think they should be the same thing.

but i mean....if theres only one other person pushing for this distinction then i guess i cant say anything.... :(
Ok, we need some Dalek-Goblin Tag Team shit here.

Neo and I got plans for the goblins. Combining them would be too confusing.

Besides, splitting them up means we're giving more characters more things to do.
You're fine usually, but when you start to get stressed you also start getting too strict.
@_@ But stress comes from me actually trying to enforce shit, not the other way around. I wouldn't be stressed if I wasn't trying to worry about stuff.

The only reason I don't seem strict when I'm not stressed is because it's the fact that I'm not being strict that's making me less stressed. That's the only reason they correlate.

I need specifics here... where is the line? Where is too far? That's what I worry about.
@_@ But stress comes from me actually trying to enforce shit, not the other way around. I wouldn't be stressed if I wasn't trying to worry about stuff.

The only reason I don't seem strict when I'm not stressed is because it's the fact that I'm not being strict that's making me less stressed. That's the only reason they correlate.

I need specifics here... where is the line? Where is too far? That's what I worry about.
That seems like a downward/upward/sideways spiral. One of those loop things.... idk how to explain it

You're not too strict. You only get worked up when you're trying to explain a point over and over, or when someone is being confusing or not doing the right things... in short: you're fine. You don't go too far. You act appropriately given whatever situation, even if you're tired or stressed, which is commendable. You're fine.
Honestly, if we pushed so hard to make Fandomena a known term, why is it not just as easy to make it clear that fandom-based entities are not fandom personifications themselves, but just canonical entities from each fandom?
Because I tried that and it DIDN'T FUCKING WORK.

I made it very clear -- not only in the OP but also every other time I brought it up -- that that's exactly what fandom-based entities were. But people still didn't get it. I ran into several instances of members clearly not understanding it, which is why I implemented "the test", and therefore learned that people's misunderstandings were far worse than I had anticipated...

And my attempts to make that distinction only highlighted how stupid the term was because I realized just how difficult it was to verbalize, and how it was so easy to get "fandom entities" and "fandom-based entities" mixed up that I really couldn't blame anyone.

I shouldn't have to try this hard to drill that distinction into people. I shouldn't have to run around like a chicken without its head just to make people take some dumb test and talk down to them like four-year-olds to tell them why they can't understand what I'm saying and then hunt them down just to make sure they reply to my post saying "Yes, I understand" because if I don't then there's the chance that I'll think that they understood me but they really didn't and they'll just continue to make more mistakes down the line because I didn't realize just how confused everyone was and I wasn't thorough enough about it.

And when avoiding confusion is that fucking difficult, it implies that I, the GM, have failed at conveying my information well. And, again, in attempting to explain "no no, you're thinking of fandoms, which I sometimes call "fandom entities" even though that's confusing as all fucking hell, they're totally different from "fandom-based entities", and I know that the distinction is really difficult to remember but I need you to tryyyy for sake of my sanity please" -- I realized that the terminology was stupid and making people confused and therefore stressing me out. That's why I changed it.

I'm sorry you don't like the pedantics of it. I understand what you're saying, but, you know what? I think it's a relatively small issue. Even if you don't think that the term "fandomena" makes a ton of sense, you still understand what it's supposed to mean. Which is still way more than I can say for "FBE", where people were so far off-the-mark about such a fundamental aspect of how this world works, which was just so hard to fix and get everyone on the same page.

Therefore making me feel like I was being way too strict... even though it was the fact that I wasn't strict up until that point that was causing problems because I saw that people didn't seem to quite understand things but I didn't bother to correct every tiny detail because I didn't want to stress about it... but then I realized that I had to say something because the tiny little lump that I didn't want to acknowledge turned out to be a tumor and then that tumor turned into full-blown cancer and cancer is very hard to fix and now I'm putting my RP through chemo and it's not pleasant for anybody and it's probably the reason why I feel sick and my hair's falling out but it's my own damn fault for not checking up on those lumps in the first place.

*sigh* So... I'm sorry for snapping... But, please, believe me, using the term "fandomena" should theoretically be saving me loads of stress... If I never tried to use the term "fandom-based entity" in the first place, then everything would be even easier... and that's why I'm trying to lay that term to rest as quickly and painlessly as possible so that we can move on to something that's a lot easier to distinguish from straight-up fandoms and get everyone on the same page. That's why I put a new tab on the OP so that this information is very easy to access and not at all buried so people are more likely to read and understand it.

And that is especially why I don't want to have both terms in use at the same time, because then I worry that people will start to think that they are different things, which is just a whole new layer of confusion that I really don't want to deal with...

I'm sorry. I probably sound like a stubborn GM who's refusing to listen to criticism.

But like.

Please. I need you to understand where I'm coming from...
@_@ But stress comes from me actually trying to enforce shit, not the other way around. I wouldn't be stressed if I wasn't trying to worry about stuff.

The only reason I don't seem strict when I'm not stressed is because it's the fact that I'm not being strict that's making me less stressed. That's the only reason they correlate.

I need specifics here... where is the line? Where is too far? That's what I worry about.
Kind of.

But the pattern I've been noticing was that you start on a fix, and then notice another thing to fix, and then another, and another, and another.
And before you know there's such a list of things you intend to fix that all of them on the plate at once seems to come spilling in constant OOC updates, revisions etc.

Note, the reason I didn't mention this before is because I assumed all was fine on your end.
But you expressing stress from it, combined with asking us is making me realize otherwise.
That seems like a downward/upward/sideways spiral. One of those loop things.... idk how to explain it

You're not too strict. You only get worked up when you're trying to explain a point over and over, or when someone is being confusing or not doing the right things... in short: you're fine. You don't go too far. You act appropriately given whatever situation, even if you're tired or stressed, which is commendable. You're fine.
Lol do I still sound "fine" even after that rant I just typed because if you're all still tolerating me after that then you're the one who should be commended and all that.
Lol do I still sound "fine" even after that rant I just typed because if you're all still tolerating me after that then you're the one who should be commended and all that.
Yes. Because even though I don't agree with what you're saying, you're being fair and rational about it so i can't complain too much.

And thank you. :3
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