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Like don't me wrong. Logically speaking evolution explains perfectly why this stuff happens and how humans evolved to be like that.
But the act itself isn't so logical, but rather the by product of more ancient human conditioning.
Witch burnings were often done for those who were different, pushed for scientific advancement etc.
I would personally value that much higher than people who'd rather be stagnant.
Personally, yes, but that's just your personal values, which were different from the people of authority in that situation. :P

The traits you think of as good things, they would see as bad things. So if they think that being different or pursuing science is a bad thing -- which kind of makes sense when you think of it as creating friction within a group -- and if their goal is to remain united about everything because that's what they think makes their society stronger then, yeah, the logical option would be to eliminating the opposing group that exists. :P

Sorry for jumping in on all this. I just couldn't let that one go by.
Competition yes, but the butchering of others isn't needed to compete.
If anything it literally kills that competition.
Killing your competitors is the ultimate way to ensure your own social standing in a society that rewards brutality. They're literally too dead to ever challenge you again. Also don't forget that society rewarded them for brutality and therefore it is very logical to be brutal to the point of killing.
Witch burnings were often done for those who were different, pushed for scientific advancement etc.
I would personally value that much higher than people who'd rather be stagnant.
Society at that point rewarded and valued brutality towards social undesirables. You stating what you personally value over a social context of brutality is exactly why individual over society exists and not necessarily 'thinking logically for society' should always be a preferred option.
...Scratch my earlier idea. Maybe I'll just emigrate to Mars instead D: .
...Scratch my earlier idea. Maybe I'll just emigrate to Mars instead D: .
I find your new avatar to be rather appropriate, given this comment.
APPARENTLY, MY OWN POSTING NOTES WERE INACCURATE, AND I SHOULD'VE POKED @JoJo TO POST FOR DANDY/BEBOP A LONG TIME AGO. @_@ I thought he had posted after my last post for Trigun... but I was wrong...

So, um... that might also be contributing to the very slow feel of things in that group.
APPARENTLY, MY OWN POSTING NOTES WERE INACCURATE, AND I SHOULD'VE POKED @JoJo TO POST FOR DANDY/BEBOP A LONG TIME AGO. @_@ I thought he had posted after my last post for Trigun... but I was wrong...

So, um... that might also be contributing to the very slow feel of things in that group.
Then you shall get a post from me today! Soon!
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HAHAHAH, You thought you would get a post from Utsuho, but it was I, Jojo!

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I find your new avatar to be rather appropriate, given this comment.
I know; I picked it for this very purpose :P

Seriously though, the developments in the world are really starting to scare me.
In America, there's Donald Trump, who is becoming more and more popular every day. You know; the guy that is openly homophobic, racist, xenophobic even, and the one man I could see pressing the Big Red Button. Similiarly in Europe, far-right wing (to our standards, at least) political parties are not only popping up like mushrooms, they're also rapidly gaining popularity, especially with the current 'refugee crisis' (which wouldn't be a crisis if people actually /cooperated/, but hey, details.). It's gotten to the point that some political parties are openly attacking other people's trustworthyness based solely on who their parents were (double nationality and whatnot), and still have a very large following. On the same wing we have idiots rioting as soon as they even think a refugee shelter is built in their neighbourhood, doing things like (but not limited to)
- Attempting to storm the city hall.
- Throwing fireworks, rocks and whatnot at the MP/security.
- Calling politicians and threatening to kill them and their family if they dare vote in favour of the plans.

Meanwhile, the group that's against said party is growing more extreme as well, leading to a huge gash dividing the country in two. And, seeing as this is happening all over Europe, the European Union is being torn apart too, making actually stopping the problem even harder, which in turn only fuels the flames.

The irony is, I'm not even afraid of Al Qaeda, the Taliban, Isil or all those other lunatics. Sure, they can make a lot of victims in single attacks, but they could never win in an outright war. Their tactics are limited to sneaking past security and blowing stuff up; guerilla warfare, if you wish. It's really not something a nation as a whole should be afraid of (Well, minus Syria and Iraq, where they have their main area of control), let alone the entire world. Yet still everyone is using them as a catalyst for their own propaganda and expansion of control zones, which brings me to...

Russia. Now, I do not consider Russia as insane, a red scare or whatever, but apparently a lot of politicians still do.We should really be on the same side considering all the crap going on in the Middle-East, but apparently the people in charge don't agree on this. Like I said, I don't consider Russia as insane, nor do I believe that they would ever start a war with the west if it can be at all avoided (the MAD-scenario and all that), but in cases like this even a small mishap can quickly escalate. Couple that with the quickly souring relationship the west has with Russia, and yeah...

In short, people are getting more and more paranoid and nationalistic, exactly like what happened before the last two World Wars, and as a normal human being there's absolutely nothing I can do to stop the tide. It's... It's just really starting to scare me, you know?

...I'm sorry, I just had to get all of that off my chest. Ignore it if you wish.
I know; I picked it for this very purpose :P

Seriously though, the developments in the world are really starting to scare me.
In America, there's Donald Trump, who is becoming more and more popular every day. You know; the guy that is openly homophobic, racist, xenophobic even, and the one man I could see pressing the Big Red Button. Similiarly in Europe, far-right wing (to our standards, at least) political parties are not only popping up like mushrooms, they're also rapidly gaining popularity, especially with the current 'refugee crisis' (which wouldn't be a crisis if people actually /cooperated/, but hey, details.). It's gotten to the point that some political parties are openly attacking other people's trustworthyness based solely on who their parents were (double nationality and whatnot), and still have a very large following. On the same wing we have idiots rioting as soon as they even think a refugee shelter is built in their neighbourhood, doing things like (but not limited to)
- Attempting to storm the city hall.
- Throwing fireworks, rocks and whatnot at the MP/security.
- Calling politicians and threatening to kill them and their family if they dare vote in favour of the plans.

Meanwhile, the group that's against said party is growing more extreme as well, leading to a huge gash dividing the country in two. And, seeing as this is happening all over Europe, the European Union is being torn apart too, making actually stopping the problem even harder, which in turn only fuels the flames.

The irony is, I'm not even afraid of Al Qaeda, the Taliban, Isil or all those other lunatics. Sure, they can make a lot of victims in single attacks, but they could never win in an outright war. Their tactics are limited to sneaking past security and blowing stuff up; guerilla warfare, if you wish. It's really not something a nation as a whole should be afraid of (Well, minus Syria and Iraq, where they have their main area of control), let alone the entire world. Yet still everyone is using them as a catalyst for their own propaganda and expansion of control zones, which brings me to...

Russia. Now, I do not consider Russia as insane, a red scare or whatever, but apparently a lot of politicians still do.We should really be on the same side considering all the crap going on in the Middle-East, but apparently the people in charge don't agree on this. Like I said, I don't consider Russia as insane, nor do I believe that they would ever start a war with the west if it can be at all avoided (the MAD-scenario and all that), but in cases like this even a small mishap can quickly escalate. Couple that with the quickly souring relationship the west has with Russia, and yeah...

In short, people are getting more and more paranoid and nationalistic, exactly like what happened before the last two World Wars, and as a normal human being there's absolutely nothing I can do to stop the tide. It's... It's just really starting to scare me, you know?

...I'm sorry, I just had to get all of that off my chest. Ignore it if you wish.

You knoooowwww who could solve a lot of those problems? ...Well, I mean, in the US anyway? Sorry rest of the world, I can only do so much here.

Muh man Bernie Sanders, aaaaaand guess what I saw when I caught the end of the Democratic debate a couple nights ago!



It would be cool enough to see a majority of the map being purple, but... LITERALLY EVERY SINGLE STATE.

And, yeah, I get that this is just a measurement of popularity of search terms as opposed to any actual poll info, buuuut....


I just got so excited thinking that Sanders might actually win, and...

And... I think... that this is actually what it feels like... to actually like a politician, and to actually be able to root for one... as opposed to voting/hoping for one to win just because he's the shinier of two turds and you'd rather have one thing than the other... I THINK THIS IS THE FIRST TIME I HAVE ACTUALLY FULLY SUPPORTED A POLITICIAN ON ACCOUNT OF THEM NOT BEING TRASH. OwO

And, I mean, Sanders is great enough as it is, but, given the stakes... yeah, I most definitely agree that Donald Trump is fucking terrifying and, should I hear that he's been elected, I better fucking wake up in the middle of the night screaming and realize it was all a dream. So... yeah, I'm probably more crazy about this election than any election prior. ...It also helps that this is the first presidential election in which I'll actually be old enough to vote in the first place, but, still!

So yeah, I'm just gonna... just gonna keep hoping... and voting, too, of course... but also a lot of hoping... keeps me sane and all that... OwO
@Raven You finally have a chance to post in the IC again! Sorry you were left waiting for so long. ^^"
... We could keep going back and fourth here, but this seems like the issue of being logical according to certain beliefs.
Here's a thing I thought I'd share:

Since there are so many Undertale fans here... and since I really like this Youtube channel in general. owo
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Sceptical yes, but not witch burning and the like.

Though I find the whole Logical Race VS Emotional Race seems to also be flawed for one big reason.
It's forgetting the element of Self VS Other.

Say a Logical Self would be logical... For self benefit. Society could burn for all they care, as long as their own life benefits.
But a Logical of others person would work towards what's best for the species overall.

Likewise emotional self? You get some pretty barbaric acts going on.
Emotional others is where you get the mixed bag of amazing movements, but also over zealous people with good intentions.
very good point....thank you for bringing that up.
Since there are so many Undertale fans here... and since I really like this Youtube channel in general. owo
Honestly I outright love how Undertale get's you thinking about violence in games.
I mean, I outright love violent video games, and by no extent will anyone ever see me going "Games are sexist and cause violence!".

But where most non-violent games either outright remove it or just shove it to the side, Undertale directly addressed it but also had a clear method of being peaceful during the entire thing.

I have yet to see another game like that.
Honestly I outright love how Undertale get's you thinking about violence in games.
I mean, I outright love violent video games, and by no extent will anyone ever see me going "Games are sexist and cause violence!".

But where most non-violent games either outright remove it or just shove it to the side, Undertale directly addressed it but also had a clear method of being peaceful during the entire thing.

I have yet to see another game like that.
Mmm. And I definitely agree about the game feeling more violent because of the choice it gives you. Most games, you're expected to kill enemies and not question it, since it's usually your only option -- but the way Undertale builds itself around that aspect of choice... man, there's a real weight to everything. I totally agree with what the video said about having a much greater sense of choice, feeling like your actions actually make a difference in the game world. I noticed it pretty much as soon as I'd started my first playthrough, really. @_@

It's also the reason why I had way too much fun putting together the Undertale fandom's personality, as I really wanted to capture the feeling of playing the game as opposed to going with something easy like a split personality sort of thing. In fact, the whole reason why I reserved that one in the first place was because I just couldn't stop thinking about the possibilities. XD
Mmm. And I definitely agree about the game feeling more violent because of the choice it gives you. Most games, you're expected to kill enemies and not question it, since it's usually your only option -- but the way Undertale builds itself around that aspect of choice... man, there's a real weight to everything. I totally agree with what the video said about having a much greater sense of choice, feeling like your actions actually make a difference in the game world. I noticed it pretty much as soon as I'd started my first playthrough, really. @_@

It's also the reason why I had way too much fun putting together the Undertale fandom's personality, as I really wanted to capture the feeling of playing the game as opposed to going with something easy like a split personality sort of thing. In fact, the whole reason why I reserved that one in the first place was because I just couldn't stop thinking about the possibilities. XD
Oh yea, you're definitely feeling it more with violence there.
I think the only games I've played that got close to that feeling is Bioware games... And that's only in specific instances of killing beloved companions.

But with Undertale it's far more consistent, every act of violence leaves you thinking and has repercussions.

+They get you thinking in other ways too.
Like the whole reset feature, and how it's a core game mechanic itself with results in the game world.

Undertale is basically the game that went "Oh, this is how you're used to games? Well fuck you!".

I have to rank it up there with Spec Ops the Line in how it takes the player off guard and makes them truly think about the direction of the industry.
Undertale is basically the game that went "Oh, this is how you're used to games? Well fuck you!".
Yeah, pretty much hit the nail on the head right there. XD But it does it beautifully. OwO