• So many newbies lately! Here is a very important PSA about one of our most vital content policies! Read it even if you are an ancient member!

    A site made for roleplay is way cooler we promise <3
Actually I terribly misread- I need a recap BADLY.

Also thank you! Will do!
XD I was gonna say...

I'll get you a recap once you've got a CS in, then (no need to worry about it right now, and things might change by the time you get a CS in). No need to be intimidated by the giant OOC thread! A lot of it is just off-topic chatter. XD And the IC is so sandboxy that it's pretty easy to jump in anytime -- and, while a summary of where everyone is currently and how they got there is definitely important, there's really only a handful of events that would belong in a general summary full of information that everyone would need to know.

In fact, I'm starting to debate adding a general summary like that to the OP, and I can format it as if it were one of Night Vale's news broadcasts... hmmmm....

Anyway! Let me know if you have any other questions. ^^ And uh, if you have a definite fandom picked out, I can put them on the reserve list for you if you'd like.
And, yeah, given the nature of the RP, it's highly unlikely that any newcomer would walk in and find that EVERY fandom they could've possibly wanted is already taken... because there are just too many possibilities. XD Even when most of the big names are taken, there's still tons of others to choose from -- and, hell, there are still quite a few big names that haven't even been touched yet, besides!
XD I was gonna say...

I'll get you a recap once you've got a CS in, then (no need to worry about it right now, and things might change by the time you get a CS in). No need to be intimidated by the giant OOC thread! A lot of it is just off-topic chatter. XD And the IC is so sandboxy that it's pretty easy to jump in anytime -- and, while a summary of where everyone is currently and how they got there is definitely important, there's really only a handful of events that would belong in a general summary full of information that everyone would need to know.

In fact, I'm starting to debate adding a general summary like that to the OP, and I can format it as if it were one of Night Vale's news broadcasts... hmmmm....

Anyway! Let me know if you have any other questions. ^^ And uh, if you have a definite fandom picked out, I can put them on the reserve list for you if you'd like.
Ib and OFF, for the time being! Should be up pretty soon.

Okay, will do.
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XD I was gonna say...

I'll get you a recap once you've got a CS in, then (no need to worry about it right now, and things might change by the time you get a CS in). No need to be intimidated by the giant OOC thread! A lot of it is just off-topic chatter. XD And the IC is so sandboxy that it's pretty easy to jump in anytime -- and, while a summary of where everyone is currently and how they got there is definitely important, there's really only a handful of events that would belong in a general summary full of information that everyone would need to know.

In fact, I'm starting to debate adding a general summary like that to the OP, and I can format it as if it were one of Night Vale's news broadcasts... hmmmm....

Anyway! Let me know if you have any other questions. ^^ And uh, if you have a definite fandom picked out, I can put them on the reserve list for you if you'd like.
I've managed to dig up the last summary. Do you want me to put a link here, send it to you through PM or otherwise need it in any way, shape or form?
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I've managed to dig up the last summary. Do you want me to put a link here, send it to you through PM or otherwise need it in any way, shape or form?
Eh, PM it to me. I always tell myself that I can use old summaries if not too much has changed -- buuuut trying to edit all the small parts that aren't often means it's just easier to write a completely new one. XD Still, I guess I'll take it a look and we'll see about this time.
Soooooo... I have a slight problem.

What will OFF's home be? Also, prepare for an influx of spectres once I post the CS.
Name: Ib

Gender: Ambiguous


Personality: Due to the nature of their origin, Ib is often careful, jumpy and on edge. When not in immediate danger, Ib is rather playful and often daydreaming about what if they didn't live in the museum.

Ib has been around since 2012, yet still doesn't know the actual reasoning behind Guertena's paintings and why they could do... that stuff. They also wish they could know more about Gary and Mary.

Abilities and Equipment: The power to outrun almost any enemy, and of course to enter paintings. Also has the ability to alter someone's health by either watering or withering their ROSE (if they have one), but only while inside of the pocket dimension. They themselves hold a red rose, even outside of the museum.

Home: Scary, warped pocket dimension filled with living statues, traps and portraits that might just jump out at you, accessible through a painting in a beautiful, normal museum. That's why Ib rarely wants spends time in the pocket dimension, yet for whatever reason finds themselves there more often than not.

Quirks: Often cannot read certain words, so goes asking around for help. Sometimes confuses monsters as plushy bunnies.

Other: DO NOT let Ib near the Dog Park. DO NOT tell Ib about the Dog Park. DO NOT let Ib know about the Dog Park. DO NOT let Ib get near blue, grotesque dolls.

Hope this is okay!
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Update thing: I made a minor change to my latest post for Megaman. To be more specific, I changed the mentioning of what Megaman's color was supposed to be from blue and cyan (his normal color) to green/brown and gray (his color scheme while using the Metal Nikita).
@chillin I'm not the GM, so I can't give actual permission, but I do have one question. You've said that Ib "Also has the ability to alter someone's health by either watering or withering their ROSE (if they have one), but only while inside of the pocket dimension." Who has to be in the pocket dimension in this scenario: Ib, its victim, the rose, any combination of the three... ?
@chillin I'm not the GM, so I can't give actual permission, but I do have one question. You've said that Ib "Also has the ability to alter someone's health by either watering or withering their ROSE (if they have one), but only while inside of the pocket dimension." Who has to be in the pocket dimension in this scenario: Ib, its victim, the rose, any combination of the three... ?
Oh! Well, they both have to be in the pocket dimension I believe (that's how the game worked, at least).
Soooooo... I have a slight problem.

What will OFF's home be? Also, prepare for an influx of spectres once I post the CS.
:/ Well, seeing as how I personally don't know anything about OFF, I really can't give you any concrete suggestions in that regard. Sorry!

All I can really suggest is trying to think of an iconic location from that game -- or, at least, something that would thematically fall in line with what the game is like -- and work from there.

Maybe I'll look at the Wikipedia page later and see what I can come up with, but, yeah, that's the best I got for now.

Name: Ib

Gender: Ambiguous


Personality: Due to the nature of their origin, Ib is often careful, jumpy and on edge. When not in immediate danger, Ib is rather playful and often daydreaming about what if they didn't live in the museum.

Ib has been around since 2012, yet still doesn't know the actual reasoning behind Guertena's paintings and why they could do... that stuff. They also wish they could know more about Gary and Mary.

Abilities and Equipment: The power to outrun almost any enemy, and of course to enter paintings. Also has the ability to alter someone's health by either watering or withering their ROSE (if they have one), but only while inside of the pocket dimension. They themselves hold a red rose, even outside of the museum.

Home: Scary, warped pocket dimension filled with living statues, traps and portraits that might just jump out at you, accessible through a painting in a beautiful, normal museum. That's why Ib rarely wants spends time in the pocket dimension, yet for whatever reason finds themselves there more often than not.

Quirks: Often cannot read certain words, so goes asking around for help. Sometimes confuses monsters as plushy bunnies.

Other: DO NOT let Ib near the Dog Park. DO NOT tell Ib about the Dog Park. DO NOT let Ib know about the Dog Park. DO NOT let Ib get near blue, grotesque dolls.

Hope this is okay!
Ah, now here's a game I have played! *stretches and cracks knuckles*

Due to the nature of their origin, Ib is often careful, jumpy and on edge. When not in immediate danger, Ib is rather playful and often daydreaming about what if they didn't live in the museum.

Ib has been around since 2012, yet still doesn't know the actual reasoning behind Guertena's paintings and why they could do... that stuff. They also wish they could know more about Gary and Mary.
The issue with this seems to be that it focuses a lot more on Ib's thoughts about the game than their personality as a whole... I feel like I really didn't learn much about them from this. :/ Perhaps it could be re-written with more of a focus on their personality in general?

Scary, warped pocket dimension filled with living statues, traps and portraits that might just jump out at you, accessible through a painting in a beautiful, normal museum. That's why Ib rarely wants spends time in the pocket dimension, yet for whatever reason finds themselves there more often than not.
I'm not sure I like the idea of referring to the museum as a "pocket dimension" since, well, the Fandomverse is already considered a pocket dimension, and having one inside another just feels very... spacey-wacey.

I'm not sure why their home can't simply be referred to as the museum, while emphasizing the fact that stepping through certain paintings can take you to other parts of the museum, which are, uh... yeah. (Besides, don't things start to get weird even before you go through one of the paintings? Like, as soon as the lights flicker and you find yourself alone at the beginning? It's been a little while since I've played it, but, yeah...)

Anyway, just emphasizing in general that the museum has some weird properties as opposed to being a "pocket dimension" might be an easier concept to grasp. I think Neo's question already makes it clear just how confusing this explanation is, since, knowing that this "pocket dimension" is just supposed to be part of the museum, it makes it fairly obvious that they'd all need to be inside the "pocket dimension" for it to make any sense. In fact, if I wasn't already familiar with the game, I feel like I wouldn't have really understood a lot of what you were trying to say, either...

Also, more clearly specifying up front that it's an art museum might be helpful, if only because we already have a plot-relevant history museum, and, yeah, I wouldn't want anyone to just skim through this CS and make assumptions. :P

On another note, though, I think Ib and Undertale might have a lot in common, now that I think about it... hmmm....
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Apparently OFF doesn't even have a Wikipedia page.

...It has its own Wikia, full of more detailed information on specific parts of the game, but that really isn't the same as the more general set of information that I can get from poking around an ordinary Wikipedia page, which is what I usually do when I have to take a closer look at fandoms I know nothing about -- and it usually does tell me everything I need to know, at least in the CS building/evaluating stage of things.


That's annoying.

Anyway! I did at least give this page from the Wikia a quick skim. I suppose you could try combining aspects of the different zones, but, I understand that that could get really chaotic really quickly. That said, you could try to narrow it down to aspects from just one or only a couple of zones, but then it becomes a matter of which areas to use. Based on my limited knowledge, I would suggest going with either the earlier zones or the later ones -- depending on which you consider to be more important/iconic.

Based on this Wikia page, it would appear that the most iconic area in the game would be the "Nothingness", but... I think we can both agree that that would be rather difficult to use for anything, here. :/

Edit: Alternatively, you could have a sort of set up where the interior of their home changes to resemble different zones at different times. This is sort of what I've been doing with the inside of Doctor Who's TARDIS, which can change to resemble TARDIS interiors from different eras of the show.
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:/ Well, seeing as how I personally don't know anything about OFF, I really can't give you any concrete suggestions in that regard. Sorry!

All I can really suggest is trying to think of an iconic location from that game -- or, at least, something that would thematically fall in line with what the game is like -- and work from there.

Maybe I'll look at the Wikipedia page later and see what I can come up with, but, yeah, that's the best I got for now.

Ah, now here's a game I have played! *stretches and cracks knuckles*

The issue with this seems to be that it focuses a lot more on Ib's thoughts about the game than their personality as a whole... I feel like I really didn't learn much about them from this. :/ Perhaps it could be re-written with more of a focus on their personality in general?

I'm not sure I like the idea of referring to the museum as a "pocket dimension" since, well, the Fandomverse is already considered a pocket dimension, and having one inside another just feels very... spacey-wacey.

I'm not sure why their home can't simply be referred to as the museum, while emphasizing the fact that stepping through certain paintings can take you to other parts of the museum, which are, uh... yeah. (Besides, don't things start to get weird even before you go through one of the paintings? Like, as soon as the lights flicker and you find yourself alone at the beginning? It's been a little while since I've played it, but, yeah...)

Anyway, just emphasizing in general that the museum has some weird properties as opposed to being a "pocket dimension" might be an easier concept to grasp. I think Neo's question already makes it clear just how confusing this explanation is, since, knowing that this "pocket dimension" is just supposed to be part of the museum, it makes it fairly obvious that they'd all need to be inside the "pocket dimension" for it to make any sense. In fact, if I wasn't already familiar with the game, I feel like I wouldn't have really understood a lot of what you were trying to say, either...

Also, more clearly specifying up front that it's an art museum might be helpful, if only because we already have a plot-relevant history museum, and, yeah, I wouldn't want anyone to just skim through this CS and make assumptions. :P

On another note, though, I think Ib and Undertale might have a lot in common, now that I think about it... hmmm....
Hmmm... Thanks for the input, I'll try to make it better. 0_0"

Err... Give me a bit more to come up with a better personality/description, then.

So, I guess it's either the "Guertena Art Gallery" or "Art Museum", and the roses could work while inside a painting?

Sorry for blowing it, btw. I wanted to ask: if you were to play Ib, what'd you do?


Apparently OFF doesn't even have a Wikipedia page.

...It has its own Wikia, full of more detailed information on specific parts of the game, but that really isn't the same as the more general set of information that I can get from poking around an ordinary Wikipedia page, which is what I usually do when I have to take a closer look at fandoms I know nothing about -- and it usually does tell me everything I need to know, at least in the CS building/evaluating stage of things.


That's annoying.

Anyway! I did at least give this page from the Wikia a quick skim. I suppose you could try combining aspects of the different zones, but, I understand that that could get really chaotic really quickly. That said, you could try to narrow it down to aspects from just one or only a couple of zones, but then it becomes a matter of which areas to use. Based on my limited knowledge, I would suggest going with either the earlier zones or the later ones -- depending on which you consider to be more important/iconic.

Based on this Wikia page, it would appear that the most iconic area in the game would be the "Nothingness", but... I think we can both agree that that would be rather difficult to use for anything, here. :/

Edit: Alternatively, you could have a sort of set up where the interior of their home changes to resemble different zones at different times. This is sort of what I've been doing with the inside of Doctor Who's TARDIS, which can change to resemble TARDIS interiors from different eras of the show.
So, I've been thinking.

At first, I wanted it to be a part of Zone 2; the Amusement Park. Upon more thought, I'd say Zone 0. It's at the very beginning, short, and is built like a house. You also meet some of the most important characters there.
Hmmm... Thanks for the input, I'll try to make it better. 0_0"

Err... Give me a bit more to come up with a better personality/description, then.

So, I guess it's either the "Guertena Art Gallery" or "Art Museum", and the roses could work while inside a painting?
Yeah. You could even make Ib's rose work anywhere, if you wanted. Lots of fandoms here already have canon-specific health systems -- this wouldn't be any different. :P

So, I've been thinking.

At first, I wanted it to be a part of Zone 2; the Amusement Park. Upon more thought, I'd say Zone 0. It's at the very beginning, short, and is built like a house. You also meet some of the most important characters there.
*shrugs* Go with whichever one you want. Both would be acceptable, really, though I agree that zone 0 would probably make more sense to use as a home.


All of this talk has started to make me feel very nostalgic about Ib... which I haven't played in quite a while.

But, see, there's a reason why I haven't played Ib in a while... that reason being... it's a Windows-only game.

And I am now a Mac user. (Have been for several years now.)

So, getting a Mac kind of meant that I was giving up this particular game.



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Also! I suppose I should probably mention that you really don't need to worry about Ib being able to do anything with other people's roses -- since I can't think of any reason why anyone else would have roses like that, anyway. @_@ It would probably just be better to focus on explaining how Ib's own rose works.

Also! I suppose I should probably mention that you really don't need to worry about Ib being able to do anything with other people's roses -- since I can't think of any reason why anyone else would have roses like that, anyway. @_@ It would probably just be better to focus on explaining how Ib's own rose works.
Well, good luck playing Ib!

Basically like in the game, but outside too...? Or would that be too dangerous?
Well, good luck playing Ib!

Basically like in the game, but outside too...? Or would that be too dangerous?
*shrugs* Whatever you want, really. Personally I think keeping it consistent makes more sense, not to mention it just makes for an interesting mechanic that you might not get any opportunity to use, otherwise.

And... I certainly don't plan on stopping anyone from making their characters vulnerable in certain ways. Makes things more interesting, I think. Besides, we've already had some close calls with fandoms getting into near-death situations, so... yeah.

Anyway! Just be sure to speak up when you're done editing your CS so that I know to come back and take a look at it.