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I just want to let you know that I'm working on a double post for Supernatural and Pokémon. Its taking longer than I expected, I apologize for that.
As for when it will be up hopefully within the next few days, tonight if I'm lucky but I have 3 really important tests tomorrow and another not as important test.

So when you say you're working on a double post, does that mean you already have a post for Supernatural finished (or nearly finished)? If that is the case, I would ask that you post for Supernatural now and post for Pokemon later when you get the chance. There's no reason to hold people up if you already have that post written.

If you're saying that you still need time for both, though, then that's a different story. Though I would still request that, if you can't write both in one sitting, that you just post them separately as you finish them.
Can I just say that Night Vale's adoration of the Beatles Fandom is really kind of adorable.

I mean, "most treasured members".

This whole exchange is just so cute.
Psshaw like everyone doesn't adore/worship the Beatles fandom :tearsofjoy:
Sooo, this happened.

Sooo, this happened.


Um... I don't speak emoji.

I mean I guess you've gathered a bunch of Night Vale -relevant emojis but like I don't think I would've even been able to figure that out if you hadn't mentioned Cecil.

Is there supposed to be a narrative or something here because I don't see it. O.o

Uhm... Have you been seeing Lucy again, Clirkus?

On the topic of Emoticons though: Behold the result of maxing out Entei's Cuteness!

So when you say you're working on a double post, does that mean you already have a post for Supernatural finished (or nearly finished)? If that is the case, I would ask that you post for Supernatural now and post for Pokemon later when you get the chance. There's no reason to hold people up if you already have that post written.

If you're saying that you still need time for both, though, then that's a different story. Though I would still request that, if you can't write both in one sitting, that you just post them separately as you finish them.
I started writing Pokemon first which I think is mostly the problem, I've been thinking about putting the Pokemon post off to the side and focusing on SPN since I know what I want him to do.

Besides drooling about a Queens fandom I have a plan. By the way, is there a plot over all of this or are we going to continue the tomfoolery because I could go for either really.
I started writing Pokemon first which I think is mostly the problem, I've been thinking about putting the Pokemon post off to the side and focusing on SPN since I know what I want him to do.

Yeah, I think that might be a good idea, especially since your Pokemon post can take as long as you need it to without consequence.

Besides drooling about a Queens fandom I have a plan. By the way, is there a plot over all of this or are we going to continue the tomfoolery because I could go for either really.

Tomfoolery, unless something happens to stagnate everyone and leave us all drained for ideas, which is unlikely to happen.

I mean I started this RP with the mindset of "I'll just go sandbox for now and if that doesn't work then I'll start up an actual plot" but the sandbox idea worked out so much better than I thought it would. o.o I mean given how much each and every character brings to the table, it's fairly easy for anyone to create their own subplot. Hell so far the only real fandom enemy we've gotten (a concept I expected the RP to focus more heavily on) is the Dalek -- everyone else has been busy just doing whatever. And there's nothing wrong with that! Hell I find a lot of it to be way more entertaining than what I thought I'd get out of this RP. Really we're all constantly coming up with ideas for how our Fandoms can interact with each other and I'd say that's enough to keep us running as a sandbox for virtually forever.

Honestly because of all that I've been tempted recently to just remove the "plot" piece from the OP because it sounds so awkward and unsure of itself (which is pretty much how I felt when I wrote it) and there's really no reason for it to exist anymore. O.o

That was rambley but yeah. If you ever get bored there are a million possibilities for sub-plots and just general shenanigans.
*spit take*




Uhm... Have you been seeing Lucy again, Clirkus?
I don't...
Um... I don't speak emoji.

I mean I guess you've gathered a bunch of Night Vale -relevant emojis but like I don't think I would've even been able to figure that out if you hadn't mentioned Cecil.

Is there supposed to be a narrative or something here because I don't see it. O.o

Ohh, sorry xD It was a narrative of a Night Vale episode (one of the early ones with the Glow Cloud and Khoshekh) like experimentally, seeing what I could do with the finite emojis. The second one is about Carlos' hair and the last one was where Cecil talked about his and Carlos' first date.

Idk thought it was kinda relevant.

*flies away*
Loki xD
*spit take*




Oh I heard about this. A bunch of feminazis wanted to cast Link as a woman.
I don't...

Lucy. :3

Ohh, sorry xD It was a narrative of a Night Vale episode (one of the early ones with the Glow Cloud and Khoshekh) like experimentally, seeing what I could do with the finite emojis. The second one is about Carlos' hair and the last one was where Cecil talked about his and Carlos' first date.

Idk thought it was kinda relevant.

Well... I still can't quite understand it word-for-word, but I'll take your word for it that it makes sense to people more adept with emoji.

Good job, I guess? O.o

Oh I heard about this. A bunch of feminazis wanted to cast Link as a woman.

That is not what I am concerned about. @_@
Ahh, tbh I'm not too familiar with the Beatles music, I sorta just know about it through osmosis because other people like it. I do like it. Reminds me a little of Owl City.

Well... I still can't quite understand it word-for-word, but I'll take your word for it that it makes sense to people more adept with emoji.

Good job, I guess? O.o
Maybe I was too proud of it.

That is not what I am concerned about. @_@
I was mildly concerned about it, but my friends were more concerned about Link talking than anything else they insist he is not allowed to say a word.
*spit take*




Maybe they could make something in the style of Four Swords Misadventures?

EDIT: Oh, and I'll try to post for FF today.
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I was mildly concerned about it, but my friends were more concerned about Link talking than anything else they insist he is not allowed to say a word.

See, that's the thing. On the one hand I feel like I should be wary of what a talkative Link could be like, but then, on the other hand, having a show where your lead never speaks is going to be very difficult to pull off...

There are so many ways this could turn out horribly.
I'll be perfectly honest I tend to not read the posts where none of my characters hold relevance.

It saves time and also helps me stay in character by not accidentally metagaming knowledge that I shouldn't possess.
Though as a result of that I'm not exactly sure where to insert RvB.

*spit take*




I'll be perfectly honest I tend to not read the posts where none of my characters hold relevance.

:3 Awww. But you're missing out on so many fun shenanigans.

It saves time and also helps me stay in character by not accidentally metagaming knowledge that I shouldn't possess.
Though as a result of that I'm not exactly sure where to insert RvB.


Our other current groups are as follows:

The Beatles, Touhou, Night Vale, FIFA, Supernatural, and Homestuck are all outside the Beatles' house as a fight recently broke out between Supernatural, Touhou, and Homestuck which resulted in Supernatural getting thrown into the side of the Beatles' house and leaving an angel-shaped crater. Night Vale was just about to make his leave and I guess vanish from the RP for a bit, though, probably because @Clirkus said she's been busy lately, so I wouldn't initiate a new interaction with him in particular. Anywho, this group's kind of massive already and posting order's a bit screwy and confusing because of it. Fair warning.

Elsewhere Five Nights at Freddy's was kind of trying to murder Hetalia, Trigun tried to rescue him, and the two of them are currently making their escape, I think. @Aranea's been taking a while with her post, though, and I also think @Cephalo planned on having the Avengers join the group sooner or later, so, yeah, this one might get a bit weird. Or slow. Or both.

Aaaand looking over the list of characters again, I'm surprised to see that those are the only two character groups not counting the one that Sherlock's currently in. Honestly probably my best suggestion would be for you to write more of an open-ended intro post that another new character can respond to and therefore create a new group. Given how few groups we currently have, and the fact that there are also three other characters in addition to RvB that have yet to get an IC introduction, we could probably use something like that.

I mean, you can still join one of the other groups if you still want to, but like... it feels like nearly all our new characters have been tagging along with another group from the get-go, and, while there's nothing really wrong with that, I do kind of feel the need to stress the fact that an open-ended intro post is still an option. o.o Might make it easier for characters like AoT and Final Fantasy to jump in, too.

But I mean in the end, whatever you think is best for your character will do.

You know. The campus wi-fi derped out when I tried loading this page, so for a while I knew that you'd posted a Youtube video without being able to see what the actual video was.

And yet. Somehow. I managed to guess what it would be.
  • Thank You
Reactions: Gwazi Magnum
Aaaand looking over the list of characters again, I'm surprised to see that those are the only two character groups not counting the one that Sherlock's currently in. Honestly probably my best suggestion would be for you to write more of an open-ended intro post that another new character can respond to and therefore create a new group. Given how few groups we currently have, and the fact that there are also three other characters in addition to RvB that have yet to get an IC introduction, we could probably use something like that.
I'll probably try doing that then. :P
it feels like nearly all our new characters have been tagging along with another group from the get-go

Sherlock came up with the Nazi Dalek tank all by himself thank you very much! :P
You know. The campus wi-fi derped out when I tried loading this page, so for a while I knew that you'd posted a Youtube video without being able to see what the actual video was.

And yet. Somehow. I managed to guess what it would be.
It was the obvious response to give. :P

Sherlock came up with the Nazi Dalek tank all by himself thank you very much! :P

I said new characters, Gwazi.
As in all the characters we got after our initial wave of intro posts ended.