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I'd say "That's a good dark souls player".
But no one get's good at dark souls, you just learn to suck less at it.
You could always make the fandom character have a really mercurial personality- sometimes the good loyal type, and other times super pumped about KILLIN STUFF AW YE. Or trying to be good, but the bad character side is too much fun.
(also I'm pretty sure the Warhammer guy backed out of the rp? Idk though)
You could always make the fandom character have a really mercurial personality- sometimes the good loyal type, and other times super pumped about KILLIN STUFF AW YE. Or trying to be good, but the bad character side is too much fun.
If so that settles that.
But now I want to see someone do a Dark Souls and Game of Thrones fandom... :(
(also I'm pretty sure the Warhammer guy backed out of the rp? Idk though)


The list of accepted and reserved fandoms on the OP is totally up-to-date, so @SirDerpingtonIV Warhammer 40K is open. And so is pretty much every other fandom you said you were thinking of.
Well, I reserve Game Of Thrones

Excellent. I'll put you down on the list.

Also, the IC will be up later today. Don't feel rushed in making your CS, though. You should have no problem jumping in while we're all still getting started.
One of us One of us!...Did we tell you about the secret trial to really get into the Rp!

Also, Can't wait for the ic!
I'm thinking of going with the A Nightmare On Elm Street fandom.


How would you guys feel about Freddy Krueger being in here? :P.
I'm thinking of going with the A Nightmare On Elm Street fandom.


How would you guys feel about Freddy Krueger being in here? :P.

^^" Not being familiar with the source material, I really can't say.

But I mean we already have Five Nights at Freddy's so maybe you two could be horror buddies...?

...I don't know what I'm saying anymore. Carry on.
@Indabayou @Katzenchen @Cephalo @Gwazi Magnum @Essention @YamiCuoreLaroux @neobullseye @Rithas @Aranea

IC is up!!!

Your intro post doesn't need to be as long as mine. I just had a lot of fun writing mine. And I hope you guys have fun writing yours, too.

ALSO please note that this RP's rule list has been updated to reflect the fact that there are now posting rules. Please take a look at these before you jump into the IC. (And, as always, remember that the rules are subject to change as I think of more.)

@SirDerpingtonIV Please don't feel rushed about your CS. I imagine the IC will, for a while, consist of everyone still making their introductions and just poking around doing whatever, so it shouldn't be hard for you to jump in a bit later.

@ResolverOshawott Should I put you on the reserve list with that Fandom?
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@Indabayou @Katzenchen @Cephalo @Gwazi Magnum @Essention @YamiCuoreLaroux @neobullseye @Rithas @Aranea

IC is up!!!

Your intro post doesn't need to be as long as mine. I just had a lot of fun writing mine. And I hope you guys have fun writing yours, too.

ALSO please note that this RP's rule list has been updated to reflect the fact that there are now posting rules. Please take a look at these before you jump into the IC. (And, as always, remember that the rules are subject to change as I think of more.)

@SirDerpingtonIV Please don't feel rushed about your CS. I imagine the IC will, for a while, consist of everyone still making their introductions and just poking around doing whatever, so it shouldn't be hard for you to jump in a bit later.

@ResolverOshawott Should I put you on the reserve list with that Fandom?

Eyup but me that on reserve list.