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Hell, at this point FF and RvB are the bigger alien threat XD.
But all I did was summon a tank, and drive like a maniac.
I don't consider that world domination or rampant virus level of threat. :P
So.... Is that a veto against Team E.A.N. meeting up with Team B.S.N. (which sounds like the best news channel ever, by the way)?

Not a veto necessarily -- I just don't like the idea of Gwazi intentionally interacting with himself.

You can have two of your characters in the same place so long as you avoid having them interact excessively.

Bigger alien threat.
Or he can pull a doctor trick so by heading for the tricksters he is somehow handling both.

But they'll both be there anyways... ;A;


The thought of leaving something unfinished is gonna drive him nuts, but I'll try to think of something...
But all I did was summon a tank, and drive like a maniac.
I don't consider that world domination or rampant virus level of threat. :P

No, but, we did already establish that DW might take issue with these two running about the human realm without even trying to keep a low profile. XD
No, but, we did already establish that DW might take issue with these two running about the human realm without even trying to keep a low profile. XD
Eh, the Doctor's just a whiny blue/red then! :P
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Eh, the Doctor's just a whiny blue/red then! :P
Those stupid NPCs. Hello?! I'm the legendary hero chosen by the Crystals! I think I need this money more than you ever will, so hand it over. What's that? You need it to pay the rent on your house? Well, guess what; if the world gets destroyed, there won't be a house left to pay rent on!
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Those stupid NPCs. Hello?! I'm the legendary hero chosen by the Crystals! I think I need this money more than you ever will, so hand it over. What's that? You need it to pay the rent on your house? Well, guess what; if the world gets destroyed, there won't be a house left to pay rent on!
*Stabs NPC on the way out*

I need the XP if I'm to save you people. :3
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No new nonsensical ranting, people? I am disappointed in you...
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No new nonsensical ranting, people? I am disappointed in you...

I had lots of homework to get done, and then I watched Classic Who, and then I went to bed. .__.
:3 Less than a week till 4/13 you guuuuuys~
No new nonsensical ranting, people? I am disappointed in you...
Been trying to even out my sleep schedule.
Body isn't co-operating, so I've been a bit out of it. :/
No new nonsensical ranting, people? I am disappointed in you...
What are you? How dare you think that I would ever rant! YOU WANNA KNOW WHAT

no....I won't
I'M HAVING AN INTERNAL CRISIS OVER WHETHER OR NOT THERE'S SOMETHING WRONG WITH MY MUSIC TASTES. Somehow the Jonas Brothers are appealing to me, oh god what is this. I didn't even know it was them, with them singing a rock cover of Poor Unfortunate Souls. Why has my love for Disney betrayed me so?! I sob, I sob. *sniffles* All I wanted was to listen to Disney D: and then I got too much Disney

How's that for nonsensical ranting @neobullseye?
I'M HAVING AN INTERNAL CRISIS OVER WHETHER OR NOT THERE'S SOMETHING WRONG WITH MY MUSIC TASTES. Somehow the Jonas Brothers are appealing to me, oh god what is this. I didn't even know it was them, with them singing a rock cover of Poor Unfortunate Souls. Why has my love for Disney betrayed me so?! I sob, I sob. *sniffles* All I wanted was to listen to Disney D: and then I got too much Disney

How's that for nonsensical ranting @neobullseye?

I was going to try to offer some comforting words, but thanks to that last sentence I have no idea whether or not any of that was serious or true. .__.
Ugh. I know how that is. :/
Well, I feel asleep around Noon for a nap...
And NOW my body decides to go full sleep mode and I woke up at 9... >.<