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Eden Haller - Psyhawk

" We've met, but I was wearing my armor at the time.

She smiles.

" Most of my stuff is hand me down, from old buddies where I used to work. They had a political upheaval a couple of years back and I was... let go.

" Anyway, maybe you know how it is... One moment everything is fine, the next you are looking for work."

She hands Janice a business card.

Eden Haller
phone number

@Ms.Ezra @Michale CS
" Anyway, maybe you know how it is... One moment everything is fine, the next you are looking for work."

She hands Janice a business card.

Eden Haller
phone number

@Ms.Ezra @Michale CS
"Oh yeah, I know exactly what you mean." Janice read the business card and replied politely. "I think you're about a day too late. I'm actually feeling....really good, you know? My life's turning around, and even this," She made a gesture to the general area/situation. ",is.....feeling good. I've never really saved someone before. At least a civilian. It feels good." She said and a far-off look came to her face. Her adrenaline was down, but she instead felt a great well of elation.

Eden Haller - Psyhawk

" That's wonderful, congratulations. You wouldn't know anyone who does seamstress work would you ? "
Well, please call me, I'd love to do lunch with you sometime. "

@Ms.Ezra @Michale CS
"Well... You wanna go get some pizza? Cause I wanna go get some pizza..."
Mikey was really out of his element with all this girly talk.

@Gands @Ms.Ezra
"That's wonderful, congratulations. You wouldn't know anyone who does seamstress work would you ? "
Well, please call me, I'd love to do lunch with you sometime. "
"I think I do, but now's not really the time to swap numbers. I'll give you a call my next day off." Janice said to Eden and then was surprised the large turtle had managed to sneak up on her. "Wow you are a ninja big guy."

"Well... You wanna go get some pizza? Cause I wanna go get some pizza..."
"Pizza? Don't turtles.....never mind. Sure, least I could do for you jumping in. Where does an, I assume, mutant turtle go for pizza?" She asked as one of the bank tellers came to and tried to call police with their ears ringing. The other patrons were getting up and making sure the would-be robbers were being restrained until the police arrived.

"And how about we get going now? I'm a bit camera shy."

@Michale CS @Gands
Eden Haller - Psyhawk

" Certainly, a fine idea, not so good for my diet, but perhaps I've worked up an appetite. How did you enjoy the demonstration. We didn't get to do one that last night we talked. "

She is smiling wide.

" We should invite my talented new friend Janice too "

@Michale CS @Ms.Ezra
"Fazio's is close. I'll show ya. And sorry dude I haven't heard anything about your fishbowl dude." He lead the way, getting out his trenchcoat and Fedora.

@Ms.Ezra @Gands
Eden Haller - Psyhawk

" It happens, any investigation has a good chance of doing nothing more often than not. "

I follow the turtle to his recommended pizza place.

" How are things going with the local gangs ? Any changes ?

@Ms.Ezra @Michale CS
"Fazio's is close. I'll show ya. And sorry dude I haven't heard anything about your fishbowl dude." He lead the way, getting out his trenchcoat and Fedora.
"Your lead then." Janice followed the turtle out the back way as police sirens could be heard from a distance.

Once at the pizza place, Janice took the liberty of ordering and paying for their pizza. Sitting at a table with the turtle made her wonder how Wilderkin was doing, wherever he was. With his ability no animal would harm him, so she was sure he was doing fine. Probably found peace long before she did.

" How are things going with the local gangs ? Any changes ?
"Oh. I just stumbled into something, didn't I?" She asked as their pizzas were delivered. Janice savored her bacon and black olive pizza while listening to the other two. Her night had taken quite a turn, and she was actually excited about it.

@Michale CS @Gands
Eden Haller - Psyhawk

"One of the things I try to do to make money, is provide intelligence reports regularly to my old boss. On the area I live in, and it's surrounds. What bad guys are doing... patterns, habits, weapons and stuff like that. In turn, he provides it to other people. Between that and a couple of days doing psychology work, keeps the bills paid.

@Ms.Ezra @Michale CS
"Your lead then." Janice followed the turtle out the back way as police sirens could be heard from a distance.

Once at the pizza place, Janice took the liberty of ordering and paying for their pizza. Sitting at a table with the turtle made her wonder how Wilderkin was doing, wherever he was. With his ability no animal would harm him, so she was sure he was doing fine. Probably found peace long before she did.

"Oh. I just stumbled into something, didn't I?" She asked as their pizzas were delivered. Janice savored her bacon and black olive pizza while listening to the other two. Her night had taken quite a turn, and she was actually excited about it.

@Michale CS @Gands
Eden Haller - Psyhawk

"One of the things I try to do to make money, is provide intelligence reports regularly to my old boss. On the area I live in, and it's surrounds. What bad guys are doing... patterns, habits, weapons and stuff like that. In turn, he provides it to other people. Between that and a couple of days doing psychology work, keeps the bills paid.

@Ms.Ezra @Michale CS
"Yeah. I mean we just met the one time, so you're only one behind Psyhawk here on the how well you know Mikey scale." Michelangelo knew to keep to a reasonable level of pizza consumption in front of humans - and ladies besides.
@Ms. Ezra

"And yeah, they got these new toys. I hear a lot of em talking about some kinda million dollar bounty across the river in Gotham. Not sure who it's for but the ones who are sticking around here are the ones who're saying it's too dangerous to claim the bounty. I'm thinking it's for getting one of us. As in super heroes. So you better be careful." He waved the waiter over and asked for another pitcher of root beer.

The TV was on and one of the waitstaff were flipping channels, and it landed on a news station.

In what appeared to be a coordinated attack, suspected gang members and the criminal mercenary known as "Firefly" attacked and burned down the famous Iceberg Lounge last evening. Nine people lost their lives to the attack that reports say included not only flamethrowers, but incendiary devices. The gang members had access to advanced weaponry, and as of this time the GCPD is not disclosing if they know just how so many of the devices fell into the hands of alleged criminals.

"This is a tragedy and as far as I'm concerned, a disaster scene. Our immediate focus is on helping our first responders provide their needed services to the victims of this tragedy." Said Police Commissioner James Gordan, who refused further comment, pending investigation.
Uncorroborated reports show anywhere between three and five known vigilantes on the scene, two of whom are known proteges of the Batman. The vigilantes, although they helped bring the violence under control, may have contributed to it in some way. An anonymous tip received by the Post states that there are bounties on the heads of all such masked vigilantes in Gotham.

One question looms in the wake of these attacks - Just where is the Batman?

About this time, Eden got a text on her phone:
[fieldbox="Dakota, purple, solid"]My 'client' ditched town. Found evidence she set herself up. Meet me tomorrow 9am at 13th and 9th, the Starbucks.[/fieldbox]

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Meanwhile, in Wakanda...

Mariah Dillard and William Tockman sat across from T'Challa, the King of Wakanda at a formal dinner. "I know it's hard to conceive of this, Your Majesty, but what I, and by extension OsCorp, is asking for is for a way for you to provide much needed protection from the escalating threats - not only in New York City, but around the world."

"I've entertained such requests before, and I have always denied them. There is no way you can guarantee me that the Vibranium I sell you won't end up being weaponized, or in the hands of criminals. I'm sure you are aware that OsCorp does not exactly have a good reputation in that respect."

"But that was the old OsCorp, before I purchased it." Mariah waved her hand in front of her and turned her head to the side for a moment. "With all due respect, Your Majesty, but are you honestly telling me that you won't help me turn OsCorp's swords into plowshares?"

T'Challa stopped mid-sip of his drink. "No. I am not saying that." He paused. "I'll need to see plans. And I will send a technical oversight team to ensure that the Vibranium is being used as agreed."

"Easily agreed to. How is it that saying goes? Trust, but verify?"

T'Challa still seemed not to like this. But, if it were truly a chance for Vibranium to be used to protect first responders in a world becoming increasingly full of escalating threats, it would save lives and promote the name of Wakanda in the court of public opinion. He had been actively working toward making Wakanda seem a more friendly place. In modern times, isolationist countries were increasingly seen as threats themselves. In order to protect Wakanda, he had to make it seem as peaceful as possible.

Time was, just hiding away and not interacting did the trick. Now... well now, it just made you look like you were hiding something. And nowadays? When you appear to be hiding something, people come looking. The wrong kind of people.

"Trust but verify. This is not yet completed, Mariah Dillard. We have much to discuss and many details to arrange." The King warned.

"I cleared a full week of my personal schedule, Your Majesty." Mariah smiled and raised her glass. "To safety."

"To safety." T'Challa raised his glass in toast as well.

Later that evening...
"Are you sure you weren't seen? Wakanda tech is far more advanced than anything anyone else has." Mariah inquired, looking rather worried.
"Trust me. For the items you wished me to find, they did not leave it to their technology. They had guards on site. But, to be safe, I precisely timed their camera response speed. I will not appear on any surveillance footage. And as far as the Wakandans are concerned, nothing is even missing." Tockman replied.

"You better be right about that. Because I'm not about to end up in a Wakandan prison after all I've built up."
"Has my timing ever been off, Miss Dillard?"
"Then trust the plan. Trust your plan."
"Trust but verify, Tockman."
"Touche', Miss Dillard." He smiled as grey lightning arched behind his glasses.
[[ For OOC special interest, no call outs - @OrlandoBloomers @Ringmaster @C.T. ]]
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Eden Haller - Psyhawk

She looks down at her phone and sighs.

" Damnit ! There goes another paying gig. How the hell...

She shakes her head. "Not worth looking backwards. Eyes forward Nick says."

"Sorry kids, one of my odd jobs, an investigation I was helping with fell through. Purple guy Mysterio probably innocent Mister Turtle. The woman we were helping probably faked the whole thing. "

"Maybe I'll head over to Gotham and offer to help". She shakes her head .

"I sometimes have a side effect to their power I use. At least I think I do, makes people pay less attention to me than I'd like. I think its contributing to my lack of financial success"

She laughs.

@Michale CS @Ms.Ezra
"And yeah, they got these new toys. I hear a lot of em talking about some kinda million dollar bounty across the river in Gotham. Not sure who it's for but the ones who are sticking around here are the ones who're saying it's too dangerous to claim the bounty. I'm thinking it's for getting one of us. As in super heroes. So you better be careful."
"Whoa, a million dollar bounty? Who stepped on whose toes they're willing to pony up that kinda cash?" Janice was dumbstruck this was happening just across the river. "Last things I heard from Gotham was a building burned down, and The Joker came back tangling with a tiger guy." She started on her third slice and chewed over some thoughts while Eden checked her phone.
"Maybe I'll head over to Gotham and offer to help". She shakes her head
"Are you sure that's a good idea? I mean those guns are serious even if I can...." Janice stopped and let her pizza droop in her hands as she re-considered what she was about to say. Am I seriously considering this? Why? I got a great job lined up and so far I'm not a target. Just a tech geek on rollerblades...but it felt so good saving those people. Being in the thick of action again.

"I should go. I can neutralize them from a distance. I'm probably the best woman for the job." The woman said adamantly and scarfed down her slice before the cheese and toppings fell off.

@Michale CS @Gands
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Eden Haller - Psyhawk

"Janice, trust your instincts. Probably too Dangerous for both of us. But... if you do go, call me. Outrageous stupidity loves company".

" Anyway, my pattern study indicates there is a build up here in New York. Wait long enough and the same thing may well happen here. "

@Michale CS @Ms.Ezra
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"Dudes I don't travel well as you can see. If you do go, kick some shell for me. I'll hold down the fort here. Me and my brothers."

He shrugged as he finished up his food.

"Stay cool. I gotta go."
He gave them the 'hang loose' gesture as he left.

@Ms.Ezra @Gands
"Janice, trust your instincts. Probably too Dangerous for both of us. But... if you do go, call me. Outrageous stupidity loves company".
"Yeah, totally will." Janice finished her last slice. She was glad to have an ally already.

"Stay cool. I gotta go." He gave them the 'hang loose' gesture as he left.
"I'll have to get going too." Janice had one last drink of root beer. "Catcha later, Eden." She took out her receipt and hastily wrote down her number then gave it to Mikey when she caught up with him outside. "You or your brothers hear or see anything vital about these guns, drop me a call or text alright?" She used him to support herself with one hand while slipping into her rollerblades. Once on, she returned the sign and went rolling in the general direction of her apartment.

Back home, Janice went to the large trunk to the side of her work desks. Underneath the graduation gown, technical books, and random length of wire, she found it. Her old X-Men uniform, helmet, batons, electric knuckles, and small repulsors. Cyclops may not like her going into Gotham and helping with the emblem visible, but she had no other clothing that was bullet-resistant and able to hide her identity. She took the rest of the night making sure everything fit-which it did for the most part-and touched up some of the wiring to be sure everything was back in fighting condition.

When she had the uniform on and looked in the mirror she realized it felt right. A little snug since she had grown since last wearing it, but overall it felt natural to wear it again. "You're doing this. No turning back. Only moving forward." She said to her reflection.

The Next Day, 1pm
"Where to, miss?" asked the cab driver.

Janice set her pack in the next seat and dialed Eden while telling him "Gotham. Just drop me off in the city limits and I'll go from there."

"You realize that's a pretty far drive, right?" the driver asked to be sure.

"Do you not want the fare?" Janice asked. She had the phone to her right ear, so she flashed him a big clip of cash with her left. Opening a bank account had to wait.

"Not at all, just making sure." The driver smiled and pulled into traffic. When Janice got the voicemail, she left a quick message.

"Eden, it's Janice. Taking that trip to Gotham. I'm sure we'll run into each other eventually. And thanks by the way. Looking forward to working with you."

The call done, Janice put on her headphones and put on some music for her drive.

@Michale CS @Gands
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Eden Haller - Psyhawk

" Well hells bells. I hope she makes it out alright. "

That morning she made a drive on the motorcycle down to a Volunteer center she had read about.
She generally worked with less sleep then most people usually about three hours a night. Something about the way her brain was wired. Averaging two to three days part time and her night patrols gathering gang intelligence for Fury... it wasn't enough. Not challenging, not stimulating at all. She needed more, she missed the constant work with Shield.

She took advantage of her side effect, the someone else's' problem field that sometimes surrounded her. Some day she'd train herself to use that effect more effectively. This place was run by a metahuman, star girl or something. So she made her way down to the office. Checking things out as she went.

@Michale CS
Control Freak Pic.jpg The metahuman known as Control Freak, real name Flint Carlson was finally transferred from where he and Ringmaster were being held. It took a long time to trick the system into letting a meta - especially with his power set be transferred anywhere. But eventually, it came to pass that he was in the same prison as Wilson Fisk.

And only because he was not officially there. He was supposed to have been transferred to "The Big House" and all of the paperwork would line up with that.

The power damping wrist and ankle bands he was wearing didn't hurt the process either.

Wilson Fisk

I've had the young man brought into my office. He looks bored and a bit confused.

"Good Morning Mister Carlton, do you know who I am ?

"I've had you brought to my prison facility. "

@Michale CS
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