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Eden Haller - Psyhawk

"Mikey, you scared him off. Poor guy, Hey, let me help the old man, I left the gang around the corner with the cash register and a pile of store stuff. "

I go into the store, using my better than first aid just barely medical training to keep them poor old guy alive. I use the old man's phone to call the cops.

@Michale CS @Camleen
Eden Haller - Psyhawk

"Mikey, you scared him off. Poor guy, Hey, let me help the old man, I left the gang around the corner with the cash register and a pile of store stuff. "

I go into the store, using my better than first aid just barely medical training to keep them poor old guy alive. I use the old man's phone to call the cops.
Slowly his gaze returns to Psyhawk as he starts to kneel just a little, his knees bending. "I can't help with anythink. I vant no trouble, please. Bitte." And then.. his body seems to just.. disappear.. into a sudden cloud of very foul smelling smoke, it accompanied with a *BAMF* sound. But he doesn't go far. He reappears in the same *BAMF* and cloud of smoke upon the ledge of the building Mikey observes the scene from, crouching down upon the very ledge. His eyes remain upon Psyhawk down on the street, but he of course is wary of Michelangelo. Green.

"Ich hatte einfach angst, ich wollte keine probleme." He says softly as he crouches there, his fingers curling against the ledge.
He just gave a salute to Psyhawk, then followed it up by making a face at the 'scared him off' comment. Then he closes the gap with Kurt surprisingly quickly.

"Cool! You can teleport! And I've listened to enough old movies to get a little German here and there. You don't have any angst and you don't want to cause any problems? Was I close?" He was entirely unfazed by the fuzzy blue guy. "Hi, I'm Michelangelo!" He stuck his hand out to Kurt. "Do you like pizza?"

@Gands @Camleen
"Did I say somethin' funny?"
Walking back into Harlem's Paradise would be Shades. This time, carrying two fairly oversized briefcases. People parted like water from oil as he made his way up to the VIP area, where he'd pass Digger and go right to the couch in Cornell's office, where he set down the cases.

"As promised, the first batch of MIDAS. Delivered by me personally. Twenty four of the same little toy that Tockman gave you, Cornell. We're still on a first name basis aren't we? Also, I have a little something extra for your personal firearm." He slowly lifted one of his lapels and pulled out what looked like a fairly standard pistol clip.

"These here, well... the dirty dozen of them in this clip are a special kind of armor piercing. Rare kind of metal, but where vibranium sucks up vibrations, this stuff, it's just harder than diamond. Each pull of the trigger would normally cost you about 20k, and normally the hardness of the bullet wouldn't do jack shit for penetration, but... in your golden gun? You could shoot down any of the Bat's toys. Maybe even Stark's."

"But, it's yours. Gratis. Mariah wants you to be well protected. In case something like happened to Cobblepot even thinks of coming close to Harlem's Paradise. She also wants you to know that her negotiations are going well, and in a matter of a few weeks, we should be able to go into production with more MIDAS firearms." He extended the hand that held the Adamantium-tipped bullets out to Cottonmouth, smiling confidently.

Meanwhile, down below in the main area of Harlem's Paradise...

Who: Kurt Wagner
Tagging: @Michale CS, @Gands

Kurt's eyes narrow as he watches Psyhawk enter the store, he assumes to help the man. Again, something he should have done. And as Mikey comes right up to him, he just gives the ninja a look out of the corner of his eyes. The… dude personal space… look. Kurt nods a little to what Michelangelo says, about the German. He supposes he needs to stop talking so much in his native tongue since he's no longer in his native land. Damn illegal aliens!

"Ja.." well good start for speaking more English.. "I vatched dat little group break in.. hurt da old man. I had no vant to get involved.. to get myself into more trouble.." He shakes his head, realizing how dumb that sounds out loud. And Mikey offers his hand in friendship.. because.. well that's what Mikey does.. and Kurt just stares at the turtle's hand. He then glances down at his own hands, holding them up just a little. His hands are the same as his.. fingers and a thumb. Of all the gin joints in all the world, he happens upon someone else with not enough fingers. Kurt tentatively reaches out, shaking the offered hand lightly, and pulling his hand away quickly. As if wary of a trap or something. "Pizza…" he glances away with the question, his eyes falling on the store front once more as he responds. "I.. I had it once.. I tink.. long time ago.." he then nods, as if agreeing with himself.
Looking to Michelangelo once more out of the corner of his eyes, he speaks in a soft tone, remaining in his crouched position. "You are.. you are like me? A.. a mutant?" he then motions down towards the store, down to where Psyhawk is "And your friend? She is mutant also? You.. are not here to arrest me? Or someting as bad?"
Eden Haller - Psyhawk.

I continue working on the old man. Shield made sure my training include being certified with emergency treatment.

I separate my perception for a moment, walking it around the corner and refreezing the group of young gangbangers. Then peek back up at Mikey and the other starting to talk. Good, probably calls for more pizza. I am going to get fat. Going to need an exercise training partner.

Cops show up. I go through all the routine with them. I show them my coded shield paperwork, with only my hero name, certifications. It takes a while. I don't look up at the guys once. I hope they leave me a note for which pizza place.

@Michale CS @Camleen
"Pizza…" he glances away with the question, his eyes falling on the store front once more as he responds. "I.. I had it once.. I tink.. long time ago.." he then nods, as if agreeing with himself.
"Then you are totally overdue. Really. We'll get some. Soon." The turtle assured.

"You are.. you are like me? A.. a mutant?" he then motions down towards the store, down to where Psyhawk is "And your friend? She is mutant also? You.. are not here to arrest me? Or someting as bad?"
"Well... not really. I mean, I was born a regular turtle and then there was this ooze... oh wait a minute..."

...some time ago...
"So, you see, we're not like mutants. I mean, we don't have the X-gene that causes mutants." Donnie explained.
"You call what we are not mutants? How can we not be mutants?" Raph complained.
"Give him a chance to explain. If we're still awake by the end of it and we pay attention we should understand." Leo quipped.
"Yeah give me a chance - Hey!" Donnie growled, then continued. "See, most things touched by the ooze mutate in the normal way. That being, random changes and degradation."
Blink. Blink. Mikey makes the cricket chirping sound.
"They die, they don't get better." Donnie explained.
"Oooooh!" all of the others respond together.
"So I've hypothesized that we were mutants, from the start, but our mutation was dormant. Sort of a sub-X gene, something that wouldn't have done anything by itself. We needed a Catalyst." The scientist turtle paced while he spoke.
"The ooze! That was the catapult!" Mikey responded.

"CatalYST, but yes you're right."
"So, this means we're not mutants but we are mutants, but a different kind?" Leo asked, the only one seeming really interested in this.
"What a waste of a minute of talking. At the end of it we're still mutants. Who cares how?" Raph snapped.
"Dude, do you not know our brother? He does, of course!" Mikey retorted.
"Yeah I kind of am. Trust me, you don't want the long story." Mikey finished.

@Camleen @Gands
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Who: [BCOLOR=#0000ff]Kurt Wagner[/BCOLOR]
Tagging: @Michale CS, @Gands

He's… kind of a mutant? How can you be kind of a mutant? Kurt's brows furrow as he tries to figure out that one. He's not fortunate enough to have a brainy brother that could attempt to explain such a thing to him. He shakes his head a little as he mutters "Ooze?" A regular turtle? And now he's this? Now that is just boggling to the brain. But Kurt just smiles and nods dumbly to Mikey's 'explanation'. "I see.. vell there's no doubting vith me.. all mutant, never a regular blue rat or blue mouse or blue jay or some other blue animal vith za tail." He says with a small grin as his tail sways from hiding under his trench coat.

His eyes then drift back down towards Psyhawk as he leans over the ledge, almost looking as if he could fall right off of it. But.. he remains perfectly perched there, as if he were one of the gargoyles made for this post. "Your friend.. she is speaking to za authorities.. she is trusted by zem?" He says, his almost softly glowing eyes moving back to Michelangelo.
"Your friend.. she is speaking to za authorities.. she is trusted by zem?" He says, his almost softly glowing eyes moving back to Michelangelo.
"Yeah, pretty much. She's got connections. Don't worry she won't give us away. If anything she'd help us get away if the regular cops freak out." Mikey knows how well she can sense where he is and they'd talked a little bit before about her powers, so he pulled out a Fazio's napkin and let it flutter down to the street.

"Come on. Fazio doesn't care what you look like as long as you're paying for your food, and I got it today. No worries. That dude was even open during the Incident, alien invasion? Who cares? People need to eat. I think he's a little crazy, but as long as he's cool with me and my brothers eating there I'm not gonna even wonder too much why he does." He turned and started rooftopping it across town to the aforementioned pizza parlor.

@Camleen @Gands
It didn't take long for Jason to hear about all of the events happening in Gotham City. He already knew about the Iceberg Lounge, but he did his research and found out several more interesting things.

Jason requested to meet Fisk, to which the guards accepted and led him to Fisk's cell. Once Jason got in, he flicked him several files and a newspaper article. "Yo Fisk. I got some good news for ya. It turns out that there's a bounty for a million dollars on every vigilante's head in Gotham. This'll make it easier for us to move in and take over." Next Todd showed him the article.

"It also turns out that Cobblepot fled the city. After doing some more digging I managed to find out he's somewhere here in New York. It'll take a while, but I'll have his approximate location soon. And I also made this."

Jason tugged out his fake ID and showed it to Fisk. The name was Tyrone Mccalister and he was from Bludhaven. Age is 23. All the other specs were up to date with current standards.

Wilson Fisk

"Good, good..what do you think of the strategy ?"

For our next meeting, rate the in town players in Gotham most effective to least.

A guard hands him a file, Fisk hands it to Jason. Pictures of weapons, damage to the Iceberg and of most of the Vigilantes present there that night, including Cobblepot the younger. .

"Reports on any of these. The people, the weapons.

I am exploring the possibility of allowing Cobblepot the Elder to provide us with more information. Can you bring yourself to work with him. Bear in mind, his information is very current. "

@Michale CS @thatguyinthestore
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Wilson Fisk

"Good, good..what do you think of the strategy ?"

For our next meeting, rate the in town players in Gotham most effective to least.

A guard hands him a file, Fisk hands it to Jason. Pictures of weapons, damage to the Iceberg and of most of the Vigilantes present there that night, including Cobblepot the younger. .

"Reports on any of these. The people, the weapons.

I am exploring the possibility of allowing Cobblepot the Elder to provide us with more information. Can you bring yourself to work with him. Bear in mind, his information is very current. "

@Michale CS @thatguyinthestore
Jason nodded. "Yeah, I can work with 'ole Cobblers."

Jason then looked at the picture of all the vigilantes present at the Iceberg Lounge. He pointed to Damian, who was hard to see due to him being in the shadows. "I know that kid. He's one of Bruce's sidekicks. Seen him in the news." He then pointed to Spider-Girl and Harper. "The one in the pink jacket is another one of Bruce's. Saw her talking to him on a rooftop a few months back. Don't know about the one in the Spider costume."

Jason had heard about Spiderman. He was in Gotham a few months back. Jason was looking into the kid until the events of LA happened that led up to him being imprisioned and working for Fisk.

Jason then pointed to Thomas Cobblepot.
"That kid is Cobblepot's nephew. Seeing as Oz fled the city, I assume that he has control of his gang now."

Wilson Fisk

Have you reviewed the daredevil file ?

Cobblepot senior will be here tomorrow and we can try and work out the details of an expansion plan.

@Michale CS @thatguyinthestore

Jason nodded and handed him the file. "Yeah, I've studied it. Guy seems like a tough cookie. But not inpossible to defeat. Gonna need to see him in action, though. That way I can analyze his weaknesses and strengths. Then we use those to our advantage. You got any film of him fighting? CCTV footage?"
  • Nice Execution!
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"Man, I can't believe I've been watching this for a week straight! Hmm...Was there something I had to do?"

A beat passed and all three voices said the following.


Now, where was that repeat button...?

@New Cameo.​
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Wilson Fisk

In time Mister McClain, in due time.

We shall have a computer hacker on staff soon Mister McClain, submit to me any information requests.

We both have ... those people in our lives that have been... difficult for us to deal with. Let us take the long road, using patience and intelligence. We will work on the Gotham puzzle. Remember my request from before, rate all of the underworld notables from most dangerous to least. Who runs the various gangs. Who do you think will fold in a crisis. Exchange information with Cobblepot, remember his information is current.

We will meet tomorrow Mister McClain. We will also have my business manager Talia Al Ghul on hand and one of my primary bodyguards when I am free... Her name is Echo.

@Michale CS @thatguyinthestore
Wilson Fisk

In time Mister McClain, in due time.

We shall have a computer hacker on staff soon Mister McClain, submit to me any information requests.

We both have ... those people in our lives that have been... difficult for us to deal with. Let us take the long road, using patience and intelligence. We will work on the Gotham puzzle. Remember my request from before, rate all of the underworld notables from most dangerous to least. Who runs the various gangs. Who do you think will fold in a crisis. Exchange information with Cobblepot, remember his information is current.

We will meet tomorrow Mister McClain. We will also have my business manager Talia Al Ghul on hand and one of my primary bodyguards when I am free... Her name is Echo.

@Michale CS @thatguyinthestore
Jason crossed his arms and nodded. "Gotcha. I'll have a file in here tomorrow."
"They're you." Billy said, looking at the rabbits then back to Azalia. "They're what you think about doing but don't do. I wonder what would happen if you thought like they did in Peter Pan?" That was an exceptionally astute observation for a twelve year old. And though the Green was mainly concerned with plant life, Billy grew up in New York, where sidewalk trees and Central Park was all there was, so it sort of... adapted some to let him know more about life in general and its energies.

Stargirl had excused herself during the exchange, but in her place was Callisto.

"You and I, we didn't get off to the best start, I think." The lilt to her voice casual and content. "But if you and your little pets are going to be stayin here for any length of time, I think we need to change that." She stepped into the room and leaned against the wardrobe.

"Being different, and people dealing with that, well, I been working with that m' whole life. Seen things, good and bad, worked through them all. Helped a lot of other folks work through them all. Ya think that you are the only person in the world like you and guess what? You're right. Even if the only way you could make rabbits appear is if you drew em on a page, you'd still be right. So I'm not gonna pretend I know what you're going through. No one does. No one can. But what I can do is tell you I been through something similar, and helped dozens of people like us go through their own things. It ain't always easy, Hell it ain't even just hard sometimes, but we'll get through it, if you stick with me." She walked over to Azalia and stuck out a hand for a shake.

Then, a slow clap came from the doorway. There was Stick. "I see that she's not ready for my lessons yet. At least, not until she finishes yours, Callisto."

"Ain't too many people that can creep up on me like that, Stick. You're lucky I'm in a good mood or that stick might be somewhere you wouldn't appreciate it right now."

Stick chuckled. "We'll have time for pillow talk later, Callisto. I'll be in the kitchen. I feel in need of a sandwich."

Tap. Tap. Tap.

"And no sticking your fingers in the damned peanut butter this time, Stick! I know that was you last time!"

"Sorry, girl. We got interrupted. We got a deal?" This time, what the hell? She opened her arms to accept a hug instead of a handshake. This damned girl got me feeling all sentimental, shit.

@Angelic Fusion

The boy was right... but well, she was a weirdo without the rabbits and her chaotic tendencies. But, if he was to be in the room she couldnt have... NOOO. Eyes going wide she was going to call out to stargirl but she left the room before she could call out. Clenching her fist she grumble... no fun for her with the boy in the room. She couldn't have friends over... but that also would stop her from... Eyes narrowing she looked up at the next person to come into the room. She wasn't exactly the happiest kitten in the room by any standard. Looking more like a angry cat than a civilized human being her mood was obviously going down the tube fast.

Rabbits beginning to appear she stopped and seemed to snap out of some sudden surge of energy. Eyes returning from their yellowish tint she looked up and coughed "Huh?" She asked luckily the woman didn't even begin to speak. Listening intently she didn't even move. Eyes focused she didn't actually see the girl but could tell where she was luckily. Reaching down to her neck she felt for the necklace but snarled when she noticed it was gone. Azazel appeared and once more put it around her neck. "Thank you. Please make sure they do not touch it again." She spoke directly to the creature. Azazel nodded and stood direcly behind her. Recovering from the sudden spike of emotion she saw Stick through the necklace. "Oh, here!" She said but ended up tripping over a rabbit that she didn't see laying on the floor infront of her.

Smacking her face on the ground she groaned out and rolled over to see Callisto talking once more. Everything happening so fast the woman didn't even have time to react. The rabbit she tripped over began to erupt in laugher before beginning to eat itself. Screaming slightly with each bite it resumed eating itself but laughed after eat limb, Upon reaching its head it seemed to open its mouth wide enough to break physics and devour its own head... in essence removing itself from the very fabric of space itself. Feeling the sudden disturbance Azalia twitched. "What the fuck was that.." She mumbled out before accepting the hug. She didn't normally hug strangers but she needed a hug... wait, she hugged everyone regardless...

"Yes please. Just, understand I am a peice of work. I am honestly a big baby and a lover but I have psychotic tendeies that you need to be wary of." She poked her head "Im a real nut case when I get going. Like, I make the combined madness of the colombine shooters look like Saint Teresa." Biting her lip she didn't know how this would be taken and ended up holding her breath in honest terror on wether of not she will be rejected because of her mental issues. Oh, and she was just simply... below average in everything else. "Oh, and none of this "You gotta lift weights and run stuff.."" Azalia grumbled out "I am truly lazy and I can get around I promise you that. I can move really fast if I need to and I have things to carry me." the red head finished obviously never having structure of any kind of her life besides college.​
At an alleyway in Harlem, a couple of street hoods, five in total were passing through. They were arguing among themselves.

"All I'm saying it's time for fresh blood." The guy with a nose piercing, brown dreadlocks, and tan hoodie said, leading in front.

"Rob I wouldn't been saying that. The walls have ears ya know." One of his crew noted nervously.

Groaning Rob Johnson replied.

"Shit I ain't afaird of ole Cottomouth. He can kiss my ass for all I care. As soon the capes are dealt with the new guns coming, we should get the others and make our move when he least expects it."

Before it can be further debated, a line of chain shot up suddenly from the darkness in front of them. It struck Rob right in the face, causing him to collapse sideways, grasping his now broken and bloodied nose and crying out. Before the rest of crew could retaliate, the chain drew back into the darkness before swinging forward again. This time, it wrapped one of the other thugs by the neck and was twisted to the left.

As a result, he collided with another, smacking them violently both together at the brick wall on the right. Finally the remaining duo pulled out their pistols and fired wildly in the direction of the shadowly attacker. Yet as they emptied their ammo clips, the ambusher had already abandoned his chain weapon and jumped behind them. Turning around, the one on the left, a woman was struck in the gut with an armored fist and her partner kicked in the groin.

Rendered stunned, the two were helpless as the stranger beat the crap out of them, leaving them unconscious and with broken limbs. Finally Rob, holding on his messed up nose looked up in horrified expression at the attracker.


"Sometimes you pukes make this too easy."

The armored vigilante said and then he threw another fist, knocking Rob out cold. Later all five of them were found bloodied and battered, while tied to a lamppost close by to Cottonmouth's club. While the gang themselves weren't linked to the king of Harlem, and were plotting against him, the fact they were beaten and left for all to see at his own turf was sending a message, no it was intended as an insult to the crime boss and the others like him.


Looking down from below at, a rooftop the armored figure looked down below with amusement as it started to rain. "I'm just getting started." Raphael said beneath his helmeted mask. Then he made a fast exit, into the night.
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Eden Haller -Psyhawk

I finish with the cops. It did take a little while though. I take a deep breath and start looking for the boys once the coast is clear.

After a bit, I find the Fazios napkin and head that way. Same place as last time., I am going to get fat.

Tomorrow I am meeting Dakota, so no late late performances out here.

@Michale CS @Camleen @Nomad-22
"It seems someone has been moving out against our new allies."

The Genin who had delivered the news bowed his head to his Chunin, Karai contemplating quietly. She was a far cry now from the businesswoman of the club. Dressed for battle on the streets, among her followers in the aftermath of the Batman's strike upon their holding at the New York City docks. She trembled briefly, at the sight of the battle that had ensued and soon, the results would be displayed to the entire world. Gotham was their battlefield...But now? The Foot Clan holdings and allies were being attacked.

She would not stand for that.



She clenched her fist, putting aside all thoughts of friendship and doubt in place of the man she had pledged her life to, who had been father and teacher to her. The Clan and her father were one in her eyes.

Her loyalty, not so easily turned aside.

"We shall strike hard and fade into the night."

Forgive me Leonardo...Master Yoshi.

But this is war.

It was time she acted as such.


Much later....

And so that explained why there were four visible Genin, in ghetto-style fashion investigating the aftermath of the Harlem shakedown. Though their movements and mannerisms screamed 'trained killer.' Their balance was too centered, their expressions far too hard.

And they had no soul, as evidence by the way they refused to bob their heads to the music that wafted from the club.

@Nomad-22 @C.T. @OrlandoBloomers

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