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Michale CS

Ignorance of grammar is not an excuse.
Original poster
Invitation Status
Posting Speed
  1. Multiple posts per day
  2. 1-3 posts per day
Online Availability
Evenings, Pacific Time
Writing Levels
  1. Intermediate
  2. Adept
  3. Advanced
  4. Prestige
  5. Adaptable
Preferred Character Gender
  1. Male
  2. Female
  3. Primarily Prefer Female
Urban Fantasy, Sci-Fi, Modern, Horror, Magical... pretty flexible.
Body Parts
yellow Power Level: Talented Human to Enhanced (@Ringmaster @Gands Sections BUT if you have any questions on using a particular character, send a PM to @Ringmaster regarding the bulk of this event!),

red Enhanced to Superhuman ( LIMITED @Michale CS sections, your mileage may vary, and it will be a SMALL role in the overall plot, just to include those who are outside the range but whose PCs are in the area IC )

Look/Feel: [ Mob War/Riot - Marvel's Netflix MCU level ] No player cap!

This is an invite-only RP, but everyone in Epic Crossover is already considered invited! Note this is a major event with THREE GMS, @Gands @Michale CS and @Ringmaster. All collaboration to be handled in an Iwaku Conversation or on Discord.

'Nuff Said!

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"I have no idea, kid. He went down that escape hatch of his and locked it behind him before I could even follow. Left me to deal with the heroes, the thugs, and dumb ass pyro all alone. He's not number one on my favorites list right now, Tommy." She shook her head and turned to Grady, waiting for his response to her.

@thatguyinthestore @Gands
Thomas nodded at her statement and looked at her. "Well, perhaps we can reach an arrangement. I want the old man out of the way, as I'm sure you do. Now, my friend Butch here can easily pry that thing open with his bare hands. I'll bring Oswald back here and you can do what you want with him."

Penguin snapped his fingers and Butch went over to the hatch and tried to pry it open. Within about five minutes, Butch managed to get it open. "Got it open, boss." Thomas smiled and made his way over to the hatch before climbing down, Butch closing the hatch behind him. Once they got down, though, Thomas was shocked to find that it was a maze of tunnels.

"Great. Looks like we're gonna have to find our way out the old fashioned way." Thomas said as they began to search the tunnels. Each tunnel led to another tunnel, which led to more tunnels or dead ends. This was not going to be easy.

@Michale CS
Talia Al Ghul

A couple of properties over as Oswald Cobblepot emerges panting from his escape hatch, umbrella in hand, he will note the presence of someone sitting nearby in the darkness.

" Mister Oswald Cobblepot I presume ?
{ suitable dramatic pause )

" My name is Talia Al Ghul. My business partner believes you to be a considerable asset.
I am to guarantee your safe conduct out of this situation whether you agree or not. If you decide against our business arraignment we will have you returned to Gotham unharmed.
Personally, it's my belief that you will in the long term prove.... untrustworthy, but I (shrugs ) could be wrong there. Is it possible by the way, your previous allies decided to end their business arrangements ? "

"By the way, our destination would be New York City. "

@Michale CS @Ringmaster

"How could I not accept a ride from such a lovely, and deadly, lady? And already knew I was on icy footing with my previous business partner."

He chuckled a little to himself and tipped his hat to Talia. "Lead on, my dear, lead on."

@thatguyinthestore @Gands
Talia Al Ghul

" Certainly Mister Cobblepot, right this way"

He is led to a grey SUV, a luxury model.

" I took the liberty of having some Brandy available for you Mister Cobblepot. "

Two cars follow the suv, one in front, the other in back.

Cobblepot notices the radio earpiece and can hear. " Looks like the coast is clear Catherine."

"Roger that car number one, take route 3"

Thus the little convoy sped off.

@Michale CS @Ringmaster
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Talia Al Ghul

" Certainly Mister Cobblepot, right this way"

He is led to a grey SUV, a luxury model.

" I took the liberty of having some Brandy available for you Mister Cobblepot. "

Two cars follow the suv, one in front, the other in back.

Cobblepot notices the radio earpiece and can hear. " Looks like the coast is clear Catherine."

"Roger that car number one, take route 3"

Thus the little convoy sped off.

@Michale CS @Ringmaster
Butch and Thomas managed to locate them just as they sped off. Penguin was beginning to get angry at this point. "Great! My uncle has now cowered off somewhere out of Gotham!" Thomas yelled before turning to Butch.

"Hey boss, this is actually a good thing. We don't know how long your uncle will be gone, and someone needs to run the club while he's gone. Plus, I got a picture of the licence plate before they got away." Butch then tugged out his phone and showed the image to Thomas. Thomas went silent for a second. He was overjoyed with happiness.

"Butch, we're back in business! Come on, let's head back to the club and see how long it will take to fix the damage." Thomas then turned and head back with Butch following.

At the club
Thomas arrived at the club around ten minutes later with Butch. "Not bad, hopefully the damage can be fixed in the next week." Penguin then made his way over to Rayleen. "Good news! As I thought, my uncle has run out of Gotham in fear for his life. Now, since I am the only Cobblepot left who has experience, it's only fair that I run the club in my dear uncle's absence. Which means you get to work for me now!" He said with a wide grin stretched across his face.

@Michale CS
Just then.....

A little convertible MG pulls up

" Raylene ! Are you alright Darlin ? Everyone is wonderin if you are ok ! Are yah done with your shift ? Big Pappy want tah invite yah tah tea !


@Michale CS @thatguyinthestore
  • Bucket of Rainbows
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Just then.....

A little convertible MG pulls up

" Raylene ! Are you alright Darlin ? Everyone is wonderin if you are ok ! Are yah done with your shift ? Big Pappy want tah invite yah tah tea !


@Michale CS @thatguyinthestore
Cobblepot's expression went from one of delight to one of anger/annoyance as soon as the car pulled up with the red haired woman inside of it. Cobblepot held onto his cane and looked at her with an eye twitch. "Do you mind? We are in the middle of a conversation here!" Thomas said before turning around yet again.

@Michale CS @Gands
Just then.....

A little convertible MG pulls up

" Raylene ! Are you alright Darlin ? Everyone is wonderin if you are ok ! Are yah done with your shift ? Big Pappy want tah invite yah tah tea !


@Michale CS @thatguyinthestore

"Sham! It's been since Ugly Joe's that we seen each other! Of course I will go with you!"
Rayleen followed Shamrock and paid no additional attention to Thomas.

  • Bucket of Rainbows
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"Sham! It's been since Ugly Joe's that we seen each other! Of course I will go with you!" Rayleen followed Shamrock and paid no additional attention to Thomas.

Thomas sighed and watched her leave. Normally he would have Butch shoot both of them in the head, but with all the cops around he simply couldn't. "You'll regret this!" was all Thomas said before he headed inside the Lounge with Butch.

@Michale CS @Gands
"Of course they aren't--"

"HEY!" Anya yelled after him. Dashing up a few steps closer, she bounded into the air and a quick thwip of webbing to begin swinging after Damian in an attempt to keep up with him. A quick glance over her shoulder and she blurted out in one breath:

"SorrybutIneverdidconsidermyselfthebestinterrogatorI'lljustleavethattoyouguys, thanksforallthehelpandmaybeI'llseeyouallaroundsometime."

With that she returned her gaze forward, trying to pick up a hint of movement in the pale moonlight. I'll show you dumb luck.

@Schnee Corp Lawyer @Ringmaster @thatguyinthestore @Chewy Rabbits @Gands
There were two things working in Anya's favor. One, as good amazing almost perfect perfect as Robin was at stealth and subterfuge, it was hard to disappear immediately when you were grappling up into the sky when the moon was full. He still almost did though : |

Two, a few buildings down Anya found Damian perched atop a chimney in a squat, staring down at her with his face and demeanor hidden by the shadows of his hood.

"...Can I help you?"
There were two things working in Anya's favor. One, as good amazing almost perfect perfect as Robin was at stealth and subterfuge, it was hard to disappear immediately when you were grappling up into the sky when the moon was full. He still almost did though : |

Two, a few buildings down Anya found Damian perched atop a chimney in a squat, staring down at her with his face and demeanor hidden by the shadows of his hood.

"...Can I help you?"

"I think it's more like "we can help each other", actually." She replied after nimbly landing before him. "Two heads are always better than one and we're after the same thing. No need to lone wolf it, even if you do think you're better than the rest of us."


Ever since the monorail was built, many subway lines and stations were closed. One of these had become the haven for a small colony of the homeless. With all of the other issues plaguing Gotham, they had been left alone by the city government until they could figure out a better way to profit from them, with only charities coming through to offer help.

They also served as a barrier of pity and grime for The Joker to store one of his armories in the deeper tunnels.

Joker didn't need to say anything when he came striding through. They parted in his wake. They feared him, and wouldn't dare betray his stash. And all it cost him was one tank of gasoline and a man known only as Patches. Pieces of the jacket that gave him his moniker hung over them as a reminder.

As he neared the end of the colony, a dozen stood and joined him while putting on red hoods. One unlocked the door to a maintenance station and held the door.

"Change of plans boys." Joker started once the door was locked. "The Purple Dragon Prank fizzled out when those dunces told too many people what they were up to, and their tiger mom foiled the whole thing. But no matter." He went to the lockers where he stored the weapons and took out another two canisters of Joker Venom to store in his jacket. "I showed that kitty Gotham is my jungle. Soon enough they'll all know. Clear this place."

"You got it, boss." Said the goons and they started loading themselves up with weapons and ammo while Joker opened one locker and threw out four duffle bags that had been stacked inside. He unzipped one to reveal bundles of crisp bills.

"Those lovely little guns are causing sweet chaos out there." He took out a bundle of 100's and flipped through them, inhaling the smell and grinning. "But we can ramp it up even more." He dropped the bundle back in and zipped the bag then flung it at the nearest goon, who seemed beside himself. "Take a bag and spread the wealth however wherever you can. It's all legal tender. Once you're done, wait for me at Station 18." The goons almost couldn't believe it and were scrambling over each other to get a bag.

They didn't even question why he was suddenly so generous. Guns and cash, for free? It was a criminal's Christmas for them. When the goons had gone with their orders and prizes, Joker pulled one last bag out of another locker and brought it out to the colony. They regarded him with apprehensive eyes as he opened the bag.

"Ladies and gents, you've all been just wonderful hosts keeping one of my nest eggs warm. And as your reward..." He unzipped the bag and as he walked, broke the bands on the bills to spread them everywhere. The tunnel became a mad scramble as everyone jumped and clawed at the air to grab the bills fluttering down. "…. take it all! Buy a good meal! Buy a girl! Buy a boy! I don't care! Just spend spend spend!" He yelled and laughed as he continued to shower the colony with money until he held an empty bag. He watched the colony crawl over each other and start to disperse.

"Wait until they get the punchline…hehehehahahahaHAAAHAHAHA!" He cackled as he threw on some discarded rag clothing and a scarf to hide his face. He slipped out with the rest into the night. As he walked the streets with a fake limp, he saw that many of the homeless were wasting no time. A diner was quickly filling up with them. So was a convenience store.

Ignorant that every bill they passed, was passing a slow death. A special little toxin nicked from Poison Ivy that was odorless to humans and most animals. Every bill had been doused in the toxin then dried. His test subjects had died in agony hours after handling a bill for more than a minute. Even worse if they put the bill up to their nose to sniff it. He was immune to it of course. It wasn't as toxic as Joker Venom after all, just far subtler.

Now that his gift to Gotham was out, Joker limped his way to the Iceberg Lounge. He could see from blocks away it was on fire, and he desperately wanted to see it.
Thanks to their efforts, the panic subsided and the people while still scared, were all now safe at the least. People put into groups and escorted out the building by their efforts as the club was hosed down and helped out in turn by any vigilantes who tried to assist.

A scene that the following would see.

For those at the lounge outside, they'd see a group of thugs in handcuffs, with GCPD watching over them. Commissioner Gordon looked as though he could have used a good nights rest, looking at those who approached and waving.

"Quite a mess of things tonight. We managed to secure these thugs off the street however, though none of them are talking about where they got these....Rifles."

Those were being collected as evidence as of now.

@Michale CS @Gands @york @Chewy Rabbits @C.T. @thatguyinthestore
Argent Sentinel (Lilly Briant)

@Michale CS @Gands @Ringmaster @Chewy Rabbits @C.T. @thatguyinthestore

The sentinel was quick to swoop in, if it weren't for her vastly different outfit, and apparent lack of a familiar symbol, she might have almost looked like a discount Batman (or Batwoman in this case). She landed beside Gordon in what was almost an instant at the mention of rifles.

"Where? What kind?" She said abruptly.

With her knowledge on standard military weapons, she might be able to recognize what they were, but on the other hand... She had a feeling she might not be dealing with standard military weaponry, based on the sort of wreckage they were sifting through.​
"I think it's more like "we can help each other", actually." She replied after nimbly landing before him. "Two heads are always better than one and we're after the same thing. No need to lone wolf it, even if you do think you're better than the rest of us."
"Wrong. Two heads often leads to the one who knows something second guessing themselves because their so-called 'help' believes in something wrong." He said, purely to be argumentative as he frowned and rubbed his chin.

"..But you did handle yourself well enough with Cobblepot, and afterwards when the firebug decided he'd have some fun splatting himself against our might. Very well. For the night, I'll work with you. If nothing else, I can use you as a distraction. Come then. We have two groups to look into, and both have been active in Gotham recently"

With no further words, he turned and dived off the building before rappelling to a nearby one, launching himself up into the air and off into the night.​
"Wrong. Two heads often leads to the one who knows something second guessing themselves because their so-called 'help' believes in something wrong." He said, purely to be argumentative as he frowned and rubbed his chin.

"..But you did handle yourself well enough with Cobblepot, and afterwards when the firebug decided he'd have some fun splatting himself against our might. Very well. For the night, I'll work with you. If nothing else, I can use you as a distraction. Come then. We have two groups to look into, and both have been active in Gotham recently"

With no further words, he turned and dived off the building before rappelling to a nearby one, launching himself up into the air and off into the night.​
"...Descortés." She mumbled to herself after his immediate rebuttal, just for the sake of being contrarian it seemed, considering his following words. It was...a compliment. I think. Somewhat backhanded with that mention of using her as a distraction, but still she was just going to take it as a solid compliment. "Alright then. Going to work, the bird and the spider." Anya smirked a little before following, a web carrying her over after Damian.​
Big Patrick

Shamrock drove the small car into a private garage just at the edge of their territory. Once in the garage, she got out and moved the water heater which revealed a stairway down into a tunnel. Every once in a while she'd stop and do eeny meeny mynee moe or something like it. After about 20 minutes in the tunnels she came to a security door.

"Yah know Raylene, word on the street, the younger one is gonnah be far worse than the older one."

Up a short set of stairs they went. at several points in their journey, there were painted markings on the walls.

" Yeah, I said shut it down and keep it shut down. Draw from the reserve funds in the third vault tah keep our people paid and eating. All shops, bars and restaurants shut down for thah next few days. "

" Ahh, Miss Raylene, a pleasure tah meet yah finally. I hear you are in fine health now ? I'm sorry bout the lounge and all.

@Michale CS
" Ahh, Miss Raylene, a pleasure tah meet yah finally. I hear you are in fine health now ? I'm sorry bout the lounge and all.
She really didn't know what to say to that. "I thought that if I ever were brought to meet you, after what happened, it wouldn't be good for my health, to be honest, sir."

And indeed she looked nervous. But what choice did she have? She had been Thorne's mole in Cobblepot's operation, and if Patrick ever suspected that he'd suspect she was continuing the profession. Not that she was considering that. She was stuck between a guy she kind of liked, Grady, a woman whose current plight of being literally a living doll that she felt was very much responsible for, and a rival crime boss - granted she'd hired Sham after her transformation too. But...

There was the possibility that Patrick suspected what a lot of people suspected - that Rupert Thorne hired Control Freak and Ringmaster to capture women and manipulate their very beings by way of the reality shard purely to find out the proper amount of time needed to get the optimal amount of power while still retaining a solid level of sanity.

Rayleen didn't have proof of that - she was 'kidnapped' as well. But treated a lot better than the rest of the girls. They had brought her fish and chips every day - she kinda got tired of that but at least it was good fish and chips, while they used women as experiments. The amount of that guilt, she always tried to put behind her.

But here, faced with looking at April's unmoving face, and even Sham's relatively happy one, and Patirick. Everyone knew that Patrick was counting on April to continue the line, and now she couldn't.

It was too much and she finally let that constant smile and I don't give a crap what you think attitude shatter like so much glass. She pressed her lips tightly together and closed her eyes. She could control every cell in her body, why couldn't she stop herself from starting to cry?

And continue to cry, wordlessly.

Big Patrick

"Now miss Raylene, I do understand a certain amount of things that happen aren't always what they seem eh ? Everyone who found out about those two jokers and all those poor women kinda figured there was somethin fishy about tah whole affair yah know. Some of us only act stupid for the purpose of bein exactly where we want tah be.

Now that bein said, I don't hold yah responsible for other people's lies and misdeeds. I've made plans tah counter certain things and I'd rather not have Rupert Thorne or Cobblepot senior or Junior know Shiite about it. So, here is your choice Raylene...

I can have yah driven where yah want in Gotham or yah swear an oath, here and now"

Behind Patrick rose a woman from a chair, tall, pale, extremely long black hair, green eyes and completely nude. Her eyes boring a hole right through Raylene Thorne.

The woman spoke, a sexy throaty voice.

" Aware yah must be Raylene Thorne... This be blood oath, binding in every sense. Break it....

And yah belong tah me, heart and soul"

As if to prove her point, the woman glided over to April, touching the doll woman with a hand and turning her to flesh and blood. The effect lasted several long moments until Doll reverted to her more current form.

@Michale CS
Big Patrick

"Now miss Raylene, I do understand a certain amount of things that happen aren't always what they seem eh ? Everyone who found out about those two jokers and all those poor women kinda figured there was somethin fishy about tah whole affair yah know. Some of us only act stupid for the purpose of bein exactly where we want tah be.

Now that bein said, I don't hold yah responsible for other people's lies and misdeeds. I've made plans tah counter certain things and I'd rather not have Rupert Thorne or Cobblepot senior or Junior know Shiite about it. So, here is your choice Raylene...

I can have yah driven where yah want in Gotham or yah swear an oath, here and now"

Behind Patrick rose a woman from a chair, tall, pale, extremely long black hair, green eyes and completely nude. Her eyes boring a hole right through Raylene Thorne.

The woman spoke, a sexy throaty voice.

" Aware yah must be Raylene Thorne... This be blood oath, binding in every sense. Break it....

And yah belong tah me, heart and soul"

As if to prove her point, the woman glided over to April, touching the doll woman with a hand and turning her to flesh and blood. The effect lasted several long moments until Doll reverted to her more current form.

@Michale CS
This... this was too much. She'd seen this before. A dozen times. As she herself was being changed. And every time, every set of memories she had little snippets of, it had turned out badly. Rayleen couldn't deal with this right now. She dropped to her knees, shaking her head. "I need time. Time... you don't know what I saw. What I was, what I could be. I did. I did..." she babbled, then curled up entirely into a fetal position.

Meanwhile, when April became flesh again she took a deep breath again and then... it was gone. And as good as that felt, she turned and looked at Morrigan, stepping in between Rayleen and Morrigan.

"No. Kill me if you must. But Rayleen and I went though things that even your brain might not understand. You will not get your claws into me, and as long as I... exist... you will NOT get your claws into Rayleen. Did they do that to you, Shamrock? Force you, bind you, make you a slave to the goddess of battles? I will not. I may cease to exist but you know what? There's a thousand thousand of me out there who live, away from your bondage, your manipulation, your greed for oath followers. So if I die, I do so knowing that there are many of me out there that you cannot and never will touch."

Her voice came from the walls itself, the floor, the ceiling. Though she had no muscles to tense and tremble, no face to show her defiance and rage at manipulation for manpulation's sake, the sentiment was utterly clear. She didn't fear death, no torture that Morrigan could put her through would match ten thousand lives and ten thousand deaths that she'd already experienced.

April had not just been to Hell. She'd been to a thousand of them. And came out stronger for it.


No yah fool woman, no one else here has sworn aside from what they already have. There isn't a soul here who doesn't trust your father.

Aside from her. And maybe you...

She a nice gal and all, but she's Rupert Thorne's blood right ? She's been workin for Cobblepot all these months, and his place is tha first tah be hit ? We get taken all of us women, she gets one and done.... We get up to our arses with images. Their goddammed hideout was next tah Rupert Thorne's fuukin bar yah twit. Everyplace Grady went tah look, Rupert's men had been already right ? Yet he never bestirred himself tah look for his own daughter ?

Aye April, we're the enemy here, aren't we.

Big Patrick

" Shamrock... please... enough. "
The big man is shaken for a moment between your tirade and Shamrocks. The other people in the room seem, unsympathetic?

" Raylene, I appreciate that yah might need shelter darlin. April dearest, my only daughter, take her tah Grady's since your heart isn't in it tah be with your family. "

The old man has tears in his eyes and a visible tremor in his body that few people would be able to notice.

" Just give the old man a hug afore yah go as I expect this tah be a long ugly business and I don't believe you'll see me alive again when it's done. "

((( if you actually bother to hug him )))
" I'm sorry lass... I shoulda... I love you.... I will always love you. "
(((This is whispered where only you and maybe shamrock would be able to hear. )))

@Michale CS
"I love you too daddy, but I'm not willing to do what Morrigan would want as payment to become human again, and to have a child like you wanted me to. I can't. My soul is all I have left, I can't promise that to anyone, because then I'd be as much of a robot as I was when that fat fuck had that remote control in me neck. When I saw her trying to do that to Rayleen... I had to say no." She replies to Patrick then turns to look at Shamrock.

"You know what it's like, Sham. The visions, all the crowded memories to the point where you rehearse the original ones in your head to make sure you know who you are anymore. Then the fear in thinking you probably mixed something up? Well I was exposed longer than any of us. I'm daft, round the bend entirely. I just cover it up. I only remember two of my birthday parties anymore what have the proper people at em. I'm so shredded, inside. Every time I picked up the pieces of my memory they'd put me in front of that devil thing again for another go. I don't even know how much original April is left. Not much. Not much." She fell silent then, as stirrings were heard from Rayleen.

"It seems we're all spilling our guts tonight so it's my turn. He's my uncle. Not my father. He only looks after me because he promised my dad before my dad was killed protecting him." Rayleen said, sniffling and regaining her feet.

"Listen, I just wanted a regular old job and a regular old life. I thought I had that. It burned down tonight and my boss, once again, abandoned me. My dad found it more useful to protect my uncle rather than spend time with his own daughter. My uncle probably was the one who shipped me off to have... this done to me." She shook and her body bristled all over with bone spikes for a moment, shredding her costume.

"Then, I get brought in front of some... what, goddess or demoness or whatever to swear a blood oath? I just want a normal life. All I had to do at the Iceberg was keep the disturbances down from all the stranger folk who go there. I was popular, people liked me, and I had a regular job where what was done to me could be laughed off like some magician's act." Rayleen gasped for breath and shook her head to clear it.

"Patrick, of all the folks in this crazy business that your family and mine are in, you were always my favorite. You were always more of an uncle to me than my own uncle. But please don't make me do this. I want out of this crazy mess. Uncle Rupert wanted me cured, and he got that but he got a damaged freak in exchange and he didn't like it. I had this... confidence that I could do anything, and he shut me down when I finally wanted to be a part of a business I kept saying no to." She paced, the spikes fading and most of her clothes fluttering to the floor in shreds once they did.

"Well I've had it. I'm out. Leave me alone. I feel guilty enough being responsible for not only myself becoming freak but a dozen more. You most of all April..."

"And no condescending power-mad bird woman is gonna make me promise jack shite. I'm so done with birds." And, almost completely naked at this time due to her show of her abilities, she starts to walk out on her own, leaving April to cast glances back and forth between her and Patrick.

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