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The slap barely registered to the larger boy as he simply smirked, at least glad to get a different reaction out of his brother other than the usual giddy excitement he was characterised by. Provoking Cassy's anger was at least something different to experience, even if he had to hit below the belt and be downright evil to do it.

He knew all about Sebastion at this point, and he was well aware that he looked (and now acted) the most like him. Cassy clearly followed after Oscar, and Ember was a good medium between both his biological parents, but Mark, especially now he'd lost weight and toughened up, was the spit of his real father-- which delighted the dragons in the dragon kingdom, up in those mountains of Earth. For months, that was where Mark had been, mingling among his own kind and family he never knew he had. Sebastion might be dead, but his parents were still alive, and Mark had gotten to know his grandparents pretty well.

They had taught him the rules and the way of life in the powerful, secretive kingdom, making sure to teach him because... well, the kingdom was his. Sebastion had been king, and then he died. Technically, Mark should have taken the throne as a result, but he never had the chance to do that until now. He was the king there-- and he didn't want to stay hidden away in some derelict, crumbling area of Earth. He wanted the dragon community -his people- to make their home in Hell. He was prepared to negotiate with Marco and Cassiel about it, but now? Now he wasn't going to bother being kind or respectful.

He wanted to be King of Hell too, why not? Why couldn't he take that throne by force and make his people, the dragons, become the dominant species? He knew Star craved more power, and he supposed he did too, so it was well worth a go.

"Mm, I don't mind exposing him. It's terribly bad to lie," he drawled smugly, pushing himself to his feet with that same dark grin on his face. "You don't mind sharing him with another person, Cassy? How... modern of you~!"
Cassy wiped his eyes sniffling softly. "Why...Why are you like this Marky?" He whimpered looking at him completely confused. "You...You used to be so sweet...You...You were my big brother, I could always rely on you..."

"Yes and now he hates you all." Star laughed lightly, wrapping her arm around him. "Seriously get over it. I think its disgusting the way you are so much about your brother. And sharing a boyfriend? You're so desperate for love. That's exactly why you can't keep a boyfriend. Oh, and by the way, your little boyfriend here isn't ever going to leave his girlfriend."
"He ain't leaving her, Cassy," agreed Mark after a moment as he responded to his wife's affections by planting an extremely passionate kiss to her lips again, not remotely caring that such a kiss was more suited to the bedroom. Why would he care about that? He worshipped her; he was so in love with her that he was happy to show her that whenever and wherever they were.

"But you don't care. You love him," he snorted in derision, opening a portal up nearby with a faint shrug. "I'll be back eventually. I have a few things to sort out back where I'm living. I recommend you maybe warn Grandpa about me, I got something planned he ain't gonna like very much."
Hearing this, he looked at him, completely shocked. Grandpa? What was...He planning to do? Marco was...Was strong...He would hurt Mark if he even tried to do anything crazy. Wiping his tears, he glared at Mark, before looking at Ember, who had been silent the entire time. Why hadn't he backed him up or anything?! "...I'm going home." He mumbled, before looking at his frozen boyfriend, knowing he would unfreeze soon.

Mark's and Stars words truly hurt him. He wouldn't leave his girlfriend...Deep down he knew this but...It still hurt him. It hurt him like hell. "...I...I hate Mark...I really do."
Ember hadn't chosen to stay quiet, not completely. Firstly, he hadn't exactly had the chance to speak when his brothers were quipping at one another with no spaces inbetween for Ember to interject and calm things down. Secondly, he just... didn't even know what he was supposed to say. Mark shocked him most, of course, but the news that Cassy's boyfriend was dating someone else was incredibly surprising too. He hadn't expected to hear that, and while he mostly felt bad for Cassy about it, he wanted to shake his brother and tell him how idiotic that was.

Until Trey showed his commitment to Cassy by dumping his girlfriend, Ember thought he shouldn't be with him. It just complicated matters, and nothing would end well that way-- and he really didn't like learning that information through Mark and star cruelly taunting him about it.

Ever since Mark left, Ember had gotten closer to Cassy. All his life, it was always Mark and Cassy that were the closest; he struggled to really bond with either of them because of it. He was their brother too, and yet he'd always felt left out. Over the months, that was at least rectified somewhat, in that he'd bonded with Cassy more and more-- which is why it hurt to learn that he hadn't confided in him at all.

"...Just let them go," he mumbled as Mark wandered through the portal smugly. "...Jeez, Cassy, you-- you could have told me. I look like a fucking idiot right no, not knowing any of this."
"....I didn't want to tell anyone...It's...Everyone would have just called me stupid, like always." He whispered, wiping his face. Murdo unfroze, blinking a bit slightly confused on why Cassy was crying. He glanced at Ember as well, before looking back at Cassy with a soft smile.

"Cassy? What's wrong? Missing your brother?" He asked as he walked to the fridge to get Trey a beer.

"....No...I don't care about him...I just remembered I have to get home. Trey, you should go home to..." He mumbled looking down at his feet.
Trey silently stared at his boyfriend for a few seconds, realising just what he had been going to say before he began to trail off and fall quiet. Go home. Home to his girlfriend of two years and their newborn son. This whole situation was a complex one; one he had no real answer to. He felt horrendous for cheating on his girlfriend all through her pregnancy; for leaving her and their son for an hour to hang out with Cassy.

But he loved the dragon more than anyone he'd ever loved (excluding his new son - that love was unbeatable) . He wasn't prepared to lose him or leave him or choose someone over him.

"...I'd rather be with you," he said after a moment, leaning across to wipe away a stray tear. "Don't... cry. I told you, didn't I? That I'd... sort it out? I told you. I'll... tell her soon. We'll go away, you and I. We'll head to Japan, visit my grandparents, just... get away for a few weeks and start our relationship properly. You just have to be patient."
Be patient. It was a phrase he heard a lot from his new boyfriend. He just had to be patient. That he would leave her, and that he would sort things out. He wouldn't be a secret much longer. He's heard it all and was growing tired of it. But he didn't push Trey away. He loved this man, more than anything. More than any other relationship he's been in, this is the one where he has been the happiest. He wanted to be with Trey, be public but...He had to be patient.

Looking at him through those wet eyes, he just nodded, sniffing a bit. "...Can we go?...I want to be alone with you for a little..." He whispered, moving to take his hand. He was used to skipping around motels with this man. He couldn't bring Trey back to his place for obvious reasons, and Trey couldn't bring Cassy back to his place for obvious reasons. So they went to love hotels and what not, just to be alone, away from public eyes.
While Cassy and Trey tentatively attempted to reassemble their wholly private relationship; attempted to forget for an hour that Trey was not a single man able to do this in the public eye just yet, Mark had returned home. By home, that was the dragon highlands on earth, a secret community in the secluded mountains. An area so dark and so secluded that the sun barely shone. Nothing growed there. It was submerged in greys and blacks, the only colours arriving from the flames that burned around the kingdom constantly as the only real form of light.

Mark had been residing there for months now. He arrived one day, purely out of curiosity, and got mistaken immediately for Sebastion. When they realised that this wasn't Sebastion, but their lost Prince who had been taken to Hell on a visit and never seen by the dragons again, they rallied around him, proclaimed him their returned Prince... and then crowned him their rightful King. It was all a rush, really, but one he wasn't going to shrug at. He was a King. He'd managed to make Star his Queen, and she was accepted. She was worshipped like he thought she should be. She was showered with gifts and attention and, ultimately, respect.

So it was n surprise that he chose to align himself with the dragons, rather than the demons (and his family) in Hell. Here, he was loved and his wife accepted. He didn't want to leave them. He wanted the best for them-- and by that, he wanted Hell. He wanted them to return to the home they had been banished from centuries ago, even if that meant kicking his family from the throne.

Until that plan got underway, he just wanted to relax for the rest of the day, arriving back and immediately heading to sit at his dining room for dinner, pulling out Star's chair for her with that same romantic smile on his face. "We'll fuck around with my brother's boyfriend's life soon, I promise. We'll fuck with my whole family's lives in Hell. Just... let's have a break tonight. We'll have dinner, watch the celebrations for my grandma's birthday and then... get some sleep," he began slowly, appreciatively sipping at his wine. "You know, my grandpa's not really pleased with us. Says we should have a few kids by now. Heirs, you know? I managed to politely shut the old man up but still, he's on my back about it the whole time. My Dad had me when he was 14. They start things early around these parts."
"I'm not having a snot-nosed brat." She angrily hissed, taking a glass of wine. "I'd lose my figure. There's no way, I'll do that." She huffed, before cautiously looking at her husband. "...Love...What about your other Grandpa...You know, the ruler of Hell? Listen...I'm...I think your idea is just crazy. For one...Marco..Everyone's heard of him...He battled the angels for crying out loud! They have the numbers and the strength...I just think we should just stay here, and not try to battle them." She softly mumbled, downing her wine.

She was scared, of course, she was. Marco was the most feared King of all time. And while it used to be good for her...Well, now they were enemies, it was terrifying. He nearly wiped out the dragons last time and would have if they didn't surrender. She wasn't doubting her husband's strength but...Could he really match with Marco? And...Cassiel. It was all scary thoughts, that she rather they forget. She rather just build a life here.
"...Are you really doubting me, Star?" He said slowly, his comment arriving after a few seconds of tense silence, with the man staring at the table with a small twitch in his right eye, an indicator of his growing anger. He could understand her apprehension, of course. Until he fell out with his family, Marco had always been his idol. The man had taken on the angels, the dragons, the nymphs-- and he'd never ever lost a battle he undertook as King. He restored Hell to its rightful position as a fearful place, somewhere to be feared and wary of. Taking him on really seemed like lunacy--

But he knew more than Star did. He'd seen how soft Marco had become as his family grew; how less inclined he was to use violence when discussions would work. Was Marco still a feared man? Yes-- but mostly because nobody observed him for hours like Mark had and seen how softened he had become over time. Marco had always said he wouldn't have family, and here he was, growing soft because of them all.

Mark knew he could win if he really wanted to; if he gave everything he had. And the fact his own wife didn't seem to believe that made him angry beyond belief. Even if she thought they would lose, he still wanted her support, not her insulting lack of confidence in him when he had given her every ounce of support she wanted from him.

"I mean, if you're doubting me, you can fuck off back to Hell and tell them you left me. You can tell them this whole plan to win their trust back and return to being gossiped about, being the Whore of Hell they all say you are. You can do that if you want-- or you could support me after I abandoned my family for you; after I gave everything to protect you. I'd rather you do that-- but you have your own mind and can do as you wish."
"Mark, baby, I just don't want you to die!" She snapped, her eyes growing wet. Swearing, she quickly wiped the tears before they fell and ruined her makeup. "Mark...Marco's...He's...He's crazy. I don't want you to just...Take him on, and then...Die and where would that leave me huh? What am I supposed to do?" She asked, grabbing his hand tightly. "Let's...Let's build okay? Let's build this place up, make it stronger before we try and go up against him. I...I want to live and fight another day."

As she spoke another woman came into the room. A dragon, of course, a noblewoman, who also happened to be a general in their army. She may look like she couldn't hold a sword, but she was a damn good fighter. "King Mark. I've got the report on my soldiers. They're improving." She told him with a smile, handing him the papers as she patted his shoulder.
Coughing uncomfortably into his fist when the general entered the room, he smiled and tried to act like everything was fine... even if his wife was sat with tears staining her cheeks. He didn't want anyone to think she was crying for any reason, because he wasn't really fond of showing people he had problems. He especially didn't want them learning that his own wife didn't think he could take on Marco. It was insulting to him, really.

"...These are good, Lana. Really, really good," he praised, grinning up from his seat at the other dragon as he eyed the results from her troops, his smile growing wider the more he looked over the improvements that had been made. "Star, see-- look, we're doing really good. The troops are working hard-- we all believe we can do this. Everyone but you, apparently. That's great, isn't it? My wife's the only one who can't see us succeeding."
"Maybe because she isn't a dragon. She's praising those demons because she is one, sire." Hissed the dragon as she glared at the demoness. Obviously, some people weren't happy their Queen was a demon, but they sucked it up, all to please their king, like Lana. Lana, of course, loved her King. And thought maybe he should have picked a suitable wife, a dragon like herself. "And thank you, my King. I've been working hard to get the troops into shape, I'm happy you're pleased. Anything else I could do for you?" She asked as she began massaging his shoulders. "You seem tense."

"He's fine." Hissed Star, shooting Lana a dangerous look. "Thanks Lana for those reports, but you aren't needed right now." Growled the demoness, before looking at her husband.
Mark wasn't oblivious to Lana's... desires. Well, that wasn't strictly to. He had been oblivious to them for a while, and he would still be oblivious to them if it wasn't for his wife angrily yelling during dinner one night that she disliked the general and her flirtations with Mark. Now, he didn't see it that way. He thought maybe she would have preferred herself to be Queen, a pure dragon, but that could happen without lust being involved - most women would want to be Queen, even if they didn't find Mark attractive. He didn't really think she found him that attractive; he assumed that she was just nice to him because... well, she was a nice person?

"...I can come and discuss these reports later with you. But don't say that about my wife. Her allegiance is with us, I don't doubt her loyalty at all. The demons don't treat her like one of their kind. They're disgusting to her, disrespect her beauty constantly. I... I trust my wife, Lana. I want you to trust her too or... we're going t have an issue. I have no doubt that you could kick my ass, so let's not get into that," he laughed, ending the serious statement with a little humour so she knew that he did like her and didn't want to threaten her outright-- though he was somewhat threatening her into respecting her Queen. Star always came first to him, even if he was angry at her right now for not believing in him.
"Please forgive my rudeness, Queen," Lana replied, looking at the Queen in distaste, but covered it with a smile. She continued to massage Mark's shoulder's however, smiling down lovingly at him. Obviously, she was smitten, but Mark had always been terrible at other people's feelings. "Shall I ready a bath for you, my King? You do need one, you stink." She teased lightly like she always did.

Star glared at the woman, before standing up. She then lowered herself onto Mark lap, before kissing him passionately, not caring if it was rude. Lana glared daggers at the woman, before leaving the dining room. Once she was gone, Star pulled from the passionate embrace to smack Mark across the face. Not hard, but more of a 'how can you be so stupid' kind of smack. "She's a dirty little skank, trying to get in your bed, yet you allow her to flirt. I want her dead." She growled like she did many times, but Mark always said they needed her to train the troops.
Wincing at the slap, even if it wasn't that hard, he found himself slowly frowning at the comments. He'd heard it a lot before, after all. Lana had never wanted someone dead more than Lana, and yet this was the one thing he couldn't give her. Lana was his best general, he'd learned that within a week of arriving and becoming King. He couldn't just get rid of her now. It was damage everything and make the chances of winning from favourable to utterly impossible.

"...I've explained the situation to you dozens of times, Star," he began tediously, his head tilting as he examined her angry expression. "I can't just... kill her. I don't even think it's flirtation-- you're a succubus, you see flirtation in everything, don't you? She was being nice, just-- why are you so insecure? I'm never going to ever be anyone other than you."
"Me? Insecure?" She huffed, rolling her eyes. "I'm not, I have no reason to be." She grumbled, but obviously, she was lying. Anyone with eyes could see how beautiful Lana was. Star felt...Rivaled by the woman, she was obviously pretty, and it pissed her off. "She's annoying, and I don't like anyone flirting with my husband right in front of me. Simple." She answered, rising off his lap as she put her hands on her hips.

"And if you truly do love me...You would at least be mean to her. Like smack her around or something, surely you can do that. You are king." She huffed, crossing her arms. "And don't say you're above hitting women because you've killed plenty of women for me."
"...Fine. Fine, I can do that. Will you stop being so damn moody about it then, if I do that? Because I love you and hearing all this, being slapped, isn't fun. Nor is your lack of belief in me. Trust me, Star. I can do this. I... I can, I fucking can do this. I'm not going to die. You just need to... believe in me. It upsets me that you don't think I'm capable of pulling this off," he sighed, the sound heavy and downright disappointed in that fact. Lana had witnessed their little tiff, and he was sure that she was going to use that against his wife to stir up more hatred of her... and he couldn't even blame them.

His wife was supposed to believe in him and trust that he knew what he was doing. He remembered Cassiel tell him all the stories about Marco choosing battles and waging wars. He remembered his grandpa telling him that, while he didn't like it, he always supported him-- and he just wanted Star to do the same, for once.
The reason Cassiel believed him and supported his husband was simple. He was madly, crazily in love with him. Cassiel abandoned his home, everything he knew, went to live with demons, creatures he hated for the man he loved. Star...Wasn't that selfless. She wasn't Cassiel, and she wasn't in love with Mark like Cassiel was in love with Marco. But of course, she did love Mark. More than anything. She was just...Selfish.

Star stared at him, grimacing softly. He was still going to go to war with Hell, no matter what she said. She found this stupid, and idiotic. "Well...Can I warn my family? So they can escape the war?" She asked, crossing her arms. It crazy, she still loved her family but didn't want Mark to even like his.