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"I don't like my cousins, they stink and there are too many girls. I like my sister when she comes, b-but she's special. I hate my girl cousins," grumbled Mark, refusing to crack a smile as he miserably folded his arms over his chest. He was growing bigger by the day. Despite being almost 4, he was much, much taller than any child his age. It was the dragon in him that made him grow so exponentially big. He was also the spitting image of Sebastion, a fact that did unnerve Oscar a little. He loved his son no matter what, but seeing him look so alike his dead ex-husband was a little unnerving.

"Why did Auntie Amethyst have so m-many girls? She should have thrown them away and had a boy instead--"

"That's not very nice now, is it?" Tutted Oscar, reluctantly flopping back onto the couch when he realised he wasn't really full of the energy to go and make dinner. Instead, he tiredly snuggled up to his boyfriend, resting his head on his shoulder and smiling at the little family. "You'll like it back home. We can walk in the gardens everyday-- I have my own personal garden that Papa made for me. We can go there and you can feed my fish and it'll be... nice."
Cassy tottled over with wide eyes, grabbing onto Seven's legs as he climbed onto Seven's lap. He giggled, before looking at his brother. He moved to hug him tightly, purring softly. "...Miss you." He mumbled. Cassy was very affectionate with all his family. He had seen Mark only thirty minutes ago, but he had already missed him.

Seven smiled, stroking down the boys' hair. He loved his sons. They were so smart and so adorable. Cassiel grinned, before saying, "Cassy, you're going to have a little sister. Are you excited?" He asked the little boy.

"....Sister?...Mhmm!" He grinned, being far more accepting than his older brother.
"It's not that exciting," grumbled Mark, trying his best to return to his serious and typically grumpy personality, but it was difficult to do that when Cassy was sat close. He did care and love both his younger brothers and he deeply wanted to protect them, so he knew that, when his sister came along, he'd be doubly as protective as he was with his brothers.

He just didn't want his fathers fussing over how 'cute' it was to see him be excited about the new sibling.

"She'll be whiny and she'll cry 'cos girls always cry," he continued flatly, reaching his small arms up to take Ember, rocking his little brother just as Oscar had taught him-- though it was hard to do that when Ember was already so big. In fact, he was much bigger than his brothers had been at his age which, Oscar realised, would probably mean that his youngest son would end up, one day, being his tallest. But again, Oscar didn't like to think about his babies being grown up. Not yet anyway.
"She'll be pretty...Because Papa's pretty and Daddy's pretty." Mumbled Cassy with a giggle, looking down at Ember with wide eyes. "Ember's pretty too. I want him to wake up...Play~" He cooed, leaning down to kiss his brother.

"Oh come on Mark~ I know you are so happy to be having another sibling~" Cooed Cassiel, smiling at the cute scene. "Look at how good you are with babies~ I doubt she'll ever cry if you hold her~"
"...I do want a sister and I'll like her, I guess, but that doesn't mean she won't be annoying," the eldest of the bunch muttered, his frown growing deeper the more the adults seemed to fuss around him. He wasn't a fan of that, as he made perfectly obvious with his unsubtle frowns.

"Oh, leave him be, Papa. He gets grouchy really easily," laughed Oscar, unable to really keep his eyes from dropping shut. That only really escalated the toddler's anger.

"Papa's always sleeping, it's not fair. He slept loads when he was having Cassy and Ember. That's when we lived in a different place, with dragons. It was mean there, they all laughed at me."
"I don't remember." Mumbled Cassy as he cuddled close to Mark with a smile. Mark purred lightly, before shifting into a dragon. He then flapped his wings, decided to try and fly again. He had been learning how to fly.

Seven watched, amazed with how easily they shifted. It was adorable, seeing their little wings flaps.
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"...How come we can do this but you can't, Daddy?" Mark suddenly questioned with his inquisitive, intelligent eyes now stuck firmly on Seven, his head tilted in awaiting an answer from the man. He wasn't dim, that was for sure. He was a child, yes, and a young one at that, but he could see that he, Cassy and Ember could do things that neither one of their parents could.

That confused him a great deal.

"You can't transform. That's strange, right?"
Seven blinked, and simply smiled sadly, shaking his head no. He then leaned in to kiss his forehead softly, stroking his hair down. Seven almost forgotten they weren't really his children...He wished they were. He felt like they were. To him, they were all his, and he loved them all equally. How could he not love them. The way they would curl into his side, or how they would jump on him when he came home from work. It was all he wanted, and he enjoyed it.

Cassy blinked and shifted back into a little boy, toddling over to them, looking up with wide eyes. He wondered that too. Why couldn't his father shift? But...Papa couldn't shift either. Neither of them were dragons. Slightly...Odd somehow.

Fifteen years past from that day. Little Cassy was seventeen. Mark was almost nineteen, little Ember was almost sixteen and Angelica was fifteen. Those fifteen years of Seven's life had been bliss. Raising children with Oscar had been...Amazing. Going to football games, and dances were amazing. The parents decided to enroll their children in human school. It was easier since Seven still had his job on Earth, so they would go to Earth with him to school, then return home to Hell. Seven supported everything his children did. He adored them and was obsessed with them. He showed everyone pictures of his children. He was so proud of all of them.

Cassy grew up to be...Well, a ballerina. Yes, a ballerina. Cassy was...Really gay. Like super gay. It wasn't an insult, but...He was just super gay. Like wearing short shorts, eyeliner sometimes, dating big jocky guys with really nice bodies. Cassy was...let's just say he was very affectionate. He fell in love easily and often got his heart broken. He had a routine to it. hen he got his heart broken, he would cry in his parents' arms for an entire day. Day two, he would binge on a bunch of chocolate. By day three, he was back and ready to fall in love again.

Now, he loved ballet. Like ballet was his life, and he was really good at it. He moved so graceful, and beautifully. Cassy loved ballet more than any boy he's ever been with. Currently, the seventeen-year-old sat on the couch in the palace home. He looked at his nails, smiling lightly at how nice they were. He had just got them manicured. No color, just a clear coat. In looks, he followed in Oscar He looked girly. Full pouty lips, wavy blonde hair. He was a lot like his father.

Despite the fact he was already so happy, Oscar never imagined that that happiness could not just continue, but deepen with all his children and Seven. But it did. He fell more in love with Seven by the day, and as his children grew, he found himself just bursting with pride at each and every one of them. Not everything was smooth and easy - with his children all close in ages, the couple did have a lot on their hands, especially when they got into their teenage years. There was the typical teenage antics to deal with, the typical teenage drama, but Oscar truly didn't mind it. He loved all his children, no matter how different they were from one another.

Besides, if Oscar couldn't cope with what his children got up to, and if Seven was incapable of doing so too, the couple could always rely on Mark. As the eldest, he did take a position of authority and protectiveness over all his younger siblings. He was the oldest and had just finished school too, so he was the grown up of the four siblings. All his life, he'd always adopted this protective role. He never really had the chance to have fun, given he'd always dedicated his time to making sure his siblings were protected. As he grew older and became physically much more stronger, the handsome dragon took that protective stance with his fathers too. By the time he was just 14, he was already well over 6'0" tall, overshadowing not just his parents but all his family, practically. It was no surprise that he was pretty forthright in his protectiveness. Mark was the complete opposite to Cassy. Growing up, they were always close, but they were so different that it often made Oscar grin - Mark was everything Cassy wasn't. He was ridiculously tall, insanely tough, incredibly buff and muscular... and he clearly didn't follow Oscar much. He was the spitting image of his birth father, having inherited his chiselled features and impeccably handsome face, as though it had been carved out by the gods themselves. He was, then, the subject of many women's (and some men's) fantasies, both in Hell and on Earth-- but he wasn't exactly open to that. He was serious and stern and often looked like he wanted to rip someone's head off, rather than snog them. All his life he'd had to be the strong protector, so yes, he found it hard to let his guard down and let people in.

Silently sat on the other couch, he sipped at his wine with occasional glances over at Cassy, rolling his blue eyes at his younger brother's fascination with his nails. Despite being so different to his outgoing, flamboyant brother, he was closer to Cassy than to any other of his siblings, really. They'd always had a close bond, despite being... total opposites.

"...Ember's coming home tonight. Is that why you've had your nails done? It's nice you're going through the effort," he drawled slowly in that deep, smooth, honey-like tone of his. At the mention of their youngest brother, he frowned slightly and smoothed down the suit he'd worn especially for the dinner thrown tonight.

Ember was 15, almost 16. He'd been raised at school alongside Angelica, mostly. They were in the same class so, despite having different birthdays and Ember being older than her, it was easier to tell the humans that they were twins. Yet, it was amazing how differently he and his sister turned out given they were raised like twins; raised to be as close as a brother and sister could be. Ember was the problem child of the family. He was the one that gave his parents cause for concern. He was the one always out late, never coming home, always giving them headaches in worry. He was in detention more often than not, he was rebelling and acting the fool and the fact he was already covered in tattoos at just 15 was evidence that he hung out with people far older than him, who he perhaps shouldn't know. In an effort to make sure their son would realise his behaviour wasn't correct, Oscar took the brave decision to send his son off for a month-long vacation at a correctional camp, hoping that he could be taught through activities and therapy to behave correctly. He was returning tonight, and Mark especially hoped he'd return more mature and more wise.

He wasn't afraid to physically reprimand him if he acted up with his usual shenanigans again.

"Angelica's been in her room all day, I assume it's out of excitement. Papa hasn't stopped fussing with the table decorations for the last hour. I assume Dad's off somewhere, getting Ember a nice gift. A gift, for being a complete jerk and causing us hell for years. It's sickening."

"Hmm? Oh right, Ember coming home~! I got my nails done just for that~" Cassy grinned, not realizing he was repeating what Mark said. "Oh Mark, lighten up~! He's our baby brother, he deserves a little gift. I'm sure that camp was super scary. Poor Ember, all alone, and probably afraid...My poor little brother." He sighed dramatically, as he reached for his herbal tea.

"Marky-poo you shouldn't be so serious all the time. You'll get wrinkles, and wrinkles are so unattractive." It was true, Cassy and Mark were close. He even gave him a nickname 'Marky-poo'. They had been best friends all their lives, even if they were polar opposite. He blinked when he heard Angelica finally coming into the grand room...Not dressed. "Ugh, Angie! You aren't dressed?!"

"..What? I'm not naked, so you guys are lucky." Grumbled the fifteen-year-old, crossing her arms. Everyone was afraid of Angelica would come out when she was born. They were afraid if she would inherit Seven's...Look. And she did, but not entirely. Angelica was a beautiful girl. Like her brothers, she was gorgeous, but when she was angry her teeth would all sharpen into pointy gangs, like Seven's. She also inherited his snow-white hair, but she dyed her hair blonde for a natural color. Angie wasn't a problem child like her brother...But she wasn't a girly girl even. Hell Cassy was far more girly than her. Angelica cut all her hair, it was just under her ears now. She played video games all day and ate her weight in chips. Amazingly she didn't gain weight.

"Angelica, you have a stain on your shirt! What is that, grape juice?" Cassy asked his underdressed sister.

"Hmm? Oh no that's jelly from my sandwich...What? I was eating, don't get all angry with me, Cassy. Besides I known Ember best, he'll be thrilled that I stopped playing games to greet him." Just How Cassy and Mark were close, Ember and Angelica were close.9e67ba0e1e748b48cd05004c11f210b0.jpg
Honestly, Mark adored his baby sister, and while he was often incredibly protective of her, he was at least thankful that Angelica came out the way she did. He often had feared that his sister would reach her teenage years and go out partying with boys, and he was ready to put his foot down and refuse that, but his sister, thankfully, wan't into that. She'd rather play on her video games, which Mark was perfectly happy with.

The ones he had to watch out for most were Cassy and Ember: Ember for obvious reasons, and Cassy because... well, he fell in love so naively with any tough guy that shot him a smile that Mark had to constantly be on guard to make sure his brother didn't get hurt. He would often interrogate Cassy's new boyfriends, standing opposite them and intimidating them to see if they could take it.

He just thanked whatever higher being was out there that he didn't have to go through that stress with Angelica too.

"Leave her be, Cassy. I think she looks fine. Ember won't care," he shrugged, the large dragon trailing to fetch himself more wine and, on his way to the cabinet, offered his baby sister a playful hair ruffle. "He should be here soon. Papa said not to ask how camp was. He might not respond well. You know what Ember's like. His temper is erratic and he's impatient-- I need this dinner to go well for Papa. No teasing Ember unless he teases first, so we know he can take it. He might be mad at Papa for sending him away."
"Okay, no teasing, asking or anything with Ember. Got it." Yawned Angelica as she leaned against the couch. "I'm sad that he got sent away...But he was the one who stole a cop car. But I give him cool points, I mean, how do you steal a cop car." Giggled the girl, running her hand through her short hair.

"Not cool, Angie. Super uncool. Grandpa Marco had to hypnotize the cop into forgetting about it. He could have been in bigger trouble...Like actual prison. Little Ember could have gotten hurt." Mumbled Cassy concerned. "I hope he didn't have a rough time."

Seven soon returned, holding a few gifts in his hand for his son. He blinked at all his children, and smiled at them, before setting the gifts on the coffee table, setting them up nicely.

"Hi, Daddy! What ya get him?" Asked Cassy as he glomped his father into a hug.

Seven shook his head, meaning he wasn't telling him. Smiling lightly, he stroked his hair down, looking at his other son and daughter

Angelica looked at the nicely wrapped gifts, as she sat down. "Ooh, I can't wait to see what he got."
"Will you stop pestering Dad? He's trying to make things neat, and he's stressed enough. Leave off," sighed Mark as he wandered across to assist his father, sorting out the arrangement of presents as he offered the man a quiet smile. It had been strange when he first realised he'd grown taller than his fathers and, for a while, he'd been incredibly self-conscious of it, always hunching up in family photographs and portraits to draw less attention to how tall he was.

That was a few years ago. Now, he had given up trying to hide it. There was no hiding his 6'8" height. He just had to accept that he was much taller than most his family.

"Okay! O-Okay, he's here, he's back! Angelica, couldn't you h-have put something nice on?" Groaned Oscar, rushing into the room and, quietly smoothing his baby pink suit down, smiled wildly just from the sound of Ember's voice chatting away to his grandparents who had gone to collect him. When Ember came into view, Oscar practically lost his attempt at being calm - he rushed to his youngest son, held him close and buried his face into his chest. Ember was taller than him, but that was no surprise. Even Angelica was taller than Oscar these days.

"O-Oh my, baby, you... you're so... grown up! It's been a month but you... you look well!" He beamed, cupping his son's face. He loved all his children, but he had had to spend more attention on Ember than anyone else. Ember was troubled. He did stupid things and, so, Oscar dedicated time to him to help him out.

Ember was troubled and he did dumb things, but he was also incredibly, deeply handsome. All his siblings were attractive, all his family were, but Ember... he had a little something extra. He wasn't extremely tall or overly buff like Mark, and he didn't have that cute, gorgeous, somewhat feminine appeal Cassy had, but he had something... different. Out of all his siblings, he was perhaps the one that caught attention the most. And he knew that. He used it to get the things he wanted and to persuade people to help him out. He didn't get tattoos and he didn't get to steal police cars if he didn't make friends with people who could help him out.

"I look good, Pa, because they took my weed from me. I'm not high-- and I ain't getting high. No more drugs, okay? I'm alright now, I'll be an angel," cooed Ember, soaking up his father's affection with that same lazy smirk on his perfect features. "No more bad shit, okay? I'll be good."

Seven grinned at his youngest son, moving to hug him tightly, giving him a good squeeze. He then pulled out his notepad, and wrote down, 'Welcome Home~!' He then pulled him over to the table, showing him al the gifts with an excited grin. He handed him one with a smile. Seven was obviously excited to see him, he hadn't seen Ember in an entire month so obviously, he was happy that he looked well. And he said he wouldn't have any more drugs, so that was great!

Cassy smiled at his little brother, moving to hug him tightly. "Hey, little brother~! I missed you so much! Look at how handsome you got, and you look so clean!" He grinned.

"Are you saying he doesn't usually look clean." Joked Angelica smiling at her brothers. "Hey Em, we missed you." Grinned the girl.

"Well most of us miss you, but little miss someone didn't miss you enough to change into something nice." Cassy teased Angelica.

"Hey! I got dressed, besides this is my lucky shirt."
After a whole month away from his family, it was hard to take in just how loud and rambunctious they all were, especially when the correctional camp for unruly teenagers had been focused on strictness and severe rules. He had hated it there, but he didn't blame his parents for sending him. He was aware that his behaviour had been out of control, that he'd put them through stress--

But he wasn't plan on stopping that. Hell no. The camp hadn't really... helped him much. It just made him realise he had to get smarter and learn to hide that behaviour, rather than do it openly without disguising it. He learned, simply, that he needed to be sly and sneaky about it, so that was what he was going to do. If he wanted drugs, he'd do it away from home. if he wanted to go out partying, he'd create an excuse days before the event so it didn't seem suspicious that he left for a night.

"Yo, dudes, chill out, yeah? I'm glad I'm back, but fuck, you're giving me a headache," he grinned. Unlike his brothers, who both followed their parents (Mark followed Sebastion in looks, while Cassy followed Oscar), and unlike his sister who was the spit of Seven, Ember didn't really look like any of them. Who he did look like, though, was Marco. He was his grandfather's clone, almost, looking exactly as he did when he was a teenager... besides the addition of the tattoos, anyway.

Slumping to the couch, he shrugged off his denim jacket and casually eyed his family. "So... anything new happen around here? I didn't do much. I met a girl, but she's... trouble. I know that. It's why I ain't gonna, like, meet up with her. I met her at the camp. She's, like, really fucking crazy so I ain't gonna meet with her, y'all can relax."
"Well me and Randy are so done. He was only half the man I wanted." Huffed Cassy. Just three days ago he was crying in Oscar's arms about it, but he was completely over the boy now. "And there is a super cute new boy at school anyway...Well, I thought he was cute until I learned he was a sophomore. Yuck, I'm a senior. I'll be eighteen, I need a big strong man." Huffed Cassy, who looked back at his pretty nails with a small smile.

"Oh boy..." Angelica rolled her eyes. She knew Cassy was graduating high school this year, and she was excited.. Sure she liked going to school with her brother but...He was kind of annoying at some points. Literally, everyone asked why she wasn't more like Cassy. She was a girl, yet she was more into games than anyone. But that was just how she was. "Oh and um your friends have been asking about you. They missed you of course. And some...Weirdo prep boy actually asked about you...I didn't know you talked to preps....Rudolph? Yeah, that was his name." Rudolph...Rudolph was a human boy they went to school with. He and Ember were 'science buddies'. But the two got along like cat and dog. Literally, they argued over everything, and they never got along. They shared science class together, and they had to be partners. Rudolph always complained how Ember never did his part, and how he was always high, and this and that. "But other than that, you didn't miss much."

Seven whined when his son didn't open the presents. So he sat next to him and made him open it with a chuckle. One of them was a nice necklace. It wasn't girly or anything. Actually pretty manly. It was rather nice and had Ember's name inscribed on it. Seven smiled, his eyes wide, waiting to see how much he liked it.

"Ugh, Daddy! I want a necklace, too~" Whined Cassy as he looked at the necklace.
For a moment, Ember was like a kid in a candy store. His eyes were wide in fascination with the necklace, fittingly made up of orange jewels to match his fiery first name. As he dug further into the bags, his eyes grew wider and glittered more vibrantly at the range of gifts his parents had collected for him. He didn't quite understand why he was being given gifts, seeing as he'd been sent away for bad behaviour, but he wasn't complaining.

That good mood faded the moment Rudolph was mentioned, the tattooed boy's face falling into anger. "Rudolph the red-nosed loser? Ugh. The kid's one of those preppy, popular guys. I hate him. He's a right fucking prick--"

"Language, Ember," tutted Oscar, albeit with a playful chirp to his voice. He was too happy to really reprimand his son with any real anger.

"Look, why was he asking after me? I don't do much. I'm sure he was glad I was gone, the fucking loser. If he talks to 'ya again, sis, tell him to stick his questions up his ass."
"I dunno why he was asking about you." Mumbled the girl, shrugging. "But I guess you can find out tomorrow, hmm? I mean, you have to go to school. Your little group is dying without you." Giggled the girl.

Seven stroked his son's hair back, grimacing when learning his son would have to go to school tomorrow. He wanted to spend the day with him. He missed him so much.

However, the next day they were at school. Of course, Ember's little gang was thrilled to see him. He was the leader of the pack. "Ember~! Sweet necklace, and welcome back!" A girl grinned, running to hug him. It was his friend Devin. Yes, she had a boy's name, because her mother was expecting a boy. "Holy shit, I'm glad to see you back dude! How was camp? Were they fucking pricks?"

Devin may be a girl, one of the only girls in his social group, but he didn't treat her any differently for it. He treated her as he would any one of the guys, as was seen when he hugged her casually, leaning back to bump fists with her. When he offered the same greeting to some of his other friends, he adjusted his snap-back hat and offered that casual, slow smirk of his.

"Nah, it was alright, y'know? I met a chick, Daisy. She was fucking hot and she burned her school down or somethin'. I hung out with her a lot, we had fun, if you know what I mean," he winked, laughing to himself afterwards. "How've you been then, Dev? Dumped that asshole from the skateboard park yet? I told 'ya, he's only into you 'cos you get him cocaine on the cheap, y'know?"
"Ugh, please don't bring up that douchebag, he tried to bang my sister." She growled, rolling her eyes as she leaned against the locker. "Well seems like you had fun at camp~ Lucky, lucky." She snickered before her eyes were brought down the hall seeing Rudolph heading towards the gang.

"What the fuck does that ass want?" Thomas, a dude in the gang asked as he glared at the boy heading towards him. "He's been asking about you. He's such a fucking loser." Grumbled Thomas. When Rudolph finally reached them he asked. "What does Rudolph the red nose loser want?"

Rudolph green eyes glared at the boy, before looking up at Ember. "Ember, I was just asking how you were...You've been gone for an entire month-"

"He's fine blondie, leave him the hell alone. He just got to school." Devin growled.

"I was just being nice, jeez."
