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    A site made for roleplay is way cooler we promise <3

What race would you choose?

  • Human

  • Fae

  • Dwarf

  • Elf

  • Demigod

  • Demi Demon

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Original poster


[BCOLOR=transparent]Long ago the gods Dies and Noctis created a world full of magic and wonder. Proud of their creation they named it Gartia and filled it with many different species. The creatures of this world lived as one for years but, all good things come to an end. Racal disputes came up and tore friends and family apart. Wars came and went but, they ended when Noctis created the nightmares. These things traveled across the world leaving destruction and death behind. Dies, disgusted with what Noctis had done stripped him of his powers and cast him down to Gartia. Noctis expected this and once he came down to Gartia he became the leader of the nightmares and commanded his army from afar. After months of fighting with only their kind the leaders of each race held a meeting together and proclaimed peace between all of them so they may fight together.[/BCOLOR]

Having finally united as one the races of Gartia managed to fend off Noctis' amy. As the fight went on mages from all over gathered together and created a spell that would seal the nightmares away forever. Years later the spell was ready. At the edge of a cave the most powerful mages cast the spell sealing all nightmares in there. The people rejoiced. At last the battle was over and they can begin rebuilding their towns and cities.

[BCOLOR=transparent]While the people rebuilt their homes Noctis began working on a new plan. On that would surely free the nightmares so he may once again control his army and become the ruler of Gartia.[/BCOLOR]

Years went on and the races stood together now living in peace while Noctis worked day and night on a spell to let his nightmares free. Finally after many years Noctis had his spell but, he would need help so Noctis left his home and began searching for willing people to help him. News spread that Noctis was alive and panic struck the minds of many, but few went searching for him either to kill or join him.

[BCOLOR=transparent]After 3 months of searching he found his small group. Sending letters out he waited patently for them to show. But, while Noctis waited for his team the united races made on of there own. The leaders chose 1 of their strongest people to join this team. Dies seeing the races build their team made 2 special beings to help aid them in there quest.[/BCOLOR]


[BCOLOR=transparent]Humans[/BCOLOR][BCOLOR=transparent]: Humans are a simple race, they are durable and versatile. The humans strongest features include their tenacity, intellect, and ability to adapt to any situation. They are the most plentiful race and are found at every corner. It would be impossible to live in society and never associate with the human race.[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]Humans tend to go into any class be it mage or warrior. They have a knack to do anything they set their mind to. Most races look down on humans for their 'fragile' bodies but, that has never stopped them from going into the hardest battles and coming out alive.[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]While humans may live shorter lives than other races they tend to be the ones to create most of lives new inventions even if it's the only thing the inventor does in it's life. Humans also seem to have the most diverse out of the races for having many different professions for their people to go into.[/BCOLOR]

Elves[/BCOLOR][BCOLOR=transparent]: The elves are intelligent, even comparable to the humans, but they use their knowledge for wisdom and the study of the flow of magic. They are a religious species that believe magic to be a force that flows through all living beings, sentient and non, and as such believe they must treat any living thing with respect. Elves are nimble and dexterous, making them great at tasks that require a quick hand.[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]They are usually the ones to write the history book since each elf lives to be around 200 years old. Most people see elves as a peaceful race and while that's true they can also be a very violent race when provoked[/BCOLOR]

Dwarves[/BCOLOR][BCOLOR=transparent]: Dwarves are the shortest race and because of that they are also the slowest. What they lack in height and speed they greatly make up for in strength. Most dwarves become miners or warriors because of their strength. Dwarves aren't the smartest or the wisest but, they are great craftsmen and usually live in mines to harvest ores in order to make weapons, jewelry, and trinkets.[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent][BCOLOR=transparent]Dwarves are the main supplier of weapons as their craftsmen are some of the best but, other races do still make there own weapons. Most people can identify a dwarf by either their height or muscle mass as dwarves are among the strongest races strength wise.[/BCOLOR][/BCOLOR]

Faes[/BCOLOR][BCOLOR=transparent]: Faes are magical beings that live one with nature and choose to harness their magic rather than pick up a weapon. Like Elves, Faes are also wise and live long lives. Most Faes live to be 100 and have the smallest amount of people. The birth of a Fae is celebrated for days as it is rare for a fae to be born. Everyone in the village takes part in raising the child and teaching it magic.[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent][BCOLOR=transparent]Faes are the caretakers of the forest and have a natural ability to communicate with plants and animals. This is a good information gathering technique for them. While Faes look human you can distinguish them from others due to their wings which do give them the ability to fly.[/BCOLOR][/BCOLOR]

Demigod[/BCOLOR][BCOLOR=transparent]: The demigod is as the name states, a god like being but, demigods were not born they were created by the god Dies. Demigods have inhuman strength and speed but, hold little to no magic in them. While it may seem like a demigod lives forever they can be killed just not by old age.[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]There was only one demigod ever made and it was to help the races stop Noctis. The demigod that was created knew it's task and instantly set out to find the races team with it's counterpart the demi demon. Both the Demigod and Demi Demon were granted a single ability by Dies to use against Noctis.[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent][BCOLOR=transparent]The demigods ability was Light Magic. This allows the demigod to control and manipulate light like it's an extension of itself. While it can control light the demigod is also very resistant to ice and can also be killed if enough damage is caused to it's body.[/BCOLOR][/BCOLOR]

[/BCOLOR][BCOLOR=transparent]Demi Demon[/BCOLOR][BCOLOR=transparent]: The demi demon is essentially as demon with human aspects. They have few human and demon traits but, are not quite as evil or violent as demons. Demi demons like demigods have little to no magic but, has inhuman strength and speed. Tho the only difference between the two is there power and wisdom.[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent][BCOLOR=transparent]The demi demon was granted the power to control shadows by Dies and like the demigod it uses it as an extension on itself. Also like the demigod there was only one demi demon ever created. Demi demons are very resistant to fire and can be killed if enough damage is caused to it's body.[/BCOLOR][/BCOLOR]



Stankom: [BCOLOR=transparent]Stankom is one of the oldest human kingdoms and is home to many races. People from all over tend to gather here making it a trade empire. Back when the Stankom was first made not many other races lived there, well hot many humans were friendly with other races. During many wars Stankom was a base for warriors to resupply before they went back to battle. Stankom is also, where the first mages gathered together in hopes of making a spell to trap the nightmare. It was also, one of the first places to be attacked by Noctis and his army. Stankom has many murals of old battles, even one on how the mages trapped the nightmares away. People often regard Stankom as the jewel of Gartia because it stand proud in a large open plan. The kingdom even has a king, Lord Fankfer has ruled over Stankom for 28 years now.[/BCOLOR]

Lagac: [BCOLOR=transparent]Lagac is mostly home to humans and is possibly the largest kingdom the only other kingdom that is larger would be Gira. People in Lagac live in sectors based on social standing and how much money one has. Near the peak of the mountain is the high-class citizens and royals. Below that is politicians and celebrities. At the base of the mountain and towards the river live all the middle-class citizens while the lower-class live across the river and in the farms. The king of this kingdom is Lord Samuel who is the oldest king, having ruled for 49 years. Lord Samuel was a warrior in the fight against the nightmares and remembers the terror they caused.[/BCOLOR]

Jolu: [BCOLOR=transparent]Jolu is a kingdom built into the side of a mountain and is the second oldest human kingdom. During wars Jolu was usually the first to fall and has been rebuilt many times but, ruins from the battles are scattered throughout the kingdom. The people of Jolu are a joyous and welcoming, some say too welcoming. Near the center of Jolu is the meeting hall where all the races rules have gathered throughout the years and is were the United Races team is to meet in order to start there journey. While Jolu is very welcoming they are also the strongest of the human kingdom and has very little in regards of military power as they send their warrior out to help other kingdoms. Tho, Jolu houses the military academy. The king of Jolu is Lord Rangard, the youngest of the kings only being 32 and having ruled 5 years.[/BCOLOR]

Gira: [BCOLOR=transparent]Gira is the biggest of the human kingdoms but, it's also the poorest. While people would think the largest human kingdom would be thriving Gira has no economic system, relying on other kingdoms to stay alive. The people of Gira live in close cramped houses with confusing streets. Visitors often have to watch their pockets as kids will try and steal to get money for their family or group. Anyone living in Gira has a sad background and either live with what's left of there family or they have made a new family from a group of people they trust. There is a king in Gira and sadly the king lives in luxury, giving no money or food to his kingdom. Lord Windon is a cruel as selfish king who only cares for himself and not his kingdom as a whole. He has been ruling for 15 years and even the past kings have treated their kingdom the same.[/BCOLOR]


Vérité: [BCOLOR=transparent]Vérité is the oldest kingdom in Gartia and has been home to Elves for centuries. Elves from all over come here to celebrate the birth of the world and on the day's they believe the gods created them. The elves of Vérité are among the most religious of the elves and prefer to not fight. The elves that call this place home are elegant and graceful, there kingdom is full of fun and music, the people kind and welcoming. Humans, dwarves, and fae's from all over come to visit Vérité for there music and art. Vérité has the largest library and art museum. There kind is Lord Avalon, who has ruled over Vérité for 98 years but, is greatly ill and is searching for his successor.[/BCOLOR][/BCOLOR]

Tas: [BCOLOR=transparent]Tas is the more dark version of the elven kingdoms, preferring to use violence instead of peace. The people of Tas are warriors having trained for years in the art of silent killing with either magic of daggers. The largest and most advanced warrior academy is housed here, getting students from all over. People that go there usually end up one of the best. The ruler of Tas is Lady Lilana who like Lord Avalon has ruled for a long time, 78 years and is also, looking for a successor. Lady Lilana is not a very nice ruler and leads with an iron fist, only letting people in to attend the academy there.[/BCOLOR]


Unten: [BCOLOR=transparent]Unten is the smaller of the two dwarf keeps and is home to many jewelry salesmen. It is the main source of the world jewels and is the richest of all the kingdom for that. The people of Unten are a hearty bunch who enjoy drinking and working in the mines. Kids start off in school but, once they reach 15 they start work in the mines. Pretty much all dwarf work in the mines but, some go onto becoming warriors or salesmen. No one's poor in Unten since most people work in the mines. Unten, tho smaller than Finster, has elaborate tunnels and walk ways throughout the mountain it's housed in. If you don't live there you're sure to get lost. The King of Unten is Lord Dinan who, like is people, is a kind man and cares greatly for the world and his people.[/BCOLOR]

Finster: [BCOLOR=transparent]The larger of the two dwarven kingdoms is the place where most weapons and armor come from. The people there are master craftsmen who spend hours making new weapons. Those who aren't crafting are in the mines working long hours to gather ores. Women in Finster have no job but, to look after there children or work in the local shops. Mining and crafting are seen as a man's job. Like Unten kids start a job once their 15 be it either mining or working with their mother. Finster's people are not as kind and welcoming as Unten, they are rather wary of visitors and show little trust to anyone not born there. The Queen of Finster is Lady Kamila, who is the oldest dwarf in history being 115 years old. She says she will rule over Finster till the day she dies then her eldest son will take over.[/BCOLOR]


Fae Village: Stella Vultus is the only fae Village in all of Gartia. Dies and Noctis both have shrines here that, until the nightmares came, where tended to everyday. The fae's of Stella Vultus are a welcoming group and even after what Noctis did, they would still welcome him with open arms. Stella Vulus is locked at the edge of Fargon Forest and there houses are in the tree's. For work fae's farm on the ground. The fae's have no army and have never been in a war as they are neutral territory. While they have no warriors they have a mage college that many elves and fae's have attended for centuries. Stella Vultus' queen is Lady Kilna, whose beauty is admired across all Gartis.

Noctis' House: After the lose of his army Noctis took refuge in Fargon Forest, where he was sure no one would go. He spent many months building his house and many more filling it with everything he needed. After he was finished he set about making the reverse spell. Few times people have ventured near his house and were never heard from again. This in turn caused people to think that part of the forest is haunted. Those who did get close to his house say many satanic rituals and items but, that is just a rumor.

Meeting Hall: This building has been the meeting place for the races since the first war. Many kings and queens have made peace here but, also have fought. The first kings met here to discuss peace but, that ended badly which lead to the first war. During many wars some kings and queens would meet here in secrecy to plot. The meeting hall is the only other place that is said to be neutral territory. This place is also, where laws were first made and where they have been made since.

Fargon Forest: Fargon Forest is the largest forest in all of Gartia. There are many legends and rumors about it but, none know the truth. Deep in Fargon Forest where only few have dared to venture lay a spring of fresh water that was blessed my Dies to heal all wounds and restore stamina and strength. There are also many dangers in the forest. Wolves, rouges, and sprites call Fargon there home. Fargon Forest also houses the cave in which the Nightmares are kept. Those who have ventured into the forest are messengers or adventurers and none have had pleasant trips.

Cave of Nightmares: This cave is the cave of legends. The cave that all Nightmares were trapped. It took many days for all Nightmares to be trapped but, as a result the world came to an era of peace. There are some rumors that is you stand at the entrance of the cave you can hear the cries of the Nightmares begging to be let out. Tho, what people don't know is when they trapped the Nightmares it didn't freeze them in time. The Nightmares lay in the cave trapped in a bubble of magic, preventing them from leaving. Few times since the Nightmares were trapped Noctis has visited the cave to talk to the Nightmares. Telling them he would free them.

[BCOLOR=transparent]Magic is based of the elements - Fire, Air, Water, Earth. Most mages only specialize in one of the elements as it takes years to master even one. People who become mages often have trouble controlling there magic when angry and as a result not many humans become mages. When someone does choose to study magic they start young and spend many years in libraries studying. It is common to come across a Elf or Fae that studies magic given their long lives it's easy for them to master a element.[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]People use magic in different ways like channeling it into an object or using a staff or wand to help. Humans often regard magic a bending and think they create the element out of thin air, while it's true it's like bending, mages cannot make their element. There has to be a source near them.[/BCOLOR]


[BCOLOR=transparent]Nightmares are violent creatures that have no real purpose except to cause terror. While when you say nightmare you think of a bad dream these nightmares are shadow like creatures that prey on the weak and attack the strong in large groups. Nightmares are uncontrollable by any person other than their creator. Noctis was their creator had made them nearly indestructible. Even after many arrow, slashes, of attacks from magic they can still fight. The only known way to get rid of them is either by using light or dark magic. This is why Dies sent a demigod and demi demon with these powers to help. A Nightmare by itself is easy to scare off but, when they attack in a pack it's harder to scare them away. This is why the races are trying to stop Noctis.[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]Nightmares have a few different powers. They can melt into shadows to hide or attack. Some can invade the dreams of kids and show horrible things that make them want to die. Their main use of attack it there razor sharp claws that are said to be able to cut through steel.[/BCOLOR]


  • [BCOLOR=transparent]No metagaming, godmodding, mary or gary sue's[/BCOLOR]
  • [BCOLOR=transparent]Be respectful to me and each other.[/BCOLOR]
  • [BCOLOR=transparent]No real face claims[/BCOLOR]
  • [BCOLOR=transparent]Each person can have 2 characters, no more than that tho[/BCOLOR]
  • [BCOLOR=transparent]Posting requirement is at least once a week with 2 or more paragraphs. I know people are busy outside Iwaku but, I think once a week is fair.[/BCOLOR]
  • [BCOLOR=transparent]All Iwaku rules apply[/BCOLOR]
  • [BCOLOR=transparent]No drama in the ooc keep it in the IC[/BCOLOR]
  • [BCOLOR=transparent]Be detailed with your character sheet please (Put Tiger Lilies in a spoiler on your cs)[/BCOLOR]
  • [BCOLOR=transparent]Keep characters realistic, no one's indestructible. Your character will get hurt, that's just how it is.[/BCOLOR]
  • [BCOLOR=transparent]Try not to go back and forth in solo-posts. If you're going to do a conversation with someone, please do a collab as to not take up much space in the IC.[/BCOLOR]
  • [BCOLOR=transparent]Feel free to ask any questions you might have and pm me if you are having trouble or need help.[/BCOLOR]
  • [BCOLOR=transparent]Character's will die. As we get to a point where combat is applied we will gauge skill and abilities against each other to see who would win and if the character is kill or spared.[/BCOLOR]
  • [BCOLOR=transparent]Lastly have fun! (Put purple fudge in a spoiler on your cs)[/BCOLOR]


Noctis' Team

Noctis: Noctis - God of Death and Shadows (@Lulunopia)
Spot 1: Talisa Ave'Elohir (@Valkyrie)
Spot 2: Stanford Harmon (@BlueFlameNikku)
Spot 3: Colie Wither (@Mysty)
Spot 4: Grace (@Moca Latté)
Spot 5: Anaba (@Takumi)

United Races

Team Leader/Fae: Lilah Kalmin (@Lulunopia)
Elf: Firnir (@Goji)
Human: Andines Merlia (@catulet)
Dwarf: Buras Garethson (@Beowulf)
Demigod: Christian Savas (@Andy)
Demi Demon: Riken Shade (@LoveandHate91)


Character Image:
Nickname(s) or Alias:



[BCOLOR=transparent]Theme Song: (Optional)[/BCOLOR]
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  • Love
Reactions: Justin
Anaba is pretty much done.
This is why I shouldn't leave for to long...madness...pure madness
Character Image:

Name: Buras Garethson
Nickname(s) or Alias: Little Bear. Bronze Ram.
Gender: Male
Species: Dwarf
Age: 37
Birthday: February 6
Sexuality: Straight.
Personality: Buras is a loud and straight forward man. If it turns out he doesn't like you, then it'll be very obvious because he'll most likely growl at you in between sentences. And he's not the sharpest tool in the shed, he didn't have to be smart. He was huscarl for his clan, all he had to be was strong and good in a fight.
Likes: A right good party always brightens to mood. There's food, drink, everything a man needs. And if luck is truly with him, he might find someone to warm his bed for the night.
Dislikes: He despises the heat, absolutely hates it. He'd much rather bundle up in several layers and look fat then strip down to stay cool.
Strengths: Buras is the strongest of his clan, and one of the strongest living dwarfs. His shield has withstood many blows that would break another's arm and his axe, the few times he has actually used it, nearly cleaved a man in half across the middle several times. Splitting someone the long way would be to hard, the furthest he's gotten is the base of someone's jaw.
Weaknesses: The heavy armor he wears coupled with the short stature of his kind means he is painfully slow. But when someone points this out, he likes to quote a rather famous dwarf. "We dwarfs are natural sprinters, very dangerous over short distance." And though he has mastery over most weapons, ranged weapons baffle him to no end. Give him a bow and he's just as liable to break it as miss the target.
Hobbies: A blade grows dull if not sharpened, the same goes for skills. He is the sword and the shield of his people. A dull sword and rusted shield are useless. Near constant training has gotten him to where he is at right now. And truthfully it's become a habit.
Fears: Total darkness. It's an old dwarven superstition that there are things that fear the light. And those things are often terrors that will drive a man to madness. This superstition probably sprung up shortly after Nightmares first appeared, but it has not faded with age. If anything it has only grown stronger.
Spiders. They are unnatural things with to many legs, to many eyes, and for some strange reason hairy. The world would be better off without them.
Powers/Skills: Buras is a huscarl and champion of his clan, his skill with weapons reflects this.
Weapon: A dwarven made sword and shield is his commonly chosen weapon. Along with the sword and shield he has a dwarven made two handed axe. So even when he loses his sword, he is still to be feared, if not more so.
Backstory: Buras' story is a simple one. He was born into his clan like any other dwarf. And when he was old enough he was put to work in the mines. But he was not happy there. He didn't despise it, the earth was the home of any dwarf after all, but he wasn't about to spend the rest of his life as a miner digging around in the dirt for metals. He'd much rather be like the warriors of his clan, strong, noble, the idle and role model of all young dwarven men. And so he set about training. First practicing with little more then sticks before actually being allowed to use a real weapon.

It was here that he got his two aliases. The first of which he earned after slaying a dire bear single handily. It's pelt is now decorating is room. And the second alias he got when he charged headlong into a rival clan's champion, pushing him bodily to the edge of the arena before launching him out. This second alias is depicted as a bronze ram's head embossed on his shield.

When the call was sent out for the best, Buras had reached the position of the best. He was a warrior, known throughout almost all of the dwarven lands. Of course he would be sent on this quest, there were few others that were as worthy as he.
Accepted, I couldn't stop laughing about how he talks to people he doesn't like.

Character Image:
Name: Sanford Harmon
Nickname(s) or Alias: "The Warmonger"
Gender: Male
Species: Human
Age: 35
Birthday: August 13th
Sexuality: Straight

Aside from the image above the aged man's physical body is very well built fitting of any would be soldier. A more theatrical individual may even go so far as to so that the man's body would seem as though they were chiseled from stone. His beard is surprisingly neat and kept tidy despite the girth of it. On his face one could see numerous wrinkles caused by who knows what various levels of stress alongside numerous battle scars scattered about his body; primarily across his upper body with a few nearly unnoticeable once on his cheeks.

He's the kind of aged man that seems to always have a chip on his shoulder for one reason or another. He is disgruntle at most time usually preferring to stick to his way of things rather than going with the ideas of others. He's be no means an uncaring man however though his views of "care" may be seen differently by others.
["The races of this world have grown soft in this time of extended peace. I refuse to sit and rot away as a forgotten relic while the young ones grow up ignorant of the struggles of the past or without the will to fight when the time comes."

Alcohol (Liquid Courage)

Sour foods

Weapons Specialist (Melee Weaponry)

Lack of magical knowledge

Wood Carving
[Sometimes he'd make wooden swords to give away to young lads so they could play soldier.]

Dying a meaningless death
What he calls "Death by Peace."
[The soul of a veteran slowly withers away in peace time. A soldier is trained and rebuilt from the ground up with a single purpose to fight. Without that they lack purpose and fade away dying in their beds in the night.]

Martial Prowess
[Well trained and talented in the art of melee combat with most weaponry]
[Isn't the easiest man in the world to kill or dominate by most standards]
[Is quick to look at a situation and make good tactical decisions based on information]

(Whole weapon is just over 7ft in length, Oak wooden shaft, human made steel axe head, back hook and top spike.)

(Whole weapon is about 2ft in length, Oak wooden shaft, human made steel axe head.)

(Whole weapon is about 2ft in length and forged of human steel.)

Breast-Plate & Leathers


Born in Jolu young Sanford was raised by his single father as his mother died giving birth to him. Sanford was trained to be soldier as his father had been taught years before when he served. As a young man Sanford watched as his father was shunned for his ideals about peace, war and other such things being labeled a "Warmonger" in the peace time and later executed for his acts and ideals in regards to disturbing the peace. Sanford continued to raise himself and continued to follow his father's ideals and served as a city guard for many years during his military service. People continued to slander him with the title of "Warmonger" as they did to his father but unlike his father he didn't preach what he believed; he simply waited. He waited and bide his time for when he could bring those ideals to fruition and get back at the dogs and sheep that are blind to how the world truly works. Receiving a certain letter and traveling to the Fargon Forest would be his first steps towards keeping his promise to them all.

"A dog waits upon his knees to be killed while a wolf fights on to die on his feet. These were the words that my father taught me to say at least once everyday of my life before he was executed for disturbing the peace of the races. Rubbish. Ever since I was a young boy who lived in Jolu I knew this so called peace was nothing but a curse that made warriors be discarded and forgotten for the sacrifices they made. I fully experienced this first hand after I officially served my years in the armies of my own people."

"As I preached my departed father's ideals as I got older I was shunned for them. Shunned for seeing through the thin veil of peace that these sheep and dogs cling to. They speak of war so carelessly as if it was what they had for breakfast. But soon...they won't be doing so much longer."

Theme Song:
Also accepted. I can't wait to see how he does in the rp!
  • Like
Reactions: BlueFlameNikku
Are you still accepting people or am I too late?
Character Image:

Name: Anaba (means: returns from battle)
Nickname(s) or Alias: Savage Warrior
Gender: female
Species: half human half dwarf
Age: 23
Birthday: June 10th
Sexuality: Straight
Appearance: standing barely at 5'0" Anaba hasn't grown any taller since she hit the age of 20, her growth stopping here she didn't at all mind in the slightest. Being slightly muscular than the average woman her age, Anaba takes pride in the strength she's ineharited from her father. She has a rather long diagonal scar on her calf, which is usually covered by her leather armor. She also has a tribal tattoo on the back of her shoulder in deep black ink, in the shape of a wolf's head. Small scars run along her mid back as well. Her white hair and golden eyes are among her best features. She also likes to wear shoes with heals to make her feel a little taller as well. Plus, they were pretty handy when kicking others.

Personality: Laid back when not in the heat of battle, Anaba only grows serious when she feels like she needs to. She has a firey spirit and has a sharp tongue at times, otherwise she keeps certain things to herself and depending on who she's with, if they're doen she'll try to cheer them up with a tale of lore or just simply the tale of a battle she came out of relatively unharmed, maybe if it was a clumsy accident that insured she lived. She wants to desperately sharpen her skills, and will train for hours without eating, due to forgetting. She is also rather honest at times, sometimes saying rude or mean things without initially intending to.

Likes: spicy food, training/fighting, drinking, arm wrestling, men who don't mimd being outdone by a woman every now and then (in all good fun of course!), the outdoors, nature.

Dislikes: bland foods, being very cold, others who are overly cocky in their skills, rain, being cooped up inside all day. Men who think that women can't do certain tasks because it's a "men's only" type of thing.

Strengths: she is best skilled in blades and axes but she's much better with the former than the latter. She's rather trusting once you get to know her and have become her ally.
She's a decent swimmer.

Weaknesses: slightly judgemental and easy to anger, she can be a little too trusting towards allies at times, she speaks freely which is bound to cause trouble at times. Struggles to be stealthy at times when and/or if she needs to be. Although she's decent at swimmung she's not the best and would prefer to be dry most of the time.

Hobbies: eating, fighting, training,
Fears: suffocating, bears, getting caught in a trap and being killed (not how she wants to go), dying a pitiful death outside of the glory of battle.
-She's pretty strong for someome her size due to her heritage
- Is pretty skilled with a blade and daggers
Weapon: a curved blade as well as twin daggers

Colie -Friend

Backstory: Born to a dwarven father that lived and worked in Finster while her mother lived in Gira. They both happened to meet while visiting Vérité one day. And after spending time together grew into great friends which would eventually grow into something more. After Anaba's birth she had stayed with her mother, the young girl often doing what she could to help her mother until the woman died of malnourishment. After that, Anaba began to travel, going into Jolu's academy to become a warrior for the purpose of not withering away like her mother did while trying to keep Anaba as healthy as possible. Since then she's grown a rather deep hatred for the King of Gira, silently hoping that King Windon falls and someone better will take his place in due time.

Theme Song: (Optional)

Didn't even realize she was finished. She's accepted!
  • Thank You
Reactions: Takumi
How dare you associate him with a little blue man.
Name: Andines Merlia
Nickname(s) or Alias: N/A
Gender: Non-binary, uses they/them pronouns.
Species: Human
Age: 22
Birthday: June 15
Sexuality: Pansexual
Appearance: Andines is neither very slim or very chubby or muscular, but somewhere in between. They have dark skin and unruly curly black hair that goes down to their shoulders. They wear a dark cloak over their leather armor which goes down to their legs.
Personality: Andines is very quiet and doesn't show much emotion. When they do speak, they'd either say very little or a lot. Being a human, and a rather young human at that, they are aware that many may look down on them and they are not reluctant to defend their self. Not only that, but they are always suspicious of others, having the mindset that everything and everyone is not how they seem. Though they can feel trust in others, they never let their selves fully trust anyone.
Likes: Theorizing, thoughtful conversations, having a grasp on what is going on around them
Dislikes: Aggression, discrimination, dread or danger
Strengths: Gets used to using different weapons quickly, doesn't sugarcoat things
Weaknesses: Suspicious, distant, overthinks things
Hobbies: Discussion, fighting
Fears: Failure
Powers/Skills: N/A
Weapon: They have a small yet effective blade and a sword. They'd often use these along with their own strength.
Relationships: N/A
Backstory: They were orphaned at a young age and lived with their grandparents in Lagac in the middle-class sector of the city. While living there, they'd take interest in their grandmother's stories. Eventually, the stories they were told and the circumstances they lived in effected their outlook on life and how the world works.
I've been meaning to ask. Is your character done?
Horrah for Noctis! Who's doing the good guy again?
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