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    A site made for roleplay is way cooler we promise <3
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Starlight Keeper
Original poster
Invitation Status
Posting Speed
  1. 1-3 posts per day
Writing Levels
  1. Intermediate
  2. Adept
  3. Advanced
  4. Prestige
I really like modern roleplays, especially hings involving romance and family. I also love fantasy, especially anything involving magic, mythical creatures, or gods and goddesses. Fandoms are nice, if I can play an OC. Since history is one of my passions, I like doing historical roleplays, mostly renaissance, 1800's, early 1900's, ancient civilizations, and anything wild west-like or based on pioneers. I do like Sci-Fi, mostly dystopian with some sort of rebellion or strict customs, something like that. I also like roleplays that take place in space if they have a good explanation of the universe that it takes place in. I'm not a big fan of horror or mystery, unless the horror is a sub-element to something else.
  • tumblr_nwfqa2aS7I1uhfcvbo1_500.gif

    We all dream of having that special someone, the one person we couldn't live without. Our soulmate. Everyone wants to feel loved, like they belong. In the city of New York, this is no different.

    People from all walks of life fall in love everyday. This is their stories. This is the story of a love of a lifetime, of finding your soulmate, even in the most unexpected place.

  • tumblr_muakreHOaB1rq45r5o1_500.gif

    ~ No godmodding, etc... Every character should have their weaknesses as well as their strengths.
    ~ If you have an issue with drug and alcohol usage, social issues, different orientations, or anything of that sort, feel free to live now. On that note, steamy stuff has to fade to black and go to PM. I don't want none of that. I don't care if it's mentioned, just don't go beyond that. Please respect other people's boundaries as well.
    ~ Everyone is already in a relationship {or have requited crushes} in this RP.
    ~ Every character has an important role, so don't worry about your character not being important.
    ~ Please be literate.
    ~ This is a romantic drama. Drama is to be expected as is romance. As such, no asexual aromantic characters. And please keep the drama in the RP, not the OOC.
    ~ Romance is encouraged, but it should not be the focal point for all relationships.
    ~ Originality is very much appreciated. Tell me your character's favorite color in your CS.
    ~ Do not physically maim another person's character without their permission.
    ~ You cannot be your own love interest, spouse, or anything of that sort. That kind of ruins the point of roleplaying.
    ~ You can have as many characters as you want. Just make sure you can keep up with them.
    ~ Please note that I reserve the right to reject any character I feel is not up to standard.
  • {Realistic Image}
    ❃ Name ❃
    『 Answer Here | First Middle Last 』
    ❃ Nickname{s} ❃
    『 Answer Here | Optional 』
    ❃ Age • Birthday ❃
    『 Answer Here {16-29} • Day and Month Only 』
    ❃ Gender • Sexuality ❃
    『 Answer Here {Male or Female Only} • Any Sexuality is Fine 』
    ❃ Ethnicity ❃
    『 Answer Here | Can Be Anything 』
    ❃ Health Ailments ❃
    『 Answer Here | Optional 』
    ❃ Occupation ❃
    『 Answer Here | Can Be Anything Realistic | If They Are a Student, Put Grade/Major 』
    ❃ Physical Appearance ❃
    『 Answer Here | Height • Weight • Hair and Eye Color • Piercings • Markings 』
    ❃ Personality ❃
    『 Answer Here | Include at Least Five Traits 』
    ❃ Likes ❃
    『 Answer Here | Five Minimum 』
    ❃ Dislikes ❃
    『 Answer Here | Three Minimum 』
    ❃ Hobbies ❃
    『 Answer Here | Two Minimum 』
    ❃ Family ❃
    『 Answer Here 』
    ❃ Significant Other ❃
    『 Answer Here | Include Name and Status {Crush, Boyfriend/Girlfriend, Fiancee, Spouse} 』
    ❃ Expecting ❃
    『 Answer Here | Females Only 』
    ❃ Other ❃
    『 Answer Here | Languages Spoken • Face Claim • Theme Song • Etcetera 』
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I am also willing to create a girl if there are any men open.
these are her free characters
Jade (28), Val (21), Alice (18), Rayne (26), Sarah (28), Alex (29), Chris (25), Jax (26), Damien (23)
Alex (29), Chris (25), Jax (26), Damien (23) My males open
  • Thank You
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  • Thank You
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I think Disney is the only one with partner-less characters now ... Jade, Sarah, Alice and Chris I think

  • [bg=#3E4142]

    ❃ Name ❃
    『 George Emory Daise(Pronounce Daze) 』

    ❃ Nickname{s} ❃
    『 George(Common, everyone), Ged(Semi-common His brother and uncle), Daisy(Rare, just a few of his Army buddies he went to basic with) 』

    ❃ Age • Birthdate ❃
    『 19 • 14 January 』

    ❃ Gender • Sexuality ❃
    『 Male • Straight 』

    ❃ Ethnicity ❃
    『 American(Welsh & Polish) 』

    ❃ Health Ailments ❃
    『 He has both legs amputated a few inches above the knees. He also has chronic pain in his back, hearing problems, and problems sleeping. 』

    ❃ Physical Appearance ❃
    『 Height- 6'4" before losing his legs. • Weight- Use to be 176 now is about 159(If I did my numbers right) • Blond messy, spikey hair and dark blue eyes • None • He has two tattoos
    One in memory of his canine on his inner left arm. This tattoos is a set of four paw prints going from his wrist to just below the crook of his elbow around the prints are scattered red poppies.
    His second tattoo is his military police K-9 patch on his right pec. 』

    ❃ Personality ❃
    『 Stubborn • Moody • Tough • Caring • Hard Working

    George is a very caring soul, he cares deeply for those around him and doesn't like to see people hurting.
    Most people don't expect him to be this way though because he has a very tough exterior and especially after coming back from war he's been moody and hard to gauge what he's thinking and feeling.
    Another aspect of George is his stubbornness. When he believes in something or wants to prove people wrong or thinks his way is best he will stand his ground and very rarely budges in hiss idea, beliefs, and opinions.
    This helps his hard work because when he puts his mind to something he wants to get it down and get it down well. 』

    ❃ Likes ❃
    『 Dogs, the outdoors, tattoos, animals, working with his hands, the U.S. Army 』

    ❃ Dislikes ❃
    『 Cats, being treated like an invalid, childish people, drunks, bullies, people burning the American flag(He understands it's their right, but it ticks him off) 』

    ❃ Hobbies ❃
    『 Taking longs walks(he calls them rolls) through the town, woodworking 』

    ❃ Grade ❃
    『 He is taking some courses to work towards getting certified as a vetrinary technician 』

    ❃ Occupation ❃
    『 Grocery stocker/bagger 』

    ❃ Family ❃
    Fredrick S. Daise(Deceased - would be 40)

    Eliza L. Daise (Deceased - would be 39)
    Uncle- Emory D. Daise (Alive - 41 - Lives in Buffalo, New York)

    Samuel A. Daise(18 Alive- Currently RTC Great Lakes, Illinois training to join the Navy)
    Zachariah S. Daise(17 Alive- Lives in Buffalo, New York)
    Peter M. Daise (Deceased would be 12)
    Timothy O. Daise (Deceased would be 12)』

    ❃ Bio ❃
    『 WIP 』

    ❃ Significant Other ❃
    『 Oakley Z. Dutch • Crush? • @~Happily.Ever.After~

    ❃ Expecting ❃
    『 N/A』

    ❃ Other ❃
    • Languages Spoken- English
    • Face Claim- A hair model from the Google Search
    『 • He was in the Army for two years and was medically discharged after losing both legs』​

  • [bg=#021C06]


    ❃ Name ❃
    『 Murphy Rozalia Anghelescu 』

    ❃ Nickname{s} ❃
    『 Murphy(Common, everyone), Murph(Common- friends and family), Rozi(Pronounce Rosey. Uncommon- Pretty much only her grandparents) 』

    ❃ Age • Birthday ❃
    『 22 • 30 March 』

    ❃ Gender • Sexuality ❃
    『 Female • Straight 』

    ❃ Ethnicity ❃
    『 American(Unknown) 』

    ❃ Health Ailments ❃
    『 ADHD, Dyslexia 』

    ❃ Occupation ❃
    『 Taxi Driver 』

    ❃ Physical Appearance ❃
    『 Height 4'11" • Weight 95 lbs • Black slightly wavy hair and Dark green eyes with felcks of lighter greens in them • Her skin is a light tan most of the time and get slightly darker in summer, but not much. She still burns pretty easily • Her ears are pierced • None 』

    ❃ Personality ❃
    『 Stubborn • Easy Going • Curious • Energetic • Positive • Fiercely Independent

    Murphy doesn't like to be told what to do, ever since she was little she's always liked to do things her own way and refused to let people help her. While her stubbornness and independence has helped her survive when she was in the foster system it also has hurt her. Currently she is homeless because she refuses to live with or ask her mother for help. Most of her friends and family don't even know she's homeless.
    Despite being a stubborn little donkey Murphy is easy going in the way she doesn't need much to make her happy and can stay positive and adapt to a lot of different living conditions.
    Murphy loves learning. She's very curious and enjoys exploring her city however she hated school as a child because she felt like it was putting her in a box and wasn't helping her think. 』

    ❃ Likes ❃
    『 Food, blankets, working out, button up shirts, fixing stuff, horror movies, horror stories, learning, people watching, her job』

    ❃ Dislikes ❃
    『 Dresses, feeling like a burden, skim milk, shopping, chick flicks, pure romance films, Valentines Day, school 』

    ❃ Hobbies ❃
    『 Drawing, urban exploring(Especially abandoned buildings), working out , people watching, talking with strangers』

    ❃ Family ❃
    Biological Family-

    Adopted Father-
    Grigore F. Anghelescu(Deceased- would have been 57)

    Adopted Mother-
    Ernesta M. Anghelescu (Alive- 53- Lives in New York City)

    Adopted Sister(Biological child of adopted parents)-
    Dylan G. Bastille(Alive - 30 - Lives in Kansas)

    Adopted Brother(Biological child of adopted parents)-
    Oliver F. Anghelescu(Alive - 28 - Lives in South Africa)

    Adopted Brother(Also adopted)-
    Noah Y. Anghelescu (Alive - 25 - Lives in a special need community in New York City)』

    ❃ Bio ❃
    『 WIP』

    ❃ Significant Other ❃
    『 Josh N. Compton • Just friends • @~Dark Disney~

    ❃ Expecting ❃
    『 None at the moment 』

    ❃ Other ❃
    『• Languages Spoken- Romanian, Spanish, and ASL(She is interested in learning more however)
    • Face Claim: Agathe Mougin
    • Currently homeless
    • She dropped out of high school at the age of 15 』​
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Rayne and Bash Dating
Otto and Val Friends become more
Kala and Jax Newly Dating
Damien and Eleanor Crush eventually dating

Also all my females are up

Every one else my Characters that are open are as listed Below if any one wants to pick them up.

Females: Alice Jade and Sarah

Males: Chris and Alex
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All Cs's done for this rp moving on to other cs's
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@CrimsonFang You're welcome to join. Disney is the only one with open characters.

@~Dark Disney~ I'm gonna go ahead and take Chris, if that's alright? {If he's still open?}
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