Cascade Falls [REBOOT/OOC]

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Oooh how was it? Was it scary or so lame that it was hilarious beyond measure?
I heard that was really good. Did you like it? I saw some stills from the movie and I loved the Krampus design.
Yeah it was actually very great, it might be on my top ten favourite horror movie's, not only is the Krampus design very great but the CGI and costume designs on...

His Minions were especially great.

Also the Comedy Horror was really well balanced, I suggest go seeing it, most of the characters in the movie were also funny and likeable, its very creative.
I find about 90% of the "horror" movies to be simply hilarious.
Oh goodness i have no idea how I ended up staying at a party until 2am -flops over- And got another one tonight, got to admit social obligations have me committed to a lot before Christmas

Ooh, Krampus! I've been dying to watch it!
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Oh goodness i have no idea how I ended up staying at a party until 2am -flops over- And got another one tonight, got to admit social obligations have me committed to a lot before Christmas

Ooh, Krampus! I've been dying to watch it!
Partay!!!! xD
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Yeah it was actually very great, it might be on my top ten favourite horror movie's, not only is the Krampus design very great but the CGI and costume designs on...
I was happy to see that it was a practical effect and not something like this.
Hehehe yeeeaaah! XD I swear these gals drags me all over the city. XD Just got back from making an eggnog run.
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I love eggnog, omg.
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I've actually never tried Eggnog before. XD So I'm pretty excited to try before.

Heh, has been! Though I swear when I party with these girls we never call it a night until it's early the next day.
I've actually never tried Eggnog before. XD So I'm pretty excited to try before.
Try it with a little cinnamon dusted across the top and some nutmeg! Bourbon is nice too ;3
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About to change my username to something better, a new year a new day. You guys can still call me Shattered but going to change my username. Still the same guy and everything though lol.
I will be posting for Charlie tomorrow, being sick for the past two days feeling s bit better so will be posting tomorrow.
I'll get my reply up probably tomorrow as well. I've been just really tired lately.
Finally got in my first post! Sorry it took me so long! If there's anything I need to change, just let me know! :)
I will be posting for Charlie tomorrow, being sick for the past two days feeling s bit better so will be posting tomorrow.
Feel better! I've been sick as well, so there's no rush.

I'll get my reply up probably tomorrow as well. I've been just really tired lately.
Looking forward to it c:
Finally got in my first post! Sorry it took me so long! If there's anything I need to change, just let me know! :)
js, I really love Amy.
I'm going to try and post in the next few days, social obligations and parties have had me all over the place this week. I'm still not home. XP
js, I really love Amy.
Glad to hear it, haha! She's certainly an interesting character to develop, that's for sure. xD
I'm going to try and post in the next few days, social obligations and parties have had me all over the place this week. I'm still not home. XP
Get to it when you can. Go have fun! <3

Glad to hear it, haha! She's certainly an interesting character to develop, that's for sure. xD
I feel like she has the potential to be as scary as Norma, haha.
I'm going to try and post in the next few days, social obligations and parties have had me all over the place this week. I'm still not home. XP
LUCKY! Got back from my friend's cousin house on monday in new york and now I am home sick fun.
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Name: Lilith Tokisaki
Age: 20
Physical Extras: She appears to be elegant and has very good manners. She has black hair and long twin tails. Her right eye is red tinted while her left eye appears as a gold, inorganic clock face. The clock is covered by bangs of her hair though. She is around 157 meters tall and weighs 35kg. Her measurements are: B85/W59/H87.

Sexuality: Bi-sexual
Three Good Traits: Kind. Helpfull. Trustable
Three Flaws: Her bipolarity. Short fuse. Can be clingy

Place of Residence: Stockholm
Marital Status: Single
Family/Children: 1 father, 1 mother, 4 sisters, 1 brother
Occupation: Student
Who was president when you came to Cascade Falls?: Obama

Marital Status: Single
Occupation: Dairy Farmer
Family Children:

How long have you lived in Cascade Falls?: 1 week
Have you ever tried to leave?: No
Have you ever been to the fence?: No

Lilith was walking around a cliff at the sea in Stockholm. She saw a girl from her class hanging on the edge of it screaming for help. She had been bullying Lilith for years. Lilith's insane personality kicked in as she walked over to the girl. She grinned looking down upon the girl spitting on her. She then sweared at her before breaking her fingers by stamping on them. She fell to her death as Lilith ran off. She was suspected as the first person when the girl's body was found. She ran away from her home and stole money to get away. She got to Cascade Falls not knowing what it would be like but thinking it would just be a safe place for now
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