Cascade Falls [REBOOT/OOC]

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Hope everyone had a good Christmas! <3
It was pretty nice! Got a lot of cute outfits and a hair curler! Though some things could have been better and I've been in a hospital too much this week, but it could have been worse and it's still been a nice one over all. I was only really disappointed that it was a down pour instead of a white Christmas this year.
I got gloves...

They're really nice gloves.

Just kidding I mostly got money cause I'm saving up for a laptop.
Which one do you have in mind?
I'm thinking the Asus Q552, but I'm not completely set on it yet. Still researching. If I'm gonna spend hundreds of dollars, I don't want to end up regretting it?

If y'all have suggestions, I'm open to them cause research is fucking hard sometimes.
-rolls around in dat IC activity- Who still needs to post?
I'm thinking the Asus Q552, but I'm not completely set on it yet. Still researching. If I'm gonna spend hundreds of dollars, I don't want to end up regretting it?

If y'all have suggestions, I'm open to them cause research is fucking hard sometimes.

That looks pretty sweet to me, but I'm not much of a techie :p
-rolls around in dat IC activity- Who still needs to post?

Things kept coming up. I'll post Monday night for sure !
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I do, I'm going to finish it after I run some errands today, hopefully it'll only take me a couple of hours.
Whoes excited for New Years? I think I might spend most of the night just watching TV myself.
Honeymooners marathon, lol
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Yaaaas~ I think I might even try to squeeze in a musical marathon tonight as well since I promise to mod a friends art stream. (REPO! The Genetic Opera, Phantom of the Opera, Labyrinth, and might to see if I can get my hands on le mes somewhere.)
I'm doing fine and happy new year to everyone! Hope you had a great year and hope it stays that way for 2016.

Have a nice first day in 2016!
I went to the Wings game. They lost I:

Happy New Year, everyone! <3 Be safe!
Happy new year!!
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