Bloomfield High ~ An Academy for Girls

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Of course, I can do the creating potential for interactions bit, but bothering to write a whole bunch of information that other characters can't actually use just seems like a waste of time. Maybe I'm just used to playing mysterious villainous people though, whose plots would be ruined if I explained their thoughts and off-screen activities :D
Well, I guess that makes sense but I double as villains in my one on ones as well, but the thing is having some meat to whatever you're writing is usually more enjoyable to read for myself personally. Like, just because someone fills their post with pointless details about their life or their thoughts, that doesn't mean that they can't be mysterious. Even if someone spilled their character's whole backstory in a post(which i hope no one would do) it helps you to gain an understanding of the character as a reader, except the character you're playing isn't benefiting directly from it.

You can make interactions with very little knowledge about a character, but knowing things about whoever you're interacting with always makes writing a response to them more interesting and makes every interaction unique. That doesn't mean your character is going out of character to have an interaction with the other, it just causes them to respond to different personalities in a more tailored fashion, which I personally like. :D I think that's what character sheets are important.

@SashaBliss happy bday!!
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-noms all the cake-
Other than the collab that I just remembered I'm supposed to be doing (sorry, @MusicalMegLove !) I don't know about her night though. I feel the way I RP is different to the way others do, in that other people tend to know exactly what their characters do - I usually have a basic character which gets dropped into an environment and evolves a personality within that, thus, without interactions or potential interactions, I can't really create anything because no character progress is made.
Will they be arriving together because they spent the night together?
Don't feel bad, lol. Just post what your comfortable with, and maybe throw in some things about her night or day.

Haha , Been an exchange student from highschool and on to college. Absolutely heaven here. ^^
Will they be arriving together because they spent the night together?
I think they would do, yeah. I mean, it'd be a bit weird if they stayed in the same room but went separately XD
♥︎DandereCuteMute♥︎ has been tagged several times, and I remember her saying she would post, but she hasn't. I'm just going to assume she's busy, until she outright says she isn't in the rp anymore, or doesn't post at all.
Haha , Been an exchange student from highschool and on to college. Absolutely heaven here. ^^
I think you meant to quote Karakui instead of me? o.o
Well crap, I forgot I was going away this weekend to a place so far into nowhere it actually has negative amounts of internet so... I can either make a shitpost (even by my standards) now or I can make a proper one Monday. Any preference?
Well crap, I forgot I was going away this weekend to a place so far into nowhere it actually has negative amounts of internet so... I can either make a shitpost (even by my standards) now or I can make a proper one Monday. Any preference?
That's up to you. o.O You're on right now, so why not just make a proper post now and post again Monday?
That's up to you. o.O You're on right now, so why not just make a proper post now and post again Monday?
Cos my brain at the moment is not one capable of making a proper post. It's half asleep from going to bed at 2AM this morning and getting up at 7.
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Cos my brain at the moment is not one capable of making a proper post. It's half asleep from going to bed at 2AM this morning and getting up at 7.


Then, CUE THE Yuki being a model for Rosie and trying on a lot of stuffi ncluding lingerie?

Whoever's messing with the script, stop it.
I'm gonna see about getting a post up on lunch. I think Dandere fell off the earth.
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