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Looking at Roy, Geo waited for his response. She was hoping he would take it. She didn't need it. She wouldn't even make it half way down the mountain before collapsing and probably dying. "Look Roy, you haven't eaten yet, and I am trying to give it back to you as a thanks. For you know, saving my butt." She said, looking around. Her feat were already aching. She wouldn't make it at this rate. Heck, at this rate she wouldn't make it to the door.

"Look, I am not trying to move towards another goal. I don't even have another goal. I'm trying to save your damn life." She said, looking at him. "My guys are out looking for you in every corner of the city, and once they figure out your not there, they will start heading for the mountains. And having me on you isn't a good idea. It will fuel the fire underneath them. They will think up some lame excuse to cut your head into pieces." she said, closing her eyes. "And if that means I have to try and make it down the mountain so be it."
Roy rose slowly before her and tilted his head some. He was only a little bit taller than her yet his eyes foretold he was not pleased. "I can hear the sorrow in your words, Geo. You fear for me. You need not fear for me. I know one day I will walk out of that door, and not return." A comforting hand was placed upon her shoulder letting her know she wasn't alone in this. Roy was going to help her until he could not anymore.

"Don't tense up." He warned, placing his mask back upon him and shaking his hips to remind himself his Tonfa and sword were still present. He was ready to do combat if it came down to it. Easily, and effortlessly, Roy picked up Geo like she was featherweight into a bridal style position. He knew there would be some retort, but she wasn't in much fighting condition. There was a familiar feeling of a void being filled as like the first time he picked her up in her blacked out state. Roy didn't think too much into it, at least not now. His hand around her legs grasped the bottle placing it on top of her along with the soup. "You may want to hold onto that tighter than you hold onto me." As soon, they were out and on their way to the city, flying from branch to branch.

By the time they had got to the city, it was around three o clock. Roy knew this because of the traffic on the streets below as he moved from roof top to roof top not spinning in mid air as he usually enjoyed to do thanks to his extra cargo. He was taking a big risk coming out in the daylight like this even more with her in his arms. But if she was safe, that was fine by him. Carefully, he landed on a building and walked over to the shade, setting her on a pipe. "There. You may call for help now." He said, glancing over at the rooftop access as he moved to the shadows out of direct sight. "I will be gone before they come."
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Looking over at Roy, Geo averted her gaze, letting his hand rest on her shoulder. She had to repay him somehow, but how? That was the question. Looking up at him, she clenched her jaw. "Yeah, I don't have to fear for you. But I do. And just because you can't accept that doesn't mean I won't." she said firmly, glancing up at him. The sudden urge to kiss him struck her out of nowhere. 'The hell?' She thought to herself, which caused her to pause. 'You can't just go around kissing people willy nilly. Yeah, your dad does it but it shouldn't run in your blood too!'

Geo was too absorbed by her thoughts to see him walk over to her, and pick her up. Squealing slightly, Geo brought herself out of her deep thoughts and back into the real world. She stiffened at first, before Roy shoved the bottle and the soup into her hands. Looking up at him, she wrapped her arm around his neck, the other arm clasping the bowl and jug to her chest. And just as easily as he had picked her up they were off and running. He leapt effortlessly from branch to branch until they were reaching the city.

By the time they reached the city outskirts, Geo had made up her mind. She knew the last thing she could give him as a gift. A risky gift, but a gift none the less. She hoped he took it the right way. Or maybe she wanted him to take it another way? She didn't know at this point, leaning against the pipe, taking a deep breath. She pulled out her phone and sent a quick text to James, telling him to pick her up from the building she was on. Closing the phone, Geo heaved a sigh, closing her eyes. She didn't want this to be the last time she saw Roy. She didn't know why, she just did. Looking over at Roy, Geo said nothing, but made meaningful eye contact. They would be here soon. Now was the time.

Taking her hand, Geo reached out and over to Roy, grasping the collar of his uniform firmly. Tugging him in with what little strength she had, Geo pressed her lips against his. It was brief, and she was pretty sure she was doing most of the movement. Finally, Geo released Roy with a small shove, standing up from the pipe. "You should go, they will be here soon." She mumbled, stepping feebly into the light.
Roy stumbled forwards and was caught within Geo's grasp. Before he could protest, their lips locked. It was short, yet it felt as if a light switch was flipped inside of his mind. His world was filled with color. His heart began to beat rapidly and their lips locked as if they were meant to hold each other. As he was shoved back, he blinked, unsure if he was the same person as he was before they shared their moment.

He didn't want to go. He didn't need to. Roy could take them all before he was mortally wounded. But the way her silver eyes shimmered, she did not want to see him hurt. This was a battle he would take the L on. "This building. First night of a full moon midnight." He said, nodding and turning, leaping off into the blue yonder.
Just then, the door was booted open and two guys were pointing sub machine guns outside making sure the way was clear. "Clear!" One called. James came out, running up to her. "Geo. Shit it's good to see you alive." He said, looking her body to see the bandages. A look of concerned grew on his face from where they came from. Along with the bottle and bag beside her. "Make a pit stop...."
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Geo looked back at Roy and nodded slightly, turning back towards the edge of the building. She was still feeling exhausted when James burst through the door to the roof, and jogged over to her. "Yeah, I had someone bandage me up. I was pretty hurt. Still can't walk very well." She said, walking back over to pick up the jug and the bowl. Looking back at James, who just rolled his eyes. "You better not have revealed your identity, or were screwed."

Shaking her head, Geo wrapped her arms around the bowl and the jug. Her heart was still racing from her little gift, but she couldn't hang around longer. She would have to wait until the next full moon. Looking at James, he looped his arm around her shoulders and walked her to the exit.

By the time the next full moon had come, Geo had recovered fully. Well, mostly. Her bones still ache every once and a while, but she was well enough to travel long distances. Her heart yearned for Roy again. Which was weird. It never did that with anyone else. She had already leapt out of her apartment, mask dawned in case anyone saw her. She didn't know how long she had been sitting out there, nor how long she would have too. It was almost midnight. So she sat on the pipe and waited.
It had been a few weeks since the day Roy dropped Geo off. Since then, Roy returned to the dojo for the first time, a failure. Failure was not know to Roy and to report back she managed to get away caused many to turn their nose down upon him. The advancement to hold rank? Passed on to another less worthy ninja. Roy took that hit only because his mind was elsewhere on Geo and how she was doing. He couldn't stop thinking about her and it was beginning to get in the way of his training. Someone surely had noticed...

That night, Roy suited up. First night of a full moon. It was slightly cold that night when he suited up again and made sure all equipment was accounted for. She would not have to wait long as he darted across the roof tops under the cover of night. The moon was near the earth almost making for the perfect back drop.

Roy dropped soundlessly behind and saw the sillouette. Was it her? Slowly, he drew his sword and came around to her front. His eyes wanted to believe it was her, but with everything still going on, including their rivalry.
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Geo had been trying to heal for the last few weeks, and afterwards had been chastised for failing her mission. She wasn't going to have much longer to kill him, but she was never going to finish that mission. She had already been planning on them firing her, so she could move out of her place and go sell art for a living. It had been a long time since she had even done any art, but that was besides the point.

Looking behind her at the soft drop of footsteps on the roof, Geo turned slightly, seeing a familiar figure in the corner of her eye. He had his sword drawn, but Geo didn't care. Pulling up her mask, She grinned at Roy, letting her hair fall out again. "Nice to see you again." She said, her dark grey orbs glistening in the moonlight. Full moons were always her favorite time of night. The sky was alive, and it made perfect light for sitting out and watching the stars.
With everything that had been going on in those few weeks, Roy had been off of his A game and trust was one of those things he began to question. Yet when she removed her mask, she was in color to him. Her eyes shimmered in the moonlight. Her skin honey kissed a little lighter than his. Roy was instantly captivated. It was the only thing of satisfaction he was granted recently. "Geo... You are very beautiful when you smile..." He said, carefully putting his sword away and removing his mask for her to see his face.

Slowly, he approached her. Confused, curious yet wanting the clairity of her lips pressed against his once more. Yet this time? No enemy reenforcements. No interruptions. And no time limits. It was clear he was the best blade in the states yet did not know how to ask a woman for anything. His gaze faulted and he looked about. Hesitantly, his hands placed upon her hips and he looked her deep into her eyes. "Geo... I... Really want to..." Gripping her hips, he pulled her so close that her body was pressed against his firm muscles and his lips locked passionately with hers.
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Geo gazed at Roy as he took off his mask. The moon illuminated his rich skin effortlessly, and she could already feel her cheeks getting warm at the thought. His dark hair still fell lazily over his forehead, even as he moved to put his sword away. He moved around his words carefully, as if he was trying to make sure he got things right. Hearing him complement her smile, Geo's smile flattered slightly, not having expected him to complement her. Ninjas were usually stoic, and only that. But Roy seemed to be more, passionate that night.

Looking up at Roy as he approached, Geo could feel her own cheeks flushing as he avoided her gaze. The way he said her name made chills run down her spine. His warm palm pressed against her hip, and her gaze shot down to it and then back up to Roy. Without finishing his sentence, Roy pulled her tight against his chest, his grip firm on her hip as he locked his lips with hers. It took a little while to get past the mental barrier that had frozen her in place. Soon enough, she responded, pushing herself onto her tippy toes to get up to his height. Her hands slowly snaked up to grasp the collar of his uniform, her eyes closing.
Roy's heart wanted to leap out of his chest that's how fast it was beating. Finally, he had his hands upon her body once again and the growing gaps in his life had been filled. Never before had Roy knew of any passion outside of fighting until he met her.

His hands slid up and down her sides rubbing them lightly and taking in the feel of her features. His tongue laced with hers while the two kept the kiss going. It was stronge to want something so much and to go without it for so long almost seemed inhuman now. Slowly he pulled away, yet kept his face close to her own. "I feel as if we are connected..."
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Geo could barely catch a breath with how Roy was acting. His hands grasped her sides firmly, and Geo finally let her arms wrap around his neck, savoring every last moment. It was strange to think that Roy could have wanted this too. Heck, she though he would hate her and maybe it would make his job a little easier. Maybe he could come back and kill her without mercy. And here she was, becoming putty under his fingertips as he kissed her.

By the time Roy pulled away, Geo was in need of a breath. Her chest was rising fast, but she kept her arms looped around his neck, and stood on her tippy toes. She let Roy speak, her gaze glancing downwards at her toes. They were enemies, and enemies certainly did not kiss, nor did they make a habit of meeting in the middle of the night to do so. But Roy was intent on keeping her close, so she let herself forget about right, wrong, and her job. She just let herself be there. "I guess so." she mumbled back, her gaze traveling back to his eyes.
Roy sighed softly as he was reminded of things past that troubled him coming to light since the two last parted. "You're cute when you avoid looking at me..." Softly his hand placed itself onto her cheek and raised her face so she was glancing up at him. "Much has happened since we last saw each other... I retained my rank yet lost the chance to advance. My training is beginning to suffer... I cannot stop thinking about you and your lips..."

Rot realized how much of a food he was making himself and sighed, taking her hair and tucking it behind her ear. His eyes wondered over her body not hiding the fact he was checking her out. Never had he even considered of sexual attraction or relationship with anyone yet Geo's body was beginning to change that. Bad thing about Ninjasuits were they failed to hide everything. Therefore he had to focus more in order to prevent her from seeing his want. "How are you feeling? I hope the soup and milk served you well... Soaking in hot water helps a sore body as well. I know of a few places." He said with a nod, waiting for her reply.
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Geo could visibly see Roy stiffen a few seconds after he had pulled away, as if being drawn back to the present. His was of speaking to her now was much softer, less ridged. More emotional. He liked her mannerisms of avoiding eye contact, though he did tug her chin back up to eye level. He began to speak of the things that had happened since they had last met. But the end of his sentence made Geo flush several shades of red, her eyes looking up at the moon.

Geo almost missed Roy letting his eyes wander, which didn't help with her lingering blush. Her cheeks only glowed brighter as he forced himself to focus. Laughing lightly, Geo tucked the last few strands of hair behind her ear. "I'm fine Roy. The food helped, but I am almost one hundred percent better. My company however is not too pleased. They really are after you. It isn't a one man mission anymore. Practically the entire agency is looking for you. And I have been reduced to office duty and night patrol." She said with a sigh, closing her eyes. Geo leaned against Roy, letting her head rest against his shoulder. "I just want to forget about work for now. A good soak would do it." She mumbled, closing her eyes.
Roy slowly embraced her body once again. Had she noticed his mind going to places it did not belong asto why she kept bushing redder and redder? He cursed himself several times for this. If he scared her away... Roy wouldn't know what to do with himself.

"They seem to want me a lot. I suppose it isn't too much of a bad thing to be wanted so much." He said to everyone coming after him. "Most will never find me during the day unless I have a mission here myself. But come. Let us take a trip." Once again, he picked her up bridal style and fixed her into his arms, making haste towards the forest.

Roy took her to a different more rocky area within the forest he knew of. The steam could be seen rising as they got closer and closer to their destination, the cool air became a little warmer. Roy dropped out of the sky and landed right at the edge of the hot spring. Carefully, he sat her down and glanced at the bubbling water. "This is not too far from my home. I come here to relax after a hard mission." He said turning to pull his ninja suit off revealing his toned slim body with a number of cuts along his chest and abs from the way he grew up. Without a second thought that he was now nude before her, he jumped into the water.
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Geo looked at Roy as he mentioned her company wanting him badly. She would have quipped back with something sarcastic, but he was already picking her up in his arms. Grinning, she let herself lean into him as he took them to one of his places he recommended for a soak.

It hadn't even occurred to her she wouldn't have much on when she was taking a dip. Standing on the firm ground, Geo took one glance over before regretting it entirely. Looking forwards, Geo stripped off her top and bottoms, leaving her in her underwear. Taking a side of the pool farther away from Roy, Geo slipped into the water. Leaning back against the edge, Geo breathed a sigh of relief. The warm spring waters gently relaxed her muscles. "This is nice." she mumbled, closing her eyes.
Roy stayed under the water for a little as the warmth took over his sore muscles. No substances that would make his eyes burn or hurt upon exposure so he had free reign of the underworld. Soon he popped back up, hair stuck to his face. It felt good to feel the tension leave his shoulders. It enabled him to focus better and train harder without any mental fog clouding his work ethics. Clairity was key for ninjas and a ninja who walked a unseen path was destined to miss his step at his most pivotal moment.

"Feel better?" Roy asked swimming towards his company. He couldn't see anything besides her bra straps and shoulders which was probably for the best. Seeing would make him think and want. Temptation was bad when your enemy held the reigns. Yet after the kiss, it was hard to view her at the 'hard as nails' assiassian he met that night on the roof top, trying to take his head off. "Geo..." He said floating a few feet level before her. "You're different.. From when I first met you... Has coming in contact with me changed you...?" His tone was curious yet held a hint of worry within.
Geo let herself soak in the warmth while Roy was dunking under the water. Her hair was still pleasantly dry, well most of it at the least. The tips of her hair floated in the water lazily. Geo let her body float along the water for a few moments, just being lazy, until Roy resurfaced to the top of the water. Flipping upright again, Geo maneuvered her way back to the edge, where she sat under the water. Roy came over to her, his hair stuck to his face.

Grinning, Geo closed her eyes once again, a soft hum escaping her throat as she thought about his proposition. Had he changed her? She wasn't quite sure. She was a heck of a lot softer now that she had talked to him, but it was only really around him. She didn't trust people very much, and Roy had yet to piss her off, so she could see why he would worry. "Not really. I mean around you I'm a lot more soft than I am around others. Everyone else still thinks I am a bad ass assassin who has her eye on the prize." She said with a shrug.
"What? My head?" Roy asked blinking. "You almost shot that off, remember?" He reminded her slowly backing off. The ninja failed to see why she was soft after a talk. For him, it was the feeling of her lips. The words unspoken by her sang a song to him. Perhaps that is what she means: Roy brought out something within her inner soul.

He backed off, seeing she was enjoying the free swim she was having by herself. "Go ahead. Swim until your hearts content no need to worry of my intrusion." Roy said sitting against the edge and closing his eyes, sighing contently.
Geo grinned and she rolled her eyes. "Well everyone else thinks its your head." She mumbled, swimming closer towards Roy. She grinned and prodded his chest softly with her index finger. "I'm after your heart." She mumbled, giving his lips a soft peck before she dove back down into the water, letting her whole body be surrounded by the warm water.

Roy seemed content on the side of the pool, so Geo let herself float along the water, diving down every once and a while to explore. Her muscles felt great already, but she was starting to feel a tad wrinkly, which usually meant it was time to get out soon. Over heating yourself in a pool wasn't the smartest idea ever, even though Roy was around to help her. She was just glad for the cover of the water. Closing her eyes, Geo drifted back towards the edge, settling down against it.
Roy was suprised Geo was bold enough to tell him what she was after. Usually, that meant one was absolute about obtaining the end goal no matter how long it would take. Roy silently commended her with a nod. Any woman able to gain his heart would be more than happy that she was able to do so.

While Roy moved about on the outskirts of the pool, he had never given any thought to a relationship before. Sure, marriage was the end goal. Kids were for others but the preliminary rounds or girlfriend boyfriend stage made him think. What made a good boyfriend or girlfriend? How to make it last? Does he just kill the probably persisting her? This was not fought in the dojo. "Geo?" He spoke up to get her attention. "What makes a good... Couple?"
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