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Anari nodded, crossing her arms as she listened to him. "It seems like it was just that then." Anari said simply, before relaxing again. "Good job on keeping your emotions in control." She added, stretching her arms and legs, considering after their endeavor she was a little stiff. "I assume you are finished with her now. Because if I do see her with you, I will do everything in my power to get your head on a stick." She said pointedly.
"You need not worry of me." Roy said taking his stand back up and looking to her. Despite the wrap around his eyes, she could still feel the weight of his gaze locked in on solely her. "I would advise against making the same mistake she has." He shrugged his shoulders if say no one listened to his anyway. "What is our next lesson."
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Anari looked at him, and she chuckled. "It's not like I have much opportunity to do so. Most ninja wait until arrangements have been made to do so." She stated, looking at him. "And even then usually people are more straightforward." She said, before squaring her shoulders. "I would say we should work on your focus, but it seems that is good. Let's do it again."

(Yeah. Thinking bout almost a year)

With Anari's training, direction, and motivation, he had become the ninja the elders wished to see out of him. A cold blooded killer that gave no quarter. He took the jobs no one wanted going after the bigger prizes like officers, political figures, and maybe even a military figure or two. Yet he never went into the city without Anari. Be it just to explore, to to kill someone both of him had learned quite a bit about life without the worries of a ninja. Something they both wanted more experience and information in. Their relationship was strong and Roy gained his gold rank. Finally, he was at peace with himself.

James still obsessed over Geo, despite phases she wasn't quite herself. Every time he asked it was always 'nothing' or she wanted some alcohol, ice cream, or pizza. He worried about her health. Even more so when the string of deaths rose sharply in the city. So once again, he was keeping tabs on her, making sure she wasn't doing anything she wasn't suppose to in their free time.
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Anari had been keeping herself close to Roy. He had achieved his rank, and at first he seemed happy. But she had noticed that she wasn't really feeling what they had before. Before, there was a passion, a life about their relationship. Bickering, bantering, and now it felt more stiff than anything. They had hung out less, and she found herself more and more leaning towards other suitors. She was supposed to bear a son soon. They expected it of her. She didn't want to, but she had to. Ninja's orders. Not only that, Roy almost seemed to at ease, and it was loosing it's fun.

It was just like any other night, and Geo was at her place with a bottle of wine in her hand. James had stopped by ealier, but it was one of those nights where she just needed to be alone. Geo had tried to move on without Roy, but despite all that James was giving her, it wasn't enough. She wasn't happy at all. She still felt stones rolling around in her gut. Taking a long swig from the bottle, geo pulled back her now short cropped hair, the tints of blue pulling away from her face. She had done some crazy things since almost a year ago. She had a nose ring at this point, and a few extra peircings in her ears. She had some, other things she planned on doing soon, but right now she just felt like a good mope with a bottle of wine.

And then her phone rang. Geo had a job. And it was one she was all to familiar with. She was supposed to put that bullet where it belonged, through Roy's head. She had become stronger, studied. She had learned some of the ways of fighting ninja's used, how to use it against them. She wouldn't go down so easily this time. Grabbing her sniper, Geo stood up and slid herself into her suit, heading out the door.
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Roy was back in the city tonight, hanging upside down from the ledge of a roof. The sound of pulsing music from the apartment filled his ears. He wasn't exactly sure what the genre was. Something like upbeat happy, emotion filled notes bridging the gap between emotions locked away, and how the ninja really felt. He and Anari held obscured views lately. He was fairly familiar with her scent and how diluted it had become of her seeing other men behind his back. 'Missions' or 'cross clan training sessions' as she called them. Weather she knew it or not, Roy caught her in the act more than once. Perched like a night hawk watching the ongoing a between two rodents. She was to bare a son of great strength. Who was to be the father but that possibility was declining with every man she spent her quiet time with. It was the main reason he wouldn't even look at or touch her. Which lead to their problems.

He cared in little reguard for who seen him here or on his way here. The city had more beauty than any woman he had known or seen. Roy had picked up enough to where he could actually vanish off the map completely and no one would know which way to start looking for him. Truthfully, he was considering it.

James noticed the GPS on Geo began to move. She had a mission no doubt. He suited up and grabbed his rifle and headed out, staying a good bit of distance away but remained on Geo's trail. He was unsure of who this target would be, but if she couldn't take the shot, it would be the first time he would have to do so for her.
Anari had more quiet time tonight, which she was content to not spend with Roy. She was almost certain she was half way on her way to bearing a son. She had certainly felt it in her body. Something, different. And for once, she was glad she didn't have to go find Roy. She had considered them broken up already.

Geo on the other hand could hear James tailing her from a mile away. Turning around, she glared at him. "This is my mission, not yours. Did you put another damn tracking device on me? What the hell!" She said, looking around her body. "You have been tailing me for three rooftops, stop it James." She said again, walking closer to him. "Look I need to do this one alone. If you are breathing down my neck it will make me more inclined to snap it in two pieces. Back off." She stated, glaring at him.
Roy hadn't thought about being a father. He didn't have a stable relationship with anyone to even consider such. Which means he was have to give his boy up to the dojo. Below him, a happy couple with a baby girl had just returned from a night on the two. The man held the door open for his wife and their child as she walked into the building and he followed suit. A sigh escaped his lips, and with the shut of his eyes, the music playing below only grew louder.

James had tried to hide but it was too late. Geo had doubled back and was onto him like white on rice. "Sheese don't sound so impressed to see me shit." He said backing off and putting his hands up. "What's with you lately? All you do is sit around and be mopy. Drink and sit on your duff. What's your problem Geo seriously? I'm your boyfriend, let me help you!" He said now coming up to her face.
Geo glared at James and she scoffed. "Oh yeah, so let my boyfriend do everything. One, I can do things on my own, I don't need you tracking wherever I go. Second, you are the only reason I am mopey! I had a guy who understood me like you don't, and now he's gone. And I am supposed to put a bullet through his head and get this over with. But I can't, because I love him too much for me to let anyone else, including you, to hurt him. So get the fuck out of here." She said, raising her gun to her eye. "Before I have to shoot you along with him."
James was completely taken back by her words. He looked at her wide eyed, shocked. She actually had the gun raised and finger on the trigger ready to end his life. ".... You made that choice already Geo... It's why I stayed..." He said quietly, slowly putting down his arms. "Why didn't you tell me..." Slowly, he shook his head and back to step off. "Go tell him that then... See what he cares after all this!" James turned around and dropped off the roof, out of sight. But his vengeance was far from over.
Geo sighed as she lowered her gun, watching James leave the rooftop. 'Now I really have to go save his ass." She mumbled to herself. She had tranq darts in her gun this time. She had no intent on killing him, not after she had just told James to go fuck himself. Running across the rooftops, Geo looked high and low for Roy, and soon spotted him on the edge of a rooftop not far off. Taking her gun to her eye again, she breathed in, and aimed for his chest. She pulled the trigger.
Roy began to hum along to the to the pulsing vibes. This song was soft and flowed like electric water flowing in his dark mind. By now? He had fully succumb to the blindness that plagued him for the longest time. Yet not one person knew he was blind, or what lead to it. Shameful. A conversation Roy had with a normal person one night on her balcony. She asked so many questions. Including why he was blindfolded. Yet she wasn't scared of him. As he thought she would be. With a grunt, he felt the stab in his chest and fell onto the narrow ledge. "What..." He groaned trying to move. But quickly, his body succumbed to the strong dose of tranq filling his systems.
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Geo had hit her mark perfectly. Heaving a huge breath, she clipped her hook to the edge of the building and jumped. His system didn't have long to react before Geo had collected him up into her arms. She didn't have much time, but she had enough. Feeling the yank on the cord, she grunted, still keeping her grasp of the man. He looked much different than the last time she had seen him. He had let his hair out from under the mask, yet his beautiful eyes were still covered. Geo had given up covering her eyes for a mask that she pulled up over her nose and covered her mouth. Gripping Roy, Geo deattached herself from the roof and started running back to her place.

(Gold rank Roy. Cept with his eyes covered instead of a helmet)

It was true that time had been something of a friend to him. He was more muscular and looked more fuller in his new armor. Even his hair had grown slightly longer, now falling over his shoulders. He even kept his same armourment of sword, Tonfas, and the whip that had been recently refurbished to deal more damage. Roy couldn't tell the difference the world of sleep and awake anymore. It was almost mind numbing to know the only difference was the blue hue that rippled in his vision like a rock striking a still lake. He stayed out majority of the trip, being lugged over roof top after roof top. When they arrived to her place, he began to come about, thirty minutes later after the tranq had worn off. Slowly, he lifted his head, and tapped his foot trying to get a feel for his surroundings.
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By the time Roy was waking up Geo had put her guns away, and was back in regular clothing with the bottle of wine again. She felt less like drinking now, and more just letting herself take a nap next to Roy, but falling asleep probably wasn't the best idea. Hearing hf a soft shuffle of fabric, Geo looked over at the couch from where she was seated on a stool. "You're awake." She said quite bluntly, still sitting on the stool. Her cheeks were slightly flushed from the alcohol, but other than that she looked different as well. Her once darker black hair was more of a navy blue color and was its longest in the front. A short pixie cut seemed to suit her. She also had some more muscle mass, but not as much as Roy had. Women didn't gain muscle mass as fast as men did. "And before you try anything I still have tranqu on me and I will shoot you if I have to. I don't want to, but if you bolt I will." She stated, looking over at him.
Soon the image of a girl took form and a familiar voice. He tilted his head narrowing his eyes at the apperence. That's when it came to him. "Geo?" A sigh left his throat as he relaxed against the chair he was bound to. "Figures... No one else would've been able to hit me. If you plan for torture, get on with it. You won't hear me scream." He said, dropping his head back.
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Geo scoffed slightly, sitting down on the back of the couch. "Relax hot shot. I ain't gonna torture you. I want to talk. Come on it's been almost a year, besides its not like you have much choice." She pointed out, taking another long sip of wine. "The reason I tranqued you was because I was almost positive if I didn't you would just call me a liar and try and cut me up again. Better safe than sorry."
Roy tilted his head in confusion towards her. It had even be a while since she crossed his mind, along with why they parted ways to begin with. "Partiality true." Behind him, Roy kept tools for situations like this. He slid a dagger out of the arm piece and begin silently and smoothly cutting away the rope the bound him. "What more do you have to say to someone like me? I can't deny what happened after I left and neither could you. Doesn't sound like much of a lie to me if you confirm something, you know." He said with a static tone yet if he hadn't be suppressing his emotions, she would've felt the sting to his words.
Groaning, Geo looked over at him. "Jesus Roy I don't want to grill you like some phsycopath and ask about who you've been with. People date other people sometimes. That's life." She stated. She had a feeling he was up to something, and she rested her hand in the pocket with the tranq darts. "To tell you the truth, I've been miserable since you left. All annoyed and irritable. I couldn't think straight." She mumbled, looking over at him. "The thing that happened that day Roy, was not something I wanted to happen. It was something that made my insides churn with disgust. I should have made that clear all those years ago.
Roy let out a thoughtful noise that came from the top of his throat. Behind his blindfold, he was narrowing his eyes at her. "Doesn't exactly change what happened. No matter how we feel about it." He shrugged, and jerked the blade with his motion just to cut through the rope faster. "Why am i here really, Geo. You've got me right where you want me. Now what?"
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