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Anari had expected Rpy to avoid her. She however had not expected him first thing in the morning. Something was different besides his face mask. Looking down, she glanced around. "Alright, then we train." She said, looking at him. "And unless you wish not to embarrass yourself it will be here in the dojo along with the other pupils. Unless of course you have changed your mind?" She asked, showing no emotion in her tone. She had spent years practicing and doing just that.
Roy shook his head considering her offer. She was so calm about it, h had to replay her words in his head just to understand. "I would much rather train away from prying eyes. One on one training is always most effective for any willing learner." Roy shot back with the same stillness as she had. "The falls were perfect for training. I wish to return there once more."
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Anari nodded at Roy's statement and she stood. "Come then pupil." She could feel her heart racing. Leaving the temple behind, Anari quickly lept towards the falls with Roy hot on her tail. By the time they had reached the falls Anari had turned to face him. "I hope you know this is more than just a few simple kicks." She mumbled, pressing her lips against his.
The moment she pressed his lips against his, Roy felt the same rush as when Geo kissed him. A new freshness lit up his world and set his body a flame. He returned the kiss, tilting his head and kissing her quickly. When they broke the kiss for a moment to catch their breath, he could feel how awake his body was. "Tell me.. What this actually means to you. All of it." He wanted, no needed to hear some truth after yesterday.
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Anari was surprised that Rpy kissed back. What surprised her the most was how much she suddenly craved more. Looking up at Roy, she let her fingers curl around the edge of his suit. "This means that finally I'm not alone, and it feels damn good." She mumbled quietly, kissing him briefly. "And also, you are mine and mine alone." She growled softly, pressing a longer kiss to his lips."
Roy felt his body get hotter and hotter the more they kissed. It also meant Roy wasn't alone either, and he would be hers. His arm slipped around her and he pressed up against her armor. He made a noise of approval at her words, slowly putting his faith in them. This rush wasn't going to subside until he had her fully for the first time.
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Anari wa sin compete bliss. She had never felt like that before. She had heard of it, seen it, but she didn't know it would feel like this. That it would feel so good. Running her hands through Roy's hair, Anari quickly removed the armored plates from her suit, so that Rpy could hold her closer.
When the plates dropped, Roy indeed tugged her closer and felt her tight body ninja suit up. Every curve from top to bottom was felt up by his fingertips. He tried to replay it, just as it had been done to him. His hands ran through her hair, moving it free from her neck for his lips to kiss her there. This is what she wanted, and so did he. Years of rivalry and frustration between the two were about to turn into a very pleasurable moment for the two of them.
Anari hummed in content as Epy spent his time exploring. Anari was doing some experimenting herself. When Roy's lips touched her neck, she was pushed over the limit. Pulling him back towards the brush, she popped open his ninja suit and pulled him into the brush with her for what could be imagined as a great time.
Roy laid there panting beside Anari after their intimate moment. How long had they been at it? He was without any sense of time but he didn't care. He felt great. Maybe even alive again. "Stamina and endurance training is a very essential aspect..." He said contently, rubbing her arm which was around her.
Anari had never known something so emotional could also push her stamina to its limits. Leaning against him, Anari grinned. "Well then, seems you are taking your lessons well fledgling." She jested lightly.
"Perhaps we could practice another time?" Roy asked, not wanting to move from this spot here with her. But he knew it would take more than just these sessions for him to become proficient in the sword once more and reach his gold rank as he wished. "What shall we focus on next?" Of course, this was when the two were able to stand once again.
Anari let herself lean into Roy. "It seems that would be a good use of our time." She stated, not making any move to leave yet. "Next we should work on your control. You have the skill of a good ninja but your emotions are getting in the way. You need to mater how to open and close it like a tap."
This was true. Roy's tap had completely broken the night he saved Geo. When he started talking to her the following day instead of letting her heal and sending her on her way, no questions asked. Even still, his anger had been getting more out of control. Roy was blessed with the skill to harness wind, but it also came with a curse or two. "I agree... I have fallen below my own standards..." He said sadly. "How will we practice this? I wish to become numb to it all."
Anari turned to him and smiled. It is going to take a while, but I believe you can do it. Mostly it will be you practicing while I present obsticles in your path. Some emotional, some phisical." She said calmly, looking up at him. "You will be up to standard by then."
The ninja had no room to decline her. He wanted his gold rank, so he had to go through her to gain it. Even if it meant going through hell, it it would be worth it. Anari produced nothing short of great ninjas. Roy was bound to be her greatest product. "I am ready when you are." Breathing in, he tried to steady his mind for the coming hardship he was about to endure.
Anari nodded as Roy seemed to steady himself. Removing herself from his arms, Anari grabbed her suit and slid it on easily, as all ninja were capable of. She knew he wouldn't like it if she left him there, so that is what she did. "You are not worthy. You have failed us all. You couldn't put a knife through her back. Instead you fraternize with her." Anari started slinging insults. She had dismissed the fact that he smelled like his target the first time. But the second time Anari knew she had caught him red handed.
Roy got up, confused as he too got dressed in his ninja suit and began the barrage of insults. She was leaving, after what they had just done. How did she find out? Her smell. He had been away so long his scent was wrapped up all over him. Even when she hugged him last now, she sealed his fate. Bowing in deep disrespect, he remained silent, shamed, but did not recoil once.
Anari observed his bow, and she nodded. "Keep the emotions in." She said strictly, looking down at him. "Do you do this to every girl you see? Is every single one of them just a throw away? Or am I just a rebound for her. I saw her last night, looking for you. Damn gun in her hand. How could you love someone like that?" She asked, still glaring down at him.
Roy was beginning to see the one sidedness in this but of course, he had to bite the bullet. Being made into the bad guy once again for no good reason. "I saved her life a few weeks ago." He began. "Killed her problem of a father. She expressed her gratitude that night, and the owl summoned me the next morning. Yesterday morning. She wished for me to come back last night. Yet my day did not go as planned. She found me, and I learned she shared the same moment with a friend of hers. I ordered her to forget about me. Or I would have killed her on the spot." It was probably no use. He would be seen as a dog anyway. He lowered his gaze farther. "I am sorry for making you feel as such." He said dryly, with absolutely no emotion behind his words what so ever.
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