AEGIS - RP in an expanded Marvel Cinematic Univers

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Before you say I somehow screwed up and this sign-up sheet can't be accepted, let it be known that this is my first draft. I can edit it or even redo it otherwise if something's wrong. If something IS wrong and I globbed up, please let me know. I'm more than happy to edit it. Thanks.


Age: 21 (turning to 22)
"When I'm in my death bed, please delete my browser history."

Height: 5"5
"I'm no giant, but I ain't a midget either."

Race: Mutant
"Hey, even disgusting mutants have feelings too ya' know."

Hair: Very Light Strawberry Blonde
"I don't know why they call it 'Strawberry Blonde', you could've just named them 'Spaghetti Blonde'".

Eye Color: When normal, it's a warm hazel brown. But when using powers, it turns into glowing green with an extremely dark pupil.
"And that kids, is why I always wear an eye patch on halloween."

High Concept: A cursed , traumatized outcast in search of a purpose.
"I didn't ask for this. Life has a twisted sense of humor."

Trouble: His own powers.
"Face it, I can't hold this baby back. It's bad parenting mama."

Aspect: Reality Warping (Can manipulate the fabric of reality itself and create illusions and the like, depending on the energy of the user.)
"I'll create myself a donut later."

Aspect: Minor Chronokinesis (Can slow, fast, or stop time to others while being to move freely at a certain period of time, depending on the energy of the user.)
"Great for waiting in lines or taking a quick nap."

Aspect: Sudden Bursts of Power (Uncontrollable urges to release pent up energy, can be good or bad in some circumstances.)
"Yes, incredibly maniacal cackles were included."

Intelligence: 4
"I may be a joker, but I'm not THAT brain-dead."

Strength: 2
"Hey! I stuck to my New Year's Resolution you know. For a solid day."

Speed: 3
"I'll have you know that I was the school champion at races. In elementary."

Durability: 2
"Don't judge me."

Energy Projection: 7
"Have you even read my Bio yet!? Are you that stu-oh wait. I haven't gotten to that part yet."

Fighting Ability: 3
"It got me past Physical Education class, so why change it?"

"Prepare to read something BETTER than the books at History Class."

Nat, from the very beginning, was a very energetic and imaginative child. He drew doodles of knights defeating dragons, he reenacted some action movie battle scenes while in the shower. He loved telling jokes, despite of himself, and even though he's the class clown, he passed Elementary, High School, and College with flying colors (except Phys-Ed.) His family loved him, his teachers respected him, and his classmates adored him. He was everything he wanted to be, good grades, respectable street cred, a nice social life (sadly no love life) and the support from his family. Except there was one thing missing, and he can't put a finger on it.

He was looking for a job one day when a strange entity walked towards him. It was a hunched, lowly figure, with a trench coat over a turtleneck with a hat that covered almost all of his face. His knobby fingers held some sort of stick in his hand, and when he got close to him, he muttered gibberish under his breath and suddenly, Nat was everywhere. He could see everything, he could feel everything, he could touch and imagine everything. It was as if he was shattered and spread out on all reality. His sanity slowly leaked away.

Then it happened. A thick, bestial power gave way into his soul, every part of him tingled, his hands, his feet, but mostly his brain. It felt detached somehow, like it has a mind of its own, and ready to create anything and everything he could think of. He spun around, eyes motionless but fingertips roaming, and thousands of figures, shapes, and forms appeared. He welcomed the sight, chuckling mindlessly, and began to tinker. From small ant frogs to giant mechanical dragon. Everything and everyone, he can create and manipulate. He can rewind it, fast-forward it, stop it, anything. He was a god. Then everything he created suddenly focused into one point, then rushed towards his eyes. It was painful in a numb sort of way, then he was back were he was. The figure gone. His creations gone. He looked at his hands, nervous and shaking. He ran back to the house.

When he looked in the mirror, he saw that his right eye was pitch black. Iris, a glowing green with the pupil, dark black, contrasting the glowing shamrock of his iris. He stood there for a long time, mouth agape, but he wasn't shocked, he wasn't afraid at all. He left a note saying that he got admitted to some far away job and decided to run from home with all the things he could carry.

One rainy night, alone, he walked by a highway. He saw a reflection of himself in a puddle, but he braced himself to see a different person, deranged and bestial, but all he could see was himself. Hair, face, and eyes in all. There was still a numb feeling in his heart are that wouldn't go away no matter how he tried. It bothered and annoyed him so much, that he focused on it and pound it in his hand, then suddenly his hand caught fire. A green ember. At first, he was shocked and tried to shake the fire away, but soon he realized that he didn't feel any burning sensation, but a numb, primal feeling to it. He directed his hand in front of him and a cat suddenly appeared, out of nowhere. He was set aback and raised his hand towards it, then the cat stopped moving. Then it walked really slowly, then ran very fast while weirdly in a walking motion. He experimented a bit more until he realized that he was making it. It felt like the part where he was in the void again, when he met the lowly figure. But more in control. He then saw a man in front of him, grinning, he took out his hand. And he shook it.

And that's how he joined the S.H.I.E.L.D.


Nat is an average-built man who relies on his powers to finish the fight. Although weak and not very fast, he makes up for it with quick thinking, his powers, and his devious "unfair" fighting. He remembers training when he was in Judo class but he seldom uses it. Even though his powers are tremendous, it relies on his energy and if he strains it for too long, his power will seep too much energy and so he'll die. He is doing his best to control this power.
He is familiar to firearms and basic melee weapons such as a kitchen knife or a baseball bat and can hold his own handily in a one-on-one, until he eventually gets frustrated and rips his opponent apart.

Albeit from his energy, he can create illusions of himself, create large beasts, make knives fall out of the sky, make a donut, anything and everything he could think of as long as it is in his power. He can also manipulate time itself, being able to slow, fast-forward, or even stop time for others whilst he can move completely free in any period of time as long as he can take it. He knows that when he is admitted into S.H.I.E.L.D he needs to be in top physical condition, and it's gonna be a metric-ton and a half of hard work, but it'll work towards his advantage. Increasing his stamina and his strength and agility, he can control his power better and create more bigger things or slow time down longer.

His Power burst however, is a different story. He releases energy from his body at a bestial rate, creating, slowing, destroying or stopping anything at a random intervals. Sometimes when he is sleeping, sometimes when he is cornered. So he needs to be restrained, but it can also work on A.E.G.I.S' advantage. Depending on how Nat uses it.

"I'm a laid back prankster who loves food, video games, and is a certified lazy person. What's more to know?"

Nat is a friendly, energetic, talkative person who reflexively hides everything he feels in a charade of laughter and cheerfulness, because that's his go-to and neutral attitude. He loves to make jokes and adores bad puns and is your typical wise-cracker that sometimes, couldn't keep his mouth clamped shut. He is imaginative and weird, making intricate plans that seems unpredictable to others.

He can easily move on from pain and hides his secrets well, but a tormented soul (cliche I know) is inside his wacky shell, but he is incredibly sensitive about it, though most people don't know his history, which works into his advantage often. Most people compare him to a fox, a trickster and a devious little rat who takes every advantage he can. He actually took that as a compliment.

He also wears a blue hoodie and headphones often. If not, he wears a shirt. He always wear jeans and prefers boxers instead of briefs.
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@Boop you seem to have a well rounded depth to the character, but I'm always leery when it comes to reality warping and time manipulation,especially since you've put the character at Scarlet Witch levels. I'd need assurances that your PC wouldn't just walk into a mission and solo it while everyone else just watched. The point of SHIELD and by extension, AEGIS, is to have a team that compliments each other's weaknesses, and your PC's only drawback seems to be that he has an impulsive nature and/or has a physiological need to use his powers.

Perhaps if he wore himself out after a bit so he doesn't have a Franklin Richards effect on the game I'd be happier with a reality warper

Perhaps if he wore himself out after a bit so he doesn't have a Franklin Richards effect on the game I'd be happier with a reality warper
Sorry. Let me make it a bit more clear. Since Nat isn't very good (or even great) at Physical Education is low and his energy would be weak. His powers are all connected to his energy so if he runs out of energy, he'll be exhausted out of his wits, not to mention if he warps reality or keeps time slow for long periods of time will leach LARGE amounts of energy from his body, and there will be a good chance of dying.

This will be an exception if he is on his "Power Bursts" but I'm rambling on too much.

If this explanation is clear enough then I'd be happy to edit it and rearrange my sheet. Thanks for understanding.
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Sorry. Let me make it a bit more clear. Since Nat isn't very good (or even great) at Physical Education is low and his energy would be weak. His powers are all connected to his energy so if he runs out of energy, he'll be exhausted out of his wits, not to mention if he warps reality or keeps time slow for long periods of time will leach LARGE amounts of energy from his body, and there will be a good chance of dying.

This will be an exception if he is on his "Power Bursts" but I'm rambling on too much.

If this explanation is clear enough then I'd be happy to edit it and rearrange my sheet. Thanks for understanding.
Just make sure it is clear on his sheet that they are connected and we're fine.
*Looks around* Anyone here?
Before you say I somehow screwed up and this sign-up sheet can't be accepted, let it be known that this is my first draft. I can edit it or even redo it otherwise if something's wrong. If something IS wrong and I globbed up, please let me know. I'm more than happy to edit it. Thanks.


Age: 21 (turning to 22)
"When I'm in my death bed, please delete my browser history."

Height: 5"5
"I'm no giant, but I ain't a midget either."

Race: Mutant
"Hey, even disgusting mutants have feelings too ya' know."

Hair: Very Light Strawberry Blonde
"I don't know why they call it 'Strawberry Blonde', you could've just named them 'Spaghetti Blonde'".

Eye Color: When normal, it's a warm hazel brown. But when using powers, it turns into glowing green with an extremely dark pupil.
"And that kids, is why I always wear an eye patch on halloween."

High Concept: A cursed , traumatized outcast in search of a purpose.
"I didn't ask for this. Life has a twisted sense of humor."

Trouble: His own powers.
"Face it, I can't hold this baby back. It's bad parenting mama."

Aspect: Reality Warping (Can manipulate the fabric of reality itself and create illusions and the like, depending on the energy of the user.)
"I'll create myself a donut later."

Aspect: Minor Chronokinesis (Can slow, fast, or stop time to others while being to move freely at a certain period of time, depending on the energy of the user.)
"Great for waiting in lines or taking a quick nap."

Aspect: Sudden Bursts of Power (Uncontrollable urges to release pent up energy, can be good or bad in some circumstances.)
"Yes, incredibly maniacal cackles were included."

Intelligence: 4
"I may be a joker, but I'm not THAT brain-dead."

Strength: 2
"Hey! I stuck to my New Year's Resolution you know. For a solid day."

Speed: 3
"I'll have you know that I was the school champion at races. In elementary."

Durability: 2
"Don't judge me."

Energy Projection: 7
"Have you even read my Bio yet!? Are you that stu-oh wait. I haven't gotten to that part yet."

Fighting Ability: 3
"It got me past Physical Education class, so why change it?"

"Prepare to read something BETTER than the books at History Class."

Nat, from the very beginning, was a very energetic and imaginative child. He drew doodles of knights defeating dragons, he reenacted some action movie battle scenes while in the shower. He loved telling jokes, despite of himself, and even though he's the class clown, he passed Elementary, High School, and College with flying colors (except Phys-Ed.) His family loved him, his teachers respected him, and his classmates adored him. He was everything he wanted to be, good grades, respectable street cred, a nice social life (sadly no love life) and the support from his family. Except there was one thing missing, and he can't put a finger on it.

He was looking for a job one day when a strange entity walked towards him. It was a hunched, lowly figure, with a trench coat over a turtleneck with a hat that covered almost all of his face. His knobby fingers held some sort of stick in his hand, and when he got close to him, he muttered gibberish under his breath and suddenly, Nat was everywhere. He could see everything, he could feel everything, he could touch and imagine everything. It was as if he was shattered and spread out on all reality. His sanity slowly leaked away.

Then it happened. A thick, bestial power gave way into his soul, every part of him tingled, his hands, his feet, but mostly his brain. It felt detached somehow, like it has a mind of its own, and ready to create anything and everything he could think of. He spun around, eyes motionless but fingertips roaming, and thousands of figures, shapes, and forms appeared. He welcomed the sight, chuckling mindlessly, and began to tinker. From small ant frogs to giant mechanical dragon. Everything and everyone, he can create and manipulate. He can rewind it, fast-forward it, stop it, anything. He was a god. Then everything he created suddenly focused into one point, then rushed towards his eyes. It was painful in a numb sort of way, then he was back were he was. The figure gone. His creations gone. He looked at his hands, nervous and shaking. He ran back to the house.

When he looked in the mirror, he saw that his right eye was pitch black. Iris, a glowing green with the pupil, dark black, contrasting the glowing shamrock of his iris. He stood there for a long time, mouth agape, but he wasn't shocked, he wasn't afraid at all. He left a note saying that he got admitted to some far away job and decided to run from home with all the things he could carry.

One rainy night, alone, he walked by a highway. He saw a reflection of himself in a puddle, but he braced himself to see a different person, deranged and bestial, but all he could see was himself. Hair, face, and eyes in all. There was still a numb feeling in his heart are that wouldn't go away no matter how he tried. It bothered and annoyed him so much, that he focused on it and pound it in his hand, then suddenly his hand caught fire. A green ember. At first, he was shocked and tried to shake the fire away, but soon he realized that he didn't feel any burning sensation, but a numb, primal feeling to it. He directed his hand in front of him and a cat suddenly appeared, out of nowhere. He was set aback and raised his hand towards it, then the cat stopped moving. Then it walked really slowly, then ran very fast while weirdly in a walking motion. He experimented a bit more until he realized that he was making it. It felt like the part where he was in the void again, when he met the lowly figure. But more in control. He then saw a man in front of him, grinning, he took out his hand. And he shook it.

And that's how he joined the S.H.I.E.L.D.


Nat is an average-built man who relies on his powers to finish the fight. Although weak and not very fast, he makes up for it with quick thinking, his powers, and his devious "unfair" fighting. He remembers training when he was in Judo class but he seldom uses it. Even though his powers are tremendous, it relies on his energy and if he strains it for too long, his power will seep too much energy and so he'll die. He is doing his best to control this power.
He is familiar to firearms and basic melee weapons such as a kitchen knife or a baseball bat and can hold his own handily in a one-on-one, until he eventually gets frustrated and rips his opponent apart.

Albeit from his energy, he can create illusions of himself, create large beasts, make knives fall out of the sky, make a donut, anything and everything he could think of as long as it is in his power. He can also manipulate time itself, being able to slow, fast-forward, or even stop time for others whilst he can move completely free in any period of time as long as he can take it. He knows that when he is admitted into S.H.I.E.L.D he needs to be in top physical condition, and it's gonna be a metric-ton and a half of hard work, but it'll work towards his advantage. Increasing his stamina and his strength and agility, he can control his power better and create more bigger things or slow time down longer.

His Power burst however, is a different story. He releases energy from his body at a bestial rate, creating, slowing, destroying or stopping anything at a random intervals. Sometimes when he is sleeping, sometimes when he is cornered. So he needs to be restrained, but it can also work on A.E.G.I.S' advantage. Depending on how Nat uses it.

"I'm a laid back prankster who loves food, video games, and is a certified lazy person."
Strangely, I want Steven to meet Nat already. XD.
Tomorrow is when I post the intros in both Mission Threads so pay attention to that.
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Strangely, I want Steven to meet Nat already. XD.
I saw Steven's sign-up sheet. I see he is inspired from Deadpool.
I like him already :D

Tomorrow is when I post the intros in both Mission Threads so pay attention to that.
Excuse me, I want to tell you that I won't be here until Sunday. I'm going to meet with my grandparents. I'll be posting next Sunday. Thanks for understanding.

*fangirl scream*
@Michale CS - Are the mission threads already made?
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I updated my sign-up sheet to add a skillset and a personality. I also cleared up some mistakes. I hope that suffices while I'm gone. Thanks!
I saw Steven's sign-up sheet. I see he is inspired from Deadpool.
I like him already :D
I was going for more of a Captain America angle, but I do see where the aspects of Deadpool's history comes in ( though I promise it was accidental)
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Okay folks, I'm so wrapped up in con prep that I'm not likely to do any updates until Monday.

Spreading myself thin, I am.
Hi guys, sorry I haven't posted yet. Not feeling too great. Hopefully I'll get to it in the next couple of days.
@Boop Are you back yet?
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