A Grand Tale of Magical Girls

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"My transformations are mostly for show so I wasn't too scared... At the same time though I was loaded up on enough painkillers that I barely knew what was going on".
She admitted, climbing into the back of the car.
The woman driving the car was suited up in a very professional looking outfit, and the car itself had very thick windows.
"So they didn't just imprison you- they drugged you up, too. Charming bunch," Danny commented as the car pulled up to a nondescript brick building. "Here we are," the driver announced. "You can go inside."
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"Mhh... Yeah, the SMO are a far cry for the DMA... Though both groups are far from perfect..."
Blair commented as they turned down a side street and into a garage, the DMA office was situated in a three story building and was disguised as a specialized hospital.
"Hahh... This place is still running... I guess they are pretty well funded".
"I take it the SMO is the group responsible for you?" Danny asked as they entered the building. The main entrance was done up in a pleasing shade of pink, with paintings and photographs of the world's most famous magical girls in action. Danny went up to the front desk. "Hi there. I'm Danny, a new magical girl. Could I have some directions?"
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"That would be them... They are still active actually... So be careful who you trust okay? They often pose as the DMA".
Blair whispered a warning before seemingly becoming entranced with some of the girls on the wall, the specifically she seemed to be staring at the top three area.
"Ahh! Yes, we had actually had someone check you not long ago... Purely to see how you were coping of course".
The woman at the desk admitted before nodding.
"Sure... Though I need to sign you in to see an agent before I can let you walk around... Security reasons... SO you are Danny... Who is the girl who came in with you?"
"Her? Oh, this is Blair... one of them, anyway." Danny nodded at the idea of meeting an agent. "Sounds good. I could use the help." She turned to Blair. "Who you looking at, anyway?"

Another worker was caught in a different conversation. "Anne knocked over a bank today. In and out before anyone could do anything about it. Seriously, we need a task force devoted to bringing her down." Danny shuddered. Anne Arctic was an enigma to just about everyone. All anyone knew was that she was a criminal magical girl who'd appeared on the scene about a year prior. Even her name wasn't her own, being bestowed on her by a reporter with a love of terrible wordplay. There were two things about her that struck people as odd- first, she wore a full head mask so nobody had an idea of her identity, and she was much older than your typical magical girl, with estimates putting her around forty. Either way, she could reasonably be said to be Public Enemy #1.
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"A Blair?... Hmm, in that case we will bump you up the list... We made a commitment to offer any assistance possible to those poor girls..."
The secretary announced.
Blair pointed at the poster, it showed one girl with what seemed to be a rifle, another with several swords and on the top spot... A girl who looked almost exactly like Blair, apart from longer hair that was.
"Seems you get the royal treatment around here. Must be nice," Danny quipped with a smile. She looked at the same poster as Blair. "That's a you with better hair, but who are those other girls? I don't recognize them off the top of my head."
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"Hahh... All the Blairs are on their priority list... They want to find and craft identities for us before the public figures out we exist".
Blair replied in a neutral tone, it seemed she did not care.
"The one with the guns is rank 3 Blitz... Then the sword chick is Sentinel... Rank two... That girl though... It's more I look like HER".
"Ah, so that's the original Blair, I take it?" Danny nodded. "And by rank, I guess she's the world's most powerful magical girl. Rather impressive."
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"Yes... That is the original".
Blair replied in a slightly cold tone before seeming to return to normal.
"Though that is only the ones known to the DMA and who fit into the traditional categories...".
She explained.
"I wonder where I'd rank," Danny said idly. Just then, an office drone came in. "Danny, Blair- we have an assistant open, ready to help you." She led them into what could only be described as an ocean of cubicles.
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"Umm... Good question actually, you can get that kinda stuff checked eventually".
Blair responded before they were called.
The agent assigned to them appeared to be in her mid thirties, and wore the same immaculate suit as all the other staff there.
"Ahh... I am so glad to see two girls choosing to meet with us... It is terrible how many girls end up injured or worse".
"It's a pleasure to meet you as well, madam. I take it you've been told who we are, but I never got your name." It was always nice to open with some small talk before getting down to business.
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"Ahh, You can call me Anna, and yes, I was given a basic rundown on you two..."
She admitted with a slight blush.
"Anyway... As much as I hate to say it.. This session DOES have a time limit..."
"Alright then, Anna." Danny leaned back in her chair a little bit. "Let's get down to brass tacks. What can the department do for me, and what can I do for the department in return?"
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"Ahh... I am glad to see you realize this is give and take... Nothing is free after all..."
Anna was suddenly all business.
"Well firstly, we can offer you several things, assistance in hiding your identity with alibis and fake sightings, backup if you end up on the losing side of a battle, and of course an allowance for girls who slay at least one chimera a week, we are also authorized to issue ID to any of the Blair clones we come across".
She explained before taking a breath.
"In return we can contact you as support for other girls and for disaster relief, on certain occasions we may also require you to travel to regions with less magical girls".
"That sounds like a fair enough deal, provided I'm given fair warning if I have to travel. I'm a flier, not a teleporter." Danny got up and scribbled her contact information on a piece of paper. "Here's my number, don't hesitate to call. I mean, when doesn't a teenage girl have her phone on her?" she said with a chuckle.
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"If you have to travel we will of course give you a warning and take care of transportation".
The woman replied as she took the information and began entering it into a computer.
"You would be surprised by who chooses not to keep their phones on them..."