A Grand Tale of Magical Girls

"Well fortunately she is off in Arcade bothering some of the girls there, though she does return here sometimes..."
Blair admitted as she seemed to think.
"Hmm? Well I am not sure what counts as a surprise... I was involved in the war a while back, and was legally pronounced dead so that could have an impact on things".
"Wait, are we talking that they just thought you were dead, or that you were actually dead?" Danny thought the former far more likely, but knew that a lot could happen when you were talking about magic. If the latter was true, well, she had to hear that story.
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"Well I changed places with another me... Then tackled another girl into an extremely powerful attack... Oddly enough that attack seemed to have been negated by the sword I stole from the original".
Blair explained.
"Well... Mostly... But I recovered eventually... After all, magical girls are pretty good at healing as I am sure you have noticed".
Blair pointed out.
"Yeah, I noticed." Even when she wasn't transformed, it seemed that little nicks and scrapes didn't hurt as much. Just one of the many perks. She pulled out her cell phone to check the time, and reacted with a shock. "Oh crap! We're late for class! I'll see you after school. In the meantime, try to stay away from that clone, would you?"
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Blair's usual somewhat blank expression quickly changed to a rare one of shock as she heard they were late! She couldn't have that on the first day... It would draw attention to her, and with no legal or medical records that would likely cause trouble.
"I will see you then... And don't worry, we have spent years learning to keep out of each other's way".
Blair promised.
The rest of the day passed in a blur. Danny breezed through class, and finally caught up with Blair outside of the school. "So, what did you think of your first day? Pretty different from what you're used to, I reckon."
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Blair had quite a struggle with her classes, while she was far from stupid, she of course had no formal education in most subjects and it showed quite clearly.
"Hmm... It was... Similar to my initial training... But somehow less pleasant".
It almost seemed like Blair might be joking.
"I have not encountered the other directly, though we do share a class and I feel she may contact the DMA if we do meet".
The joke sailed straight over Danny's head. "I can see how it would be. High school can be really rough." As Blair continued on, the red-haired girl raised her eyebrows at something she said. "The DMA? I'm not familiar with that."
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Blair grinned slightly at her friend's response, it seemed she wasn't the only one who sometimes had trouble with jokes... Though there WAS the possibility that it was just a bad joke.
"The DMA is the department of Magical Assistance, they were created after the war to relocate and assist the surviving girls... I believe that roughly half of the other Blairs have been found by them".
"Okay, that sounds useful. Maybe I should head over there, see what sort of services they have to offer." Danny smiled at Blair. After the whole little dust-up at lunch, she'd managed to calm down significantly. A few hours to think things over worked wonders. "You want to come along, introduce me to everyone?"
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"Umm... Well it isn't super easy to just go down to them... It is sorta a secret organisation... Since the war officially never happened and all".
Blair told her before sighing.
"However... I DO know of a contact who can get us to a hidden branch..."
She admitted.
"Well, contact them, then. That's what contacts are there for, right?" Danny sat down on a nearby bench, idly playing with her hair. She had to admit, it was nice having Blair around. Someone she could be open about her secret life with.
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"Alright... Umm, though I will need to borrow a phone, I don't actually own one".
Blair admitted as she wrote down a number from memory, it did seem she had a good mind for details.
"Now, just a warning, depending on what you ask of them, you may have to sigh contracts and agreements..."
Danny passed Blair her phone. "Don't worry, I've got no problem signing my life away." A thought came to the red-haired girl. "How did you escape from the cloning group, anyway?"
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"Hah... You should be more careful about things like that... Some contracts really WILL take your life away you know..."
Blair warned as she started the call.
"Several of us made an escape during the war... We eventually came back to the cloning facility to free the others... It was hard to get in but once the others were freed there wasn't much that could keep us contained".
She explained while waiting for the call to go through.
"Oh, crap." Danny's eyes went wide as Blair told her how dangerous some of the deals the DMA made could actually be. She'd have to remember to read the fine print very carefully.

As Blair waited for the call to go through, Danny started drumming her fingers. That was one of her bad habits, impatience. "Any luck getting someone?"
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Blair shrugged.
"Sometimes they have loads of free people, and sometimes they are all busy trying to help..."
Blair explained right before they picked up, and she went on to talk for a while.
"They have agreed to meet us... We can expect a car to pick us up here".
Danny nodded as Blair said a car would by be shortly. "Good, good. Nice to know we're being taken care of. We should get some sort of benefit for getting rid of all these Chimera. What exactly do they offer, anyway? Training? Magical equipment? Or just a system to keep track of everyone?"
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"Hmm... It depends on the situation... And I am not entirely sure myself to be honest... I know they can provide allowances to full time magical girls and even housing and new identities if you need them... They have also arranged support for new girls and groups to take down extremely powerful chimera".
Blair replied.
"Okay, that makes sense. It can be pretty rough. I know the first time I transformed, it was terrifying- I had no idea what to expect." Danny watched as an ink-black BMW pulled up. The driver rolled down the window. "Danny and Blair? Hop in, you two."
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