You, no memories, in fictional science fantasy land.(OOC)

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Yeah, I guess we'll just have to wait then. ^^ It is my off day of work today. I think I'm going to make up some lore for my other roleplay :S
My day off today and tomorrow, so hopefully something by tomorrow... my poor critter's tongue is gonna be so sore if he keeps having to lick himself for another week.
I posted the other day, just waiting for others to post :o
Yeah... waiting on the others. Heh. Looking forwards to everyone's response.
Busy day today. But, I now have time, so expect a post soon!
Hmmm... seems I posted in vain. Two posts after mine, and my character apparently doesn't exist, even though we're all in the same place. Will make it hard to write a reply, I think.

Hopefully, the next two posts give me some material to work with.
My character did see yours, but I'm not exactly sure what he looks like. Sorry about that :o
Yep, it is, indeed. But I'll repeat here:

Detailed Physical Description


Just remember these changes: Here...

Oh, and Heyitsjiwon... my character was replying to your character's first words. Heh. Because it appears you've forgotten. Thank goodness we all have "edit" buttons!

Okay, here you go, for those who don't like linkies:


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  • Thank You
Reactions: Greenie
@Roose Hurro , you can reply and join the conversation now. And it would be preferable if you post the image straight into the sign up thread and not a link. It may not seem like a big deal, but believe me, it actually is. People is lazy and opening up multiple tabs is confusing sometimes.

@Kaddoc , you should post your character's image in the sign up sheet as well. Images makes picturing a character better.

Let's just say the slime gets off everybody's body automatically. Everyone don't need me to post that for you anymore.
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@Roose Hurro , you can reply and join the conversation now. And it would be preferable if you post the image straight into the sign up thread and not a link. It may not seem like a big deal, but believe me, it actually is. People is lazy and opening up multiple tabs is confusing sometimes.

Let's just say the slime gets off everybody's body automatically. Everyone don't need me to post that for you anymore.
Done, and done here, as well... just in case.

As for the slime, I already had plans for how my critter would deal with it, realizing his tongue, despite his feline flexibility, wouldn't do anything for his back, especially that hard to reach place under his quills. Wouldn't do to poke out an eye, or end up with a face-full of "Ouch!"

No posts from our other two players yet, anyway, so I'm still waiting my turn. Given there are also no edits to the previous two posts, as well.
Yep, it is, indeed. But I'll repeat here:

Detailed Physical Description


Just remember these changes: Here...

Oh, and Heyitsjiwon... my character was replying to your character's first words. Heh. Because it appears you've forgotten. Thank goodness we all have "edit" buttons!

Okay, here you go, for those who don't like linkies:


Much better. Thanks, Hurro.

As for them not replying to your character's words, let's just say they didn't hear your character or didn't pay attention to your character. Honestly, I didn't realize your character replied to their questions until you mentioned it. I thought that your character was just muttering random things.
I hope you guys don't mind my attempt to move the story along a little bit.
Much better. Thanks, Hurro.

As for them not replying to your character's words, let's just say they didn't hear your character or didn't pay attention to your character. Honestly, I didn't realize your character replied to their questions until you mentioned it. I thought that your character was just muttering random things.
He was responding to Heyitsjiywon's "Uhh, hello everyone. I don't suppose that any of you know why we're here? This is a... strange place to be." dialog line... my own character's words in reply: "Here? If here is where I am, I don't care about the why. Or the strange."

So, with no response, my character will have to shrug it off, finish his bathing antics, and... heh... dive in. I could do so now, but I posted after Windsong... still, Kaddoc's post could be in ref to my character, so I'll see what I can do. From Windsong's post, it sounds like she's near the other two, and Kaddoc's character really seems to need a "buddy." Besides which, rereading his character's profile... the description/hint of tattoos... well, what with my characters "tattoo" markings, it's about all they physically have in common. Next to bilateral symmetry. That, and we certainly don't want his character to drown in his present situation.

Edit: Oh, a bit of info... given all our characters are "new" and therefore "empty"... well, heh, don't expect to have a bowel movement for at least five days.
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So, yeah.. Why would a normally skittish animal wander into a clearing full of things making noise?
So, yeah.. Why would a normally skittish animal wander into a clearing full of things making noise?

If carnivores are rare, then they wouldn't be cautious of their surroundings. But if you want to find out for real, investigate through IC.
If carnivores are rare, then they wouldn't be cautious of their surroundings. But if you want to find out for real, investigate through IC.
Fair enough.

But now, @Greenie , I'm wondering how your character knows what a snake is and why she fears it?
I mean... people are naturally born to fear certain things. Like fire, or harsh, loud noises. Could be that snakes are one of them?
I mean... people are naturally born to fear certain things. Like fire, or harsh, loud noises. Could be that snakes are one of them?
The fear is almost always learned or taught at a decent age. A toddler doesn't fear something he's never encountered unless it's similar to something else they've learned to fear.

Loud noises I'll give you.
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