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IC thread

  • Location
    Nara, historical town that is situated South-West to the capital of Japan, Tokyo. It is known for its large population of not humans, but deer. But it also is known for its infamous all-boys school, White Rose High.

    White Rose High, founded in 1961 by ironically, Hana Kuronoma, a first-generation doctor who had lived there her whole life after her father had married an American during his service in the Second World War. She had originally founded this then missionary school to aid families who did not have the financials to send their daughters for education in their small town. After a decade, many well to do families begin to protest again White Rose High, questioning as to why their sons were not allowed to enrol in this school that was within the vicinity of their town. As such, protests and riots were left to unfold and the Magistrate of Nara ruled that White Rose High was to be a co-ed institution.

    The families who had originally sent their daughters to White Rose High for free education begin to pull their daughters out of school as defiance. Slowly, White Rose High had become one of the most prestigious high schools for boys in Nara.

    Nara's White Rose High is currently the top secondary school in Japan's Prefecture of Nara, in south-central Hanshu. It is praised for its curriculum-specialised programme that is run throughout the school years of a student. The high school mandates that each student picks a field that he wishes to specialise in or even explore in his teenage years as extra curriculum- Arts, Sports and Science. And during their four years of schooling at White Rose High, students are obligated to collect a thousand points for their respective field each in order to be to graduate successfully. But do note that points can be deducted from any student for misconduct or any action of that sort.

    • Arts:
    Music, writing, dance, you name it.

    This particular field makes use of the brain's right hemisphere to perform tasks that require creativity and arts. Choosing to join this field enables one to collect points from which a teacher sees it fit from your work (only applicable to art subjects) as well as allow you to be rewarded from joining clubs and events that involve arts. For example, joining the band, helping out backstage for a concert and even sending an art piece to a museum for possible display.

    • Sports:

    Want to have fun in the great outdoors and be rewarded for doing so? This is the field for you!

    Did you know that being the quarterback on the football team and playing to represent your school guarantees a 50 point addition to your field every month?

    Did you know that going on a rock climbing camp for two days can reward you a total of 40 points?

    This field is meant for those who are active physically and have a knack for adventure and anything sports.

    • Sciences:
    Tired of being the so-called 'bookworm' and not being able to accumulate any points because no one appreciates intelligence? The Science field is a guaranteed to be your cash, or rather, points cow.

    Joining this field will enable you to stack up points weekly if you are the type to gain favour from your teacher or blow anyone away from your immense knowledge of the Universe. A total of ten points will be credited to you weekly if you are the type who doesn't need to worry about perfection in your homework.

    Character sheet
    Character Image- animated
    Face claim (if any):
    Field chosen:
    Full name:
    Age (Note that everyone will still be in their first year by default):
    Self Introduction:​

    Relationships (with other characters):​


    1. All IwakuRoleplay.com rules apply.
    2. This is an open thread for everyone to view. Note that non-adult members are able to access this thread. As such, please keep this PG-13.
    3. No Gary Sues or Mary Sues.
    4. No god modding.
    5. Do not suddenly vanish. I understand that real life takes priority but you should have the courtesy to let people know and not wait on you. If you disappear for a week without notice, I will give you a warning and after that, you are out.
    6. Be respectful. Drama and fights in the role play is understandable but if you want to argue with a fellow role player, take it outside of the role play.
    7. Please be detailed in your replies. A few paragraphs at least so that others can work on what you have given.
    8. Communication is key. If someone asks you something in the OOC, reply.
    9. Everyone can control NPCs but make sure not to do anything too drastic with them.
    10. Have fun!

  • Main Characters
    1. @Makomin as Nao Yoshida
    2. @Beowulf as Connor McKinnley
    3. @Xaldin as Kazuya Kuze
    4. @Verite as James Akiyama
    5. @Lulunopia as Cyprain Atticus Jupiter
    6. @IceQueen as Arden Miles Rosett
    7. @Brother Gabriel as Gregory Julius von Bennett
    8. @Mundane Monster as Hikaru Kim
    Non-playing Characters




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  • Bucket of Rainbows
Reactions: Verite
[fieldbox="HIKARU, #f7bc0a, solid"]

Face claim: Nagisa from Free!
Field chosen: Sports
Full name: Hikaru Kim
Nickname(s): Hika-kun
Age: 16
Birthday: April 1st
Ethnicity: 1/2 Korean - 1/2 Japanese
Sexuality: Gay

X-Treme Sports
Hikaru loves extreme sports, considering them the gourmet form of regular sports. He loves the adrenaline that they provide him with and can't go more than a week without doing something x-treme sport related.
Although he isn't the best singer, Hikaru likes to go out with his friends and sing songs together.
He's never been formally trained but Hikaru is just one of those naturally talented dancers. He just hears the music and lets his body move to the beat. (This excludes slow dancing)
Tree Climbing
He's been doing this since he was a child and still does it. He likes feeling the bark on his hands and reaching the top and looking around at the world.
Hikaru has been swimming since he was a baby and he loves it. He's a strong free style swimmer, but this is the only sport he doesn't do competitively. This is probably the only time when he swims at a reduced pace and just enjoys his surroundings for hours.
He does it in places that don't require it and places that do require it.
Animal Care
As the child of two vets, Hikaru knows how to deal with animals and he loves caring for them. His favorite animal related past time is dog walking.

☹ Pigeons
When he was seven, his horrible older sister secretly poured bread crumbs in his hood and laughed as he was assaulted by a hailstorm of voracious pigeons.
☹ Mannequins
When he was five, he was running through a store and accidentally bumped into a mannequin which promptly fell on top of him, trapping him under its dead weight. To this day he remembers it's lifeless eyes boring into his soul as he struggled to get out from under it. His brother who had been watching, finally helped him after laughing for about five minutes.

✔ Savory Foods (but he'll eat anything)
✔ Penguins
✔ Otters
✔ Seals
✔ Sea Lions
✔ Jolly Ranchers (Favorite)
✔ Pop Music
✔ Playing in the rain (and mud)
✔ Dares
✔ Stuffed Animals
✔ Korean BBQ (Favorite)

✘ Rude People
✘ Close Minded People
✘ Getting sand in his clothes
✘ Horror Movies
✘ Complete Silence
✘ Mind Games
✘ Being picked on
✘ Being underestimated
✘ Being shushed

Hikaru is a ball of sunshine and near constant energy. He loves to have fun and he hates buzzkills. He's a motormouth and develops a healthy interest in his friends lives. He doesn't like when his friends are upset and will do his hardest to return them to their formerly happy state. Personal space is a foreign concept to him and he will hug you moments after meeting you. He can be a bit of a class clown which can get old to some and if he's yelled at or asked to stop, he will...For maybe an hour. Unfortunately, Hikaru has ADHD and rarely takes anything for it. When he does take his medication, he becomes the opposite of himself, often virtually silent and sluggish. He only takes this medicine when he needs to take a written test or do something that being hyperactive would screw up.

Hikaru is somewhat of a daredevil but has his limits. He won't do anything that is blatantly detrimental to his health, but he will do something like cover a brownie in hot sauce and whip cream and eat it in one bite. Or create a giant pile of snow below his two story window and jump out of it. He doesn't like being advised against completing his dares and can get a bit huffy when thwarted in his quest to make his life more interesting. He is independent, but he always appreciates company on his athletic endeavors and he will resort to begging and pleading to get someone to go on a week long camping trip with him. He isn't really one to hold grudges unless someone repeatedly does mean things to him, in which case he will shun them until they apologize.

Hikaru's birth was a surprise. Well not really, obviously his parents realized they were expecting when his mom's stomach became distended but his conception wasn't intentional. The Kim's already had a set of darling yet devious twins, who were a handful on their own and suddenly there was another kid to worry about.

To say Hikaru was a third wheel was an understatement, his siblings, Ha-Jun and Jun-Ho did not appreciate his entrance into their lives and they tended to pick on him. As Hikaru grew, he always wanted to play with his elder siblings but they were always off on their own tandem adventures and didn't like a tag along. But their parents always made them hang out with their younger brother, so they did...Kind of. Most of their hang outs usually ended with Hikaru being harassed in someway, like being chased by a horde of starving pigeons or being squashed by a mannequin.

As they grew older however, Hikaru's older brother and sister grew tired of picking on him and the three finally began to get closer. However the Kim siblings always had a healthy appetite for causing mischeif and soon turned their sights to the world around them. Their childhood from then on was filled with harassing neighbors (and sometimes their parents) or getting revenge on anyone who picked on one of the threesome. It was actually through this fashion that Hikaru adopted a love of sports and all things x-treme because you had to be super fit to escape from angry people that you played pranks on.

Self Introduction:
"Hi, everyone! My name is Hikaru Kim and my focus is sports and my goal is to get that full ride scholarship to college but my other goal is to make as many friends as possible!"

"I was born in Korea but my parents moved to Japan so I could go to this prestigious school. Oh! My dad is Korean but my mom is Japanese, so I'm a mix of both awesome and even more awesome! I have two older siblings, Ha-Jun and Jun-Ho who are twins but they didn't want to be separated so they don't go to this school. Hm...What else! Oh! I have ADHD, so I'm usually very hyper and my non physical academics aren't awesome but I try my hardest!"


Nao Yoshida -
Connor McKinnley -
Kazuya Kuze -
James Akiyama -
Cyprain Atticus Jupiter -
Arden Miles Rosett -
Gregory Julius von Bennett -​
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  • Love
Reactions: 1 person
  • Love
Reactions: Lulunopia
  • Love
Reactions: Lulunopia

[fieldbox="HIKARU, #f7bc0a, solid"]

Face claim: Nagisa from Free!
Field chosen: Sports
Full name: Hikaru Kim
Nickname(s): Hika-kun
Age: 16
Birthday: April 1st
Ethnicity: 1/2 Korean - 1/2 Japanese
Sexuality: Gay

X-Treme Sports
Hikaru loves extreme sports, considering them the gourmet form of regular sports. He loves the adrenaline that they provide him with and can't go more than a week without doing something x-treme sport related.
Although he isn't the best singer, Hikaru likes to go out with his friends and sing songs together.
He's never been formally trained but Hikaru is just one of those naturally talented dancers. He just hears the music and lets his body move to the beat. (This excludes slow dancing)
Tree Climbing
He's been doing this since he was a child and still does it. He likes feeling the bark on his hands and reaching the top and looking around at the world.
Hikaru has been swimming since he was a baby and he loves it. He's a strong free style swimmer, but this is the only sport he doesn't do competitively. This is probably the only time when he swims at a reduced pace and just enjoys his surroundings for hours.
He does it in places that don't require it and places that do require it.
Animal Care
As the child of two vets, Hikaru knows how to deal with animals and he loves caring for them. His favorite animal related past time is dog walking.

☹ Pigeons
When he was seven, his horrible older sister secretly poured bread crumbs in his hood and laughed as he was assaulted by a hailstorm of voracious pigeons.
☹ Mannequins
When he was five, he was running through a store and accidentally bumped into a mannequin which promptly fell on top of him, trapping him under its dead weight. To this day he remembers it's lifeless eyes boring into his soul as he struggled to get out from under it. His brother who had been watching, finally helped him after laughing for about five minutes.

✔ Savory Foods (but he'll eat anything)
✔ Penguins
✔ Otters
✔ Seals
✔ Sea Lions
✔ Jolly Ranchers (Favorite)
✔ Pop Music
✔ Playing in the rain (and mud)
✔ Dares
✔ Stuffed Animals
✔ Korean BBQ (Favorite)

✘ Rude People
✘ Close Minded People
✘ Getting sand in his clothes
✘ Horror Movies
✘ Complete Silence
✘ Mind Games
✘ Being picked on
✘ Being underestimated
✘ Being shushed

Hikaru is a ball of sunshine and near constant energy. He loves to have fun and he hates buzzkills. He's a motormouth and develops a healthy interest in his friends lives. He doesn't like when his friends are upset and will do his hardest to return them to their formerly happy state. Personal space is a foreign concept to him and he will hug you moments after meeting you. He can be a bit of a class clown which can get old to some and if he's yelled at or asked to stop, he will...For maybe an hour. Unfortunately, Hikaru has ADHD and rarely takes anything for it. When he does take his medication, he becomes the opposite of himself, often virtually silent and sluggish. He only takes this medicine when he needs to take a written test or do something that being hyperactive would screw up.

Hikaru is somewhat of a daredevil but has his limits. He won't do anything that is blatantly detrimental to his health, but he will do something like cover a brownie in hot sauce and whip cream and eat it in one bite. Or create a giant pile of snow below his two story window and jump out of it. He doesn't like being advised against completing his dares and can get a bit huffy when thwarted in his quest to make his life more interesting. He is independent, but he always appreciates company on his athletic endeavors and he will resort to begging and pleading to get someone to go on a week long camping trip with him. He isn't really one to hold grudges unless someone repeatedly does mean things to him, in which case he will shun them until they apologize.


Self Introduction:

Relationships (with other characters):
Hey there! You may post in the IC. :D
  • Love
Reactions: Mundane Monster
Anyways, I'm going to close sign ups now so yaaaaay. We have an even number now!

@Xaldin Waiting on you. :)
Well it seems that their adorable slight flirting has turned into a threesome XD
Well it seems that their adorable slight flirting has turned into a threesome XD

Don't worry! Hikaru won't stand in the way of true love O_O
Buuuut Ardy might stand in the way of him joining their project XD.
D: B..bu..but Hikaru's just a lil penguin lookin for friends.

  • Love
Reactions: 1 person
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