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@RJS I thought you looked familiar and NOW I remember where I've seen you! You were in The Sentence, weren't you?
This why I shouldn't do sleep-deprived late night writing, give up, and then finish in the morning :P
Yay thanks!

As for parentless chars... it's mostly because I am lazy :)
You'll see when I get down to finishing up my sheet...
I quite like Lea's parents to be honest ^_^ But yep, they've got their own time to shine and it's not during Lea's life XD
It's probably a coincidence (and a funny one at that) but I imagine orphaned kids are more likely to have a particularly strong wish. :o
*screams because I keep forgetting to put up a character* *screams again because this seems like it's dying out before it gets started*
I was waiting for @Zarrock to put up his bio, so let's all stare at him until he gets it up.

Oh ok. Oh. Alright then. WELL, as it works out, I've got no school tomorrow, so I can justify staying up super late tonight to get it done. So, I'll do my best to get it up tonight!
Gah! I don't know which character I should use! So many options. T.T I might just break out my version of pyramid head as a "screw it. I'll use the strong silent one." move.
because they're in my mental archive of characters I haven't played in a long time.
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