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Dan appered in the bar again but in other spot Now where are you Damian, he though to himself while searching for him. Dan turned his right hand into shadows and send a shadow ball at the ceiling, the ball stod there trying to find where he is "You cant run from me Damian" he looked around searching for him
Damian sensed his brother was looking for him. He growled silently to himself as he slipped through the crowd of people. Spotting the woman he talked to earlier, he almost walked to her. Though he also saw the Incubus that was with her. He knew his brother would find him soon. Since he was older, his powers were more advanced than his right now, though Damian was catching up quickly.

His eyes wandered over to the chained mortals in the room. Finally he spotted her. Evangeline. I'll save you...just wait Evangeline... He thought.
Dan waited just alittle longer when he found where he is "there you are" Dan turned into a shadow and appeared right next to Damian not wanting to go through the croud. "So you though you can eskape from me" Dan said it then grabed his hand and started walking to the exit of the bar
Finally after receiving the shots she'd asked for, her attention on leaving changed as she spun to sit herself opposite the line of shots. The clear substance of "poison" as she'd call it shimmering just as the lights did.

A playful smirk, why! wasnt HER brother here to enjoy this. Such a worry-worm he was. Too bad.
She hand waved over the line of shots swiftly, leaving a trail of flaming shot glasses. Fire had to be her best element.

"bottoms up!" She cheered! slidding a flaming shot glass to anyone and everyone nearby, one in her own hand as she threw her head back siftly and downed the poison after dousing the blue flame with a gentle blow, and setting the empty glass down firmly and smirked more to herself as the heat of the alcohol warmed her dead-cold body.

"round 2."
"Tsk." Damian sensed his brother was getting closer, though when he turned to walk away, Dan was there and waiting. He seemed to hiss at Dan, and turned his hand into a shadow, slipping away from his grasp. Taking a few steps back, he asked, "Why are you so eager to take me back?" Then paused for a quick moment. "Does father want me to continue the idiotic studies?" He spat out the word 'father.'

Damian wasn't a big fan of his race, especially his own family. Killing and even devouring other beings. They all think of him as the odd one out of the group, always sticking up for mortals. He couldn't help it though. He held a fascination with them ever since he was little. Every time he snuck out of his house it was to be around the humans. In doing so he befriended Evangeline and a few others. Damian's feelings grew into something more for Evangeline though, and that's why he felt so protective of her.
Nevaeh could hear the beat of Garth's heart. The sound of a possible enemies foot steps faded away. She was lost at that very moment, the thumping was enthralling. Her head stayed perfectly still, "Garth what are we doing?" Nevaeh asked softly, trying to regain her composure. Though that did not last long the sound of a woman's whimpering could be heard through the door. "Let me go you beast..." She cried out, it echoed down the hall. Her voice was soft and innocent. Nevaeh could feel her pain, she burrowed her face into Garth's chest. "Don't make me see that creature....please...." She continued to beg for her life. Were they taking her to the boss man as Thunk called him. Who or what was the boss man? All these question crowded into her mind, "Were is it taking her." She whispered against his chest.

Evangeline lowered herself to the floor, her eyes wide with fear. Her lower lip quivered in fear, her brown hair was stuck around her face. Perspiration beaded her skin. "Help...help...help." She mouthed the words, a small prayer she hoped someone would answer. Rags hung from her very small frame, clearly she had been captured some time ago. Evangeline lowered her face, her forehead pressed tightly to her knees. I'm going to die this night. Her mind continued to repeat.
Garth had his hand pressed lightly against the back of Nevaeh's head while they remained hidden behind the door. Her face was buried in his chest. Garth had one ear to the door, weary for more danger. Sweat started to form on his brow when he head a woman screaming not too far away. The woman's frightful screams faded as she was dragged off, deeper into the building. His grey eyes started to shine, his pupils vanished. He was trying to reach the poor woman's mind and discover what she knew before she was out of his range. After a few moments, his eyes returned to normal. "I... I can't tell where they are taking her, exactly." His words were solemn. "The girl, she doesn't know anything about where she is going. All I was able to understand were the images of her being forced farther down this corridor. Her thoughts are filled with nothing but fear for her life." He took his head off of the door and looked down at Nevaeh. "I'm sorry, I didn't have time to look for anything else."
Dan wathed at him with a sad look on his face and then said "Damian im only trying to protect you. You are getting romanticly interested into that human you are looking for. You know its forbiden for the shadow demons to be with a human. Dad will ban you from the clan if he finds out he can even kill you. You know his the head of our clan im just trying to protect you Damian" Dan turned his head not wanting to watch Damian and said "If its necessary ill have to kill Evangeline" Dan said it still looking back waiting for Damians reaction
Nevaeh didn't want to move, but she knew they had to. "We need to follow them Garth.....We need to see who is in charge here." Her voice trailing off into a seductive whisper. She wasn't sure if it was her normal nature, or the fact he was getting to her. Nevaeh tried to breath in deeply, but his scent filled her lungs. The room seemed to grow smaller, and the floor rolled beneath her feet. She almost thought it was all her emotions but it actually was something else. Something was making the floor shudder, the stomping of feet echoed into her mind. This thing sounded huge, "Garth......" Her voice soft as a whisper....."We need to go now....." Nevaeh pushed gently at the wall of his chest, they needed to get out of the room. Her courage was wearing thin, and the urge to run was creeping up her spine.
Damian immediately heard Evangeline's cries for help. He turned around to see she wasn't there anymore. He wasn't really listening to Dan, but he heard his last words. Growling lowly, he turned around, going for his throat right away. He used the shadow demon's common ability to change their form into something else. His arms now looked like that of a dark purple dragon, his nails were pure black and now claws.

Grabbing onto his neck violently, thrusting his claws into Dan's neck, he pushed them onto the ground with Damian on top of him. "Not if I kill you first." He growled angrily.
Dan turned into shadow disappearing for a second then appeared behined Damian. Dan turned his hand into a demonic sword and quickly puted it on Damians throat. Dans other hand started gwoling black and he said to Damian "please brother i dont want to fight you " Dan said it and then puted the hand that he turned into a sword closer to his throat so close that blood started driping from his neck
Damian glared up at Dan, then turned into a shadow and disappeared. He reappeared behind Dan, kicking his legs to make him fall. But instead of continuing their little fight, he ran to where Evangeline was. He knew he needed to save her first, then deal with Dan later.
Dan stood up "ah Damian you are so stupid" Dan turned into a shadow and appeared right next to Damian he grabed him to the sholders and said "Damian... ill help you get the girl but you have to promise me youll leave her alone when we save her..." Dan looked away watcheing the place they were standing at... then he heard Evangeline screaming "so what do you say, you want my help or we will countinue our fight and let the girl die"
Damian clenched his fists. His love for Evangeline was blinding him. He could normally take down Dan in a fight. Taking a calming breath, he looked to Dan. "Fine...I'll leave her alone after she's safe." He said.
Dan looked at him with a relife but didnt thrust him "lets go then" Dan grabed Damians hand then turned into shadow and appear closer to her, she was still screaming but she was close to us, Dan looked around seeing there are 3 ways to go "so wich way Damian" Dan said to him with careless tone
"We follow Evangeline's voice." Damian answered, and walked in the direction of her screams for help. I'll take you somewhere safe. Away from all this. You just need to hold on until I get to you Evangeline... He thought with a determined look.
Garth's heart pounded in his chest. Nevaeh was right, of course. They would have to follow the woman and find out for themselves where she was being taken, but that knowledge didn't make it any easier to let go of Nevaeh and move from their hiding place. With his back still against the door he reached out his hand to take hold of the doorknob when he felt a deep rumble course through his body. He paused, unsure of what had just happened. The room seemed to quake and the walls themselves appeared to buckle in fear. She whispered to him, almost pleading that the two of them leave the room and gently pushed herself away from him.

Garth nodded in agreement. The room was no longer safe and if they didn't act fast, the screaming woman might not last for long. "I'll make sure it's safe to leave." he whispered to her. Garth turned his back to Nevaeh and slowly opened the door, it's hinges creaking. He slowly stuck his head out into the corridor, his eyes darting from room to room. All of the doors were now closed, the maids had vanished and everything seemed to be in perfect order. He found it very strange but let out a sigh of relief, happy in the fact they were at least not caught yet. He pushed the door open and looked back over his shoulder at Nevaeh. He spoke in a hushed tone, just in case. "The coast is clear, let's go." He looked into her big silver eyes. He sensed something hidden behind them, but she masked them well. Garth took her hand in his once more and led her deeper into the VIP section. Without a word e spread out his wing and draped it delicately over her shoulder in place of his arm. Once they had reached the end of the hallway Garth looked to the right. "The woman was taken down this way but I lost my hold on her thoughts before seeing anything else." His words did not hide his disappointment.
Dan looked at his brother he looked very conserned about this girl "hey bro do you love this girl" he said with a quiet tone. Dan was afraid of what his brother will answer he wanted to say no but i didnt think so. Dan turned his feets into shadow and started runing faster "Hey you comeing" Dan screamed seeing his little bro behined
Damian didn't use his powers frequently like his brother Dan did. It was only because he hung around humans so much and not his own kind. Never the less he did the same, transforming his feet into a shadow and running faster, catching up to Dan with ease.
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