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Unfortunate Catastrophes.

(Oh it's fine! Size doesn't matter. Wink wonk.)

June nods as she pulls back. She wasn't fatally injured or anything. Still, with the stunt she pulled, if his hand was slightly off or if the knife had dug any deeper, it would've struck a jugular vein. And then she would've truly been fucked. June's neck was still bleeding, a small cut made on the side from her captor's reflex, but other than a pulasating heart, she was okay.

She flinched as Booker's gunshot rang through the streets, as the impact of one was loud enough for her to hear, a dull, incessant ringing in her ears. It would be difficult to get used to such a thing. On instinct, she reached for Peter's hand as they geared up to head back.

Booker led the walk back to base, his footsteps loud and obnoxious enough so that Filbert could hear them from the camera room. He stepped into the mineshaft with the face of a bull who'd just been taunted with a red flag. June paused, tugging at Peter's sleeve as Filbert stepped in Booker's path. He suddenly threw a punch, making Booker stagger back slightly.

"What the f-"

"You reckless idiot! Do you realize how worried I was? You can't just shut off your headset in the middle of a mission and expect everything to be all fine and dandy! Holy fuck, someone could've died." Filbert scolds. Booker contemplates this for a moment. He raises a fist and lets it fall lightly on Filbert's head.

"Yeah, yeah. I know. We better get back to Octopus. I'll report there." Booker says, brushing him off. It was the closest thing to an apology he would get, it was a wonder he didn't punch Filbert immediately. For a moment, Filbert looked like he would absolutely start swinging, and he opened his mouth to protest, but then let out an exasperated sigh.

June looked confused for a moment, but when the group began moving again, she simply shrugged it off as regular brawling, similar to two pups playing rough. Maybe it was standard in a gang. She smiled a little as they stepped into the infirmary at the thought of Booker as a puppy.

"Good to see you too, Filbert," Peter says, laughing as Filbert and Booker start a scuffle. That pair in particular is known for being constantly at odds. Peter would be more worried if they weren't fighting.

As the group walks into the infirmary, Peter taps June's shoulder and nods toward the nurse's station. "You'd better let Nurse Candy take a look at you. Neck wounds can get nasty really fast," he adds gently. Now that he knows June's deaf, he takes extra care to enunciate and speak facing her so she can read his lips.

Despite Peter's instruction, Nurse Candy is already on her way. Her curly, dark brown hair is twisted back in a bun, and her apron and lab coat compliment her caramel skin. "Let's have a look at you, sweets," she says gently, ushering June onto a comfy chair. "Chin up, please." She carefully examines June's injury, and then sets to work dabbing at it with a medicine covered rag.

Peter smiles and waves before heading over to Octavius. June is in good hands; Nurse Candy's been part of the Ravens ever since Carnegie introduced her to them several years ago. She's actually a doctor named Candeline Richardson, with a full degree from Riverstone University, though the rest of her backstory has remained a secret from the gang for years. In any case, she's never lost a patient or her cool.

Peter soon joins Booker and Filbert as they fill Octavius in on the mission. "- so we think they're going to straight up murder this kid they think they're jumping in. Especially if he's as wimpy as they were saying," Booker finishes. "Normally I wouldn't care, but we've had enough blood splats around here as it is."

It's all Peter can do not to chuckle. Although he's rash and arrogant, Booker is one of the most kind-hearted members of the Ravens, and everyone knows it. Peter clears his throat and joins the conversation. "I think maybe we should post someone as a guard to watch for whoever it is they're jumping - Levi, I think they said his name was. They were talking about using that particular spot."
June obeyed both Peter's and Nurse Candy's instructions. She winced a little when the antiseptic touches her cut, to which Candy laughed a little. "Sorry, hun. It'll sting a little." She apologized, continuing to work her nurse magic. A thin layer of bandage was wrapped around her neck. She felt like a dog with a cone around its neck. Nurse Candy only laughed as she picked it, and June couldn't help but notice ow incredibly pretty the woman was. She had to be in her late twenties, caramel skin and beautiful frizzy hair that framed her face wonderfully.

"Yeah. I have stills of their faces we can give everyone so that they're on their guard." Filbert said, jutting his thumb behind him. Octavius kept his eyes closed but expression sharp as he took in the information and results of the mission. He was a simple man. His moral compass was strong, but he had his head set in the real world. He knew he couldn't save everyone, but that sure as hell wouldn't stop him from trying. That was the Raven spirit.

"Oh, and the girl was taken as 'hostage' and for a second Peter looked like he was about to shit himself. She gave him one hell of a beating, though. I potted the other guy's knee and they fled with their tails between their legs." Booker informed. Octopus chortled. He wasn't expecting that from the librarian.

"Okay. The Vipers are idiots, but probably not stupid enough to use the same spot to jump the kid. We'll just have to spread out and see if we can get some information on him. Levi, was it? Have Penny run a search. Just in case they're actually more idiotic than we think, we'll post two guards to the spot. See if anyone's up for the job." Octopus said, rubbing his eyes. Penny was the gang's information broker, techie, and professional nerd; she could program a fully functional software in her sleep. Booker nods, satisfied enough with his orders.

Savvy leaned against the wall next to Octopus' bedside, listening to the report intently. June scuttled over to her, wondering what the group was speaking about.

"What's happening?" She asked. Savvy relayed the information to her promptly. June was almost surprised at the gang's swiftness in action. "I see. Will the boy be okay?" She asked, concerned about this Levi person they spoke of.

"We'll do everything we can. But anyway, June, we better be getting you home. It's getting late, isn't it? You haven't eaten yet, have you? We can go grab a bite on the way home, if you'd like?" Savvy asked.

"Oh, that's very sweet of you. I'd love to." She signed, smiling.
"We'll have to act fast. If I know anything about the Vipers, they're going to strike soon," Peter says, crossing his arms and nodding. "Might even be tomorrow. I'll volunteer to watch the spot near the dumpster bin, but I'd appreciate some backup." He pauses and glances to June, biting his lower lip. "I don't suppose you'd want to help me - "

"Whoa, wait a minute. We can't have an ex-Viper go off with the new girl on her own. No telling what might happen," Filbert adds, shooting a glare in Peter's direction.

Peter sighs and shoves a hand through his hair. "Okay, well, you see anyone else volunteering? Anyway, it's not such a stupid move on the Vipers' part. They'll know the spot's so obvious we probably wouldn't check it."

"But Peter and June and I will be checking it," Booker jumps in. When Peter glances over with wide eyes, he only smiles and nods. "All we need is June's approval to join in. We could use an extra pair of feathers."

Nurse Candy walks over to pat June's shoulder. "We'd be more than happy to let you stay the night. There are plenty of spare rooms, or you could share a room with myself and Savvy. I suppose that'd be all right with you, wouldn't it, Sav?"

Filbert's about to spout off with another protest. Then his phone buzzes. He yanks it out and glances over the message, groaning and rolling his eyes. "For you, mohawk," he tells Booker, tossing him the phone.

Booker quickly reads the message and huffs. "Carnegie wants me over to look at the puppies tomorrow. Sounds like there's something else he wants me there for, too. Seems important." He pulls in a breath and straightens his shoulders. "Octopus? Think Peter and June can hold their own if they stake out the bushes near the garbage bin?"
June looked from Peter to Filbert as Savvy translated, her eyebrows wrinkling. Again, with the interrupting. She couldn't fathom why he couldn't simply let the boy speak. It was redundant and she didn't like it one bit. Although, aside from that, June was a little surprised Peter and especially Booker would want her to stand guard with them. Just a while ago, she allowed herself to be held hostage, of course, she gave the man a good thrashing, but even so.

"Oh, oh dear. Are you sure? I wouldn't want to impose or anything." She signed hesitantly, her polite nature kicking in.

"Of course, we'd love to have you. The real question is are you okay with standing guard?"

"Well- I mean, I don't- I could, I don't mind, but well, I'm not sure if my qualifications are sufficient enough to, well, you know- It's not that I'm not- I would be fine with it, yes-" June stumbled over her signs, confusing herself. She, of course, was a little apprehensive, considering she just had a knife held to her neck, but more than that, she wasn't sure if she would perform well. What if she messed up and put Peter in danger?

"And we have a yes! It's an affirmative from June, boss." Savvy exclaimed. Filbert glared at her, but she simply dismissed him with a cheeky smile. Octopus chuckled a little at their antics and contemplated this for a moment.

"Why the hell not? Sure, go right on ahead, kiddos. There's a small chance they will come to the spot anyway, but just in case, we should have another Raven scouting the general area. Make sure to give June a weapon. A taser will work, I'm not too sure about giving her a firearm. Peter, you can hold a gun, can't you?" He asked.
Peter smiles and gives June a hug. "June. Relax. You'll do great," he says softly. At Octavius' question, he turns and nods. "Yes, sir. I prefer my knife, but I know my way around pistols and glocks." Again, the nickname he usually uses for Octavius is missing.

He clears his throat and shakes his head. "We'll head out tomorrow after breakfast. June? Want to stay the night with Savvy and Nurse Candy? I could give you a tour of the hideout if you want," he adds.

"I'll go and get the room ready. It's been so long since we've had a guest, isn't it, Sav?" Nurse Candy asks. She giggles and raises an eyebrow. "Besides, the room's a disaster. It needs cleaning after last night's pizza dinner."

"I said I was going to take care of it!" Savvy jabs back playfully. She sighs and rolls her eyes when Nurse Candy gives her a look. "All right, I'll clean the room. See you there after Peter gives you a, June?" she adds.

Peter grins and takes June's hand. "It'll be fun. And I promise, nobody here in the Ravens would ever hurt you on purpose. Even the guard dogs are nice once you get to know them."

Filbert, meanwhile, stalks off to another part of the building, much to Booker's surprise. Booker moves closer to Octavius' bedside and crosses his arms. "Filbert seems off. More than usual, I mean. Any clue what's eating him?" he asks. "Last I remember, he was fine until right after . . ." His eyes widen. "Peter's trial. Octopus, you think he's still sore we let the kid back in scot free?"
June, despite looking more than a little apprehensive, was a little excited. She, of course, knew that this probably was not the correct emotion to feel in such lethal situation, but this was likely the most exhilarating thing she had done in her entire life. Nothing especially invigorating about being a librarian. Sometimes, someone would bring in a stack of erotic fiction and try to hide it with biographies of Nelson Mandela, which she found more confusing than anything, but that was about it.

Quickly snapping out of it, June nodded to Peter and Savvy, bowing slightly as she headed out with an "I'll be off!" June smiled and turned back to Peter, ready for the tour. As he guided her out, she took a good moment to simply appreciate all the work that was put into the construction of the hide out. She stole a glance behind her and found Booker speaking lowly to Octopus. Well, that wasn't any of her business.

"Yeah." Octavious rubs his eyes with the palms of his hands. "It would be stupid to think everyone would hop on board the forgiveness train without a trace of suspicion. Just give him time. He's as stubborn as you are, so there's no use in talking it through him." Octopus paused, before chuckling. Booker only glared.

"Fine. Whatever you say, Boss. I ain't taking the blame if he gets a black eye, though." Booker huffs.

"Yeah, yeah."

"I'm heading off to go find Penny, then. Rest easy, Octopus. If you die on us, I'll ressurect you myself and kill you again." He warns. Octopus smiles, dismissing him with a wave.

June follows Peter with a hand gripping the fabric of his sleeve, glancing past her shoulder as Booker runs past.
"Don't worry about Booker," Peter says with a chuckle, following June's gaze before turning to face her again. "He can be a little stubborn at times and acts like the toughest guy around, but he's . . . he's really a softy. I wouldn't be alive right now if it wasn't for him," he adds.

He pulls in a breath and walks into the Hub. It's the center of the hideout, with tunnels that lead to all the others areas. What used to be part of a water tower has been converted into a deep unground pool, and several Raven members are taking a dip.

"Hey, Brownie! New blood! Go say hi!" one of the boys calls out.

A dark brown pitbull scrambles out of the pool and barks, wagging his tail as he bolts towards June and skids to a stop. Then he bows playfully and shakes the water out of his fur, showering both Peter and June.

"Ack - ! Brownie!" Peter bursts out, laughing. He brushes himself off and rolls his eyes, kneeling down to ruffle the dog's fur. "June, this is one of our guard dogs, Brownie. That nut who sicced him on us is Colin."

"Pleasure to meet you," Colin calls as he drags himself onto dry land. He has pale skin, messy bleach blond hair, and silver eyes. He shakes his dripping hair out of his eyes and offers June a hand. "Notice how I told him to go say hi? That means you're a friend. If I'd told him to go get you, it might've been a different story - though Brownie's a good judge of character. He's never hurt anyone who didn't deserve it."

Peter nods as Brownie flops over onto his back. "He can be ferocious. I promise. Even if he doesn't look scary. Anyway, this area is the Hub. It leads to every other area in the hideout. If you ever get lost, find this place and you'll find your bearings," he tells June. "Any questions so far?"
June laughed a soft, genuine laugh, shielding herself with the aid of her handbag as a pitbull approached them and showered her in pool water. After he was sufficiently dried off, she bent down and scratched the backs of his ears playfully. She was always a dog person. And a cat person. And an I-love-all-animals-please-let-me-shower-them-with-affection person...

She stood and dried herself off as another Raven approached them and promptly shook hands. The light spring in his step told her he was a nice person, though he did speak a little quickly, just barely enough for June to get the gist of what he was telling her. Upon his expectant glance, she looked toward Peter, as if to say, A little help?

Although, a moment later, her features lit up and she shuffled though her bag for a pen and paper. Of course, being deaf, it was commonplace for her to improvise for communication, pulling up a note app on her smartphone or a little notepad. Her phone was dead, so the latter would suffice. Colin pulled a confused expression as she did so.

'How long ago was all of this built? It's really an intricate piece of work, I never would have thought to put a hideout in an abandoned mine shaft.' She scribbled, her penmanship as neat as a pin, courtesy of being a librarian. It was held up so that both Peter and Colin could see, and the boy chuckled when he read it.

"Oh yeah, it's been here for a while. It was handed down to us, the current generation, I guess. We made a couple renovations, like in the camera room and infirmary, and in the Hub, obviously." He said. June nodded. For a moment, she was really truly interested in the history of this gang, this unconventional architecture, the swiftness of operation and even a hierarchy, if there was anything of the sort.
Peter smiles, as June seems to be interested in learning more about the gang. "So you like history, huh?" he asks. "Want to learn more about the Ravens? I could take you to the camera room if you want. All our records are there, and we can probably convince Filbert to let us have a look around," he adds.

Colin nods and waves. "You two have fun, then! Brownie and I are going to take a few more laps around the pool. Let me know if you need anything, huh? If I'm not in the pool, I'll be either in the snack bar or the gun range."

"Right. Later, Colin," Peter says, smiling and waving in return. He cautiously reaches for June's hand as he heads for the camera room. "So, as far as the rooms, there's a whole list on a map in our records. You can take a picture with your phone if you want."

He passes through a dimly lit stone hallway, which gives off a slight musty smell and is cracking and crumbling in a few places. Three or four metal doors line the hall. The last one leads to the camera room, which is giving off a soft blue glow.

Peter walks up to the door and knocks a few times. "Filbert? It's Peter and June. Can we come in and look around? I'm giving June a tour."

The room is silent for a few moments. Then a leather chair squeaks, a few papers are rustled, and the door is yanked open with a creak. Filbert stands in the doorway with a glare and crosses arms. "What are you going to show her?" he snaps.

"Relax. Just the cameras, a map of the place, old history stuff. You could even lead the tour if you - " Peter starts.

"The cameras, map, and history? What are you trying to do, Peter? Get us arrested? Only Ravens can see all that! If the cops got wind of what we're doing down here, someone is bound to get caught!" he bursts out.

Peter huffs and sets his jaw. "June is a Raven, Filbert. Come on. Just let us - "

"No. I don't trust you any more than I trust her," Filbert says with a huff. "Get lost." He slams the door shut again. Moments later, there's a click as he locks it.

Peter heaves a sigh and rubs the back of his neck, clearing his throat as he turns back towards June. "Sorry about that. He's a little . . . well, he's . . . you know."
June nodded vigorously to his offer. Indeed, she was a sucker for history. She followed Peter through the maze of hallways, frowning when he told her she could take a picture. For one thing, her phone was dead, so she wouldn't be able to any way, but even if she did, she just felt... dirty. Even if it was with good intentions in mind, these people were so undeniably kind to her, the very thought of deceiving them rubbed her in the wrong way. She would have to sit down with herself and figure out how she was going to help these people.

As they approached, June decided she would just take in the history of this establishment for was it was. History. And not evidence for the police. However, she was so preoccupied in the want to absorb everything she could that she could not properly react to the short lived argument between Mr. Soggy Lampshade and Peter. She staggered back a little bit when he slammed the door in her face, and all she could do was stare, indignant. In spite of this, June understood the gist of what happened and dismissed Peter's apology. But oh, was she furious.

June stomped her foot. It was her way of showing ire. She wretched out the notepad and began furiously scribbling in a position where Peter could look over her shoulder.

'Mr. Filbert. I understand your distrust towards myself, it's only natural seeing as I've been here for less than a day. I get it. However, what I don't understand is your utter gall to slam a door in your teammate's and a guest's face. I don't understand why you must speak in such an arrogant or obnoxiously loud tone. And, Mr. Fuckface Filbert, I do not understand why you feel so entitled to speak that you cut Peter off every chance you get. It's redundant and rude. Mind your fucking manners.'

Upon completion of her... feedback, she promptly kneed the center of the door, created a noise she could not hear, and aggressively slipped the note under the doorway. She took Peter's hand in hers and sped off, huffing and puffing. June was not a woman of moderation. Once she snaps, she goes hard.

Even so, she questioned her own motives for a moment. Filbert did raise a point, his assumption was not baseless. She did come in with intentions of having them arrested and put into rehab.
"I'm not sure the note will do much, but it was a valiant effort," Peter says with a lopsided smile. He follows after June quietly, occassionally glancing back at the door to the computer room. It's completely silent now. He heaves a deep breath and continues on down the hallway. "Come on. I'll show you the rest of the hideout."

After an hour of walking around, introducing June to the gang, and catching her up on everything he knows, Peter slows to a stop in front of Nurse Candy's and Savvy's room. He rubs the back of his neck and clears his throat. "So, um . . . any questions on anything else? Ready for tomorrow?" he adds. He's hopeful he and June won't have to deal with the Vipers at all, but there's always a chance.

Nurse Candy opens the door on hearing conversation outside. She's wearing a silky bathrobe and curlers in her hair; tomorrow she's trying a new hairstyle. She smiles when she finds Peter and June in front of her. "Well, hello, you two! How was the tour?" she asks, eyes sparkling. She glances over her shoulder. "Savvy! June's here!" she calls out.

"Okay! Let me just clean up these pizza boxes and I'll be right over!" Savvy calls back from inside the kitchenette area.

The room itself is set up similarly to an apartment room. There are two beds in the bedroom, a kitchenette, a bathroom, and a living room area. Savvy and Candy have decorated the room with bamboo and panda stickers, pillows, and posters. They're Nurse Candy's favorite. Many of Savvy's decorations also surround the room.
June shook her head. "I'm ready. I think. I hope everything goes well. Wouldn't want a replay of what happened earlier, huh?" She wrote, holding it up for Peter to see with a slight smile. This would have to be her mode of communication when Savvy wasn't there to translate. She was a little overwhelmed by it all, if she was being honest. So many people, so many faces, so much to simply take in. She would be lying if she said she wasn't slightly fascinated by it, though. Even if they were a street gang, the people seemed benevolent and hospitable, or well, most of them at least.

June turned to find Nurse Candy in the doorway, smiling as she peered into the apartment. It was decorated in accordance to just how she thought it would be, what with their colorful personalities. Savvy and Candy seemed like two peas in a pod. June gasped for a second, suddenly realizing something.

"Oh the tour was wonderful. Peter is a really sweet good guide. But, uh, I have a quick question. Are you and Savvy," She paused while writing this, "-dating by any chance?" She wrote, holding it up for Candy to see. Savvy jogged over to them from somewhere inside the flat, waving at the pair cheerfully. "Hm?" She bent down to scan June's note, before chuckling, blushing a little.

"Well, Candy?"
(Aaaatgh the shipping fuel!! :D )

Candy giggles and flushes red. "Oh! Well, I . . . we're . . ." She clears her throat, rubbing her arm before gently reaching for Savvy's hand with a soft smile. "As a matter of fact, yes. But we've been waiting for the right moment to tell everyone. How did you find out?"

Peter bursts out laughing. "Well, let's see, you two share a room, you sneak off together all the time, and you each blush if anyone mentions the other person. I think even I knew about it. I was just distracted by everything else going on." He grins and winks. "Don't worry, though. We'll let you two tell the gang. Besides, remember when Octopus thought I was trans? How accepting he was? Things will be fine."

"I guess you're right," Candy says, heaving a sigh of relief. "Thank you, Peter. You travel home safely now, okay?" she adds, patting his shoulder.

Peter smiles and nods. "Thanks, Candy. I will. See you in the morning, June! Get plenty of sleep, okay?" he calls, waving. Then he heads off towards the elevator, disappearing a few minutes later.

Candy chuckles after he leaves, ushering June inside. "Speaking of dating, looks like someone else has caught the love bug. I've never seen Peter that close to anyone," she adds softly. "He must really like you."
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(Heehehheheheheeh ÔuÔ)

June giggled at Candy and Savvy's flustered display of affection. They made such a cute couple, it was impossible to not notice. She waved goodbye to Peter as he left, beaming at the boy. "Stay safe." She signed, despite knowing that he had already turned his back. To this, Savvy raised an eyebrow while Candy ushered her inside.

June suddenly flushes at Candy's assumptions, shaking her head vigorously and waving her hands dismissively. "No, no, no, no!! You've got it all wrong! We- we only met yesterday!" She signed vehemently. Savvy translated to Candy in between chortles, and Candy simply patted her back.

"We're only teasing, love. Come on, we usually host new members so we have a guest bed in the other room. You must be hungry, huh? We're having spaghetti tonight, so help yourself." She informed her. They made their way into the kitchen and had a well deserved meal, June was absolutely starving. Nurse Candy was closer to June's size, so she let her borrow some night clothes before she went off to bed.
The next morning, Candy's the first one in the room up. She makes a quick breakfast for herself and the sleeping girls, though she doesn't have time to wait for them to wake up before she scarfs her meal. She's the Ravens' nurse, after all. Her patients are counting on her. She plants a gentle kiss on Savvy's cheek before hurrying to get her uniform on. Then she dashes off down the hallway.

First things first, she'd better check how Octavius is doing. Then she has to prepare for Booker bringing in the new guard dogs. While she's not an official vet, she has some experience with animals and always does her best to help out. She flicks the light on as she walks into the infirmary, walking quietly toward the sink to wash her hands. "Morning, Octopus. Feeling any better?" she asks as she notices the Ravens' leader is awake.


Peter rifles through the drawers in his apartment kitchen, searching for the pistol he'd left somewhere. He already has a knife in his pocket. If he and June do end up having to fight Vipers, they'll want to be prepared.

He's almost skipped breakfast, but he doesn't want to risk the wrath of Candy, so he grabs a few granola bars and takes a bite or two of them between packing. His backpack is soon full to the brim with first-aid supplies, extra food and water, weapons, and a blanket. Peter nods and tugs the bag onto his shoulders, shoving the last of his granola bar into his mouth before rushing off to the hideout.
"Feeling great, Candy, all thanks to you. Maybe even well enough to be up and on my feet?" Octopus tested. Despite being the leader of the gang, he really did have much respect for Candy and also slightly feared her wrath, though, he would never admit it. She shot him a glare.

"Honey, don't you even think about walking on two feet until that bandage is off." She cautioned, before going on to do her daily duties.


June would've woken up in accordance to librarian time, had Savvy not nearly broken her back trying to shake the girl awake. June was a... heavy sleeper, to say the least, it took an industrial force to wake her. She and Savvy gobbled down the breakfast that Candy had left for them, and June began to wonder if she was some sort of super human. Savvy laughed and informed her that Candy was somewhat considered the mom of the gang, she was constantly one step ahead and somehow always had goldfish on her.

Before they left, June had to call in sick for work. She would have to ask Octavious how long they'd be on guard, as she did have work to attend to. They made the short walk to HQ in jubilant chatter passing by all the other gang members.

June made a beeline for the infirmary, where she assumed Octavious was, without even noticing Peter entering behind her. He looked chipper. She took out her notebook and pen, and began writing.

"Are you feeling any better?" She asked first. He gave her a thumbs up. "Better than ever, little lady. Oh, and that's right. I forgot to mention," He waited until Peter was close enough to hear. "We're probably going to put up guards on the spot for a week, if the Vipers don't show. You two will do the day shifts and we'll put up two other Ravens to work the night shift. After a week, well, we'll see. Our information broker, Penny, is already on the case, so hopefully we'll catch him before any harm does come to the boy." He explains, slowly enough so that June can catch all his words. She nods.
Peter heaves a sigh of relief when he hears what shift they'll be on. The day shift will be a lot safer for June. He nods to Octavius and grins. "Thanks, Octo - uh, Octavius. I appreciate it," he says softly. He'd almost used Octavius' nickname that time. He'll have to watch himself more carefully.

He clears his throat and reaches gently for June's hand. "Ready to go patrol the area?" he asks, enunciating with a warm smile. "I don't think much will happen. Even Vipers are smart enough not to work in broad daylight."

Peter leads June back toward the bushes and garbage bin they'd been hiding behind the last time. He settles down on the concrete and zips open his backpack, telling June everything that's inside. ". . . and then we've got a first-aid kit. Candy taught me how to use one, just in case," he adds.

He's about to give June a few more tips when he hears footsteps walking down the street. He presses a finger to his lips and glances between the bushes to see what's going on. Then he stiffens and shrinks back, nodding to June. "Vipers," he whispers. "Different ones. Stay quiet."

". . . so Cobra put us on this job for what? The other two didn't hack it?" one gangster asks.

"The other two almost got busted by three kids. That's what I heard," the other says. "Now shut up and listen. This is where we dump the body when we're done with him, dig? I know Cobra wants that kid in his gang for whatever reason, but I don't appreciate new competition. We're stomping and dumping him. Got it?"
June eyed Peter quizzically as his posture stiffened, and she turned her head to see whatever has spooked him. Oh. Oh no. She didn't think they would actually show! Sure, she didn't know much about street gangs and their way of life but from the context she had been given, coming here sounded like the dumbest goddamn move a person could make.

Quickly, she reached into Peter's bag and found the recorder he had showed her earlier. It might come in handy later, and plus, she was sure Filbert and like-minded people would want to have some type of evidence if they were to take action. Even if she couldn't hear it.

"Man, you cold as fuck. I respect that, though. You don't think Cobra'll be mad if we kill him, though? If he wants the kid in the gang that much..."

"Shit dude, we've killed way more people jumping 'em than Cobra would care to mourn for. It'll be fine. Trust me dude." The other reassured.

"Tonight's gonna be a fucking blood bath."

"But you got this spot in your head, yeah? We should get going before those kids fuck us over." He said, shoving the other out onto the street.

June squinted through the bushes. She couldn't lip read any of the conversation, as they had their backs turned to them. She heaved a sigh of relief when they left, ending the recording as she turned back to Peter.

"Now what?" She asked. The phrase was short enough to fingerspell.
When June reveals a recorder, Peter grins and nods. Then he turns his attention back to the gangsters and listens intently. Only when he's sure they're gone does he pull in a breath and turn back towards June. "Okay. Sounds like they're jumping this Levi kid tonight," he says softly. "Here's what we have to do: let the Ravens know and bring enough people with us to crash the party. And we'll bring Nurse Candy in case we get there a bit late. The Vipers always jump people in by that bridge near the river - you know, the big broken one between the cities?"

He gets to his feet and offers June a hand up. "Personally, we probably didn't even need to record the conversation. Booker will vouch for us. But I can't wait to see Filbert's face when he realizes we're on the level," he adds with a grin. He pats June's shoulder and nods. "Come on. Let's go tell the Ravens."

A short time later, Peter is in the infirmary talking with Octavius, going over every detail he and June learned. "- so it's going to be tonight at the old abandoned bridge," he finishes. "We'll probably need Nurse Candy, a lot of fighters, and at least two people who can swim, just in case. I'll go along so at the very least, everyone will know where the exact spot is."

Booker glances up from sharpening his knife and nods. "I'm going. And I'll bring the new guard dog with me once I get him. No way I'm letting a bunch of Vipers kill someone in cold blood. Uh, no offense," he adds, glancing at Peter with a shrug.

"None taken. I'm not a Viper any more," Peter says softly. "Octavius? Who else should we take with?"