Twisted Romace

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Brent sighed, "B-but dad said never to let anyone know..." He jumped as his cellphone rang. It was his parents, "oh gosh no!" He satrted to put his shirt back on, "oh gosh no he knows I'm late! I'm going to get it tonight!" He whispered under his breath, "Please be out of amno in the gun!"
"Listen... He doesn't know that I know... We need to think of something... Fast..." Hailey looked worried... Panicked really... "What time were you supposed to be home at? We might be able to come up with an excuse or something..."
"It doesn't matter! I'm three minutes late! He said if I was late he'd shoot me!" he hugged her tighlty, "help me..." He lost his strengh and fell to the floor, holding himself.
"I-I don't know what to do...... I don't want to lose you..." She hugged Brent again... "Has he.. shot you before?" She asked him her voice sounded Shaky... Tears began to stream down her cheeks...
Brent nodded and pointed at his lower chest...there was a gaping sowed shut hole there, "H-he did...I desereved it though...I got mad and...said for him to stop..." He hugged and and cried, "h-help..."
"It's not safe for you to go back home then.... I-I can't let it happen again..." Her voice was breaking as she kept crying, trying to suppress sobbing...
Brent curled up on the floor, "B-but I desreve the cuts...and all of it...he said so..I'm nothing but a whore anyway..."
"Just because he said so... Doesn't mean it's true you know..." She held him closer "Listen... You can stay the night if you'd like.... You deserve a break from all of this at least.... Even if he tells you you're nothing... I think you're something.... Just" She stopped herself, realizing what she was about to say...
Brent didn't hear her and curled up by her feet, "B-but I don't deserve your kindness..."
She sighed a bit "Here... Let me tell you something.... Remember when we were talking back at that cafe? How I said I had things that were... Hidden from view?" She hesitated... wondering is she should say anymore...
Looking up at her, he slowly thoubght about what she meant, "H-hhidden?"
"In other words... I Have my own secrets...." She said nervously... She was still conflicted on whether or not to tell him.... He trusted her enough to reveal his own secret... So it was only fair to reveal hers... But... Can she?
Blinking in confusion, he looked up, still crying and holidng himself, "Y-you can trust me...there isn't...anyone who I would tell...really just ...tell me..."
She paused for a moment, trying to form the right words... Then spoke... "Have you ever noticed someone... Missing here?" She asked
Brent stopped crying and dragged himself to his knees weakly, "M-missing as in?"
"Gone... Not here... Someone that should be..." She said... Stalling as much as she could...
Brent frowned and looked at her closely, "N-nno...I've never really left the house for there something I should be missing?"
"It..." She sighed, deciding to get it over with... "It's my father.... He's been gone for a while now..."
Brent looked up and his eyes showed pain, "Y-your father...left?" He asked, again weakly taking her hand and cuddling it.
"He's.... Dead..." She whispered...
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