Tree Branches

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Jason regretted asking this question. It clearly was a hard one to answer for Phil and brought up memories. Stole. There was something that linked together Jason's and Phil's past.

As Phil began to cry, Jason did the only thing he thought was right, by bending down so their faces were level, and trying to move Phil's hands so he could wipe his eyes. "Don't cry. You didn't mean to. It's over now." He hated himself for not settling Phil the way he should have, by sharing their common ground with him, but he physically couldn't.
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Location: Bedroom -> Kitchen
Tagged: @Thingtastic & @Prince Shattered Charming
Mentioned: @TheImagineer & @SashaBliss


Daisy put her camera on her bed gently. She realized her pajamas had no pockets so she wouldn't be able to carry her camera and still have her hands free. She went over to her dresser to get something clothes out.

It was a hand-made dresser with chalkboard paint on it. One of Zuri's friends, Mat, had done most of the work building it with a little of Dante's helped and Dante and Zuri had painted it with the chalk board paint plus she'd draw on it more Daisy sometimes. It had been Zuri's and Dante's idea and they'd given it to her last month.

Daisy stood at her dresser opening the drawers and looking into them. It was hard for her to pick clothes becuase she couldn't make her mind easily. Normally Ashley would help her or they would be set out before hand.

She finally settled on a set of cargo pants and a tye dye shirt that was on the floor. She didn't normally wear shoes unless she was forced too. She got dressed quickly and realized her pants were too big so she grabbed her belt off of a hook in the closet.

Daisy sat on her bed struggling to get the belt right, her hands shook and manual dexterity wasn't really good enough to get the little metal hook in a belt hole. Plus she'd miss a belt loop in the back.

Finally she gave up on the belt and shoving her camera in her zip up pocket she bounded down the stairs her belt hanging unused around her waist and one hand holding the waist of her pants up. Bouncing into the kitchen she looked around, her hair was still a mess and she hadn't wash her face, taken her meds, or anything else so she looked like a disheveled puppy. Happy yet a total mess.

Daisy pulled her step stool over to Scarlet and stood on it watching her cook, she tapped her shoulder.

'Can I help?' she signaled slowly. Daisy wasn't hungry, but she loved cooking and always wanted to help. She turned to Ashley and waved. Hopefully Ashley would be OK with letting Daisy cook before they left. Daisy turned back to Scarlet and smiled at her waiting for a response.
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Letting Jason move his hands when he tried to he stood there for a few more moments trying to stop the tears. Once he finally had he said, "okay..." He then couldn't help himself and wrapped his arms around the other needing a hug even if he had just gotten one a few minutes ago.

He was glad Jason had told him it was okay. He valued the other's opinion a lot and knowing that his older brother thought it was okay made him feel a lot better about the whole situation. Before he let go he kissed the other on the cheek and said, "thank you Jason."
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To help stop the tears, Jason gently wiped Phil's eyes. He felt no pity towards Phil. It was gone. It was over. Let it go. He only wanted to comfort, but to pity was to look down upon, and so, he only did what he could. That was create a distraction. Jason was happy when Phil no longer had bitter tears running down his little face. "You're okay," he whispered softly, knowing that another hug was already coming. He liked hugs, and Phil's were the warmest. The most genuine, in Jason's opinion. He wrapped Phil in a hug, his left fingers ruffling Phil's hair fondly. It was nice to have a baby brother who respected him and loved him. Jason wanted to spoil him.

"You're welcome," he murmured, letting go as Phil did, stepping back in awkward silence. "We should have brought a football," he suddenly said after a few moments without exchange of words.
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Now that he was done crying he smiled up at the other and said, "well it would be kinda hard to play with all the trees and stuff in the way." Taking the other's hand he kept walking with him and said, "do you wanna just keep walking or do something?" He really wasn't sure what to do unless they either kept walking or did something.

He was glad Jason had comforted him instead of telling him to man up like they had at the foster home. It had been awful there the older boys always always picking on him until hi started crying ten they would pick on him for crying.

"Good point." Jason, once again, noticed Phil's intelligence, and his eye for detail. "We could do a scavenger hunt? You have to find animals and acorns and stuff?" Jason suggested, honestly running out of ideas but desperately wanting to keep Phil entertained so they could spend more time together. "Or we could just walk, if you want. Your choice."

He took a few moments to think about what he'd do with Ashley. They'd find lizards together. A scavenger hunt was pretty similar. There was lots of wildlife in woodlands, but they lived in a National Park as well, so there was likely to be even higher amounts.
"Um I guess we can do a scavenger hunt...but then can we go back to the house? I'm tired," Phil said. He wasn't tired in the sense that he would like to take a nap but in the sense that he had been walking for a while and was just tired in general.

He wouldn't mind going back to the house and watching a movie or something with Jason. He liked watching movies because that was always a reason to cuddle which he loved to do and he assumed the other wouldn't have a problem with that.
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"We can go back now if you want." Jason liked the outside, and the fresh air, but he could tell, Phil was getting fed up. If you were generally an indoor person, it was hard to stay out for too long. "What do you think we should do?" He knew Phil liked puzzles, something that Jason hoped he didn't have to do, mostly because he found it boring. He certainly couldn't forget about Randy's 'present', that was still in his room. "Watch a film or play a game or something," he suggested, not really minding which option Phil chose, or if he wanted to stay inside. "The hunt can wait, after all." He wondered what kind of thing Phil would like to do, mostly because he saw him as quite unpredictable at times. Like just then. He was pretty glad Phil was getting tired though, because he was short on ideas and didn't want him to get bored.
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★Scarlet Ellington★

[fieldbox=, #f01405, solid]
While Scarlet was busy cooking the eggs and sausages, she almost didn't notice Dante going back to her room. She had an idea, and a smirk played on her face. Scarlet knew that Dante wasn't the type to go shopping, or to wear dresses and make up... but Scarlet wasn't the type to give up on something soo easily. She would get Dante into a dress, one day. The food was almost done, when Scarlet heard her mother ask for a small plate. "Alright... and I will make sure to tell Vicky that you said hi, she'll probably come over here one of these days... I told her how fun and crazy this family can get." She giggled.

Scarlet could hear heavy and annoying footsteps start to descend towards the kitchen area, with a roll of her eyes she ignored it for the moment. She knew who was coming now, she could feel the annoyance and fright start to rise in her stomach. Randy was finally awake and ready to be a jerk, like always. When he commented on her outfit, Scarlet gave a faint smile. "Well... you wouldn't know fashion if it came up and smacked you... Gel Boy." Flipping her hair over her shoulder, she turned back to the food, not letting his sour attitude ruin her beautiful morning.

Scarlet looked down at Little Jack Jack, she smiled at him. "Of course." She loved how Jack dressed up all the time... he knew fashion, almost as much as she did. Scarlet felt a light tap to her shoulder, turning, she looked at Daisy. "Well, it's almost done but..." She moved Daisy's step stool over in front of her, now standing behind Daisy. "You can finish the eggs... and after you eat, we'll go wash your face and fix your outfit." She lightly pinched Daisy's cheek, smiling at the little girl. Knowing that Daisy couldn't cook with her pants being loose, Scarlet fixed the girl's belt, at the same time watching her finish the eggs. "It's almost ready... good job."

★Location: The Kitchen
★Mood: Happy-Annoyed/Frighten-Calm/Happy/Protective

★Outfit: Scarlet's Outfit
★Interaction(s): Angelica, Randy, Jack, Daisy
★Mentioned: Dante, Angelica, Randy, Jack, Daisy

★Tagged: @SashaBliss @Thingtastic @Finhawk @Icystorm @Charlie Vasilyev

"Yeah I think we should go back to the house. Can we maybe watch a movie in your room or something?" Phil asked the other with a grin. He hoped the other would agree so he could have an excuse to cuddle which had hadn't done in a few days. Most people thought it was weird that he was so affectionate towards people but Phil usually didn't care. He was just glad that Jason always seemed to enjoy his affection unlike other people in his past.
Location: Kitchen
Tagged: @Prince Shattered Charming
Mentioned: @Thingtastic

Daisy took the spatula and pushed the eggs around in the pan to make sure they got fully cooked. When she felt hands on her waist and belt she took a sharp breath of panic and her eyes widened as memories tried to force their way to the surface, but then she heard Scarlet speak to her and smiled again. She pushed the eggs around a bit more and then turned to Scarlet,
'All done.' she signed. Daisy jumped down and moved her step stool so Scarlet could turn the stove off and take the eggs off. She turned back to her sister waiting to see if she needed more help.
'Do you need toast?' she signed wanting to be as helpful as possible. She bounced on her tip toes waiting for the response. If nothing else needed to be done maybe Ashley would take her to see that special thing. Daisy was excited for whatever Ashely had to show her...she always was excited when anyone wanted to show or give her something.
Daisy had already had breakfast so she didn't get herself a plate down for the food. She didn't know how many people were eating either so she didn't bother getting dishes out. One of Daisy's chores was to set the table, but her Mommy would always tell her what to set out when she had to do that.

"Sure, anything you want to watch?" he asked, curious to see what kind of thing Phil liked. Jason himself wasn't very fussy, so it didn't matter. He knew that they were likely to spend most of the time talking anyway. He loved talking and hugging Phil, so it didn't worry him too much that they wouldn't enjoy the film as much as normally he would when watching alone. He wondered what Phil was thinking, because he was thinking about what films were his options.
Woods/ house
As they got back to the house Phil said, "we can watch anything you wanna watch Jason." He quickly pulled the other along wanting to avoid the members of his "family" that he didn't like. Once they got to Jason's room he stopped. He didn't want to just barge into the other's room and decided to wait for Jason to open the door.
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Jason Morris-Ellington
Woods -> Jason's Bedroom

We can watch whatever you wanna watch, Jason. He pondered for a few moments. He'd want to watch his personal favourites, but he had to remember that Phil was only eight years old, and Jason watched PG-13's and some higher as well. It wasn't very responsible of him, so in the end, he decided to pretend to want to watch a Disney film, mostly because he at least knew they were suitable for children. He noticed Phil took him very quickly to his room. He must have been pretty eager to watch the film, but he was patient. He waited for permission to enter his room. Jason curled his fingers around the knob, turning it in a rapid movement, seemingly impatient to get inside his dull room. Jason liked it that way. It didn't say too much, and it was nice and dark when the lights were out and the curtains were closed. Dappled sunlight poured in through the singular window. "I think I've got some disney films in here... what do you normally watch?" he asked, not wanting to choose anything Phil found too boring, but with his small variety, he wasn't sure.
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Morning - Sunday in May
Weather: 66 F/ 18.8 C



Location - Kitchen--> Den
Tagged: @Prince Shattered Charming @Finhawk
Mentioned: @OlympusBlood @Icystorm
Angelica took her plate with a 'thanks' and started eating, but not before Randy came down and promptly voiced his critique of Scarlet's clothes and Angelica's cellphone rang. Frowning, Angelica wagged her finger at Randy, while swiping left on her phone. "Randy, mind your manners. Fashion is subjective and if you feel the need to make a critique please make sure it's constructive." She said, before carrying the plate to her room. "I'll be in the study sweeties, call me if you need anything." She mouthed before walking off.

"Angelica Ellington speaking, oh hi, Clark, how are you? New phone? Nice!" Angelica shut the door behind her muffling her voice to the outside. She didn't want anyone to hear her speaking to the child psychologist she was considering hiring for two of her sons, Jason and Jack.



Location - Kitchen
Tagged: @Charlie Vasilyev @Finhawk @Prince Shattered Charming @Icystorm

While Daisy went to get dressed and then started helping to cook, Ashley went back upstairs to get dressed herself. She had been so excited to share her findings that she'd forgotten that she needed proper clothes to venture outside. After getting dressed, she found Roger's leash and harness and fitted it onto him. The large lizard swished it's tail in annoyance but Ashley didn't let up. She wanted to take Roger with her and combine his walk with the adventure but not without his leash and harness. When they wanted to, iguanas were surprisingly fast and Ashley didn't want to risk him running off and getting eaten by a bird or a coyote or something. Finally, Ashley grabbed her 'adventure pack' basically a bag that her mother had helped her fill up with a first aid box, water bottles, a compass (that she still couldn't really figure out), and a walkie talkie that was set to the park rangers channel (Ashley wasn't sure she was supposed to have that), and went back downstairs.

She watched Daisy finish cooking with Scarlet and signed at her. Ready? She also noticed Randy was there and gave him a wave and a bright smile. I'm going to show Daisy something special, want to come? She turned to Jack and Scarlet. You guys can come too if you want.

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Jason's bedroom
"We can watch a grow up movie if you want, I'm 8 I can handle it!" Phil said with a grin up at Jason hoping that he would let him watch a pg-13 movie with him. He did like Disney movies but like most kids his age the thought of watching a pg-13 movie thrilled him. He would understand if Jason didn't want him to watch the movie in which case he would just watch a Disney movie. Really though he just wanted to cuddle with Jason something he hadn't been able to do in a long time.
Jason Morris-Ellington
Jason's Bedroom

"Umm… I bet you can, but I don't think mum and dad… I mean, Angelica and Robert, would like it if I let you watch a grown up film without asking," Jason explained. He didn't want to ruin Phil's thoughts of him being fun to be around, but he also didn't want to get in trouble with his parents for letting a member of the family watch a film they were too young for. He had to be responsible. "I'll ask next time, but I think we should stick with more suitable options." He held up the few kiddie films he had.
Jason's room
" about Peter Pan?" He said walking up to the ither's bed and saying, "is it alright if I sit on your bed?0 he wanted to make sure that it was okay with the other male before he just got on his bed. He knew some people didn't like other people on their bed, especially without permission which at the moment he didn't have. Although he would have liked to watch a pg-13 movie he was okay with Peter Pan.
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Jason Morris-Ellington
Jason's Bedroom

Okay, how about Peter Pan? "Okie dokie," Jason replied to Phil's decision, preferring Peter Pan above the other options because of the higher amounts of sword fighting. He turned the television on and put the disk into the ready-installed holder in his television. At that moment, Jason was asked a question that he knew the answer to already. "Of course, if you don't mind me sitting with you." He took off his shoes, before sitting down on his single bed and reaching for the remote on his drawers.

[BCOLOR=#000000]Dante Chrismond[/BCOLOR]
[BCOLOR=#000000][BCOLOR=#000000]Outfit with Ponytail[/BCOLOR][/BCOLOR]
[BCOLOR=#000000]Location: Bedroom --> Living room[/BCOLOR]
[BCOLOR=#000000]Dante sat on her bed in the Indian style position. A jumbo drawing pad in her lap. Earbuds sat in place in her ears, her laptop next to her playing a Linkin Park mix that she had made. Pushing a bang behind her ear she continued to draw. Uncomfortable with where she was, she closed her laptop and put the earbuds on an MP3 player. Getting up from her position she slid the mp3 in her pocket. Grabbing the note pad she went downstairs into the living room. Finding the couch to not be taken, she sat on the left side of the couch. Her knees half-way pulled up to her chest she place the drawing pad and began to draw again. In the end the drawing turned out to be a rose. She sat in thought staring at it for a while, the music still blasting in her ears.[/BCOLOR]

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