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It's never been confirmed if a scratch would turn you into one of them. Though we'll just go ahead and make it so that a scratch will make you sick.. If it is treated.. You're fine.. How about that?
I am about to post my response. It will be completely in the past, so I will not be interacting with any characters.
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o.o Well, if a scratch doesn't turn you, you may want to clarify in the rules~
I'm glad a scratch doesn't turn you... that would mean fighting the motherfuckers wouldn't be a thing since one scratch... you're fucked XD.
omfg "perfect ghetto response" xD

@SheriffLlama Hey doll, just so you know, she has blonde hair, not red. :)
I'm working over my girl's Intro post... and sometimes I forget things, but what is the weather of the rp. I might've missed it in ic if someone mentioned it? XD
It's like the first sentence of the rp... wow. I guess after reading all the others post I forgot XD. It's a rainy chilly day XD, great lol.
Ok my intro is up and I suck at intros... so now that it's out the way, my posts will be back to their good normal selves. I started her off solo area because like I said my intros suck and I didn't want to jump into something with that bad intro. Next post I will have Vixen leave the store and head to some place where the others are. She is really internally freaking out but a good actress always keeps her emotions in check XD.
omfg "perfect ghetto response" xD

@SheriffLlama Hey doll, just so you know, she has blonde hair, not red. :)
Dang it! I looked at the picture five billion times, and I couldn't decide if her her was red or blonde, so I just went with red. Fixing my incompetency now.
@SheriffLlama Haha, it's all cool man! If you need any future reference, the face claim is Amber Heard. :)
Ok, so @-QT- , @Justinaholic , & @Alexstrasza you guys are excused until friday for the posts :) Alex, hmm.... Well internet until tmr so i guess it's fine? If the problem persists, let me know. Since your charry isnt interacting with anyone, yet, i think it's fine.
Wait waaa D: but I posted haha, oooh you mean my other character :3... got ya
Now that I posted for V. My other two chars will be up shortly^^ and so will their intros. I feel great with no work and can roleplay all day xD.

✘"I'm not some broken hearted fool... so don't treat me like one."✘
Full Name: Readd "Red" Jonathan Matthews

Nicknames: Red or Daredevil

Age: Twenty-Four

Gender: Male

Sexual Orientation: Bisexual


Bold Aggressive Guarded Selfish Secretive Violent Domineering Opinionated Immature Prideful Masculine Unapologetic Sarcastic Pessimistic
Readd isn't the most friendliest person around; he will usually do things on his own unless he sees that someone else might be able to get him further if he sticks with them for a short period of time. He uses other people to get what he wants and doesn't apologize for manipulating others into believing that he wants to be "friends" with them. He has been known to make other people do his dirty work; while they get in trouble, he's far from the chaos; reaping the benefits after the carnage is over. He has had a very rough and fucked up life, but he doesn't talk about to anyone and doesn't plan on it. People have told him that he should go see a Therapist to get over his family trauma; he eventually curses them out and storms off. If he wants to do something, there's no one that can stop him from doing said thing. Readd isn't the team player type if he's not the Leader. He's very selfish and it's best not to rely on him if your in need of assistance when it comes to anything. He'll take any chance he can get to make sure he comes out on top in the end; even if that means backstabbing a "friend" just to save his own ass.

Fears: Readd isn't a very emotional person and he doesn't like showing vulnerability around anyone. His father was an asshole who would beat on him when he cried, which just made him cry more. He fears showing any emotion that isn't the stereotypical tough, masculine ones. He thinks that showing fear, sadness and/or affection towards anyone makes him a weakling and he doesn't attend to look that way anytime soon.

Background: Readd was born to an Alcoholic father and a Prostitute mother; the only child of the two worst parents there ever could be in their small town. There were days where he would go to bed hungry because his father had a fit after coming home drunk and would lock up the fridge and force Readd to eat dog food off the dirty floor. He hated his father from the moment he first saw the man lay a hand on his mother. Even though she wasn't that much better as a parent, she was the one that took care of him and snuck real food into his room when his father fell asleep after beating her to a bloody mess. Without those small snacks in the late hours, he probably wouldn't have survived another ten years in that disgusting home environment. His life was shit the day he turned six and his father started treating him like an intruder who didn't deserve his food and hard earned money. Most of the money that kept the lights on in that crackhouse his father called a home was from Readd's mother selling her body to gross men of all ages and sizes.

He didn't have any other family members, so he was stuck in that home until he turned sixteen. He would hide the bruises and other wounds that his father caused on his body by wearing long shirts all year round, even in the hot southern summers. He hated school because the other kids thought he was weird and some even thought he was the son of the devil because of his all black outfits and bright hell red hair. The way his father was, it wouldn't a be shock if the man actually was The Devil. Readd would get in fights all the time in middle school and high school, eventually getting expelled and being forced to go to an Alternative school where he actually made a friend or two.

Those two friends were the ones that helped him get out of that home.

The three got revenge on Readd's father by beating the crap out of the old man; the last night he would be in that house forever. They nearly killed him but one of the friends pulled Readd and the other boy off the bloody drunk mess on the roach infested floor of the decrepit apartment.

The three stayed in the apartment until his mother came home from a long night of "work". When she saw the man who beats on her every night constantly, she broke down and ran to his side, trying to wake him up. Readd was more furious than shocked that his mother would care THAT much about a man who treated her and her son like shit on the bottom of his boot. He wanted her to go with him to California, where him and his friends planned ton find jobs and make a better life for themselves; she refused and yelled at him to just leave and never come back. That was the day he became the cruel and cold person he would be known to be later in his young life; the day the first person he actually cared about abandoned him and chosed someone who didn't deserve the love he was being denied himself.

Him and his friends hitch hiked all the way from their one-horse town to California and they lived on the streets for two more years before splitting up and doing their own thing. Readd had no work experience and he wasn't the most educated, but he did have a gift for art and he loved tattoos and when he begged and pleaded with a Tattoo Shop Owner for a trial basis, he knew he had to learn everything he could so he could secure a job in the shop.

It took him another year and a half before he was officially part of the man's Tattoo Shop. The man said he saw something in him that no one else had and that was the only reason why he let Readd keep coming back and study everyone's techniques to learn his own personal style of tattooing.

His life has gotten better and now that he's Twenty-Four he is growing physically but not maturing that much mentally and emotionally; every relationship he has had with girls and guys only ended up chaotic and a waste of time and he eventually just left without saying a word; blocking them and ignoring their calls. He doesn't have many people to talk to in California and doesn't plan to meet any new people right about now; only focused on growing his Tattoo Client List and owning his own shop one day.

Education: Alternative High School

Career/Profession: Tattoo Artist

Family: FUCK FAMILY... is what he says about this.

(OPEN: If someone can handle his attitude and selfishness).

Others: Readd has a pet dog named Chopper; the only other living thing that he cares about that isn't himself.
Man, I'm so good at predicting your next characters @Justinaholic xD

aka I stalk your testing area
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ngl you have some hot men in there ;)
XD thank you. I have like twenty sites where I get my fcs from... most sites are unknown by other people so I get special faces XD
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@B l u E s @Akashi is my guy accepted. I am going to play V and Red only, my third guy isn't going to be better than those two now that I think about it XD
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