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"Fucking? What's that?" Noel asked his mother, turning to look at her. Noel hadn't known what...Sex was. His mother never told him, because she never had to, and the books she bought him never had sex in them. So he had no idea what sex was. Sure he knew what kissing was...But...He was pretty naive when it came to anything further. He knew that in order to have a baby a man and woman had to get together, but his mother told him that a man would plant a seed in the woman. So...All this time he thought it was a literal seed.

So yeah...Noel was pretty innocent. "...Oh, come on. You do know what fucking is, right? You're just acting all dumb and innocent so Beau would find you cute, right? Well news flash, he thinks its dumb." Johnny grumbled crossing his arms.

Noel felt stupid now, simply because he didn't know what it was. Was he supposed to know? Would Beau think he's weird now because of it? He nervously looked down at his lap, twiddling his thumb. "...I-I was joking o-of course I kn-know what it is." He lied. He'd just ask his mother later in private.
"You're one rude little boy, aren't you? Is it so bad that I've protected my teenage son from that? He wasn't likely to ever leave this house because of his sickness, I didn't want to give him ideas of what he was missing out on and make him feel worse about his illness. I'm trying to be a good mother to him," hissed Adelpha as she moved to refill her wine. It had been a while since she last talked to a group like this, so it was probably just as overwhelming for her as it was for her son.

"I'll... tell you about it later, Noel. It's nothing you need to worry about now--"

"Sex is, like, super great-- I've heard. I ain't had it," shrugged Mel, too high to really take in Adelpha's words. "Beau and Johnny had sex a lot, they would always go and come back all fuckin' sweaty and all that."
"...It's great? And you've two done it together?" He asked, before working out sex had to be something couples did. Johnny and Beau may not have been together now, but if only they did it without Mel then...It was something a couple did. Jealousy swirled around in him. "...Well, if...If you haven't done it, Mel, then I guess it's fin that I haven't right?"

"Well, you're probably never could. I mean you have a heart condition, right? What if your heart rate goes up too much and you fucking die, that'd be terrible." Johnny grimaced taking yet another cookie. " I mean...I couldn't imagine having sex with someone and they die on me."

Noel wondered why his heart would speed up during sex. What was it anyway? He glanced at Beau, wanting him to tell him, but only in private. He didn't want to look like an idiot in front of the others. "...Beau, if we're an item then can we have sex too?" He asked, causing Johnny to choke. What kid asked to have sex with someone in front of their mom?!
She knew her son was naive, painfully so, so while all three of the boys stared at Noel like he was mad, Adelpha managed to smile and shake it off. The idea of her son doing anything like that made her feel sick. He was still her baby in many ways. The two had a bond no other mother and son could replicate or even understand. Just seeing him have these crushes made her feel awkward, so she quickly shook the topic of sex out of her head.

"So, Beau, is your father coming to collect you?" She asked with a faint smile. The man was married, and he was human, but she'd be lying if she said she didn't find him attractive. It had been so, so long since she had a man's company. She was a woman who liked to be with a man in that romantic manner and, if her son was developing crushes, was it so bad that she had one too?

"Uh... yeah, I think so. He doesn't want me, like, getting in Johnny's car and smoking weed or whatever. He'll probably come pick me up," shrugged the boy as he pulled himself away from nudging Noel cheekily. "...God, don't flirt with him. He's an awful flirt. He'll, like, tell cheesy jokes."
And when it was time to go, Clement did indeed come to pick his son up. His wife, Vera, along with him. he wanted to meet this strange woman she's heard about along with her strange son. She was looking forward to meeting the two. Of course, she didn't know the woman had a crush on her husband. Otherwise, she wouldn't be coming in such a pleasant mood. Well, it didn't matter none. She trusted her husband and knew he was in love with her.

So she got out the car, smiling at her son, before glancing at Noel and Adelpha. "So this is the famous Adelpha and Noel. It's a pleasure to meet ya." Smiled the southern woman.

"Thanks for keeping our son out of trouble, Adelpha." Clement smiled, before looking at his son who was being hugged by Noel.

"Promise to come back?" He whispered, looking up at him hopefully.

"Oh he's just the cutest~" Cooed Vera.

Even if she didn't have a burgeoning crush on Clement, it was fairly probable that Adelpha wouldn't like Vera anyway. Adelpha was one of those women who always got on with men best. In her group back with the vampires, she would always hang out with the boys her age and shun the attempts of the girls who tried to befriend her. She just wasn't a girl's girl... and her natural dislike of Vera was simply intensified because she had the heart of the man that Adelpha had decided she liked.

And when she liked something, she didn't rest until she had it.

"I adore your dress. It's so nice you have such an old-fashioned style," she drawled in a back-handed compliment, staying sat on the sun-lounger and sipping at her wine in typically seductive fashion. "Who are you inspired by? Peasants from the Middle Ages? How adorable~!"
Vera looked at her completely shocked. She wasn't some teenage girl, she was a grown woman with a teenage son. And she knew when a woman didn't like her. Arching her perfectly arched brow. She simply gave a smile, before directing her son in their car. "Hmm, I just might have been. Honey let's go." She cooed to him. Clement went to open the car door for her shutting it. He then waved to Adelpha before getting in the car himself and backing out the driveway. "...What was with that woman?" She asked annoyed.

"Hmm? What do you mean darling?" He asked, glancing over at him.

"She literally just attacked me, saying my dress looked like a peasant's."

"Oh I don't think she meant wrong by it, what about you, Beau?"
"Huh? I like her, Ma, she's super nice and she makes awesome cookies and her house is fucking insane and... she's hot," shrugged Beau to himself. He was gay -a fact he'd yet to reveal to his parents- but he could appreciate beauty of all genders, and it was hard for him to just pretend that Adelpha was anything but physical perfection. Though, given his mother's instant dislike of her, perhaps he ought to defend her instead of a random woman.

"She's... a bit rude though. She was rude to Johnny and stuff," he mumbled after a moment, hoping to earn some points back in his mother's defence. "Though Johnny kinda likes her, he said she was hot-- which she is. I don't think she meant to be mean, Mom."
"...Maybe she's just different." Vera mumbled, wondering if the woman was simply a different type. "Well, that's the Noel I've heard so much about right Beau? He's adorable, really. Very handsome. And Adelpha is a beautiful woman." Compliment Vera.

"I think you hanging out with Noel will be good, Beau. Johnny's a bad influence. And so is Mel. They both smoke and get high and do all that nonsense. Noel might be good for you. He could maybe put you on the right path."

"Beau's just fine, he doesn't need anyone putting on on the right path. He's already on the right path. And Johnny and Mel are good boys." Vera defended.
That was one thing he did love about his mother, and why he'd always defend her in the end - she always stuck up for him and his choice in friends. Besides, Mel and Johnny weren't inherently bad people. They smoked weed. That didn't mean they were bad people, and his mother knew that. Mel was a sweetheart who always helped Vera around the house, and Johnny was always respectful. How Clement failed to see that still irritated Beau.

"I like Noel," he admitted after a moment, frowning as he glanced out the window. "But he likes Mel, so I ain't... fussing about it. Mel and Noel would be cute I guess."
"What? You like like him?" Vera asked, gushing happily. "No, you need to fuss it! I like Mel and all but, if you want to be with Noel, you need to show him why you the better choice. You said Noel is very sheltered right? I don't think he really likes Noel, he just thinks's he's cute. And the way he was hugging you and making you promise for him to come back obviously means he likes you~ You and Noel would be the cutest couple~"

"Hmm." Was all Clement really responded. "Well, later you have some vampire hunter duties. We have to patrol, make sure those filthy creatures aren't anywhere off their boundaries."

"Honey. You haven't spotted a vampire since you were young. I doubt any are going to be around now." Sighed Vera, shaking her head.

"Do I need to remind you guys about this scar on my arm? Just when I was at my most comfortable, when I thought those creatures weren't ever returning, that crazed beast attacked me and killed my friend.

"I know sweetie, I know but Beau's so tired, look at his face." She cooed looking back at her son in the back seat.

"Ugh...Fine...Fine just one night won't hurt."

However, one vampire was lurking in the woods tonight. He'd been running away from the werewolves. The vampire was one Adelpha would know as well. She was supposed to marry him. Darcy. Darcy had been off his boundaries, and he attacked a human. He was so hungry, and he was sick of animal blood. That's when the werewolves attacked him. He outran them, and he was able to hide, and he found the mansion, ironically. And he could sense that there were vampires inside. He ran inside without knocking, slamming the doors shut. Vampires were usually always welcoming of there own kind. "Please! I need help!"

After meeting Clement's wife and witnessing the love she shared with her husband, Adelpha wasn't in the best of moods, especially when she had to deal with her son's new 'friends' and then explain to him what sex was, a conversation she never wanted to have with him. After all that, all she wanted to do was curl up in bed with some chocolates and read her romance novels. The likelihood of a real relationship had long since been forgotten in her mind. Clement was a passing crush and, genuinely, she liked seeing how in love with his wife he was.

She wanted that, in a way. Of course, her ideal marriage wouldn't be a conventional one, because she much preferred excitement and fun over being a 'housewife', but she still wanted romance. As it went, her only chance of it was reading a romance novel and having a few dreams, sadly.

Though, she was tugged out of her reading session when the horror of someone running into her home came forth. Nervously tying her satin robe around herself, she stood at the top of the stairs warily-- and it was only when she sensed the vampire that she dared to walk closer. Upon further inspection, she froze in realisation when knowing who it was... which wasn't the greatest sight in the world. She'd left the boundary and had hidden away all these years - she didn't really want to be found by anyone, especially not the man she had been due to marry.

"...Darcy, you... you're bleeding," she whispered as she approached a little more. Darcy had been a teenager when she last saw him, just 16, but she recognised him instantly. It was hard to forget a face when her group had been so small back then. "...Sit down. You... You are alone, right? My father's not out there with you?"
Darcy looked up and his eyes widen when he saw Adelpha. No one had known what happened to Adelpha. She randomly disappeared. The village mourned her. Especially her father. He had lost his daughter, his last bit of family. Her father also lost his wife when Adelpha was born, so you can imagine the pain he went through when losing his only child. Darcy stared at her in bewilderment. She was okay. She was here...And she was a woman. "...A-Adelpha, it's you-Ouch!" He winced when he got up to hug her. He went back to holding his torso. He was bitten on his side and was bleeding terribly. Panting, he looked up at her, tears in his eyes. "You...You're alive...Everyone...Th-Thinks you've died. N-No one's here...It's just me" He whispered.

"M-Mama." Called Noel frightened from the top of the grand stairs. He peeked down, his brown eyes wide with fear. He didn't know who this strange vampire was. He never even seen a vampire before. Well...Other than himself and his mother. "Wh-Who...Who is that?"

Dary looked at the voice, his eyes wide once again. So this is why she left the village fifty years ago...But why did he look so young? It was as if he didn't mature past his teenage years.
Silently grabbing the throw from the couch to press against the wound, she had to force herself to keep calm as she tried to stem the blood flow. This was never a situation she wanted to be in, ever. She had nothing against Darcy, none at all, but once she left the village, she didn't want to see anyone from there again. She loved her father and all the vampires... but having a child out of wedlock was a huge deal, worthy of banishment. She'd rather them think she ran off to live a life outside the boundary, rather than ever find out she'd been pregnant.

But now Darcy knew, and it did make her feel beyond humiliated-- at least until she beckoned her son closer. Noel was a credit to her parenting skills. She had been young and had done it herself, and Noel was so kind and sweet. Surely she'd done a good job, and didn't deserve to feel embarrassed about showing him off.

"This is... a... this is... a friend from the boundary. Darcy. We were supposed to get married, and then I got pregnant and... ran off," she laughed quietly, smiling back at Darcy. For all she knew, he was Noel's father. There were two other men she had slept with around the same time, but she had no real way of knowing definitively who the real father was. That said, she did notice similarities between her son and Darcy-- but she wasn't going to start pointing them out. She was happy with things as they were, just her and her son. They didn't need anyone else.
Darcy, of course, noticed them too. While Darcy had died his hair blond, it was naturally brown like Noel's. And he had big brown eyes, like Darcy's mother. Darcy felt his gut clench when he saw the young boy.

Noel looked at Darcy with wide eyes. He himself didn't see anything. He nervously looked down at his shoes. "I-I'll go get the bandages." He mumbled, before hurrying to go get them.

"...We were getting married...We could have hidden this...And afterward, no one could say anything about you being pregnant." Whispered the man. He knew Noel was his. And now he felt so guilty that he missed out on his life. He felt guilty that Adelpha felt as though she had to run away from home. He wished she told him. He would have gone with her. To help. Looking at her with tears in his eyes, he shook his head before running a hand down his face. "He's mine...Isn't he? I know...I know you slept with other men but..."
"I was fucking... 15, Darcy. I didn't want to marry anyone. I hate the traditions, I think they're fucking stupid. I had fun with you, I liked you, but I didn't want to marry you-- I'd have left even if I didn't fall pregnant. When I did, I knew I had to go and... it was the best thing I did. Noel's not your son, I... I'll never know definitively," she mumbled under her breath as she moved to grab her wine, though did leave one hand rested against the towel to continue stemming the blood. Though, despite her claims, she did, in fact, know Noel's father. She knew the moment she saw Darcy that he was the father - it was just instinct that told her that.

"...Don't you dare tell him. You aren't sticking around here. You can get healed up and then... then just go. I'm happy here. I... I have a life, sort of. I don't go into the village much because I don't... drink human blood. It's too risky. I assume you had a nice meal though," she grunted, noticing the life in his eyes that she recognised came from having a feed; something she'd not really had since she was a very young child in Serbia. "...You do look well though, Darcy. You're... much older than I remember-- and I like the blonde. It's cute."
"...You're just surviving off of animal's blood huh...And thank you, I thought the blond suited me well too...Listen, back in the village, you know those group of scientist? Well, they were able to make synthetic human blood. It tastes just like human blood, and it gives you the same energy you just...Well, I missed the feel of someone suffering in my arms." Mumbled the vampire honestly. He missed the thrill of hunting a human. But look at where that's got him, bleeding out on the floor.

Groaning a bit, he looked back at his childhood friend, unable to really stop looking at her. "You look just the same as you did those years ago." He whispered, moving to touch her face. "Of course more womanly, but still as beautiful...I know you didn't want to marry me, and...I'm more than sure that boy is mine...I just wished I would have known."

Noel had come back, thankfully he didn't hear what the were talking about. He handed his mother the bandages, looking at the other vampire in fear. "...If h-he gonna b-be ok-okay Mama?"
"I would have married you eventually, Darcy. I just... that's not how things work in our village, is it? I wasn't prepared to marry someone at just 16. If... I had the choice, I'd have chosen you over the other boys. Roman was childish and Francis had a horrid habit of pulling my hair when we were children. You were easily my preferred choice, even if you used to whistle every goddamn minute and that used to really irritate me," smiled the woman in reply as she quietly returned the affection by cupping his cheek. This wasn't some love-at-first-sight thing, and she wasn't bursting with romance for him. They'd had sex a few times, cuddled at night, but it had been decades since she last saw him. Right now, she was simply nostalgic and enjoying the company of her childhood friend...

But if she was pressed to answer, then sure, she thought he had grown up to be ridiculously handsome, but even pursuing that right now was out the question. Not while he continued to bleed and would take a day or two to fully recover.

"He'll be fine, darling. He's always been getting into scrapes, and he's somehow survived them, he'll be alright," she smiled confidently, returning to her armchair and, more importantly, to her wine. "...Come and sit, Noel. Darcy's... not a bad man."
Darcy's bleeding had finally slowed, and he groaned a bit. It would take him a while to heal, so he wouldn't be getting out of their hair anytime soon. Darcy glance at Noel, feeling completely...Weird about it all. He had a child. A child he had no clue about until this moment. Noel only went to sit with his mother, not near the man. He was amazed at seeing another vampire, but also afraid. He didn't want to be dragged to a village where they would hate him. Well, at least his mother said they wouldn't be pleased with him because he was born out of wedlock.

"So, Noel, it's a pleasure to meet you. I'm your mother's childhood friend." Darcy smiled, hoping to build at least a small bond with him.

"...I figured that already...She just said it." He bitterly mumbled, moving to hug his mother tightly. Usually, Noel was sweet and nice. But...He felt threatened by this man. He felt like this man wanted to be apart of his mother's life, and like hell would Noel let that happen. He's never had to share his mother before, so why should he have to now?

"You're right, haha, sorry. So how old are you?" He asked happily.

"...I just turned fifty, two months ago...Mama bought me a really nice comic."

"Fifty huh?...You look so young, but that's okay. It's good that you look so young!"
If it had been one of the other men from the village that turned up, Adelpha would gladly allow her son to speak and act as rudely as he wanted to. If it had been Francis or Roman, she'd not only halfheartedly help for a few seconds, but she'd be grimacing and downing her wine to cope with the stress. However, Darcy being there instead made her smile and genuinely forget about the potential consequences.

And she wouldn't allow her son to speak badly of Darcy, particularly as the man was his father.

"Noel, be nice. I... like Darcy. He used to look out for me when my father was busy," she smiled, leaning back and playing with her hair in that girly way that meant she was trying to look her best. "Play nice, sweetie-- why don't you tell him about this boy you fancy? Darcy was always the romantic back when we were kids~"