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Noel looked at Mel, blinking a bit at his skin. He'd never seen anyone with skin that dark...Well, he did live alone with his pale mother for fifty years so all of this was different. "...I'm f-feeling great. I'm Noel." He mumbled slightly, his eyes wide on him before he walked over to sit with him, touching his skin. "Y...You have an accent...I...I never heard one." He mumbled lightly,

"He's super sheltered. And...Weird, dude you can't just touch people like that. It's weird." Johnny grimaced but was at least happy he wasn't cuddling up to Beau anymore. Hopefully, he would develop a crush on Mel.

"...It's weird?" He grimaced and let go of Mel.
"It ain't weird, John. It's fine. Super sheltered, huh? Never seen a guy like me, I'm guessing? Shit dude, that sucks. I'm fucking gorgeous, you should see guys like me more often," beamed Mel as he prompted the other to continue before Johnny had intervened, pressing in closer with his sleepy smile on his face. "I mean, I'm from the South, y'know? Atlanta, specifically. That's in Georgia--"

"He's sheltered, not an idiot," tutted Beau with a hint of genuine jealousy. It wasn't like he had developed some major crush on the vampire, but he had been happy to soak up his affection. Losing that to Mel was... a little disheartening. "Mel's, like, the biggest idiot of the group, Noel, don't listen to a word he says. His 'facts' are, like, stupid--"

"Nah they ain't. I'm into conspiracies and the supernatural and all that. Beau just doesn't have the imagination to get it," shrugged Mel as he reached for another beer. "Y'know there are werewolves in the woods, right? I've seen 'em."
This instantly hit him with fear. He knew werewolves were real. And he knew his great aunt was killed by one. Well...That's what his mother told him, he never actually met any of his family. They didn't even know about him. But werewolves were their enemy, and just as a vampire could snuff out a werewolf, they could do the same. And if they were in the forest...They could probably smell him. He could die! This was a terrible idea, leaving the safety of his home.

"Mel, look you scared him! Noel, he's just kidding. You know werewolves don't actually exist. I mean that's pretty silly to think. Mel is an idiot like Beau said. He's all into some super weird shit." Phoebe told the boy, rolling her eyes at Mel. She loved Mel, he was cool, and he always had her laughing. But sometimes he had her wondering if he was really okay when he said all that supernatural shit, Beau too.

Noel looked up at Phoebe, before back at Mel. He continued to stroke his arm, looking down at it. "...Where did you see them in the woods?" He asked quietly.
Mel might be a stoner and he might have a love of just getting drunk and babbling about conspiracies... but he had seen werewolves and he knew for a fact they existed. Unlike Beau, he wasn't some hunter, making sure the creatures stayed inside some ancient boundary where they couldn't hurt anyone. While he was sure there were hunters somewhere in the world, no werewolf hunters existed in that little town because, simply, nobody knew werewolves existed. Only the vampires in that boundary knew, being able to sense them, and they often saw the werewolves stalking about their boundary, threatening attacks... but they had nobody to tell, which left the werewolves' existence a mystery...

But Mel knew. And how did he know? Because he was one of them. He was only 17, so had yet to transform (which took place on the eve of his 18th birthday) which was probably why he couldn't sense that the boy feeling his arm was a vampire. He knew about vampires, having been told stories by his parents about the ancient group int he woodlands... but he wasn't able to sense them yet. So, naively, he encouraged Noel to snuggle in closer with a grin, unaware the boy was his natural enemy.

"I saw 'em in the woods, I swear. They were big and tough and with these huge teeth-- they hate vampires, you know? They're, like, cats and dogs. Just don't get on."

"What a load of bullshit," sighed Beau with a roll of his eyes. "I-I mean, dude, you smoke way too much weed."
Noel cuddled close into Mel because he felt safe in his arms. Ironic. He felt safe in the arms of his enemy. "Beau he's t-telling the truth. Werewolves are r-real. They...They hate vampires. Hunt them down." He whimpered a bit and nuzzled into Mel with a soft purr. Earlier he swore that Beau was his love interest, and now he was smitten with Mel. What was with this little vampire fallen for the enemy? And falling so quickly at that.

"If there were werewolves Beau and I would have seen them. We were in the woods earlier, remember? And Noel, you'd have seen them too. You live in the woods, so if you haven't seen them, then you're completely safe. Don't listen to Mel, he smokes far too much weed."

"....Says the guy who thought I was a ghost earlier." Huffed Noel, defending Mel as he glared at Johnny.

"You thought he was a ghost?" Snickered Phoebe as he finished off the beer in her hands.

"Look, it was a theory! He doesn't even know what wifi is! And he doesn't have a tv and he lives in this big ass mansion with priceless antiques and shit! That screams ghost!"
"Nah, it screams he's got fucking taste, dude. And sense. Technology, like, messes with your mind. Besides, the government is, like, spying on us all the time. And when the machines rise and take over, Noel's gonna be fucking safe inside his home 'cos he ain't got anything modern in there-- it's a fucking smart move for the future. When you're being killed by your toaster when it comes to life, Noel's gonna be wrapped up in bed, happy and safe. It's pretty cool," beamed Mel, showing there and then why nobody in his group believed much of what he said. He knew about werewolves, clearly, and he spoke with so much confidence, but when he came out with these conspiracy theories and outlandish beliefs, barely anyone in his friendship group could take him seriously.

Even Beau, who knew about supernatural creatures, didn't believe Mel. He found him hilarious, and Mel had a heart of gold, but the teenager was crazy, and believing him was rather... difficult.

"...Hey, Noel, wanna put my jacket on?" Beau asked quietly, if only to convince the vampire to sit back near him. "You look cold-- I totally don't mind sharing. You'll look adorable in this denim jacket, anyway~"
Noel was more than comfortable in Mel's arms...But he was getting cold. So he let go of Mel to go sit with Beau, smiling thankfully as he put on the jacket that was far too big for him. "...So toasters are going to kill people in the future?"

"No, no, no. Mel's just crazy. Don't listen to him. Anyway, did you guys hear about Joey? He was kicked out of school for throwing a desk at the teacher. He missed, but still, that's fucken insane!" Johnny huffed, as he began to roll a dutch. "Like seriously, what's wrong with em?"

"Dunno, I'd just stay out of his way," Phoebe mumbled grimacing a bit. "He's crazy."
Beau could honestly care less about Joey's temper tantrums and his crazy antics. The boy was insane, so keeping out of his way was probably for the best, and getting involved in idle gossip about him was the best way to incur his wrath, which was why he wisely chose to stay out of it. Instead, he focused on the small vampire at his side. He didn't really like Mel being so close to him because he did admittedly feel a sort of protectiveness over Noel. He was the first of the group to meet him and he was the one to bring him into all of this - he wanted to stick by his side and ensure he was alright. He couldn't do that if Mel was hogging him all night.

Eventually, he took it upon himself to walk the other home, carrying him with that infectious grin on his face for most the way, but slowly walking the final five minutes through the woods. He was high and incredibly happy that Noel had seemed to enjoy his night, but all that came crashing down the moment the other's grand mansion came into view. There, parked right up in front of the house, was his father's car. It didn't take a genius to work out what had happened - Adelpha had figured out who her son was with and headed to find Beau's father to inform him. It was something she would never do unless she was desperate... and clearly, she was desperate to have her son ditch his newfound interest in this teenage boy.

"...I guess we're in for a bit of a yelling," he mumbled as he cautiously approached the home, grimacing more when hearing his father's voice from inside, just to confirm what he already knew. "Look, blame me, alright? Tell your Mom you had nothing to do with this, I'll take the blame."
Noel's stomach churned at the sight of the car, and he felt extremely guilty. Tonight had been perfect. He made friends! Developed a crush, and had a beer! And even had 'a weed'! And now, it would all be crashing down because...His mother found out. He'd probably never get out the house now. His arms tightened around Beau, and he looked up at him in fear. "...She's...She's probably so angry at me...She...She's never been angry with me! I...I don't know what to do." He whimpered, and buried his face in his neck, nuzzling against Beau's long blue hair. "...I...I won't see you again."

Before Beau could even answer, the front door opened, and his father was behind the door, glaring angrily at his son. He as used to his son antics, but to drag Noel into it?! A sick child, who has a heart condition?! Adelpha had been worried sick. Clement had felt terrible for her, the way she paced and panicked and cried. And it was all because his son probably coaxed Noel into going. From Adelpha's stories, Noel's never lied to her and never left home. And now Clement looked like a terrible father who had no control over his son. "Beau...Put him down. You owe Ms. Adelpha an apology. You as well Noel, your n=mother has been worried sick."

Noel got down from his arms, and nervously looked down at his feet, shaking. "...I'm...It's...My fault...I wanted to g-go..." He felt like he should take the blame. What's the worst his mother could do? She would hover over him more, which...He was fine with. He...He experienced being normal for a night...He'd probably never get to see Mel again...He already missed him.
And when Adelpha came into view, just how worried she had been was very obvious based on her messed up makeup and frantic shaking. She was still just as beautiful as ever -it was almost impossible for her not to appear anything but beautiful- but she was clearly in an emotional state, with her eyes raw and red and tears still staining her face. As soon as she saw her son, she rushed to take him in her arms, making sure he wasn't more sick than he had been before he left. He stunk of cigarettes and booze, and she knew immediately he'd been drinking - the redness of his eyes was evidence enough.

But there was clearly a reason he'd snuck around behind her back. He had wanted to go out and he knew she'd disapprove, but she didn't want him to be so secretive. If this was something he wanted, she'd rather allow him to see this boy under her roof, where she could watch him and make sure everything went okay. If her son started to sneak around, it'd just cause trouble.

She didn't want him to be anywhere near humans... but if he was going to, it was best if she was around. Now, she'd never even contemplate it if she knew that these two men were the hunters she feared so much, but she wasn't aware of that. She thought Beau was just an ordinary rebellious kid and, after finding Clement and being in his company the last hour, she didn't think he was anything but a loving father who she was starting to see positive attributes in.

"D-Don't sneak off again like this," she whispered with a brave smile, too relieved to have him back safe to even be angry. "I... w-why didn't you... just ask me? I know I'd h-have said no, but to sneak off? That's s-so reckless."
"You...You wouldn't have said yes mama...I...Tonight I felt like a regular teenager. I...I even made friends! I'm sorry for deceiving you, but I don't regret leaving tonight. I...I felt so normal, and...I didn't even get sick, but I feel sleepy." Mumbled the young vampire, moving to cuddle into his mother, holding her tightly."Please...Mama, can Beau come back over? Him and my new friends? I just wanna hang out with them again. I don't have to leave this house again, I know it's dangerous, but please let them come over."

"...Well, Beau won't be able to come around for a week or so. He's grounded." Clement told the young vampire, glancing at his son. "...I smell beer on you as well as weed. What have I told you? You know how your mother worries, and she hates when you do that...On the way home get some gum or something, so she won't smell you."
Beau realised that keeping his mouth shut and just nodding would limit the amount of trouble he was clearly in. He'd convinced a sick kid to leave the life he'd known for a few hours, he'd plied him with alcohol and weed, and then brazenly walked him home as if nothing had happened. Clearly, no matter how he wanted to argue it, he was in deep trouble-- and yet he was willing to risk it and talk. He was hardly the sort of guy to sit quietly, after all.

"Do you think Mom would like you being here, drinking wine with some hot woman, do you?" He challenged with a faint grunt, folding his arms defiantly. Like how his father could smell beer on him, he could very clearly smell wine on his father's breath too. "Like, don't be such a hypocritical prick, Dad--"

"Your father had a glass of wine because I was panicking and he had one with me to help calm me down," mumbled Adelpha as she weakly frowned, despite smiling briefly at the compliment. It was always nice to be called 'hot', after all.
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Clement glared at his son angrily. "I love your mother, and you know I'd never hurt her. The fact that you think that is disgusting. And your mother knows where I am, Adelpha came to the house, your mother is the one who suggested I go. Young man, you are in trouble. When we get home, you are to write me a five hundred word apology letter." He hissed angrily, grabbing his son by the back of the neck, forcing him to walk to the car. "Once again, I'm sorry for how rude my son is." He told Adelpha before forcing his son into the car, driving off.

Noel watched sadly. He had no way to get in contact with him, and now Beau was in big trouble. He waved to him sadly, before moving to cuddle into his mother's arms. "...I met a boy today mama...I think I like him." He whispered to her, looking up at her, his big brown eyes wide. "Can he come over? Tomorrow."
"...Don't you realise how much pressure you're putting on me, sweetheart? I... I haven't had human blood in years, you don't understand how agonising it is for me being around humans when I can... smell their blood-- and what if they call you odd and spread rumours about you? What if the hunters hear and come visit?" She murmured, hoping to somehow scare him off the idea. She had already made her mind up to allow his friend over where she could keep an eye on them, but she was still clinging to the hope her son changed his mind... but she sighed reluctantly when realising he was far from that.

"Fine-- though I can't imagine Beau's father will let him visit for a while, and I don't really want you around that boy. He's trouble."
"He's not trouble ma, he's really sweet. And so is Mel...If it helps, I'll have them outside so you can't smell them." He mumbled and nuzzled close to his mother. "Don't worry, I'll be super careful, promise!" And it was a full month until Beau was allowed to come back around. He couldn't come back any sooner than that because he was grounded, which sucked. But now he was finally back with Mel and Johnny as well.

When Noel answered the door and saw them, of course, he hugged Beau and Mel tightly, having missed them the most. Now the four of them sat in the backyard with cookies and lemonade. "What are we, fucking five? Why do we have juice and cookies?" Grumbled Johnny, however, he was still eating the cookies.

"...Because I like cookies, what's so wrong about that?" Mumbled the vampire as he tugged his little blanket around him tightly.
When she agreed to allow her son to have a friend over, Adelpha thought that would be it; a friend, singular. When Beau showed up with an older boy she didn't recognise, and then one who was clearly high as a kite, she wanted to take back the agreement-- and it was only her son's delight and excitement that stopped her doing that. She'd baked cookies all day with him and sat styling his hair for him to make sure he looked good. Seeing him this happy after years of misery was such an elating moment for her, even if she had to deal with the three teenage boys.

Silently heading outside to keep an eye on them all for a little while, she took a seat and, with her red lips pouted, set her gaze on the boy who'd insulted the treats she'd baked all day.

"And what's wrong with cookies? I worked hard making them," the woman questioned sternly as she crossed a smooth leg over the other, tutting under her breath. "Perhaps you shouldn't eat them if you're going to be a miserable little bastard."

"Your mom's a badass," grinned Mel after a moment, taking three cookies hungrily. "Johnny's just a dick, ma'am."
Noel went to sit next to Mel, nuzzling into him happily. "Mama, don't pay Johnny any mind...I didn't invite him." Grumbled the vampire glaring at the blonde.

"Hey, I was just saying." Grumbled the blonde, grimacing a bit as he ran his hand through his blonde hair nervously. "Sorry, ma'am...They're great. Anyway, Noel...Don't you think you should give Mel some space? He's in a relationship now, I totally saw him making out with someone last week at a party."

"What? R-Really?" Grimaced Noel, looking up at Mel. "You...You are still single, right?"
Being a silent spectator gave Adelpha the real insight into all the various thoughts and feelings amongst the small group. She knew from watching facial expressions that things were a little complex. She could tell Beau was jealous; she could physically see her son's affection for Mel and his own jealousy at thinking he was spoken for. It was all rather amusing to watch the issue of teenage love and affection firsthand. At least, it would be amusing if it didn't involve her son.

Unaware that the woman was watching with genuine interest, Mel wiped his face free of crumbs with a nonchalant shrug. "Me? Yeah, it was just a kiss, and the chick was drunk outta her mind. I didn't even know what was happenin'-- but hey, don't worry about me. You should, like, focus on Johnny or Beau, they're both cute and they're totally single. I thought you and Beau were, like, an item."
Mel didn't like him. And he was seeing some girl. Ugh, this was the worst. He didn't even realize that Beau liked him. Johnny glared at Mel. Mel knew Johnny and Beau used to date, and they were going to get back together! So how dare this slut offer up his man. "Actually Beau and I are kind of an item, Mel you know this."

Noel glanced at Johnny, then back to Beau. He didn't really believe that Beau would have told him. Beau and he were close so...Beau would have told him that. "Not uh, Beau never said anything about you two being together. He would have told me, Johnny. What's your problem anyway?"He grumbled, before leaning over to feed another cookie to Beau, giggling a bit, even though he was still a bit upset about Mel.
"We used to date, but we ain't fucking dating now. I mean, god, do you wanna tell 'em why I wanted to take some time away from you? You're, like, always lying and shit. Getting over-protective. We ain't dating, I can flirt with who I want. Having you pop up, putting them off, ain't great," muttered Beau angrily, frowning more and more at Johnny's behaviour, as well as Noel's. He thought that he genuinely had this instinctive bond with him, so to see his eyes constantly wander over to Mel? It was a little... irritating.

"...You're all so young, what's the point of worrying about love at your age?" Murmured Adelpha curiously, her brow arched. "I mean, I suppose I can't talk when I had Noel so young, but I think this is all so silly. You should be having fun, hm? Not worrying about who's fucking who."