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    A site made for roleplay is way cooler we promise <3


Original poster
This role play will be based off of the manga/Netflix series of the same name.
1. All Iwaku Rules Apply.
2. Multiple characters are allowed, but to start, only one of your characters may be a Sin.
3. I would like the genders to stay relatively even.
4. Pretty much everyone outside of six of the Sins will be human with a very few exceptions, which you must ask/explain to me ahead of time.


The Sins:
Wrath (Dragon Sin) "Captain" [Demon] - Taken

Strength, Speed, Master Combatant
Full counter Ability – This ability enables the Sin to reflect all attacks back at the opponent, thus making their power equivalent to that of the enemy.
Hellblaze – It's a mysterious ability that makes the Sin release black flames capable of nullifying even the regeneration of immortal enemies.

Envy (Serpent Sin) [Giant] - Claimed
Being from the Giant Clan, and being of enormous size, this Sin has immense powers and abilities such as superhuman strength that rivals that of the Captain. Although this Sin is extremely agile and fast, their huge body frame gets in their way, but their speed increases exponentially whenever they are reduced to the size of a human. Their body can withstand multiple mortal blows, having the ability to carry on despite being pierced through thighs and shoulders.

Greed (Fox Sin) 'The Undead" [Immortal] - Taken
Speed, Strength
Snatch - It's a magical ability that enables the Sin to rob people of their physical abilities and objects, thereby weakening them significantly. They can even steal their body parts with this ability.
Immortality – This Sin cannot be killed as this ability helps them to regenerate lost organs, wounds, limbs and can even revive them from complete incineration and decapitation.

Sloth (Grizzly/Bear Sin) [Fairy] - Taken
Levitation - Being from the Fairy realm, this Sin has the mystical ability of levitation and can move quickly through the air, thereby evading enemy attacks.
Transformation – This ability helps this Sin in altering their physical appearance, including their clothes. It requires a tremendous amount of concentration to implement and often leaves the Sin very exhausted.
Disaster – This gives the Sin complete control over matter at the molecular level. So, for instance they can change a harmless substance into a lethal toxin and a minor scratch into a deadly wound.

Lust (Goat Sin) [Doll] - Taken
Transformation – This Sin can alter their skin color and the color and length of their hair any way they desire.
Invasion – Enables the Sin to trap his enemies inside their own memories and allows him to read through their memories and thoughts.
Rewrite -- Allows the Sin to read through the enemy's memories and rewrite them for a period of time.

Immortality – Due to this Sin's race, they are perceived as an immortal since they can survive such events as decapitation and a sword being pierced clean through their chest.

Gluttony (Boar Sin) - Taken
Titled the best and most powerful magician in Britannia.
Teleportation – This ability enables the Sin to teleport herself and/or large groups of people to highly precise locations in an instant. They can also do object transition, a kind of teleportation technique which allows the Sin to summon different objects like weapons and clothes to their allies.
Perfect cube – A spell that covers a specified area and reflects every attack back on the enemy regardless of the strength.
Location – Another magical power, this one helps the Sin in determining the exact location of a person or an item. Absolute cancel – Using this ability, the Sin can simply place her hands on a spell and completely eliminate it from existence. However, they can't use this technique on very powerful magic. The best they can do in that case is temporarily suspend the spell.
Magic cancel – This technique enables the Sin to cancel any particular magic spell cast on a person. However, when they do so it also cancels the effects of at least one of their own spells.
Power amplifier – Another kind of spell, it allows the Sin to significantly increase the magical abilities of their allies, thereby making them extremely powerful.

Pride (Lion Sin) [Human] - Taken
Sunshine – This inherent ability makes the Sin emit so much light from their body that it can easily burn and melt away their opponents.
Radiance - While the Sin is in Sunshine state, the very energy radiating off of their body is hot enough to reduce anything around them into ashes. Merely hitting them or getting close to them while at this state if not properly prepared could kill an individual.

Holy Knights:
Kaine Solus ( @Sasha Bliss )
Sigrid @PlainJoe

Elizabeth Character: Adoptable
Character Sheets:

___ Sin of ____


Check the description above if you don't know.


Powers/Special Abilities:
Please use the ones specified above for the Sin you've chosen.

Description and/or Anime picture.

Optional/To Be Revealed.

Sin Committed:
The sin you committed to become one/To Be Revealed.


Holy Knights

Holy Knight




Powers/Special Abilities:
Based in one element or "theme".



***These are just what I need on your sheets. Yours can be arranged in any order you like with as much more added as you'd like to add.***

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If you edit anything about your characters, be sure you change it on the sheet when you can ^^
Well it's like how ban's hair was long, that's what I'm going for, so her hair is going to be short in the long run still.
Well it's like how ban's hair was long, that's what I'm going for, so her hair is going to be short in the long run still.
I read it, and I gotcha. No beard though ;p You're good. We're coming! And ready to set up some fun times!
  • Bucket of Rainbows
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Happens to the best of us from time to time, I imagine
I'll post again when I get home which will be in 4 hours so if anyone wants to post before me......
I'll post again when I get home which will be in 4 hours so if anyone wants to post before me......
I personally wanted to wait until you replied to Sigrid, but anyone else is welcome to post. I just wanted that encounter to actually get a chance to get started before we bust in there x'D
I personally wanted to wait until you replied to Sigrid, but anyone else is welcome to post. I just wanted that encounter to actually get a chance to get started before we bust in there x'D
OK will do then

Name: Caine

Position: Serpent Sin of Envy

Age: aprox 645

Race: Giant

Gender: Male

Powers/Special Abilities:
Being from the Giant Clan, and being of enormous size, this Sin has immense powers and abilities such as superhuman strength that rivals that of the Captain. Although this Sin is extremely agile and fast, his huge body frame gets in his way, but his speed increases exponentially whenever he are reduced to the size of a human. His body can withstand multiple mortal blows,
having the ability to carry on despite being pierced through thighs and shoulders.
Creation:This ability, which is exclusive to members of the Giant Clan who have a deep connection with nature,
enables Caine to manipulate the earth.
Weapon: Gideon-Caine's sacred treasure; Gideon, is a war hammer designed for the Giants' Clan. It is made of
material that is stronger than steel and weighs approximately 2200 pounds. It is able to draw out the full capability of his ability, Creation.


Height: 30 ft tall; 5'7 when shrunken
Mark Location: On upper left thigh

Caine was born into the Giant clan to a typical family. He had his mother, father and even an older brother. In the Giant community, Caine and his brother were the star children, always ready to help, both the best at anything they took on. However, as Caine got older he seemed to slip behind his brother and soon it was him and not Caine that became the clan's favorite. There wasn't anything Caine could do to be better than his brother. When he got old enough, Caine left the clan to find his own place in the world, somewhere he could be the best he could.

Sin Committed:
On Caine's travels he happened upon a small town, govern by some sort of clergy man; Caine never really understood human social structure. Here he found a mage who first introduced him to shrinking pills. He took them happily and spent most of his time there flirting with the local girls, becoming the town's heartthrob in mere days. The most noticable of his conquest was the clergyman's daughter herself. Yet as he would soon find out, Caine wasn't the only holder of her affections. He welcomed this rivlary, knowing from his experience with his brother that competition wasn't always a bad thing.

After about a month or so, Caine finally decided to take his lover on seriously and after confessing his love to the clergyman's daughter, is told to rendezvous in her room that night. He arrived there to find what looks like blood everywhere and the daughter nowhere to be found. Caine is so distraught that the magic used to keep him shrunk is void and by the time the clergyman's guards come to inspect in noise, he is back in his giant form. Since he was on the scene of the crime, Caine was charged with the murder of the daughter, who he killed in a fit of jealousy for daring to love another.​
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  • Love
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@Kiki my cs is finally up sorry that it took awhile. Let me know if I need to fix anything.
I'm going to have to pull out from this RP because of lack of time, best wishes to all of you. :'|
The position of Sloth Sin is open once more
Sorry for the short and late post I'll make it up to you in my next few.

Name: Caine

Position: Serpent Sin of Envy

Age: aprox 645

Race: Giant

Gender: Male

Powers/Special Abilities:
Being from the Giant Clan, and being of enormous size, this Sin has immense powers and abilities such as superhuman strength that rivals that of the Captain. Although this Sin is extremely agile and fast, his huge body frame gets in his way, but his speed increases exponentially whenever he are reduced to the size of a human. His body can withstand multiple mortal blows,
having the ability to carry on despite being pierced through thighs and shoulders.
Creation:This ability, which is exclusive to members of the Giant Clan who have a deep connection with nature,
enables Caine to manipulate the earth.
Weapon: Gideon-Caine's sacred treasure; Gideon, is a war hammer designed for the Giants' Clan. It is made of
material that is stronger than steel and weighs approximately 2200 pounds. It is able to draw out the full capability of his ability, Creation.


Height: 30 ft tall; 5'7 when shrunken
Mark Location: On upper left thigh

Caine was born into the Giant clan to a typical family. He had his mother, father and even an older brother. In the Giant community, Caine and his brother were the star children, always ready to help, both the best at anything they took one. However, as Caine got older he seemed to slip behind his brother and soon it was him and not Caine that became the clan's favorite. There wasn't anything Caine could do to be better than his brother. When he got old enough, Caine left the clan to find his own place in the world, somewhere he could be the best he could.

Sin Committed:
On Caine's travels he happened upon a small town, govern by some sort of clergy man, Caine never really understood human social structure. Here he found a mage who first introduced him to shrinking pills. He took them happily and spent most of his time there flirting with the local girl, becoming the town's heartthrob in mere days. The most noticable of his conquest was the clergyman's daughter herself. Yet as he would soon find out, Caine wasn't the only holder of her affections. He welcomed this rivlary, knowing from his experience with his brother that competition wasn't always a bad thing.

After about a month or so, Caine finally decides to take his lover on seriously and after confessing his love to the clergyman's daughter, is told to rendezvous in her room that night. He arrives there to find what looks like blood everywhere and the daughter nowhere to be found. Caine is so distraught that the magic used to keep him shrunk is void and by the time the clergyman's guards come to inspect in noise, he is back in his giant form. Since he was on the scene of the crime, Caine was charged with the murder of the daughter, who he killed in a fit of jealousy for daring to love another.​
  • Thank You
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I'm here too! Currently deciding how to introduce Cain
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Alright, so there's definitely been plenty enough time for everyone to post and or tell me how they want their characters to be brought in and since no one has and I'm not busy, I'll try to get a post up too get the ball back rolling :3
  • Love
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No go right ahead. Cain probably won't meet up right away with the group anyway until maybe after the Captian pairs up with Kofoku. I'll have his intro post up by today
No go right ahead. Cain probably won't meet up right away with the group anyway until maybe after the Captian pairs up with Kofoku. I'll have his intro post up by today
It wasn't meant to be mean or make anyone feel bad, if you have the time and want to post, go for it! But there's no need to rush
@Kiki oh no i know you meant no harm lol it's just mostly so i don't forget that I'm a part if this and accidentally abandon you
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