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Lucifer Morningstar/ Black Bolt

Lucifer paused and looked at Black Bolt. Huh- some new form of sign language. It took him a few seconds to roughly translate it. "
Roughly translated, he just said not interested, i'm married and don't date lizards."

Black Bolt nodded to show that he had translated correctly, as he once again move to get the glass, watching where he would put it next, gauging the lizard's movement to grab it.

Toffee moved the glass out of the way again.

"Quit it."

Lucifer Morningstar and Black Bolt

Black Bolt paused and looked over at the glass before signing something and trying to grab it while Lucifer translated what he signed.

He's asking where you got it."

Liam and Jackson and Lead Player

Liam who was resetting a whiny Jackson's hand and wrapping it in a bandage turned to Morty. " This is the multiverse hotel. We generally don't have people being shot in the middle of the room... but we also generally don't have douches breaking hands of people who are trying to stop them from stealing keys."

It was evident Liam was pissed about that. He silently looked over at Jackson and back to Morty.

" He was shot by a hedgehog with a gun."

@thatguyinthestore @ThatAverageGuy @Archmage Jeremiah
"Multiverse hotel?.....hedgehog with a gun?......well not the weirdest thing I've ever heard"
He said seeming to be calm all of a sudden
Jackson and Liam

" I like you kid, a lot more accepting than most folks when it come to these matters. Some freak the fuck out... and well, others are short-tempered. Name's Liam. This is the hotel receptionist, Jackson."

Jackson and Liam

" It's nice to meet you Morty. Would you like some juice or something? I'm the bartender. I would offer you something better, but you are a kid... and well, I don't want to get a kid drunk on top of other things."

"My grandpa is acctually an alcoholic and after seeing how he acts I think I'd rather stick with juice anyway"
Morty said with an awkward smile on his face

" What kind of juice do you want? We got orange, grape, pineapple, prune, apple, fruit punch, tropical punch and berry juice." He asked Morty. He saw that Jackson was fine for now.

"I guess I'll take some fruit punch"
He said while taking a seat at a nearby table
"Ah gee thanks!"
Morty started to drink his punch while thinking about his grandfather
"I'm actually pretty glad he's not here right now I do need a break from him every now and then."
He mumbled to himself
"Oh wait I've been meaning to ask what's up with the bald guy in his underwear?"
@LuckycoolHawk9 @thatguyinthestore

Liam smiled, happy that the boy was grateful for him handing him a drink. It made him feel good.

It's good to take a break from your family every once in a while. I guess it is a good thing that you found this place. I can answer that. He's a superhero. If you dump water on his head, he becomes an angry principal, but just snap your fingers to make him normal again.

@thatguyinthestore @ThatAverageGuy

Doctor Shaun Murphy


" Excuse me.... what is this place?" Shaun asked.

@Any body

"A superhero huh? I used to be a fan of some heros called the vindicators but my grandpa Rick kinda made them turn against each other and they either killed each other or he killed them with traps he made while he was drunk."
Morty said with a disopointed look on his face. He then turned to look at Shaun.
"Apperantly this place is called the multiverse hotel where people from across deminsions can visit."

Liam smiled, happy that the boy was grateful for him handing him a drink. It made him feel good.

It's good to take a break from your family every once in a while. I guess it is a good thing that you found this place. I can answer that. He's a superhero. If you dump water on his head, he becomes an angry principal, but just snap your fingers to make him normal again.

@thatguyinthestore @ThatAverageGuy

Doctor Shaun Murphy


" Excuse me.... what is this place?" Shaun asked.

@Any body

"I guess that they really will let anyone in here these days." Said a doll, who was sitting in a chair near Shaune and smoking a cigarette.

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