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"... jeez," Coral wasn't exactly sure on what else to say to that, and being not that old to know about other things, she wasn't really able to pick off that lie anyways.

"... so you got that covered?"

@The Tactician @The Silver Paladin
Shizuo nodded, "I've got it, kid. It's not the first time I've had to patch myself up." Looking down at the girl, he tilted his head to the side with a perplexed expression, "What is with your hair, kid?"​
Natsuki raised an eyebrow.

"You will undoubtedly be interrupting my drink by fighting here. Now move along to that arena room, if you please. Or I'll force you there."​

"Let me deal with the matter of the girl, now that she is defenseless." Leah said. "Then, I will go."
Shizuo nodded, "I've got it, kid. It's not the first time I've had to patch myself up." Looking down at the girl, he tilted his head to the side with a perplexed expression, "What is with your hair, kid?"​
"Uh, what do you mean by that?" the girl blinked in confusion, not seeming to get what he exactly asking for. Oh god... oh god oh god oh god... Was there something wrong with her hair? She was pretty sure that she wasn't having a case of bedhead hair. While she wasn't that extravagant with her outfits and looks as the Squid Sisters, Coral was really really really that kind of person to worry about her hair.​
"Let me deal with the matter of the girl, now that she is defenseless." Leah said. "Then, I will go."
She released the chains on Yandere-chan and turned around.

"Try not to kill each other, okay?"​

Blood and pieces of brain could have been seen as Revy went to absolute town on Lady!Alucard. By the time she was done her fists must have been absolutely coated in blood. But as she stepped off, Lady!Alucard slowly sat up and brushed herself off as both of her eyes were two piercing red circles with the rest of her face a bloody mess. Pushing herself up, she waited until her jaw was in enough of a coherent enough state to talk as she grinned at Revy.

"wAs tHaT ALL??!! YOU'RE WEAK!" She'd snap as she lunged forward and gave a simple backhand to Revy which while it was holding back on her/his part so as not to smash Revy's head open like a watermelon, it was enough to send the girl flying across the room. Also, she made a note to keep that BB the brat shot at her. For reasons that might come into play later.

"Uh, what do you mean by that?" the girl blinked in confusion, not seeming to get what he exactly asking for. Oh god... oh god oh god oh god... Was there something wrong with her hair? She was pretty sure that she wasn't having a case of bedhead hair. While she wasn't that extravagant with her outfits and looks as the Squid Sisters, Coral was really really really that kind of person to worry about her hair.​

Robin returned clutching several packages of paper, and several sheets of posterboard. "Thanks." He said Shizuo. "Really helped me out."

@The Tactician
"Uh, what do you mean by that?" the girl blinked in confusion, not seeming to get what he exactly asking for. Oh god... oh god oh god oh god... Was there something wrong with her hair? She was pretty sure that she wasn't having a case of bedhead hair. While she wasn't that extravagant with her outfits and looks as the Squid Sisters, Coral was really really really that kind of person to worry about her hair.​
"I mean why do you have tentacles?" He mumbled as he reached a hand to one of the two appendages and gently took it. I keep meeting weirder and weirder people like this girl... And they say Ikebukuro has a bunch of weirdos. "I've never seen someone with this sort of thing, which means you're probably not human. So... Not to make this weird, but what are you?" A small smile came to him as he realized how soft her tentacle hair was, "It looks and feels nice either way."​
"I mean why do you have tentacles?" He mumbled as he reached a hand to one of the two appendages and gently took it. I keep meeting weirder and weirder people like this girl... And they say Ikebukuro has a bunch of weirdos. "I've never seen someone with this sort of thing, which means you're probably not human. So... Not to make this weird, but what are you?" A small smile came to him as he realized how soft her tentacle hair was, "It looks and feels nice either way."​
Oh... that. Well, it was awkward enough that she was the only Inkling around here. "Well... I'm an Inkling. Not sure how else to explain it other than saying that I'm like a half squid or something like that..." Coral scratched the back of her head when she had to answer that. Guess Inklings weren't common in other places or worlds.​

Teresa had, more or less, appeared out of nowhere. The Reaper wasn't big on big gatherings.. But hey; she needed some time that she could get away from Shibuya. Being Joshua's right-hand-(wo)man was fun and all, but everyone needs a break sometimes.

And now, it was Teresa Agnes's turn.

The young woman tried to avoid the large amount of people lingering around, and hightailed it for the gardens instead.

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Oh... that. Well, it was awkward enough that she was the only Inkling around here. "Well... I'm an Inkling. Not sure how else to explain it other than saying that I'm like a half squid or something like that..." Coral scratched the back of her head when she had to answer that. Guess Inklings weren't common in other places or worlds.​
"Half-squid, huh? You don't have to feel weird, that's kind of cool," Shizuo's smile grew larger the longer he spoke to the girl. Apparently adorable kid calmed him down after going into a berserk state of rage and hatred, "Anyways, Inkling Girl, I'm Shizuo Heiwajima. It's nice to meet you."​

"Tch, how annoying," a young man muttered as he poked his head into the bar, seeming to look around for someone, "She's not here either. Well, I guess there's no reason for here, but knowing her... Whatever."

Oh, fights everywhere. Okay.

Screaming. Flashy powers. People talking bigger than they actually are. People acting all that.

From an objective standpoint, it was quite annoying seeing people talk and act big like they were all that, only for them to actually just be nothing. Like this kid shooting a BB gun at some guy much larger than him. Like this kid talking like he knew about hellspawns and how to fight them. What-fucking-ever. He couldn't give two shits about 'em.

Still, he could use something to drink. Maybe some water at the very least. Ignoring all the chaos going on in the background, watching with a gray crutch, the young man known only as Accelerator made his way over to the bar... only to find that there was no bartender. Jesus Christ. How annoying.

"Ah, hell... So I'm just wasting my time here. Is that it?" He grumbled to himself, glancing at everyone around, "Maybe I'll find a water cooler myself. But these fights here look pretty interesting. Decisions, decisions..."

@Kaykay @The Silver Paladin @TheSpringwoodSlasher @C.T. @BAR PEEPS OR WHATEVER YO​
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"Tch, how annoying," a young man muttered as he poked his head into the bar, seeming to look around for someone, "She's not here either. Well, I guess there's no reason for here, but knowing her... Whatever."

Oh, fights everywhere. Okay.

Screaming. Flashy powers. People talking bigger than they actually are. People acting all that.

From an objective standpoint, it was quite annoying seeing people talk and act big like they were all that, only for them to actually just be nothing. Like this kid shooting a BB gun at some guy much larger than him. Like this kid talking like he knew about hellspawns and how to fight them. What-fucking-ever. He couldn't give two shits about 'em.

Still, he could use something to drink. Maybe some water at the very least. Ignoring all the chaos going on in the background, watching with a gray crutch, the young man known only as Accelerator made his way over to the bar... only to find that there was no bartender. Jesus Christ. How annoying.

"Ah, hell... So I'm just wasting my time here. Is that it?" He grumbled to himself, glancing at everyone around, "Maybe I'll find a water cooler myself. But these fights here look pretty interesting. Decisions, decisions..."

@Kaykay @The Silver Paladin @TheSpringwoodSlasher @C.T. @BAR PEEPS OR WHATEVER YO​

Leah returned to normal. She kneeled on the ground, head down, and she was sweating. "Dammit, mom." She said. She pulled herself up, and sat down. Yandere-chan also seemed to have calmed down. She sat back down next to Leah. Leah picked up her book, and continued reading it.


@go home, fight's over.

Blood and pieces of brain could have been seen as Revy went to absolute town on Lady!Alucard. By the time she was done her fists must have been absolutely coated in blood. But as she stepped off, Lady!Alucard slowly sat up and brushed herself off as both of her eyes were two piercing red circles with the rest of her face a bloody mess. Pushing herself up, she waited until her jaw was in enough of a coherent enough state to talk as she grinned at Revy.

"wAs tHaT ALL??!! YOU'RE WEAK!" She'd snap as she lunged forward and gave a simple backhand to Revy which while it was holding back on her/his part so as not to smash Revy's head open like a watermelon, it was enough to send the girl flying across the room. Also, she made a note to keep that BB the brat shot at her. For reasons that might come into play later.

"Fucking told ya I was going to make you uglier--" It hit with a comparatively soft thud, contrary to the damage inflicted and the sheer force as she crashed into the wall on the other side of the room. Like a little bitch, just out in a heap and head still ringing like an incessant telephone as she tried to get some sense of what the hell kind of truck had just hit her. Holy hell, where had that even come from? Fucking vampires! Fucking lady vampires! Fuck em all.


"Son of a bitch."

  • Bucket of Rainbows
Reactions: Chewy Rabbits
"Half-squid, huh? You don't have to feel weird, that's kind of cool," Shizuo's smile grew larger the longer he spoke to the girl. Apparently adorable kid calmed him down after going into a berserk state of rage and hatred, "Anyways, Inkling Girl, I'm Shizuo Heiwajima. It's nice to meet you."​
"The name's Coral," she worked up a cute grin. Woo! Maybe coming here alone wasn't such a bad thing. Managing to talk to one dude without chickening out, that's a plus for Coral.

"Sooooo... I was planning to head to the sparring arena, do some practice shots there..." Well, she was a good shot with guns. Splat shooters and chargers, to be specific.

@The Tactician

Blood and pieces of brain could have been seen as Revy went to absolute town on Lady!Alucard. By the time she was done her fists must have been absolutely coated in blood. But as she stepped off, Lady!Alucard slowly sat up and brushed herself off as both of her eyes were two piercing red circles with the rest of her face a bloody mess. Pushing herself up, she waited until her jaw was in enough of a coherent enough state to talk as she grinned at Revy.

"wAs tHaT ALL??!! YOU'RE WEAK!" She'd snap as she lunged forward and gave a simple backhand to Revy which while it was holding back on her/his part so as not to smash Revy's head open like a watermelon, it was enough to send the girl flying across the room. Also, she made a note to keep that BB the brat shot at her. For reasons that might come into play later.

Karmanoted the lack of the single BB and grinned. Devious, he liked that

The boy leaned back as he watched the battle with curiosity

Maybe he'd engage the woman he was backing in a knife fight or something, he was fsr more inclined to show off his own combat prowess against someone who seemed to human than someone claimimg to be a vampire

He smirks to himself as he watches the battle

"And he strikes a home run" he mutters with a frown as the woman was sent through a wall

@C.T. @TheSpringwoodSlasher

"Tch, how annoying," a young man muttered as he poked his head into the bar, seeming to look around for someone, "She's not here either. Well, I guess there's no reason for here, but knowing her... Whatever."

Oh, fights everywhere. Okay.

Screaming. Flashy powers. People talking bigger than they actually are. People acting all that.

From an objective standpoint, it was quite annoying seeing people talk and act big like they were all that, only for them to actually just be nothing. Like this kid shooting a BB gun at some guy much larger than him. Like this kid talking like he knew about hellspawns and how to fight them. What-fucking-ever. He couldn't give two shits about 'em.

Still, he could use something to drink. Maybe some water at the very least. Ignoring all the chaos going on in the background, watching with a gray crutch, the young man known only as Accelerator made his way over to the bar... only to find that there was no bartender. Jesus Christ. How annoying.

"Ah, hell... So I'm just wasting my time here. Is that it?" He grumbled to himself, glancing at everyone around, "Maybe I'll find a water cooler myself. But these fights here look pretty interesting. Decisions, decisions..."

@Kaykay @The Silver Paladin @TheSpringwoodSlasher @C.T. @BAR PEEPS OR WHATEVER YO​

"Pretty much. There's no bartender anymore and everyone is just trying to mess the place up. The decision is up to you, I suppose, but I'd prefer you didn't start a fight."​

"Tch, how annoying," a young man muttered as he poked his head into the bar, seeming to look around for someone, "She's not here either. Well, I guess there's no reason for here, but knowing her... Whatever."

Oh, fights everywhere. Okay.

Screaming. Flashy powers. People talking bigger than they actually are. People acting all that.

From an objective standpoint, it was quite annoying seeing people talk and act big like they were all that, only for them to actually just be nothing. Like this kid shooting a BB gun at some guy much larger than him. Like this kid talking like he knew about hellspawns and how to fight them. What-fucking-ever. He couldn't give two shits about 'em.

Still, he could use something to drink. Maybe some water at the very least. Ignoring all the chaos going on in the background, watching with a gray crutch, the young man known only as Accelerator made his way over to the bar... only to find that there was no bartender. Jesus Christ. How annoying.

"Ah, hell... So I'm just wasting my time here. Is that it?" He grumbled to himself, glancing at everyone around, "Maybe I'll find a water cooler myself. But these fights here look pretty interesting. Decisions, decisions..."

@Kaykay @The Silver Paladin @TheSpringwoodSlasher @C.T. @BAR PEEPS OR WHATEVER YO​
"Kekehehehe... I never knew I had lookalikes running around~"

Oh shit... who said that?


"Why hello there~"

The Diabolic Esper decided to drop into this timeline. Guess Add's a pleasant fellow...?

@Verite @Kaykay @C.T. @TheSpringwoodSlasher @The Silver Paladin @bar peeps​

"Please do not shoot things at people. It's not a nice practice."

Angel said towards the red haired boy. She hadn't commented on Alucard and Revy's brief gunfight due to it being handled and thus nothing need to be said there at least. Still, from what she had seen of Alucard's fight with Kratos, a mere bb wouldn't do much more than annoy him which could lead to him possibly retaliating and that's not something Angel really wanted to intervene in if she could prevent it. But it seemed like that boy in particular wished to get himself deeper and deeper involved with the rowdy woman and Alucard. Well, Angel wasn't a babysitter. She merely wished to enjoy her time here and make sure others did as well which was why she helped stop the fight between Kratos and Alucard.

As Accelerator approached, Angel turned towards him. "If it will satisfy you, there's plenty of alcoholic and non-alcoholic beverages behind the counter. Along with milk if you're underage." She explained as she held Glass of Milk up.

Back with Girl!Alucard, she daintily skipped over to where Revy was laying and knelt down. "I hope that was a good enough demonstration of my power, human. Perhaps you'll learn to shut that mouth of yours unless you've the strength to back it up.^^" But then Girl!Alucard looked over her shoulder and frowned. Holding the BB out, she'd turn and flicked it towards Karma. The BB twirled through the air barely whizzing past Karma's cheek and implanting into the wall behind him. "Any particular reason you're insisting on following me, boy? I hope it's not because you still think you can challenge me." Girl!Alucard noted with a roll of the eyes.

Also, Girl!Alucard turned and ducked under the incoming blow, leaving her hat flying up in the air. Shooting a cute smile up at Aeric, she waved at him once more before forming into another horde of bats that reformed across the gym. "Taking a hit at a lady? How rude!"

@DapperDogman @C.T. @Verite @Kaykay

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Just to top the OP list, and probably never to be seen again, a certain world eater stopped in. His expression was more or less "bitch please".​

Just to top the OP list, and probably never to be seen again, a certain world eater stopped in. His expression was more or less "bitch please".​

A rather bloodthirsty, dragon killing Chosen Undead put a few arrows in his eyes.

World-Eater, meet God-Killer.​
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