The Kingdom of Evertrue - Sign Up/OOC Thread

  • So many newbies lately! Here is a very important PSA about one of our most vital content policies! Read it even if you are an ancient member!

    A site made for roleplay is way cooler we promise <3
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I have, I don't quite-
Oh, rule number 5.
Well, paint me the biggest blame fool in the jungle of nool, I did not see that, that's my bad, sorry
Lol! It's fine, it happens. Now you know ^_^
Name: Frederic Couslain
Age: 24
DOB: April 20th
Species: Human
Gender: Male
Orientation: Heterosexual
Home city: Sapphire City
Physical description: Frederic is five foot, seven inches tall, white, with short black hair and blue eyes. He has scars on both his right and left cheeks from ambushes while traveling.
Personality traits: Frederic is a kindhearted young man, willing to help everyone in need. He's willing to befriend anyone as long as they're willing to show true friendship to him. When it comes to any woman he meets, he has a soft spot for them and will do whatever is necessary, especially for the one he loves. When it comes to battle, he is merciless toward his foes, not willing to give them a chance to trap him, unless someone he cares for is in danger. He is a lover, and a fighter when he needs to be, and he's willing to serve his lady from day one until death.
History/bio: Frederic was born in the town of Starkwater, just south of the fabled kingdom of Havengrove. He grew up under the eye of his father, and developed his sword arms from the age of 9. Now twenty-four, he looks upon his village in sorrow, as it had been sacked and burned to the ground. Having nowhere to go, he walked east for days, taking what provisions he could until he stepped upon soil that contained energies unknown to him, as magic was centuries old, soaking into the soil. Closing his eyes, he was transported, via portal, to a place known as Sapphire City where he hopes he can find a new living.
Skills/abilities: He is an excellent swordsman, an expert in dual wielding two swords, and an individual gifted with a sense of knowing where his opponents are in battle.
Preferred weapon: He prefers to dual wield swords. Long swords to be specific
Notable features: None that I can think of.
Who (if anyone) invited you to Evertrue? Princess Lala95
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Given that he's now residing in Sapphire City, the "Home City" slot should say Sapphire City - the "Home City" slot is meant to be where in Evertrue they reside, not where they come from. You can leave it if you really insist, but it means that you won't have a home in the Kingdom. I'll accept him once you give a final decision on whether you're going to change the Home City.
I apologize for not getting a post up yesterday, my headache is still persisting, but I will get a post up tomorrow, even if my headache continues(though, if that is the case I can not guarantee quality).
I have to keep reminding myself about characteristic personality traits about ny characters.

Eu-Mag is basically a magical robot. Dyna is eight. Cole and Snap dislike eachother. Thalice adores plants. Hadoram is, what, 52?
@Mayu. I know you've been waiting for this moment :P


Name: Leigh Hearth
Age: 26
DOB: August 1st
Species: Shapeshifter
Gender: Male
Orientation: Heterosexual
Home city: Sunset City

Physical description: Leigh is your classic gentleman type person by the way he dresses up. He has a midnight black hair with some lines of silver running through of his hear from here and there, this is the marking of his tribe and any shapeshifter would be aware of this fact.
Personality traits: Leigh is a person who loves being sarcastic, as it is the form of his humour and he sometimes tends to make a real sport of teasing Cassidy with sarcastic comments.

History/bio: Leigh comes from a shapeshifter tribe known as 'khef de faerte' in shapeshifter or 'lines of moon' in common. Leigh left his tribe's hunting grounds when he was just 16 years old. Being shapeshifter, he naturally was talented in shapeshifting of course. The Hearth family was specifically known in the tribe as the family who had mastered the forms of bat, wolf, squirrel and owl. Lines of moon was rather strange tribe in the way that they had few families that all were masters of specific transformations and there was some sort of specific features that the forms shared in common, Hearth family's feature was fluffiness for some strange reason... Leigh travelled around the Evertrue a bit during his youth and at around age of 20, at Sunset city. A man approached Leigh, this man introduced himself as Stephen Bloodwing, a head of the Bloodwing family. Stephen told Leigh everything he needed to know about vampires and being a doll and other stuff he needed to know. All of this was of course out of the blue for Leigh and he didn't understand why Stephen told him this information and especially why he was so open about it? In the end Stephen made Leigh an offer, Leigh would join Bloodwing family basically as a servant, but very special servant. Leigh was going to be assigned to accompany Stephen's daughter, Cassidy for rest of her life. Leigh found the offer very intriguing and accepted. As they traveled towards the Bloodwing manor (no idea where :P.... MAYUUU!), Stephen told how Leigh was going to start his job. His first assignment was to get close to Cassidy and form a bond with her. Leigh was more than up for the challenge as Stephen told him what kind of girl Cassidy was.

After couple years of living with Bloodwing family and getting closer with Cassidy, Stephen approached Leigh once again and told him that it was time to fulfill final part of his job. Cassidy had reached the age of 14, this was the point in the growth of a vampire where they began to develop their skills even further and began to crave for blood for real. Leigh was to become Cassidy's doll and a guardian from now on. Leigh of course accepted without problems, he had been preparing for this moment years, ever since Stephen approached Leigh at Sunset City. After these events, 3 years later, Cassidy chose to leave the manor, and being Cassidy's doll and guardian, Leigh had no choice than going with her of course, helping her to live life outside of the manor, the year was tough for Leigh and especially for Cassidy and in the end they settled down at the Sunset City, where they are living with some troubles and Leigh really has still much to teach to Cassidy, so she could live outside the manor properly, where nothing is served to her from a silver platter.

Skills/abilities: Being a shapeshifter, Leigh can turn into animals. Being from Hearth family, he is a master of bat, wolf, squirrel and owl forms and he isn't able to transform to any other animals. Also a notable feature he has inherited from his family is the fact that all of the animals he forms into are extremely fluffy for some reason. This can also be a great advantage in fight because of the distraction it might create in the beginning of the fight.

Preferred weapon: Cane sword
Notable features: Leigh's way of dressing and his hair color. In animal form, extreme fluffiness and same coloring as his hair.
Other: Leigh is Cassidy's doll and a guardian assigned by Stephen Bloodwing, and so he is to accompany Cassidy for the rest of her life or until Leigh dies.
I love you ♥ I love all of you, but @Rauzi the most at this moment XD
Lol, well i just got this great idea of a character while i was taking my dog out for a walk as i remembered that you were looking for someone who would play Cassidy's partner and voila :P
The two characters posted on this page so far are both accepted and will be up on the list when the next batch is added. @Rauzi @SoulGamer92
Bad mobile post is up.

...unless it was Willows' turn?
For my next request, I would like a member of the urchin gang that just met Dyna. Preferrably several, but I can settle with one.
Requested character's connection: To a faint degree, Dyna.
Relationship: Just met her. Is otherwise in a group of pocket-picking, rooftop-roaming children.
Specifications: Speaks in an urban, apostrophized english.
Age: Preferrably a child.
Home city: City of Satocan
Other: I might register more members of said group later sometime.
Well I would respond to the request, (as if three characters wasn't enough for me already) However I can't seem to get a hold of the rules page for Evertrue anymore.... meaning I can't tell what the timeline for me being able to make another character is......
Also, Oliver Twist style for the win.
Well, if you have three characters already, @conman2163 , you should have room for two more. Also, a little digging in the OOC would reveal when you registered your first.
I dug back to when I posted my first character, and it was back on december fourth.
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