The Kingdom of Evertrue - Sign Up/OOC Thread

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Lady Hado's in tha house, 'n' she aint gon' be easy on dat hammer.
*cough* Allora knows nothing of the courtroom let alone it's enchantments *cough*
*cough* Allora knows nothing of the courtroom let alone it's enchantments *cough*
*cough* Alright, just assumed that was a trivial thing for servants and guards alike to know *cough*
Shouldn't a castle guard know the entirety of the castle? It would be rather inefficient if they were told to go to a certain part to say protect the queen from an assassin(random example), and they got lost because they didn't know where the room they were needed in was.
I gotta say that i suggest you guys to get something for that cough, it seems pretty serious :P
Just wanted to let everyone know I'm still here and still reading! It's just that my muses have all been kidnapped and I'm left staring at a blank page D:

To recap:
Everyone in Ermeline's house is chit-chatting while Kera does her research
Delyth is having a moment while Aurelie and the professor chit-chat
Ayesha is off doing errands and isn't interacting with anyone
Aislin is about to open zir fortune-telling tent but isn't interacting with anyone
Lucy and Vindr are about to go off into the wilderness and aren't interacting with anyone

So the only people I'm worried about affecting are in Telia and Kruvaria. I think we're waiting on the professor to respond and... actually, I can't remember who's waiting on who in Ermie's house. Do you remember, @Rauzi @LoliNinja ?
Well we were waiting on your reaction post after my char Shin said something about saying that your char should tell her boss he needed her help cause she knew him
Aw shoot, I was hoping to avoid that... I'll see if I can whip something up to get things moving again.
Don't worry about it, the post you made was enough for me :P I'm working on new post atm. I'll post it after Loli and Lala though :P
I'm pretty sure, and I think Princess will agree on this one, that a servant or guard should know the castle in its entirety. If not more than the royal family, even - the servants might know secret passageways that the royal family doesn't use, or their attention to detail whilst cleaning might have them notice more things than the royal family might. Hell, I wouldn't even expect the Queen to know the ins and outs of the kitchen.
Is their a layout of the castle and the castle grounds that we can look at if we have guard characters? Mainly so we can know every place.
It makes it easier, so people don't have "make up" places they think would be in the castle and other people have to then act as if they know what is being discussed. It has bee issue with me in the past and caused some minor problems. I thought "x" was in "y" when it was really in "q", etc.
I can draw you guys a map when I have some free time :)
A thing about your post, @conman2163. We haven't really went anywhere, he simply grabbed her arm, making her use fire magic on both him and accidentally herself, but they never got any far.
well, that's good, but Allora still has to get the statement anyway, and Allora already started walking away so........ Yeah, it shouldn't have been in vain.
@N0VA @PrincessLala95

It is either of your turns in the throne room. Forgive me, if I seem pushy. It is just that my character has been in the Throne room, trying to talk to the Queen about sensitive matters for over 3 weeks now. Safe to say I am losing interest, quicker each day...

Once again, forgive me if I am being pushy.
ACK. I'm sorry guys, was without internet for a couple days! My last post was from a freaking McDonalds, haha.

Off to read the IC and see what I need to reply to. I see that fishy was here, so there's some guaranteed work required there...
Man, you guys suck. I have to do an entire post with every one of my characters, lol. I'll start work on it now but I work early tomorrow morning, so it won't be completed until some time after work tomorrow. Just so you guys know why I'm taking so long to reply in the RP.
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