The Kingdom of Evertrue - Sign Up/OOC Thread

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Tentacles. That's what the mirror does.

It's not dirty. Please understand. It was the first thing to pop into my head.
I'd definitely join a fishy RPG <3
That feeling when you write a post, leave to get food, and come back to find it deleted.
*insert sarcasm here ->Don't you just love it when that happens? It is such a purrfect way to return from the happiness of food.
Lol, i write my posts on the fly, and not on word/notepad first :P So don't have that problem myself.
Lol, i write my posts on the fly, and not on word/notepad first :P So don't have that problem myself.
That's the problem! It disappears if you don't write it on a doc! And you can start writing on a doc and work at it piece by piece when you're able to instead of having to get it done in one big go! Praise be to the Word Document!
How does it disappear? The only times I've had posts disappear on me are times when I accidentally push a wrong button and close out of the screen >_<

Fishy - love the new picture.

And IPDS - I'm not sure I understand the action that happened in your last Xoar post, let me know if I have it right... Xoar's hands were stuck on the mirror for some reason, then tentacles came out of the mirror and took the bracelet from Gallina, and then the tentacles put the bracelet on, so the tentacles are like an extension of Xoar's arms? So now the tentacles are wearing the bracelet and Xoar-ette is holding the mirror still?
Yes, that's what happened. I'm not a plot writer.
Okay. That was what I thought I understood from it, but I wasn't certain. I'll begin working on a post, especially now that I have a fishy to reply to too.
...I either write my posts directly in the reply box or in a WordPad document...
[BCOLOR=transparent]Thalice lying face down in the grass, unconcious under a fallen and burning tree.[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]Eu-Mag shouting with all his artificial voice can, desperately trying to pull himself out of a pool of lava, an increasingly bright light emitting from his inside.[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]Hadoram lying on the judge's desk with her hammer in hand, her head pierced by a last-ditch effort throwing knife.[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]A vaguely humanoid lump of a clay-like meat lying still in a window-less, cold prison cell.[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]Too dark?[/BCOLOR]
  • Bucket of Rainbows
Reactions: Ythania
You don't have to respond. Didn't have time to write a full post so I'm writing more later.

No matter how many times I read it, and appreciate the badassery that takes place in the mind's eye...I always had the mental image of Aros, mildly concerned and gently prodding Charlie with his boot.

Aros' speech comes from our collab. Charlie didn't say anything but I guess that's what she would have responded with.
Anyone who wants to play the NPC parlour guard for me can hop on it if they'd like. We all know how much I hate interacting with myself xD
Did the throne room RP move on?
Move on in what way..? The hallway storyline has nothing to do with the throne room one right now.
I meant continue on. As in something was posted regarding it etc.
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