The Journey OOC

  • So many newbies lately! Here is a very important PSA about one of our most vital content policies! Read it even if you are an ancient member!

    A site made for roleplay is way cooler we promise <3
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It's ok!! Just glad you posted :D Alright I should get a post up in the next couple of days! Work permitting lol

And damn Elrithos got moves! xD
Everything is pretty much written! Just waiting on a collab

*kicks Ikari's butt*
Making progress! Hopefully be able to kick out a post by the end of the weekend :D


Uhn. Get it. Got it. Posted it!

Sorry for the delays everyone!

Arther Snow's Character Sheet is pretty much complete (Page 11 of the OOC)

He'll be introduced relatively soon :D

The other stuff below him will be updated as we get closer to their importance Mwahaha~

Ikari and I are working on his post and it should be done soon!!

*hype hype hype*
Waiiiittt.... IT'S MY TURN!? Damn <.<
Why damn? XD

You can take your time, or someone can skip you for the time being~

*cracks her whip* haha xD
I meant that it's been a long time xD That's it.

One or two collabs and Vordan's grand entrance to the party coming up!
  • Bucket of Rainbows
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@Ikari @Rain of the Night @Monstah

Hey everyone! This isn't anything super important but I just wanted to make note of the fact that today marks the first anniversary to posting the original OOC at RPG. July 29th is the first anniversary for our first post! We've literally been at this for a freaking year and it's just incredible! As a sum, we've totaled at least 750 pages of roleplay this past year (no thanks to my fucking long ass posts XD)! Yesterday I couldn't help looking over all of it as a whole and we've all come so far! Yet there is so much more to come, this is just the start! We still have so much to learn of the world and each other's characters!!

So, I just wanted to take the time to thank you all for this wonderful year! I'm pretty sure this is actually my first roleplay that has lasted this long, at least the first that I've led. It's just been so incredible, and I can't thank you all enough for sticking together with me for this past year. Thank you for enriching my world with your characters, cultures, places and ideas. You have all made the world of Pandria come alive and I couldn't have done this without all of you. Hell, we've survived the rockiness of RPG and a move to a brand new site, which has been incredible! Iwaku is freaking fantastic!

It's been a year already and I just can't get over it xD

Ikari and Rain, you guys have both been with me from the very start! Thank you for trusting me with your characters and ideas. Thank you for continuing this from the get go! And Monstah, thank you for joining us, popping in with a lovely character and sticking with us! We all want to get to know her even better :D Thank you all for putting up with my noobishness and my dorky gifs <3

Aaaahhhh! Just thank you all! I hope you guys will continue sticking with me for this next year! As I said, this is really only the beginning! We're reaching our first major plot point soon and I just can't wait. I'm fucking excited!!! I hope you guys are excited to keep this going too c: If not, I hope I can change your mind!! xD

I'm hoping to do something for you all at some point this week. Just not sure what I can do yet haha. Maybe draw everyone's characters? Iunno we'll see!

Anyway~ Happy anniversary everyone! It's been a fantastic fucking year <3!

Now back to my scheduled Dirty Dancing Gifs!

Well shit <.< I better post now. I have to have a post before the 29th! I should have something though before then for sure.
  • Love
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Party atmosphere music =w= Waltz waltz waltz


Don't mind me.
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