The Journey OOC

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I'm on the same feeling as Ikari. If he isn't posting till Friday you might as well post Rain
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Sounds good to me!

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Checking in from beautiful Detroit. Cinder prepare yourself for hugs!
Okay boys and girls I will be doing Posto and getting that bad boy up tonight. Seeing Avengers and doing some mall running this afternoon but after that its all day posto day!
Sorry! Catching up with Cinder and all I lost track of time.
Also make sure to congratulate Cinder! She graduated College today!
I will get the post up tomorrow
Another long day... Post will be up tomorrow. Rain, go ahead and post whenever you get done, if I don't have mine up then, oh well! Lol.
Sorry boys (and girl)! I'll try to crack the whip harder today xD
Alright enough pussy footing around! Post will be up later tonight so if you can get your post up earlier Rain feel free, if not look forward to a post coming late tonight! We'll get it done even if I have to write it myself >:D haha
Sweet. Probably won't have it done so I'm exceited

So Rain and Monstah, Ikari introduced the party but if you have specific questions about the goings on, guests, or where my characters are feel free to ask! I'm up for collabs! Plus will probably be including collabs in my post too xD

Awww yeaaahhh
Good good! I'll start on something soon. Going on vacation from tomorrow, but I'll have something during that time.
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