The Journey OOC

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Alrighty, back from Vacation! I should be working on something to be completed within the next 2 to 3 days.

Age: 12
Gender: Male
Height: 4' 11''
Race: Human

Ability: Knife

- Arther has some skills with a hunting knife; Very basic
- Knows very little combat training, is more of a student than a warrior.
- Promises to hide and stay out of the way, more or less.


Arther Snow's family is originally from Thialea. Believing they could provide their son with a better education, Arther's parents had sent him to Cromerth to live with family there, while he attends classes at Cromerth's Academy based at the Cathedral. For a year Arther attended classes and sent letters back and forth with his parents, until suddenly the letters from home stopped completely. Arther soon caught wind that his home town may have been caught in between a conflict with the Durandal empire and surrounding villages.

In order to find out the fate of his family, Arther is trying to find his way home. He's made it to Durngan by himself, however he knows he can't pass the Desert without help, it would be nearly impossible. He's been scrounging around in Durngan until he can possibly catch a ride with a caravan, scrapping up all of his money to pay for it.

Reason for Joining: Trying to get home in order to see if his parents are still alive.
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And some upcoming stuff >.>

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O.O What is all this?

*is le curious now*
Rain I will send you a PM so we can collaborate Lilith and Elrithos if you don't mind!
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Sorry! In the midst of moving. I will get the startup to you tonight
Sorry Rain. Caught up in moving and not getting much done. I will do my best to get something to you tomorrow!
Hope all is going well!

The real question is, what is the proper etiquette for dancing with dwarves? Do you pick them up or is it better to bend down to their height? Which is less rude?

Haha, that has been plaguing me this week. And I still don't know how I should describe it. xD
It is your world and your town, create something entertaining!
I will!

I just find it hilarious that I have to actually ask myself that type of question xD
Still here! And slaying dragons.

I believe me and Monstah's are done the collab. Just waiting for her to post
Awesome! Should have my own post up soon after Monstah's. Gotta keep the party Rollin' :D
Posted. Sorry for taking so long to put it together!
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