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But, honestly...I don't think abuse is something Isabaella would do. There in-lies the problem.

Then maybe instead of abuse there is a different reason Lucas fears the queen? What if he knew she was a sorceress? Would that change anything?
Ohhhh, that would make things interesting~

I like that idea, personally!
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@Mowkie... didn;t know that I could just get photoshop for 9.99 dollars a month and with Netlfix (12.99/Month) and Spotify (9.99/Month) and Cable and Phone Bill I will be able to pay for all of that with one paycheck and still have more and next paycheck... learning how to save money now XD, which is good since just out of High School lol. BUt yeah getting Newer Photoshop...since I want it lol. Now going to become a Banner Pro maybe even Master someday XD
eason Lucas fears the queen? What if he knew she was a sorceress? Would that change anything?
Him knowing to some extent that she is a sorceress
Oh, yeah...I'm always forgetting that Adobe has all sorts of deals going on. Students typically get pretty good deals (I have the Creative Cloud with ALL Adobe Works for $20 a month, but I don't use it any more, and I can't cancel without a ridiculous early termination fee until later this year). Sadly, that's something that, if you want to do it, you have to KEEP paying for it. I got mom owned CS5 and gave me a copy. Worth $2500 on its own without all the extra filter stuff I have.

CS6 only has a few extra little gadgets, but it works beautifully if you have a computer that can handle it. Clipping masks will be your best friend. Oh, and tutorials.

Enjoy this whole money saving thing while it lasts. Once you get married, it gets a LOT harder. My husband spends money like a woman on a shopping spree...then again, he makes most of the money as well, so I can't fault him (at least, to a certain extent). However, with us having our first baby this summer, things will be a ton different money-wise.


Enjoy your Photoshop. <3 I hope it works out well for you. Perhaps I won't need to make you an IC banner, hehe.
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Oh, yeah...I'm always forgetting that Adobe has all sorts of deals going on. Students typically get pretty good deals (I have the Creative Cloud with ALL Adobe Works for $20 a month, but I don't use it any more, and I can't cancel without a ridiculous early termination fee until later this year). Sadly, that's something that, if you want to do it, you have to KEEP paying for it. I got mom owned CS5 and gave me a copy. Worth $2500 on its own without all the extra filter stuff I have.

CS6 only has a few extra little gadgets, but it works beautifully if you have a computer that can handle it. Clipping masks will be your best friend. Oh, and tutorials.

Enjoy this whole money saving thing while it lasts. Once you get married, it gets a LOT harder. My husband spends money like a woman on a shopping spree...then again, he makes most of the money as well, so I can't fault him (at least, to a certain extent). However, with us having our first baby this summer, things will be a ton different money-wise.


Enjoy your Photoshop. <3 I hope it works out well for you. Perhaps I won't need to make you an IC banner, hehe.
lol good to know.
Speaking of photoshop, I have like a really old version of it so I don't think its any good. Like Photoshop seven is what I have.

Can't you just pirate the Photoshop program? XD
Yeah you are good for him to know about it pm me and we will discuss details of how he found out
CS2 - otherwise known as 7 - is what I learned on. XD It's not a bad program, but Justin wants all the works that CS6's much, much better...and around 10 years newer. ^^

It's also CS2 that you can get for free. Adobe offers it free of charge. ^^
CS2 - otherwise known as 7 - is what I learned on. XD It's not a bad program, but Justin wants all the works that CS6's much, much better...and around 10 years newer. ^^

It's also CS2 that you can get for free. Adobe offers it free of charge. ^^

I used to be really good with 7, like really good, but I've forgotten how to do everything. Now I use a combination of different online programs to make banners. XD

Most of mine are pretty simple though, nothing you or my friend Gladis can do.

Can you pirate cs6??
Oh, no...can't pirate anything with Adobe. They're EXTREMELY strict when it comes to their stuffs, especially the latest models. CS6 is still relatively new, so the only way to get it is to pay for it. Like Justin was saying, though...only $10 a month. Pretty good price, considering the tech you get. XD
WOO! I got them ALL done tonight! And, now I'm exhausted. Time for bed.

@Shayla lemme know what you think and whether or not something should change. ^^

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I've decided that I have to many rps currently, and since this is one that most recently joined I'm going to withdraw. I'm sorry it its an inconvenience.
Im sorry to see you go sweetie....So now we have a prince spot opened up again...
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Well, that stinks. I liked Lucas. :( But I understand...I've overdone it before.

Guess that means we need to find another player for princes. I'd offer to play two, but wouldn't know what kind of prince to make. That, and I'd like to stick to one if I can. Hopefully, we can find someone quickly so none of the princesses are left out. least within the time that it takes Ghostie to post theirs. Whenever that might be.....

  • Bucket of Rainbows
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@Luxii maybe you would like this idea^^ you could play a Prince, if you wanna.
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  • Bucket of Rainbows
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Heyyyyy thanks for thinking of me ^^

MxF just isn't doing it for me write now so I'll have to pass <3
NP^^, lol I should of knew that xD. Well see you an all the others rps we're in lol
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