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@Gorgeous♠Chaos if you want I can make a prince... I don't mind playing more than one character :3
If we can't find someone to play one, then maybe @~Happily.Ever.After~. I just wanted everyone to only play one character, but if it comes down to it then I will allow you to make a second. I will message you if someone is not found.
If we can't find someone to play one, then maybe @~Happily.Ever.After~. I just wanted everyone to only play one character, but if it comes down to it then I will allow you to make a second. I will message you if someone is not found.

Alrighty! ... And yeah, I kind of guessed that everyone was supposed to only have one character, but figured it might be easier if we couldn't find another person :3
Heard that there was a prince spot open? I would like to take it if that's okay.
Thank you! *hugs* I will try and get my babe up today but there are a few other things that I have to tend to first.
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Heard that there was a prince spot open? I would like to take it if that's okay.
Look at you, stalking my recent roleplays before I could even send you the link.

Great to have you! ♥
Look at you, stalking my recent roleplays before I could even send you the link.

Great to have you! ♥
What? Me stalking? Haha please. I don't do that...all the time. ;) Anywho, thanks, I'm excited for this.

@Gorgeous♠Chaos or @Shayla

I just want to double check, it is only the maids that have powers, correct?
  • Bucket of Rainbows
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What? Me stalking? Haha please. I don't do that...all the time. ;) Anywho, thanks, I'm excited for this.

@Gorgeous♠Chaos or @Shayla

I just want to double check, it is only the maids that have powers, correct?
I can answer that for you... yes only Maids have powers.^^
I can't wait to see who Reggie is destined to be with lol.

I try to make him be able to at least have one or two things in common with the maids. I hate when someone makes a char just to fit one specific other char... not knowing if they will end up with them or not xD, so yeah will be a surprise to see who gets little Reggie XD
Don't want to upset anyone so I'm just checking. Would anyone be upset if I make my guy the second youngest?
Don't want to upset anyone so I'm just checking. Would anyone be upset if I make my guy the second youngest?
Aww yay xD lol, Reggie will have someone closer around his age. Since Vio guy was the second youngest that spot is open so I say go for it lol.
So far, Jude remains the oldest. Hopefully, the last char shall be older. >.> Otherwise my entire backstory will be a waste and not make sense.
Hopefully Ghost makes her guy the oldest.
She is gonna make it the oldest, at 23. Talked to her to see what age she was gonna make him.
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[fieldbox=Akinli Magnus Smith: Dork in Training, #008B8B, solid]
"Don't act as if you know me or what I have been through, cause chances are you don't.

✮Eye Color✮

Electric Blue

✮Hair Description✮
"A luscious blonde."

Akinli has blonde hair that is usually spiked up and shaved slightly on the sides. It is shorter in the back and a bit longer in the front.

"I don't know."


"190 pounds of pure muscle!"




""I have a few."

He has multiple scars from the few times that he has been in battle
A tattoo of a compass on the inside of his right wrist
Has a tattoo that stretches across his back

"Hey there, what's up?!"
Akinli Magnus Smith

"I have many."
Kin || Dork (usually the most common) || Youngster || A.K

♥Royal or Maid♥
"I would be what you call a Royal."

"Finally old enough to do my own thing!!"
(don't leave him to do his own thing)​

"I'm a capricorn if that's what you're asking."
December 28

"That's funny!...wait, you weren't joking?

✮Health Ailments✮
"Hmm I'd like to say I'm healthy as a horse but I'm not."
He has really bad Asthma

"I like to think I'm a fun person to be around."

Dorky: He's the exact opposite of what you may consider princely. Though he looks refined and like he has everything together, he really doesn't. When he comes across someone he finds beautiful or charming, everything he's learned goes out the window. He constantly puts his foot in his mouth or makes stupid blunders.

Kind: He's very kind, willing to help those that are in need of help without any hesitation. This of course leads to being taken advantage of from time to time, but we'll get to that later.

Loyal: Akinli is extremely loyal, almost to a fault. You could even call him a dog in a sense. He's most loyal to his family (even if they aren't fully blood related) and those that are closest to him. He'd do anything to help them out.

Mischievous: He loves goofing off and sometimes that includes pulling pranks (usually on his brothers) or just pretending to hide when he's needed. This of course usually doesn't go over well with his father but in his opinion, he sees nothing wrong since he won't be next in line for the crown

Trouble Maker: Now don't get Akinli wrong, he doesn't try to cause trouble on purpose and it's not like he's really doing anything. Sometimes he just leaves the castle though and goes for a stroll through the kingdom (of course this doesn't go over well with any of the staff).

Intellegient: He's extremely smart, despite putting his foot in his mouth and coming across stupid. And not just book smart, but battle smart as well, he's an excellent tactian and can guess (though he's not always right) an opponents move on the battle field.

Brave: Just your typical hero bravery. Akinli isn't afraid to lay down his life for his family, loved ones or his people. He'll rush to protect someone if they are defenseless (even someone he doesn't know) and he's quick to make sure that he takes action.

Selfless: Again, Akinli would lay down his life for those he holds dear. He much rather see someone else happy or get to live a fulfilling life. Sometimes when he escapes the castle he brings some food with him to give to those that need it.

Adventerous : Ah yes, what a very adventerous spirit in deed. This probably explains his need to escape castle walls and take a walk in the woods or around the kingdom.

Sickly: Though he seems like a very strong person, because of how bad his Asthma is, Akinli is very limited to what he can do. Running (though he loves it) is a pain, and sword fighting even gets to him. Usually when there are battles to be fought, he stays back and helps with strategies.

"I rather not share..."

"Oh that's easy."

Reading || Adventuring || Getting out of the castle || Rain || Warm weather || Seeing people around the kingdom || Sword fighting || Weapons || Battle plans || Stars || Music


Snobs (he tries not to be one) ​|| His father || Being Confined || Cold weather || Bees || His Asthma || Sweet Food

"Ah yes, you tend to gain odd hobbies when you're sick."

Music || Sword Fighting || Creating battle strategies || Exploring || Escaping Castle guards

"I don't have any...geez I suck."

Sword Fighting || Playing instruments || Leaving the Castle || Singing || Being stupid

"I'm pretty good at other things."

Sword Fighting || Battle Strategies || Escaping Castle walls || Tactician || Learning Instruments || Singing

"I'm limited to some things."

Extraneous activities || Asthma || Putting his foot in his mouth || Loyalty || Being selfless

"No prince is afraid of anything."

-Bees: don't get him started.
-His father: Yes, even he fears his father, though not enough to stop leaving castle walls
-Asthma: He's afraid that he's actually going to die of an asthma attack one day
-Betrayal: Because Akinli puts so much of himself into his relationships, he's afraid he'll one day be stabbed in the back

"Hehe, I would like to keep those a secret."

Weak Lungs: Akinli doesnt have the strongest of lungs (which doesn't help) and sometimes it leaves him sick for days since he can't always get the air that he needs. Too much exertion could lead to his death.

Mommy dearest: When Akinli was about six, his mother had tried to kill him. He was unaware at this time that he was the child of the King and was still living in the castle, working as a young servant boy. Though when his mother tried to kill him, he soon found out that his father was in fact the king.

Unlovable: Poor guy. Akinli believes that girls only fall in love with guys that are strong and don't have any health ailments, so he truly believes that no one could truly love him.

Goodbye Royalty: Akinli consatntly contemplates on running away, seeing no need in staying and truly not understanding why he does. He's gotten close to leaving the castle and never coming back.

You won't find me: Usually every month, Akinli leaves the castle for ten to fifteen days, sometimes up to the whole month, and he goes to a small spot that no one else knows about. It's relaxing, he enjoys it and he's pretty sure that no one even notices that he's gone.

"Hmm I don't think so."

"Ah yes, the joy of life."
All are currently TBA
Kahlen Smith: 24 - deceased
The King: -alive
His brothers

♠ Pets ♠
"My brother has a boa constrictor or was it a python?"
Has a horse named Spirit: [spoili]

"I've never been one to do as I've been told."[/fieldbox]

Passwords: The Clock strikes 12.

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Alright, sorry for the double post. Managed to get my babe up. Gotta go do a few other things, if he needs fixing, just let me know and I'll get on that.
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