• So many newbies lately! Here is a very important PSA about one of our most vital content policies! Read it even if you are an ancient member!

Pick a side.

  • Empire.

    Votes: 1 6.7%
  • Rebellion.

    Votes: 3 20.0%
  • Wait, this isn't Star Wars!

    Votes: 11 73.3%

  • Total voters
Oh, with the mention of Discord... tried to get on, got just a blank (gray) screen. Any assistance with setting things up right? Thanks...
How are you trying to view it?

Discord as an app doesn't work for me, my reader can only handle it through the browser with a couple of configured plugins.
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On my phone's Firefox browser I cannot join through the browser version and I have to click the little Android icon on the top of the screen to activate the app and get that going. But on PC it sends me to the website page where I can join as guest or log in. That's my input to this problem. The little android thing :P
I did follow the link/invite first presented, but like I said, nothing but gray. I'll have to see about the app, later... don't have time tonight. Thanks, everyone!
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Checked it out... says "partially capable". From what I'm reading, it sounds like it's not ready for Windows 10. Sounds like it could be a hassle, prone to faults. Any input?
I have windows 10 and the app, and I have zero issues with it. It's just like skype, only group/server oriented. It's a newer program, too, so I'm not sure what the problem would be.
Nope... doesn't work. Tried to make an account so I could sign in, nothing but blank space the result. No way to set up an account.
@Roose Hurro Shoot me a PM with all the things you've tried and we can see if together we might be able to troubleshoot the issue. Best we do it via PM or the like so we don't spam everyone here.
I'm curious, this isn't a small skeleton crew but we've got the numbers and people and spots that could mean a fully functional frigate or cruiser. That means a lot of conversations happening all over the ship, will we need a couple threads to keep it organized?
Ideally, we'd have multiple threads, but I'm not sure how something like that would work without an organized area of our own. IE: We don't have a realm or guild or site or w/e, but that could be an eventual upgrade for the RP if things remain good.

For now, that leaves our options limited to:
1) mentioning where your character is in the post
2) being aware of the layout of the ship, as well as who belongs where in the ship

And hopefully, we have no issues so long as people are consistent.

And ship name is in the Info as a coming soon. > u >;
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The GSG Vessel Coming Soon it is!

Actually I can think of a number of our crew who would be proud to serve aboard such an auspicious vessel...

(I had my money on the Telluric)
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What ever could you mean by that Angie?! I honestly could not even think as to what that could mean. Like not even a single little euphemism lined thought had crossed my mind.

I am shocked, shocked that you could mistake my enthusiastic tribute to the Tellspice hype-train as anything less than virgin pure.

Speaking of virgin pure, are we still playing that Lara went through a quick medical refresher course when she reached Euphrates?

How do her (younger) siblings feel about the fact that their high flying lawyer sister is racing around the galaxy as a glorified nurse?
If they know they're probably overjoyed that she's being such a pleb working for others instead of enslaving the galaxt and if they don't they probably don't care because they are busy figuring out how to claim their parent's legacy for themselves. Possibly by using a poisoned potato or the like.

And yes I imagine we are still going with the medical course by Doc Tavi the Bane of Humanity. I mean I don't see a reason not to, unless you don't want to do that of course.
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I just can't wait for Temk to wander into the medical offices to be rapidly vivisected for the sake of curiosity
  • Bucket of Rainbows
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I just can't wait for Temk to wander into the medical offices to be rapidly vivisected for the sake of curiosity
I am curious, because we joked in the Discord how Lara would probably go out of her way to try and sleep with the plant organism on board but would that even be possible? Like even if not she would probably be perfectly satisfied with just feeling out it's body and sorta poking around non invasively.
If Temk was relaxed enough they'd just let Lara sort of 'crack' their membrane/shell and tear a hole. A relaxed Nim can retract their barbs so you just get lengths of fleshy oily vines to mess around with which are in actuality the real body of the Nim.

Depending on how it all goes, Nim are pretty sensitive to touch Since their eyesight and hearing aren't great, relying on feeling pressure changes to adjust their forms. So the right sort of pressure would be enjoyable to the Nim bundle.

Also Lara is a total perv :p