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~I'm drinking coffee on a trampoline~
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3pm - 1am (GMT / BST)
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  2. Female
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Monsters, supernatural, fantasy, romance, criminality, slice-of-life (modern or set in past, usually with some twists)

Year One, Day 198-- or was it Day 200?

Either way, Katia had been institutionalised for a long time now, spanning several months. It was Christmas Day now, and she distinctly remembered being first brought to the asylum in June. She hated the place, she truly did, for a variety of reasons. She hated the fact she was being cooped in with genuinely ill people, when she knew she wasn't like them; she was taking a space in the asylum that could be used by someone who was genuinely mentally ill.

She didn't believe that she was, of course. Whilst her nurses and doctors and her psychiatrist all tried to gently tell her that all her fantasies were just that, fantastical, she scoffed and refused to acknowledge such slander. She wasn't dreaming it up. She was confident that all she did was for a cause; that it was what her soulmate wanted of her.

Which was another reason she hated the asylum - it was stopping her doing what she needed to do to show her soulmate that she was dedicated to him. Her cannibalism had two main reasons behind it: it was to show Lucifer how dedicated she was to him, as she believed he wanted from her, and it was also because... well, she craved human meat. Being cooped up in some horrid institution where she couldn't even have her favourite food was a living nightmare--

But she had her chances to get bits and pieces of meat. She was normally forced to wear a mask around her mouth, but sometimes that mask had to be taken off. She needed to eat, of course, and while she was tied down to her chair to be forcefully fed by nurses, she always knew how to act to catch them off guard, striking when they least expected it to bite into their arm or neck. Many nurses had already had chunks literally ripped out of them. Was it any surprise, then, that most people feared going near the girl? She was beautiful and flirtatious and charming beyond compare, acting the sweet innocent angel... but that always ended with someone getting hurt.

It was why she'd been in solitary confinement for the last two weeks, kept alone after a particularly bad attack where a nurse had her finger ripped off. Katia, whilst in confinement, had missed Lucifer's arrival; the Devil himself, and the man she was determined to be with-- even if nobody believed her babbles. Now, though, she was let out, guided carefully into the main living room where patients were currently sat around, grasping presents the staff had handed out to them of jumpers and books and simple stuff they couldn't hurt themselves with.

Katia felt the eyes turn on her from the older patients when she was set down on the couch, without her mask-- but her hands were handcuffed, so the possibility of her doing too much damage was limited. Silently watching her nurses walk off to gossip about some cute new patient (however immoral that was), she let her eyes wander about before landing on said man; Lucifer. She didn't for one second assume this was the Devil, but she had an immediate curiosity about him. He was new, and he seemed young, and he was beautiful. Of course he'd grab her attention.

"Newbie, huh?" She began, sliding her way down the couch with a growing smirk. "What did you do? Butcher your family? Shoot up your school? Oh, wait-- did you poison anyone? I'd love to meet a poisoner, I've always thought it was cool."
Lucifer's life had once been a playground. He was once the master of his entire land. He had once threw the grandest parties, had more fun than one measly human could ever dream of having. He was the ringleader, and his life was the circus. Everything fell into place. Not one single soul could tell him what to do. He was the King of the Underworld and everything was as it should have been. And then his world was turned upside down. His own archdemons turned on him! Well...In a way, they didn't actually turn on him, but that's how Lucifer saw it.

It was a normal morning for him in the Underworld. He was being fed grapes by the vine as someone massaged his feet and legs. Life was perfect until his archdemons stormed into his room (not really, but if you asked Lucy he'd say they barged in) and screamed at him to get married! Okay, so they didn't scream, but they informed him that he would have to be married to some bitch he barely knew. Lucy turned it down of course. He had no intentions of marrying. Marriage would just ruin all the fun he was having. But...When he said no, the archdemons told him it was a must. He'd never been told he had to do something before. That...That was simply not right, to tell a King he had to do something.

So, like any great King Lucy threw a tantrum. Like hell would he marry some prissy little bitch. But even after his tantrum throwing, and the killing of subjects the archdemons still said he had to marry. So, he did what any smart man would do. Runaway. He ran from his Kingdom, wanting to have fun on Earth, rather than stay in Hell and be married. For a while, he lived lavishly in big cities but...His archdemons always found him that way. So Lucy decided to get himself locked up.

So he killed three innocent families. And when he went to trial for it, and they asked him why. He told the truth. He told them that he was Lucifer and that his archdemons were forcing him to marry someone and in order to be away from them, he needed to get locked up. And instead of those damn idiots sending him to jail, they sent him to a home for the mentally ill. Lucy had never been more insulted in his life.

But, during his week of staying there, he learned it wasn't so bad. He learned that he could fuck up the patients even more by twisting and warping their minds. It was fun! Just three days ago he got a girl to claw her own eyes out. It was hilarious! But now that girl was gone in the hospital part of the institution, so he would need to find someone new. Which was when a dark-haired girl sat next to him. Lucy's blonde curls fell into his miraculous blue, as they peered into her hazel ones. She was pretty and young. Well, it would be fun to fuck with her! He had no idea this girl thought that she was his soulmate. Or that she thought he was testing her. No, that was all of her own crazy shit she came up with, this was his first time meeting her. "...I killed three families to escape some demons chasing me. What about you?" He answered with a deep, yet soft voice. His hands were fiddling with a sweater he received for the holiday.
"Now, why did you run away from demons? That seems silly. I like demons, they're cool. Plus, you know, the Devil's sort of a demon and he's, you know, kinda my soulmate and all. Not that anyone 'round here believes me. They won't believe you about demons, either. They're so closed-minded," she dramatically sighed, wriggling her fingers to try and keep the blood flowing to them. The handcuffs were ridiculously tight and restrictive, but nobody was going to believe her on that, either. Last time she complained about handcuffs, she attacked a nurse and knocked her unconscious, so her whines were understandably ignored.

"I ate my sorority sisters. It was all over the news. Like it's some big deal, you know? Nobody bats an eyelid when cows and pigs are slaughtered. I ate a few humans, what's the difference? Besides, they all looked like pigs, so maybe it was a case of mistaken identity," she answered innocently, before a small smile pulled deviously at her lips. The girls had once been her best friends; the future bridesmaids at her future wedding. At least, they had been before her life took a different turn.

"Hey, do you want to convince that nurse over there, the one with the pointy nose, to undo my handcuffs? I won't attack you, I promise. I'll be a good girl," she purred, winking for emphasis before offering a nod to the nurse in question. "You're attractive and they're gossiping about you. They'll take these off me if you ask them to. Say I want to do a jigsaw puzzle or something."
Lucy looked at this dark-haired girl who was obviously pale as paper. No one in this place really got sun, and he began to wonder how long she had been in here since she was that pale. And she looked thin, but not sickly thin. At least he knew he would be fed. What was so crazy about her was how normal she looked. But she was batshit crazy. She thought she was his soulmate? Ha! He didn't have a fucking soulmate, soulmates make you weak, get in the way of having fun. Of he was definitely going to have fun messing with her.

Blue eyes glanced over at the nurses who were staring and whispering about him. They had been staring all morning now. They giggled girlishly when he flashed a small smile at them, before turning his attention to the crazy girl sitting with him. "...And what do I get out of this? If I help you, you have to help me. I want something so what do you have?" Asked the man as he arched one of his perfect eyebrows.

He knew this girl didn't have much to offer. Literally, nothing to offer, she was in jail with him. But he wanted to see what funny and crazy answer she would come up with. He might as well start fucking with her, right? "You'd help me escape, won't you? I need to escape the demons are going to find me...Maybe when they show up, you can say you're the Devils soulmate and tell them to let me go. You'll do that won't you?" In order to gain her trust, to let her in her mind, he needed to act as if what she said was the truth.
"I'll help you escape and tell all those big, mean demons to leave you alone, of course-- but I can do something to help you immediately. I can stop them forcing you to take medication. You being this attractive won't stop them popping a pill in your mouth and wait until you swallow. They'll start medicating you a month into your stay-- and I've been here since June and not swallowed a single one," she began calmly, a proud, smug look flashing across her features. It was true that she hadn't been medicated like the others, which would have at least helped with her delusions and psychosis. The nurses all believed she was taking her pills, because they handed her a pill every day and watched her swallow it.

But it was a sugar pill; a harmless piece of candy. Her psychiatrist was to blame for that. He was wrapped around the beautiful girl's finger, doing whatever she asked. Besides, he knew their affair couldn't continue if she was drugged, so he had selfish motivations too.

"I can tell my psychiatrist to provide you with fake pills too. He does what I ask. Men are so easily manipulated with sex, you know? I can do that for you, if you use those good looks and get me out of these handcuffs. I also promise not to tear a chunk out of you, even if I'm starving."
Her human teeth wouldn't be able to penetrate his skin, so her promise meant nothing to him. But to not have to take pills was pretty good. He didn't want to be drugged up. He thought about it for a moment, before his attention turned to the nurse with the skinny pointy nose. Smiling brightly at her, be bellowed her over.

Giggling softly, her cheeks were a soft pink as she twirled her brown hair around her finger. "Y-Yes Lucus?" It was more than obvious the nurse was lusting after him. It was disgusting that she didn't even try to hide that secret. Lucy thought she was disgusting and ugly. She had gaunt skeletal features and a bony skinny nose that was far too pointy. It reminded him of a snowman's nose.

"Hi miss, you see my friend here wants to play jigsaw, but...She has those handcuffs on. She can't play with me if she has those on." The blonde pouted his full soft pink lips. And damn did they look so kissable at the moment.

"...O-Oh I can't. You see Katia can't be uncuffed. She is a danger to herself and to others. I don't want her getting in trouble-"

"Please? She's not going to hurt me." Smiled the boy.

"...Okay, but don't tell anyone." She sighed, her hand disappearing into her pocket, before pulling out a key to uncuff the girl.
Oh, that felt good.

As soon as her hands were freed, the girl happily sighed and rubbed her bruised wrists-- before doing something she perhaps shouldn't have. She didn't go as far as to bite the woman -she was far too thin to even take pleasure out of biting- but she did thrust herself forward to her to watch her shriek.

Laughing to herself afterwards, she flopped at the table with the jigsaw on, just to pretend she was preparing to play. She had no desire to do so, of course. Instead, she beckoned Lucifer to sit opposite her with another of those smirks. She didn't seem to be gushing over him, or even blushing in his presence. This man was the soulmate she boasted about one day meeting, and yet she barely even blushed near him.

"Thanks. I mean, I was almost sick when you flirted with Nora, but hey, needs must. See, if you're going to seduce anyone, go for Maria, she's gorgeous. She's literally perfect. Has the perfect body, too, which is important. Plus she's the head cook. Getting her on your good side will benefit you come dinnertime. I get all these extras on my plate because she just adores me," she boasted, leaning back as she combed her fingers through her long hair quietly.
Sitting opposite to her, he took note of what she was saying. Getting the head cook on his on his side was a smart thing to do. He wanted to eat good food while he was here. He didn't know how long he'd be here. Well as long as he felt like being here and as long as the archdemons didn't find him so...Yeah, he'd be here for a while. Long fingers went to brush his blonde curls from his gorgeous eyes as he stared at the strange girl.

She didn't even blush near him or get nervous. Yet she was claiming to be in love with him. It was pretty amusing. Now would be fun to mess with her. "...I met the Devil..." He randomly mumbled as he pretended to place some puzzle pieces together so he wouldn't get too much attention.

"....It was months ago, he was ugly and scary. Are you still going to like...Be with him? Even if he's terrible to look at? It hurt my eyes just from looking at him. I still get nightmares of seeing him."
"Of course you found him scary. You run from demons. You're obviously going to find Lucifer scary. He's my soulmate, though. I imagine I'll find him perfect, however he looks. And when he comes to find me, because he will, I'm sure he can help me kill everyone who made up mean things about me. They called me insane, you know? I'm not insane. He's real, he's not a figment of imagination. They all said that he wasn't real and that I was out of my mind, and all sorts of crazy stuff-- but you met him! What was he like? Was he really scary? Ugh, I can't wait," she grinned, not seeming at all dissuaded from her fascinations with the man, even if she was told he was ugly and horrifying. He could be an ogre and she'd still desire him more than air itself. He was her soulmate - appearances didn't matter.

It would help if he was as gorgeous as she imagined him to be, though.

"See, I'm only in here until he comes. When he comes here, I'm leaving-- but I can totally get you out with me. He's met you before, yeah? And you survived, so maybe he sees potential in you. You're very... charming. He probably likes that."
This girl was batshit crazy. She really thought she was his soulmate, and it was hilarious to watch. All he wanted to do was to burst out laughing, but he couldn't do that. So he played along with her crazy talk. "...I don't know why he let me live. But I ran as fast as I could. It was terrifying really." Glancing up at the thin girl, he studied her a bit more.

"If you haven't met him, or spoken to him, how do you know you're his soulmate? I mean...Don't you get tired of waiting for him? And how long have you been waiting here for him? Seems like a long time." His blue eyes looked over at a girl who had just been wheeled into the room with bandages over her eyes. Well...Where her eyes were supposed to be. With an IV hooked up to her, the girl looked pitiful. It was the woman Lucy had told to claw her own eyes out. Huh...She was far too drugged up to go mess with again, besides he found a new toy. And she was way more fun.
"...I'm not stupid. You never met him, did you? You think I'm crazy. Figures. Nobody believes me in this dump. You're just asking questions because you find it hilarious and that's... it's fine. I get it all the time. Just don't pretend to be interested. Be a fucking man, tell me you think I'm crazy. I respect that more than this pathetic insincerity," she suddenly drawled as she rested her head on her hand, absently beginning to do the puzzle out of boredom. The man opposite her was the man she deemed her soulmate, but that didn't mean she was going to realise it straight away. Just like he clearly didn't realise it now.

"I'll stay here as long as I need to and when he realises that I'm his soulmate too, and where he can find me, I'll fucking show everyone who doubted me. You included. You're not all that, by the way. Your nose is crooked, I hate guys with blue eyes, and that mop of hair needs a fucking trim. The fact nurses are gossiping about you is ridiculous. See Benny over there, with the dark looks? He's gorgeous. You're... I dunno, a 7/10? Benny's a solid 9."
"I'm fucking perfect." Hissed the man randomly. Lucy never liked to be called less than...Anyone. He was perfect. He was what everyone dreamed of having or being. This damn Benny didn't have anything on his superb looks. "I know I'm perfect because everyone thinks so. And I have met Lucifer. And he's not going to ever want you. You aren't his soulmate, you're just a small girl with no sex appeal. Why would he want you? He'd probably want this Maria you speak of with the nice body. You know, someone with curves."

Just seconds ago Lucy was being so calm, and sweet. That was until she said some ugly Benny with stupid dark hair was better looking than him. He was literally perfection, and she had to nerve to criticize him. At least he knew what he spoke was facts. He hated her, and he wanted nothing to do with her and he would never date her...Yet. But hey, it seemed she hated him at the moment too.
As the man spat and got riled up, Katia had sat back against the chair with a small smile, tapping her fingers against the surface of the table. In just a few seconds, she'd gotten control. It was what she loved most. She wanted to control the place. She already had the psychiatrist in her pocket, ready to do as she wanted. As soon as she met Lucifer, she knew she had someone around who could challenge her hold on things; who could rival her. He was good-looking and young; that was enough to get a headstart.

But here she was, sitting calmly as he spat viciously at her. Already, she knew she had the upperhand again; the control. He was so easily wound up that she knew what she needed to say in future to watch him throw a little temper tantrum, like a child.

"...You're not going to survive in here if you act like this. They'll crush pills into your food if they think you have anger issues," she said slowly, returning to her jigsaw as though nothing had happened. "Regardless what you hear that offends you, shut your goddamn mouth and smile. Don't react until you're in private. You don't yell like that in an asylum. Rule number one. That gives them an excuse to be sneaky about medicating you; they'll say it's for your own good. I tested you and you sorta failed. I want to help you 'cos you're new around here, so try not to react like a toddler and you'll be alright."
"Ha, tested me? Pease, I'm already running this place and your just living in it. I don't care what you say. They won't try to medicate me because they all know you infuriating and crazy!" He hissed viciously still angry. He was a spoiled brat, and he got his way all the time, so yelling was no big deal to him. He leaned in close, those blue eyes glaring into her hazel ones. "Let's get some rules straight. I'm not going to let some batshit crazy girl talk down to me. You're a pest. A mere stupid little human who's life will be over in a mere fifty years or so. I am far better than you will ever be, so don't you dare speak down to me." He didn't realize his comments may sound strange but...He was a patient in a mentally ill asylum. So it wouldn't be looked into.

"Nora." He suddenly whimpered, looking at Katia scared. "Sh-She...She just threatened to bite me." When hearing that a few security guards went to restrain her arms, even if she was calm right now, they knew her and knew she randomly snapped.

"Nora, why the hell did ya take her cuffs off in the first place?" A man barked at her as the skinny nurse hurriedly put them back on her.
Oh, that was unexpected.

She'd known from the very first second she saw him that he would challenge her authority in the place; that he was going to be an obstacle she needed to overcome. She just hadn't expected him to wield that power so soon, and so effectively. Without struggling against the men that came to restrict her, she heavily sighed when the cold metal handcuffs were locked onto her again, lifting her hands with a dry grin.

"See, I'm not mad. This look suits me, I think," she drawled, winking playfully at one of the men before slumping in her chair. "...Well played. Maybe you're a 7.5 out of 10, does that make your insecure ego feel a little better, big guy?"
"I know I am absolute perfection." Hissed the blonde as he watched the brunette studying her. "And you know I'm gorgeous, you envy me, I can tell. And I'll make sure I'm not medicated by myself. I'm sure I can persuade any of these nurses not to give me any. I mean I am pretty persuasive. And thank you for the information about Maria. Now that I know who to kiss up to, in order to have a good meal. That was great information. This asylum is going to be run by me, so you might want to get in line. This isn't a game you can play."

Lucy didn't like to be challenged. That much was evident in the way he was treating her. He liked to be worshipped and adored. And everyone did, but this girl was purposely pushing his buttons. Well, he would just have to show her how it's truly done. He didn't know her buttons, but he would find out and push each and every one
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"She's a lesbian. You can charm her, but she's not going to fall head over heels for you unless you grow some breasts, dude. But you sort of look like a girl, so maybe she'll be nicer to you than most of the guys here," she drawled as calmly as ever, kicking her feet up onto the table as she slowly examined him over. He was easily a 10/10, she knew that. She just wasn't remotely interested in stroking his ego when he was quite capable of doing it himself.

The two had that characteristic in common. Katia thought of herself as perfection; at least, perfection-in-progress. She wanted to be more beautiful than she already was; she wanted to have the body that matched her face, at least. She was just perfectly content in waiting to be with her soulmate before she got the chance to perfect herself. But she'd argue to anyone else that she was perfect. Seeing someone else have that high self-worth was definitely... interesting.

"We'll see about that. See, people are scared of me. That's just as useful as being loved."
Lucy had, had plenty of lesbians in his life. Aforementioned, he was persuasive, and for some off reason, human lesbians were very easy to change their mind. At least easier than the demons. He listened to the crazy girl, as he drummed his fingers on the table. "Better to be fear than to be loved? I believe a mixture of both is always best." Back at home, he was loved, just as much as he was feared. And he liked it that way.

"And besides, it not much to fear from you. As long as you have a muzzle, you're harmles~" Teased the man, flashing his dimpled smile. His dimples were so deep and made him look utterly adorable. It was funny how everyone thought the Devil looked like everyone's worst nightmare. But no, he appeared to come to everyone as their daydream. And once they were hooked, he'd mess up their lives.
"You shouldn't talk to a lady like that, you know. I'm still a lady, even if I'm stuck in this place. Where are your manners?" She began challengingly as she pushed herself forward to bring their faces closer together, her own grin growing on her face as seconds ticked by. She was no challenge for him, not really, but she wasn't to know that he was the King of the Underworld.

She just thought he was some cocky, arrogant jerk who thought he could rule the place without challenge. Well, she would challenge him. She had authority and control; like hell was she giving it up without a goddamn fight.

"You know, you can flirt and charm your way through everyone, but the most important guy here is the psychiatrist, and he's mine. He's utterly obsessed with me. Ultimately, he's on my side and I have control through him. Good try, though."
If he could persuade angels to go against God, he was sure a measly human wouldn't be much of a challenge. He only smiled, before rolling his eyes. "Like you've said, I look like a girl, I'm sure I can convince him not to give me meds." Hell if need be, he'd just hypnotize the damn human.

"And you are hardly a lady, so I believe I can treat you any way I feel fit. I mean, look at you. Well sure you're are almost cute but...You are so rude. I mean, you literally called me ugly after I've helped you and believed you and told you what your stupid soulmate looked like."