Seven Deadly Sins, Seven Heavenly Virtues OOC/Sign-ups

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Well, until I know the answers to my other questions, I'll just let everyone know Chastity is open to relationships and leave this beauty here: Chastity
That doesn't answer my question, but okay :P
Alrighty then, I'll just use the ol' Ctrl+C and get this down real quick... It should look something like this, right?

Sin/Virtue: Temperance
True Name: Chronos
Earth Name: Zeit
True Appearance:

Earth Appearance:
Face Claim: Johannes Strate
True Age: Old as Time Itself
Earth Age: 29
Personality: Selfless, Friendly, Punctual
Strengths: Reaction speed, Timing, Coordination
Weaknesses: Hesitant, Passive, Introvert
Likes: Astrology, Astronomy, Archaeology, General science, Being on time
Dislikes: Snobs, Idiots, Laziness
Preset Ability: [***]Chronos Mithos (Control of time)
Extra Ability: [**]Rift (Creates a small time-space rift, causing nearby objects and organisms to be pulled towards said rift for a short period of time. Closes immediately when near a human or sin/virtue)
Endurance: [**]
Stamina: [**]
Cleric: [*]
General Skills: Defense, Unarmed combat, Mathematics, Strategics,
Relations: Adal Bauer (Best friend) | Gluttony (Rival)
Occupation/Role: Astronomer​

Temperance was always, as his title suggests, a very restrained entity. He rarely ever interacted with the other virtues, let alone humans. What little he did interact with the world was nothing more than a quick (albeit thorough, lest Humility gets after him about it) sweep of the planet for issues, before returning to the cosmos. He didn't dislike the other virtues, or humanity, for that matter, he just wasn't very keen on being social. In recent years, however, he began paying more and more attention to a certain city, ripe with conflict and... well, sin. So, reluctantly, he began the possession process on a cleric he found within the city, only to find the end of a pistol in his face when he opened his eyes, a terrified woman to his right. Stopping time, he disarmed all of the black-clad men around him, removed the woman from the area, and left as time resumed, wondering what was next.​
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@circe I'm thinking about setting the age range 17 and up (my characters will be 25+ myself). And as for history, I'd love it if you did refer back to their True Age, but if you want to keep it a secret from the other players, you can just PM it to me. ;3 I'll add these notes to the Character Sheets. <3
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What are you trying to do? How are you trying to resize the images?
I had assumed that the little boxes at the corners of the image when using the "insert edit image" function could be used to resize the image. It would resize in the edit window, but revert when I click "save changes."
I had assumed that the little boxes at the corners of the image when using the "insert edit image" function could be used to resize the image. It would resize in the edit window, but revert when I click "save changes."

Yeah, that doesn't resize the image. It just places the image. I could help out, if you'd like. Was there certain dimensions you were looking for?
Yeah, that doesn't resize the image. It just places the image. I could help out, if you'd like. Was there certain dimensions you were looking for?
Not particularly. I just wanted to make them so they didn't account for half of the post's scroll length.
Character Sheets, for Sins/Virtues and humans, have been updated with extra info! :3 Also, humans now also have a chart for their skills and ability.

Annnd, I will be claiming the extra ability Soul Bound: The ability to switch souls with others and force others to switch. Not sure if I should claim Chairty or Humility... So far, I'll be playing the Gang Leader and the Priest unless they get claimed. :3
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Character Sheets, for Sins/Virtues and humans, have been updated with extra info! :3 Also, humans now also have a chart for their skills and ability.

Annnd, I will be claiming the extra ability Soul Bound: The ability to switch souls with others and force others to switch. Not sure if I should claim Chairty or Humility... So far, I'll be playing the Gang Leader and the Priest unless they get claimed. :3
If for example you used your ability to switch with a sin or virtue would you be able to use their power and they your own? Or do they maintain their power in your body?
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@Dante the Unforgiven I think more havoc could be caused if the abilities moved along with the soul. >;)

@circe As much detail is really up to you. XD I'm more about the fun of the characters interacting. And you don't need add a lot of history really. I'm a very chill GM.
@YuriLucien Okay, thank you :)

Alsoooo, how many stars would telekinesis need to at least lift up a standard car with us only having ten stars to use for each thing? Three? Four? More? xD
@Dante the Unforgiven I think more havoc could be caused if the abilities moved along with the soul. >;)

@circe As much detail is really up to you. XD I'm more about the fun of the characters interacting. And you don't need add a lot of history really. I'm a very chill GM.
Das Scary. So I wanted to be able to pass by my Pain Inducement idea. I think we would obviously have to be within a certain range to use it. But I wanted to add that if I touched somebody I can somewhat read their mind. But only specifically about their emotion pains of their pasts and bring it to the surface again. Would that be ok? So he can learn what pains someone the most by touch otherwise he just causes other physical pains
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