Seven Deadly Sins, Seven Heavenly Virtues OOC/Sign-ups

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Original poster
Posting Speed
  1. Speed of Light
  2. Multiple posts per day
  3. 1-3 posts per day
  4. One post per day
  5. 1-3 posts per week
  6. One post per week
Writing Levels
  1. Beginner
  2. Elementary
  3. Intermediate
  4. Adept
  5. Advanced
  6. Adaptable
Preferred Character Gender
  1. Male
  2. Female
  3. Futanari
  4. Primarily Prefer Male
  5. Primarily Prefer Female
  6. No Preferences
Fantasy, Scifi, Modern, Magical, Mecha, Furry, Anthro, Horror, Historical, everything really.
In a dystopian age, there is an underground war brewing in which Necromancers and Clerics battle to create chaos or maintain peace. There are three humans born with very unique hearts that have an insignia placed upon them. This insignia is a key to keeping the gates between Heaven and the Underworld closed. The Sins' job is to find these humans and to corrupt them, opening the gates and turning the earth into a realm of chaos. The Seven Deadly sins are reborn into the bodies of Necromancers, who whomever they revive is cursed with that sin. The Virtues have been reborn into the bodies of Clerics and have the ability to bless a human with their virtue.

Necromancers and Clerics
The Sins and Virtues have no knowledge of the Necromancer or Cleric that resides deep within them, for the abilities are locked deep inside that person until possession.


Dyleth is a city over-run by crime, death and decay, and it's going to get a whole lot worse in the year 2055 when the Seven Deadly Sin are reborn into or possess the bodies of Necromancers. The only thing stopping this chaos is the rebirth and possession of the Seven Heavenly Virtues.

City of Dyleth

Dyleth Department of Justice

Gang Leaders Lair

Silver Cross Church


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The Cast

All characters below are claimed. See Character Creation for open slots.

][fieldbox="Seven Deadly Sins, red, solid"]

@Dante the Unforgiven
(Leader of the Sins)
Undying Worth: Has the ability to open the Gateway to the Underworld and control natural disasters.
Extra Ability: Pain Inducement

- Greed -
Mind Hack: The special ability to manipulate and trick, using telepathy and illusions.
Extra Ability: [BCOLOR=transparent]Sensory Deprivation [/BCOLOR]

Dead Weight: The ability to make targets around him/her drop to the floor, useless, watching in horror.
Extra Ability:


Raging Beast: Has super human strength.
Extra Ability:

Shapeshifter: Can change one's appearance.
Extra Ability: Space Manipulation | The ability to create and deplete space.

Swallowing Charm: Can seduce anyone.
Extra Ability: TBA

@Crimson smile
Toxic Absorption: Once he/she has eaten a foe, he/she obtains their power.
Extra Ability: The ability to steal the energy of those around them. Using it as sustenance.
Role/Occupation: Bartender, Detective's son

[fieldbox="Seven Heavenly Virtues, cyan, solid"]

(Leader of the Virtues)
Pure Stairway: Has the ability to open the gateway to Heaven and can control weather.
Extra Ability: Sacrificial Imprisonment
Role: Political Manager, Secret arms dealer and trafficker, Sexiest Woman of the Year

Chronos Mithos: Control of time.
Extra Ability:
Role/Occupation: Astronomer

@Crimson smile
Tender Benevolition: Has the ability to speak to and control animals and plants.
Extra Ability: Empath: She can feel and to an extent control other's emotions.
Role/Occupation: Works at a pet shop/ Sister of Gang leader

@JTJ The Phenom⭐
Fortitude of Zealots: Can create a protective barrier around any parameter from 0 to 100 feet.
Extra Ability: Aura Manipulation

Bleeding Heart: Has the ability to enrich a target of whatever he/she pleases. Money, fame, health. Etc.
Extra Ability: Telepathy

Void Eruption: Nulls any ability.
Extra Ability:
Role/Occupation: Childhood friend of the Priest.

[fieldbox="Seven Heavenly Virtues, cyan, solid"]

[fieldbox="Humans, gold, solid"]

-Underground Gang Leader-
Insignia: Infernia
Unknown Ability: Immortality

-High Priest/Priestess of the Silver Cross Church-
Insignia: Astra
Unknown Ability: Soul Bound

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Character Creation


Mind of Truth: The ability to see through any lie, illusion, or trick.
Extra Ability:


-Lead Detective at D.Y.P.D.-
Insignia: Terra
Unknown Ability: Clairvoyance​


Respected Clergy Member (Sin Character)
Undercover Cop working for the Gang Leader (Virtue or Sin Character)
Assassin after the Priest/Priestess (Human, Sin or Virtue Character)
Imprisoned/Spy for Criminal Master Mind (Virtue Character)
Detective's Ex (any character)
Create your own!

Character Sheets

True Name:
Earth Name:
True Appearance: (Picture please! Can be physical, beastly, astral, you pick)
Earth Appearance: (Picture please! Photos or realistic art)
True Age:(as old as you like)
Earth Age: (17+)
History in the Underworld/Heaven:
History on Earth:
Weaknesses: (5 or more)
Preset Ability:
Extra Ability:
General Skills: (5)
Main Ability: (how strong the power is)
Extra Ability: (how strong the power is)
Stamina: (how long it can last)
Endurance: (tolerance against other abilities)
Cleric/Necromancer: (this ability still remains even after possession)

Appearance: (Picture please! Photos and realistic art only)
Weaknesses: (5 or more)
Main Ability:
Extra Ability:
General Skills: (5)

Main Ability: (how strong the power is)
Skills: (how strong the power is)
Stamina: ( out of breath easily?)
Endurance: (tolerance against pain or abilities)


Follow all Iwaku rules.

No power modding.

Character death must be discussed between the players involved and me. XD

No one-liners please.

Please use photos or realistic art photos for characters.​


Not all Sins, Virtues or Humans need to be claimed to start the RPG.

The Extra Ability can be anything you want so long as it's not a preset ability or claimed ability.
The people brought back by the Necromancers are not brain-dead zombies, but the undead.

Humans do not know about the Sins or Virtues—yet.

You can claim up to two characters.

The True Appearance can be anything from a physical form to an astral one.

Sins and Virtues can mingle. Be mindful not to make your Leader angry, however. ;3

Choose any age you like, but the Humans do need to be 20+.

True Age can be as old as time for that particular Sin/Virtue; it's in your hands.

You can create a plain human if you want.

Rebirth or Possession?
You decide...

If a Sin or Virtue is reborn into a vessel, they've known who and what they are for their entire life and have had control of Necromancy or borrowing power from the Heavens. If they are possessing a vessel, they awake to that Necromancer or Cleric's daily life in his/her body. Those born as a Necromancer often do not know of their potential and vessel for Sins. Growing up, they may have had moments where they involuntarily brought something or someone back from the grave. Just like Necromancers, many Clerics did not grow up knowing of their true ability, which is being able to use the blessing of the Virtue they're bound with.

Keeping it creative is where the fun is at, but I know there must limitations. So I've decided to create a chart.

Main Ability: (how strong the power is)
Extra Ability: (how strong the power is)
Stamina: (how long it can last)
Endurance: (tolerance against other abilities)
Cleric/Necromancer: (this ability still remains even after possession)

Everyone character gets ten stars. Example below:

Virtue: Humility

Main Ability: **** (Heavenly gates, Weather Control)
Extra Ability: *(Super Speed)
Stamina: ***
Endurance: **

Ability Explanation:

Humility harnesses the ability to open the Gates of Heaven and control the weather as his main abilities, and this is his strongest trait. At a level four, he can control just about any kind of storm, sun exposure, etc. Because the stamina is level three, he can control the weather for a good twelve hours before exhausting himself and having to recover for a good twelve hours. (Who doesn't love someone at his weakest? >:) ) Because his weather control is a level two, he can use it to fight off other powers, but if his opponent is higher than a level two, it's not going to be very effective. His extra ability is fairly untapped, but he can run about twice the speed of an athletic runner. He has no level in cleric abilities and cannot bless, passing on his ability to a human in need.

So, when it comes to abilities get as creative as you like. Just keep your chart in mind. ;3

Sins and Virtues have an idea what each others' main abilties are, but in completely. Also the extra ability is a secret unless disclosed.
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Story Thus Far...

* Humility has take over Ashlin Spark's body.
*Zeit and Adal have been reunited.

Current Time of Day

8:15 a.m. in City of Dyleth

Join the Fun!

In Character Thread
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Sin Embodiment

_ Personified Sloth _

True Name | Earth Bound Alias

Belphegor - Languor | Abraxas
[ bell-fah-gor / lan-grr ] / [ ah-brac-sus ]

Once widely referred to as Belphegor, within the last two lifetimes of his rebirth
Sloth has since decided to disown said name as his 'True' one. Instead Languor was adopted as its replacement.

Nicknames | Aliases
Sloth | Brax

With very few whom he would allow to call him anything aside from 'Abraxas', referring to him as Sloth is tolerable after so long. Fellow Sins only.
It grates his nerves when Virtues realize which Sin he is, and then proceed to refer to him as such. As for nicknames if by chance he is close to someone he does not mind Brax.

Actual | Earth Bound

Ancient | Twenty-Eight

Male | Man

Reborn just shy of three decades ago Sloth is currently biologically male, and identifies as a man. In reality Sins do not possess a definitive sex, nor gender. They are dark entities born from the unforgivable transgressions of man, and truly do not adhere to such simplistic standards when not confined to a physically human form.

Sexual Orientation | Martial Status
Bi-sexual | Single

Not one to limit himself sexually Abraxas doesn't appear to possess a single preference in terms of lovers. In truth he doesn't even care if they're his "mortal enemy" or not. When it comes to martial status he remains a loner. Never placing fleeting labels on relationships for the sake of another's feelings. Yet, with that being said there has been a single 'relationship' within his existence that has strongly withstood the test of time.

Role In Society | Occupation

Sought after Ghost Writer

A ghostwriter is a person who is hired to author books, manuscripts, screenplays, speeches, articles, blog posts, stories, reports, whitepapers, or other texts that are officially credited to another person. The perfect job for someone whom prefers to keep face to face interactions to a minimum unless hungry. Quite well-known throughout the literary circuit despite his young age, he works from the comfort of home. Receiving new assignments through publishing houses/PR representatives over an encrypted phone or through throw away emails ( an archaic means nowadays, but simplicity has its perks ).


Indifferent, straightforward, and brutally honest, as Sloth Abraxas has little to no energy nor tolerance for bullshit. Able to detect it a mile away from others, despite his overall subdued nature he is incredibly intelligent. Possessing a razor sharp wit capable of reducing those around him into finely sliced ribbons, it is this side of Brax that most are barred from experiencing first hand. As a 'man' whom immensely values his personal space, and privacy he makes it a point to distance himself from crowded areas more often than not. If by chance Sloth does in fact immerse himself amidst the public he makes it a point to do so concisely. Said instances include (among various others) reference gathering for his professional writing career, but above all else he does so to replenish his energy reserves.

Certainly a creature of habit Abraxas has a tendency to dwell within his comfort zone. Both in a literal, and metaphorical sense. Yet at the same time he walks to the beat of his own drum regardless of what may be occurring around him. A rarely seen enigma, and somewhat of wild card in his own right. Mainly a result of no one truly knowing much about who 'Abraxas' is. An intended outcome.

Earth Bound Appearance | Distinguishing Features

Height - 6'5" barefoot. Taller in shoes.

Eye Color - An eerily bright hazel hue with flecks of amber. A feature of his that many never catch a glimpse of due to the distance he places between himself, and others, or due to the dark hoods he shrouds himself with when in public.

Hair Color and Length - Dirty blond with a somewhat natural wave. Kept long for the last few years his lengthy tresses fall towards the center of his back. He has been meaning to cut it lately, but has yet to work up the energy. Laziness is a bitch. In the mean time his hair can be found either up within a messy bun, or left unbound to do as it pleases. Facial hair wise he sports a thick beard.

Complexion | Physique - Complexion that of a vaguely sun kissed olive hue, Abraxas' genetics in this current lifetime are what provide him with such color. Certainly not due to any actual sun exposure. Physique toned, and muscular despite his mainly sedentary existence, Brax somehow maintains an oddly athletic body. Effortlessly so.

Preferred Attire - Striving for comfort his wardrobe consists of any, and everything he deems as such. It also depends on his mood, and the occasion at hand. Overall he greatly prefers dark colored fabrics. In addition to that he tends to wear glasses while working.

True Physical Form

(_ Description _)

Void of what could ever be considered 'human skin', Sloth's true form is an unnerving figure. Thickly clad in a surface resembling tree bark Languor's exterior is exceedingly hard, and durable. But not unbreakable. Standing just over 12' tall Sloth is an imposing, yet slow moving, and sluggish entity. Yet do not be fooled. With the aide of his Dead Weight ability there would no need for swiftness as all around him are forced to the ground by an invisible power.

Face, and head that of a beast stripped of both flesh, and fur, he possesses widely set horns. Misshapen, and curved before tapering off into deadly points. Lacking eyes Sloth somehow manages to navigate his surroundings with eerie accuracy. Able to follow a target with relative ease. Completely unable to speak in said form, only deep grunts, growls, and simple gestures are capable. Complexity escapes the usually intelligent Sin while transformed. Also not one to shed his human form very often, it is extremely rare for Languor to make an appearance. This side of him solely emerges when his energy levels drop far below its normal limit. Leaving Sloth hungry for the energy, vigor, and vitality of whatever poor souls happen to be nearby.

Sinful Abilities
P: Dead Weight | E: Energy Drain

Dead Weight - Rarely Ever Used ( NPCs )

An ability in which those within the vicinity are instantly forced to the ground. Their bodies suddenly unable to support their weight. This power is not automatic, and must be willingly activated by the user. How long said ability can remain 'on' depends on Sloth's energy level at the time of activation. The more energized he is, the longer it may persist, and vice verse until it is turned off, or his strength runs out. It has yet to ever be utilized for more than a half hour. This is believed to be its limit, but no one knows for certain.

Energy Drain - Every Few Days ( NPCs | Virtue: Diligence )

An ability vital to maintaining not only his sanity, but to also retain his human form. It is imperative that Sloth 'feed' from others. Said feeding refers to energy, and the fact that he is unable to energize himself like most people (Caffeine nor sleep have any effect). As Sloth he is the personification of laziness, and lethargy. As a result he needs steal the vigor of those around him to use as his own when 'hungry'. If around only humans at that time Abraxas will siphon small amounts of energy from mortals. Nothing drastic, nor life-threatening. Brief, and 'accidental' physical contact is all that is needed. He will rinse, and repeat until no longer in need of more. Those involved will only experience sudden tiredness, and/or very mild exhaustion.

If in the presence of a non-human, but instead a fellow Sin, or Virtue, Sloth is able to take more than just 'a little' due to said individuals possessing the energy of ten humans within a single body. The fastest, and most efficient means of re-energizing himself. The effects on the Sins/Virtue is very similar to what would happen to a mortal, but as Languor this ability can prove deadly. Unable to curb his insatiable appetite. How long Abraxas feels energized depends on how fast or slow he burns said energy. Typically takes a few days.

Main Ability - ( **** )
Extra Ability - ( *** )
Stamina - ( * )
Endurance - ( ** )
Cleric | Necromancer - ( N/A )

Personal Skill Set

- Fluent in all Dead languages
- Talented Writer
- Speed Reader
- Master Wordsmith
( When he feels like it )
- Ambidextrous

Strengths | Weaknesses

+ Intelligence
+ Literary Prowess
+ Level-Headedness
+ Straightforward
+ Problem Solver

- Lethargic
- Procrastination
- Selfish
- Easily Disinterested
- Team work

Tolerable | Loathsome

+ Seclusion
+ Dark Liquor
+ Aged literature
+ 'Feeding'
+ Sleeping In
+ When his phone doesn't ring

- Social Gatherings
- Caffeine
- Unnecessary complexity
- 'Hunger' pains
- Invasion of privacy
- Children


Obligational Allies
( 'Business' Relationships )
Pride | Gluttony | Wrath | Lust | Envy | Greed

Greed - _Bio_
Exceedingly far from friends Sloth, and Greed nonetheless share a mutually begrudging appreciation for one another for reasons not even lying upon their mortal deathbeds could bring to the light. Neither openly a fan of the other, when within one another's presence there is a palpable aura of awkwardness, and overall exasperation. "..Ugh.." being their joint attitude compacted into a single utterance the second they find themselves within the same vicinity. Barely noticed by those around them amidst the crude banter that swiftly follows. Filling in the strained gaps.

Yet despite that deep down somewhere in the darkest recesses of his core lies a faint glimmer of envy towards Greed.
His ambitious nature a trait Sloth at times wishes that he, himself, could not only muster, but genuinely maintain.

Envy - _Bio_
As someone whom vastly prefers to keep to himself it oddly enough made sense to agree to Envy's tempting proposition. That of which specifically entails a relationship where both parties benefit. Offering up herself as his very own errand runner Sloth effectively avoids stepping beyond his front door even more now than previously. In exchange he shares his extensive writing prowess in order to aide in the perfection of the Art Of Forgery. Illegal? Yes. A fact that Sloth couldn't care less about if it means entirely eliminating small talk with irritatingly idiotic strangers. By far his least favorite pastime.

Instead he'd rather put up with one of his own for a few times a week via writing sessions in between work deadlines. A potentially precarious situation in the making considering his long standing intimate relationship with "the enemy". His heavenly counterpart.

True Allies
( Genuine Confidants )

( Romantic | Sexual Partners )

Having been drawn to one another since the very beginning, Sloth, and Diligence are each other's polar opposite. Two unique halves of the same whole. So much so that during each new lifetime, rebirth, vessel, and body they somehow manage to establish some semblance of a relationship behind the backs of their respective leaders. Those of which have always included intimacy (romance, etc.).

Time, and time again they've attempted to conform to the rigid standards of human society when it comes to labels between two partners. Something that has never quite worked out for the unlikely pair. Now part of the modern era they have found that the term 'Friends with Benefits' seems to suit their current relationship to a T. Emphasis on both the friendship, and lover aspects, in one another's presence they can be themselves. Something not easily done around mortals, nor their fellow Sins, or Virtues.

Obligational Enemies
( 'All' Virtues )
Humility | Chastity | Charity | Temperance | Kindness | Patience | "Diligence"

True Enemies
( Personal Grudges )

Underworld | Earth Bound


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Mm, I'll have to drop unfortunately. I don't feel like I'll be able to follow through with one of the rules. Good luck with the roleplay!
Virtue: Diligence
Given Ability: Fortitude of Zealots/Can create a protective barrier around any parameter from 0 to 100 feet.
Extra Ability: Aura Manipulation
Rebirth Or Possession: Rebirth
Face Claim: Jazz Jamieson
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  • Love
Reactions: YuriLucien
Mm, I'll have to drop unfortunately. I don't feel like I'll be able to follow through with one of the rules. Good luck with the roleplay!

Oh? Which rule is that? I'm not really stickler on rules. :3 I have no problem changing any but the top rule.
So since everyone isn't over a certain age, how clean are we keeping this? I'm speaking more language wise. Though would be interesting to see someone who's playing Lust to keep it tasteful.
Virtue: Diligence
Given Ability: Fortitude of Zealots/Can create a protective barrier around any parameter from 0 to 100 feet.
Extra Ability: Kinetic Energy Manipulation
Rebirth Or Possession: Rebirth
Face Claim: Jazz Jamieson
Oh? Which rule is that? I'm not really stickler on rules. :3 I have no problem changing any but the top rule.
You got my reserve right?
Oh? Which rule is that? I'm not really stickler on rules. :3 I have no problem changing any but the top rule.

The three paragraph rule.

True Name:
Earth Name:
True Appearance:

(He is 100's of feet tall)
Earth Appearance:

(Face claim: Bill Kaulitz)
True Age:
He has been around since life was created.
Earth Age:
Bi-sexual (Leans more toward men)
+ Charming
+ Intelligent
+ Friendly
+ Loyal
+ Adventuress
- Greedy
- Possessive
- Bad temper
- Low morals

Gluttony has been around since the creation of life. He has had many names. Hunger, starvation, selfishness, famine. Yet, only one name did he claim. Fenrir. While wandering in his true form he was spotted and spun the myth of Fenrir and Loki. The idea of eating the whole world appealed to him.

Being reborn was a real pain. Having full grown mental capabilities but little physical was torture. It almost drove him mad. Luckily he found that sleeping helped. His 'parents' brought him to the doctors many times, worried about his constant sleeping. When he was awake his irritation caused him to try to bite anything near. If was waved off as teething.
His toddler years was easier. Though his teething faze didn't seem to end. He couldn't be enrolled in pre school or daycare because of his biting.
Thankfully it lightened when he began elementary school. His new found capabilities no longer as inhibiting as they once where.
His father, a detective, was never around. Something he was thankful for. His mother was oblivious but his father might look deeper into the strange things that happen around their son. Though he kept it mostly under wraps.
When his father began trying to spend more time with him he found ways to get out of the house. Even ruining his loner image. He kept this up until he was able to move out.
He got an apartment above a small bar where he worked as a bartender, while working on his cooking skills.
His appetite
When full he fall's asleep
He get's weaker and slower the more hungry he becomes
When mad he can get irrational
Hates being trapped
Playing games
Being talked down to
Being woken
Being hungry
Not being able to solve something

Preset Ability:
Toxic Absorption
: Once he/she has eaten a foe, he/she obtains their power. He can contain up to two powers at once. The moment he eats another person with power's the weaker power he already contain's is nullified.
Extra Ability:
Rapid Healing:
He can heal almost instantaneously. The worse the wound the longer it takes. As a result poisons and toxin's don't affect him because his body destroys any foreign object that can harm it.
Main Ability: ***
Extra Ability: ***
Stamina: *
Endurance: **

General Skills:
Problem solving
Temperance (Rival)
Bartender and part time chef/Detectives son

True Name:
Earth Name:
Daniel 'Dani' Wayne
True Appearance:

Earth Appearance:


True Age:
As old as time
Earth Age:
+ Kind
+ Non judgemental
+ Loyal
+ Energetic
+ Observant
+ Quirky
- Shy upon first meeting
- Likes to believe the best in others
- Often lost in thought
- Easily distracted
- Stubborn
- Curious
- Mischivious
Gaia has been around since the creation of earth and is one of the oldest of the virtues. She kept the animals and earth prosperous. When humans were created she gained a human form that constantly shifted so she could continue to help the earth and animals. She did not share the loathing many other god's held for the humans for their destructive nature as she could the kindness and compassion they were capable of. Becoming a protector of humans, she did her best to guide those corrupted.
More to come....
Not easily fooled
Not very physically strong in human form
Easily distracted
Other's negative emotions
Strong emotions
Is almost physically incapable of hurting others
Being outside

Bad dreams
Preset Ability:
Tender Benevolition:
Has the ability to speak to and control animals and plants.
Extra Ability:
She can feel and to an extent control other's emotions.
Main Ability: ***
Extra Ability: **
Stamina: ***
Endurance: **

General Skills:
Communication skills
A surprisingly good gambler
Roman (Brother)
Charity (Friend)
Works at a wildlife shelter/ sister of gang member
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  • Love
Reactions: YuriLucien

Sin: Envy
Given Ability: Shape-shifting | The ability to take up one's likeness both physically and audibly.
Extra Ability: Space Manipulation | The ability to create and deplete space.
Rebirth/Possession : Rebirth
Face Claim : Kim So-eun
  • Love
Reactions: YuriLucien
Now, now love muffins...
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