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Bless his heart, he'll need a lot of convincing, Shola-style ;)
Meanwhile, Dante's solution: Give him a water bottle or something.
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Falcon: How would you feel if Trevean took Nadia's form and went as bait instead of the real Nadia? If you're not comfortable with that, it's okay, but I thought I'd ask :)
As hilarious as that idea is, and as much fun as it would be to have someone ask, I'm fairly sure Trevean can't change his gender.
He'd be able to swing a small animal and go with her though. Maybe a mouse?
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and Trevean as a mouse . . .

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I... I can't take it. The cute. It's criminal. It's so cute I feel physical pain. Gaaaaahhhhhhhh
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I think I have to tap out for tonight guys. That was pretty freaking epic.

SO. Our next stop will be the Daal territory! Which means KADEN in all of his awesomeness will be introduced soon. So how do we want to do it? If I'm understanding correctly from Midi, the group will be heading towards the Daalai villages on horseback. Would it make sense for the Queen to have sent word to the Daalai chief and him to have sent a greeting party to escort them the second half of the journey?
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So tired. So good. I love you both. I like the idea of the escort, or any other one. I trust you guys. The party is gonna get a hot minute of downtime and then it's diplomacy city. After that they're headed to Pandemonium, the home of Piper and every supernatural creature you can shake a stick at. And some you wouldn't want to. You guys were awesome tonight! I can't wait to start the next leg of their journey because, as Kura knows, I did some pretty heavy plotting and planning today.
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I kinda think it would be fun if Kaden got to play hero when they first meet. Maybe help rescue the group from some bandits or something . . . just a thought :)
Bandits are actually perfect because I was going to have forest bandits featuring as the "big bads" of their next visit to Fairyland. This is a perfect opportunity to introduce them briefly and then develop them more in their next appearance.
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ok, so I'm clear on this, Others can talk to their Guardians mentally with words, but Shola can't manage words yet?
Dante is (as always) kind of out of his element in that he's forcing it so hard that it's kinda like words the way hot dogs are kinda like meat. Shola can "talk" to Trevean using all kinds of sensory impressions that are processed sort of like words, but not sentences-style words. Like Dante's doing, but with some grace and subtlety and more accuracy and content. Trevean would have the same ability and could definitely approach words, but not like a sentence. More like music suggests words and images.
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Ha ha, I've been trying to figure out how to give the ring back to Shola ever since she returned it the first time :)
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The Feels Train is officially in the station! Argh, I loved it! I don't know who has more giddy feels right now, but Kura, you've summed it up perfectly: NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHHHHHHh.

Let me know when it's time to bring in Kaden :)
Oh yes and his bio . . . Though I think you've already seen it :)

Kaden Morayo
Age: 21
Occupation: border guard / member of the warrior's brotherhood
Home world: Fairyland / Daal
Race: Daal
Notable Features: Olive skin, messy white hair. 5'8" A bit on the stocky side with broad shoulders that suggest he can swing a sledgehammer or a war hammer with equal ease, a little over 180 lbs. A tribal type tattoo that runs up the left side of his chest and onto his arm. He likes wearing sturdy boots and sleeveless shirts that show off the tattoo, but the rest of his wardrobe tends to just be whatever is comfortable.

Raised an only child by overprotective, loving parents in Daal, Kaden was always obsessed with stories of adventures. Some of the men where he lived were members of the brotherhood, a sort of guild or clan that specialized in training warriors of the highest caliber. These men served their people well and would often be assigned the hardest most difficult jobs any warrior could be given. everything from escorting travelers across the black sands of the "Hades" region of the desert, to fighting wherever battle was hottest with the Daal people's enemies.
Kaden idolized these men, frequently asked to hear their stories, and when he was of age he petitioned to be part of their number. Kaden, after being tested and proving himself worthy, was accepted at 15, and after several years of grueling training was finally given the rank of full brother approximately four years ago. Like all new delta 'Brothers' Kaden started off with the easier jobs. Working as a hired guard or escort where needed, and occasionally being allowed to follow as a junior member with some of the Beta or Alpha class member's jobs. Though technically new, even a rookie of the brotherhood is considered an elite warrior and master of the brother's fighting styles, they only gain skill and experience after that. Currently Kaden serves on the hades border guard, which is an honor in and of itself. He looks forward to the day when he too might attain the rank of an Alpha.
Other: Kaden's prefered weapon is a set of war hammers
He has a German shepherd named Kalya
this is what his tattoos look like.

Reason for Living: Because every day is a new adventure
Greatest Fear: losing his parents
Most Secret Dream: To be able to see the places he's only heard stories about
Useless skill(s): He can knit
Favorite Food: Apples when he can get them
Theme Song:
Unthought Known – Pearl Jam

Edit: Kaden now has a last name!
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I think Midi has gone to bed for the night, and I'm about to as well, just wanted to poke a little fun at Dante before I went. ;)

But yeah, we are definitely getting close to introducing Kaden, if we're all going to be around tomorrow then it'll probably go ahead and happen then! I'm so excited!
I'm planning on being on tomorrow, if a bit sporadically :)
Have a good night
Falcon- Kaden looks awesome! Also, do you want to do the bandit attack, or would you like me to do it?