Kidnappable?: Sure? I don't really mind..
Playing Habits: I'm usually able to play everyday, but on the weekends I can't spend that much time playing..
Gender You Prefer Playing: I prefer female, but I like to double so I can play both. [:
Favorite Genres: I get enjoyment out of Scifi, Horror, Apocalyptic, and some Paranormal things.
Genre You DON'T Like: I haven't come across something that I don't like, but I prefer if things weren't completely based on romance.
Playing Style: I generally play in an aggressive style, though I do both.
Plot Candies: Um.. I don't really have specifics, it really depends on my mood, but I do love plot twists! They make everything so much more interesting!
Character Stereotypes: I play all types of characters, again it depends on the mood I am in.
Character No-Gos: Same as enough, I generally play all types.. though I won't play a character that is too plain, they have to have personality.
Random Notes: Um, I do a lot more one on one role playing than I do on the forums in large groups. Mainly, because I've have less experience with that latter.
Iwaku Roleplays I'm In: I'm pretty new here, so I don't currently have any, but I'll add some when I can.
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Kidnappable?: Very Kidnappable!

Playing Habits: I go through phases, when I am in a RP mood I reply ASAP. When I'm not it can be days.

Gender You Prefer Playing: Female. Never play a male.

Favorite Genres: Fantasy, Scifi, Modern, Magical, Horror, Romance, Historical

Genre You DON'T Like: Anime, Zombie, post apocolypitic.

Playing Style: I can do both just fine, but I like to be more passive.

Plot Candies: Dangerous Romances, I love playing the sassy victim that gets herself in trouble with a sexy/uber dangerous guy. Also love a good action/fighting sequence. Cat and mouse has always been fun for me. As well has complicated plots, or something simple and kinda silly like nior plot lines with casino robberies.

Character Stereotypes: Ice cold, synical girl. Intellegent, spicy girl. Girl with tons of power that has no iea how to use it, the victim, the girl next door….. almost anything.

Character No-Gos: Wont ever play a boy, a push over or a door mat or someone stupid.

Random Notes: Been roleplaying for 7+ years!

Scene Sample: OPTIONAL. Declining Scene sample.

Iwaku Roleplays I'm In: Just joined. So none? Lol.
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Kidnappable?: (Yes)
Playing Habits: (Not quite sure, If I like it here very often)
Gender You Prefer Playing: (Male)
Favorite Genres: (Just trying this out for the first time, anything!)
Genre You DON'T Like: (Furry)
Playing Style: (I suppose passive until I get the hang of this)
Plot Candies: (I guess pets...)
Character Stereotypes: (calm, normal person for the most part)
Character No-Gos: (Anything too angry)
Random Notes: (I'm very friendly, and be patient, I have never done this before!)
Scene Sample: OPTIONAL. (*asterisks means I'm doing some sort of action* Not in asterisks means I'm saying something)
Iwaku Roleplays I'm In: nada.
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Kidnappable?: Definitely.
Playing Habits: I'm a stay-at-home Mum. My life is pretty much online. =3
Gender You Prefer Playing: Female
Favorite Genres: I'm all about Fantasy, Modern, Magical, Romance, and I'm open to new ideas.
Genre You DON'T Like: I'd like to avoid Scifi and most in-city past eras. (Horse and buggy kind of things) and I refuse to roleplay horror.
Playing Style: I'm willing to be a passive or aggressive character depending on what the roleplay needs.
Plot Candies: I'm a large fan of romance or, at least, romantic scenes. I'm also more than appreciative of plot twists. =3
Character Stereotypes: I have a thing for tragic pasts. >_> My characters are usually also exceptional at at least one thing. (Super smart, martial artist phenomenon, etc.)
Character No-Gos: I don't like playing the opposite gender if I can avoid it. And I'm no grunt.
Random Notes: I tend to enjoy my roleplaying experience more if the people I am writing with are litterate. A million typos or description-less posts tend to be a bit of a turn off for me.
Scene Sample: The moment he turned his back on her she realised her mistake. Her terror dissolved and she collapsed into sobs, crumpling back onto the floor. Her shoulders drummed against the wall as she heaved with the force of her tears. Her towel wrinkled around her waist, leaving her upper body exposed to the cool air which, of course, made her shake harder. She rocked back and forward a little, her face buried in her knees, arms wrapped around herself. She ached inside, burning and throbbing, her gut twisting. She felt each of her scars as if they were new and raw and the agony cleaned her mind of thought and reason. She muttered incoherently into her thighs between sobs and more than once she screamed as the scene echoed through her head like a horror movie she couldn't turn off. Her nightmares were the same scene but it was always worse during a panic attack. She actually felt it when she was conscious.

Adarya sat across from a young man with bright blue eyes and spiky blond hair. He laughed and refilled her drink, telling some ridiculous story. His words sounded slurred as her brain started to fuzz over. "I'm sleepy. Do you think I could crash here?" She asked, standing up from the table. The young man smiled brightly. "Of course, darlin'. I'll show you to my room, shall I?" The edges of her vision blurred a little as she followed him. With a yawn she laid down on the bed and he sat down next to her and ran his fingertips over his cheek. "Don't you worry. I'll take good care of you."

When she woke up it was dark. The room smelled musty and though her eyes were open she couldn't see anything. She tried to move and realised that she couldn't; she wasn't restrained or anything, just unable to move. She also noticed that she was naked, though she didn't remember undressing. Starting to panic, she called out "Aiden? Aiden, help! I can't move!" A door opened to her right and a fluorescent light sputtered to life above her. She blinked furiously as her eyes adjusted. Finally, she made out Aiden's figure in the doorway. "Oh thank the stars. I can't move. You've got to help me. I don't know what happened. You're not hurt are you?" Hearing the last sentence made her look at him closely. No, he wasn't hurt.
And he didn't seem to be all that worried about her either. She watched as he approached her slowly and kneeled down in front of her. His bright smile was replaced with a sneer, the kindness in his eyes gone in favour of a cruel intelligence. "You..." She said quietly, still not fully understanding. "Me." He replied arrogantly, unrolling a cloth that held assorted knives and scalpels, a whip tipped in metal and a weird instrument that looked not unlike a potato masher that he warmed on the Bunsen burner he'd ignited. "Do you know what you are?" He asked her, his fingers dancing over his tools as if he couldn't decide which to pick. She looked at him dumbly, somehow unable to believe what was happening. "You, my dear, are an abomination." He said lightly, finally selecting one of the scalpels.

At first, she didn't feel the slice he made right below the first rib under her right breast. It wasn't until he made his second cut and began peeling the skin away from her bones that she screamed. She screamed and screamed until she blacked out from the agony.

When she came to, Aiden was sitting beside her sipping at a glass of deep red wine. Her ribs burned and ached and bile rose when she remembered why they hurt. She tried to look down at the wounds but she was still paralysed. "Ahh." He said coolly. "I thought I lost you there for a minute." There was an empty syringe laying above the cloth and one of the scalpels was stained dark with her blood. "It appears we can begin again." He said, laying his glass down gently. He walked over to her on his knees and rolled her onto her stomach, leaning into her hair. His breath was hot on her ear. "You are unnatural. Monstrous. And you must be punished." She felt him knee her thighs apart and she closed her eyes tightly. She willed her body to move but it remained limp and useless as he whipped and violated her for what seemed like eternity. When he was finally finished with her, he methodically sealed the wounds on her back with the searing hot potato masher. She blacked out before he'd finished.

The next time she awoke she was alone in the darkness. She didn't dare make a sound for fear he would return. He'd taken his tools with him, not that they'd have done her much good since she was still unable to move. Weak and broken and scared, she wept until she fell asleep. Throughout the course of what seemed like years but was really only ten days Aiden awakened her with torture that lasted until she fell unconscious again.

The last time she saw him, she awoke to him playing with her hair. She tried to move but, of course, she was unable. She glared up at him with hate-filled turquoise eyes and said nothing. "Today, you die." He told her quietly and she closed her eyes, relief flooding her. "Uh-uh. None of that. You know the rules." She opened her eyes obediently, too weak to be defiant. She watched him lift the scalpel he'd used to fillet her and prepared for him to peel away more skin. Instead, he rested the tip right below her collarbone and sliced carefully down to her sternum. He did the same on the other side before continuing down to her navel. He sliced to her hips on both sides and opened her up like a set of double doors. She blacked out again.

When she awoke for a final time she could hardly breathe. Her face was bruised and swollen and most of the major bones in her body were broken. She was, however, able to move her head ever so slightly. It was obvious Aiden had become furious with her for passing out and beaten her motionless form. But, out of some unfathomable cruelty, he'd left her alive. She opened her eyes a crack but could see nothing. She tried desperately to move but the her brain washed with stars and then filled with darkness and her head rolled back onto the cement.

By the time the flashback had ended she'd fallen silent. Tears still rolled down her cheeks but she no longer shook, as if her body were too exhausted by the memory to react. She stayed curled in her ball, rocking like motion would comfort her. She had no idea where she was; it didn't really matter. Only one thing filled her mind: Why?
Iwaku Roleplays I'm In:None yet. However, quite a few years ago I ran a chat-based rp website. The most common practice was t7 where I had a gigantic arena set up and people would come and fight. The goal was to write as much and with as many superfluous words as possible so as to confuse the opponent into not responding properly within the five minute time frame given to respond. Before battle the opponents would meet with me separately and describe, in as much detail as possible, their character so no one could god mod some crazy shit out of their ass. The longest battle was 27 hours.
A few months ago I joined my first forum roleplay site: Gundam Gates. But I just couldn't get into roleplaying for an anime I haven't even seen. Plus, the community wasn't very welcoming.
The above scene sample is one of my posts from that forum. It follows my character having a panic attack that induces a flashback that explains her tragic history. (And how she got so many scars.)
Kidnappable?: Yes. I'll even give you the rope. On second thought, gimmie this rope...

Playing Habits: Pretty much all the time. Like really. All. The. Time. (i'm beginning to sound like a stalker. I am NOT a stalker.)

Gender You Prefer Playing: Male. I'll test out female sometime later in my life. But for now...dude.

Favorite Genres:
Uhh lets see. Fantasy, Modern, Romance (yeah i said it), a little Sci-Fi. Ehh. Thats bout it.

Genre You DON'T Like: Um. Don't know yet. But dont test me.

Playing Style: I'm nice. So I say both.

Plot Candies: I like it when I can keep up a conversation. Add a little bit of sarcasm. Maybe an ass kicking here and there. Just as long as I dont fall asleep on the keyboard I'll be good.

Character Stereotypes:
The quiet obvious one. Oxymoron? I think not.

Character No-Gos: The one who thinks he can destroy the world with his pinky.

Random Notes: I can't promise you I'll give you what you want. Just what you need.

Scene Sample: "Towns and people are a pathetic waste of time. They don't care about the 'greater good' or 'common decency'! They only care about getting laid, being pretty, or ruling the world! Isn't this town more than that? Don't we have some sort of fighting chance to save humanity?!" His voice was nothing more than a shrill speak after his speech died out to the end. The iridescent light blared rays of anguish and annoyance on his black hair. He forgot where he was. Who he was. Desperation started to mingle with anguish and anxiety. The three common feelings of a mad man.

"I need to get out of here. I need to find someone who understands me; who understands this pathetic excuse for a town!" He roared, smashing a tan fist into a wall. Fear was something he was good at, but now, he couldn't scare the wings off of a fly. The girl in front of him. Her. She wasn't scared of him. She was never scared of him.

Iwaku Roleplays I'm In:
A whopping total of zero.
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Kidnappable?: i don't mind people contacting me at all :)
Playing Habits: (i am avalible 6 out of 7 days of the week from at least 2 pm till 6 pm
Gender You Prefer Playing: (Female.)
Favorite Genres: (Fantasy and sifi )
Genre You DON'T Like: (modern day RP !)
Playing Style: (Passive !)
Plot Candies: (im mostly into the Slave/master deal in roleplaying )
Character Stereotypes: ( the shy kiddnapped must be kept under control )
Character No-Gos: (aggresive in control type.)
Random Notes: (my characters always like to step the bondries!)
Scene Sample: OPTIONAL. (.Xanixi flopped down onto the Auction room stage her face wearing a nervous smile . She fiddled with the bell around her neck, her eyes darting between to aggressive looking slaves they looked comfortable as though they had been auctioned off plenty of times she smiled "that would explain the muscles " she thought out loud to herself in a whisper. She pulled her knees up to her chest and sighed, "I'm sure this time it won't be so bad" She then looked around waiting for someone to at least say hello even though shy, she'd be more comfortable with someone near her.

Her tail flicked against the stage. The small snap it made was like an old slavers whip, which when she realized this she proceeded by grinning. Even if it was a troubled sound meaning she had done wrong, the sound was like a serenade to her own ears oddly calming and heart warming.
Iwaku Roleplays I'm In: A quick list of roleplays you are in, or have been in! yes _my _lord on vf and vampires kiss on VF :)
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Kidnappable?: I would love to be kidnapped! :D
Playing Habits: I am generally online from around 4 pm EST and am available until 11 pm EST Monday through Friday. And I will be online off and on throughout the weekends.
I am Seeking: OnexOne or Group RP Work for me.
Gender You Prefer Playing: Male. However, I have done a couple female characters and don't mind them.
Favorite Genres: Fantasy
Genre You DON'T Like: Um...
Playing Style: Written? :) No, mostly passive I guess.
Plot Candies: Um...
Character Stereotypes: Protective
Character No-Gos: Uh...
Scene Sample: OPTIONAL. (from another site)
Raiden stood stalk still in the room as Kaminari walked out, leaving him alone with the eldest of the Sakuramori clan. Swallowing hard, he bowed low before standing straight up again.

"So, it seems my neice and my daughter have brought it to my attention that you are wanted alive. Tell me, why should I not hand you over to your family for your traitorous deeds to them?" the man said.

"Well, sir, I love Kaminari very much, and I would like to stay around to be there for her. You know, forever. She is ohime to me," Raiden said, deciding that in this case the word choice was safe. "It is because of my feelings for Kaminari that I have betrayed my former mistress, Yuki Kazegami, at the cost of, well, I'm sure you've heard what my price is by now."

"You are right, I have. And it is a nice sum. It would look quite fabulous in my coffers."

"Then you know how much my love for Kaminari is worth as well. And it's a lot more than that sum, I assure you. I don't think that anyone could offer you enough to counter how I feel for her."

"Brave words. Are you sure she feels the same?"

"I believe so. And I believe that Hikaru believes she does too, or she wouldn't have been so quick to name herself as my protector."

"You are correct. My daughter believes in one's own strength, but she also believes in protecting those you care about." The man grinned. "All right. I'll accept you into the Sakuramori clan, Raiden Nishimura."

Raiden relaxed. "Thank you, sir."

"You are dismissed."

Raiden bowed low again and joined Kaminari out in the hall.
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Re: Xin's Resume

Kidnappable?: Frankly, I don't mind.
Playing Habits: Well, since it's the summer I'm pretty much available at any time. But when the school year comes around I may only be available once or twice, maybe more on some days since I'm taking more advanced studies.
Gender You Prefer Playing: Female. I'm absolutely inept in male characters.
Favorite Genres: Fantasy, Sci-fi, and something modern maybe? I'm usually attracted to steampunk type of RPs but I branch out. Romance is something that is slowly becoming a thing.
Genre You DON'T Like: Horror, mecha, yaoi...things as such.
Playing Style: I'm fine with doing both.
Plot Candies: Action. I mean the bad ass action movie action and plot twists are cool too. Keeps you on your toes. Things that have to do with a bad history that is slowly drawn out is a fun thing too.
Character Stereotypes: I usually play a character that has a tough exterior but has real emotions, but she's hard to get a liking. My characters also tend to be very smart and quick with reflexes and I add a bit of martial arts or gunslinging into the mix sometimes.
Character No-Gos: I don't like playing characters that are overly nice or that are overly charming. Also I don't enjoy characters that are overly idiotic or useless.
Random Notes: I tend to add a bit of weird talents to my characters i. e. seeing aruas or ghosts, things like that.
Scene Sample: Lavender hated busy streets, they kept her from thinking. It was difficult enough to think at home, hearing the bustle of the streets and vendors made it that much harder for her to hear her own thoughts and can be found muttering to herself often. Bystanders stared at her, judging her and wondering if she's insane or just eclectic. But that wasn't her issue at the moment. She was furious that her parents would do this to her. She's fifteen, a whole life ahead of her and they just decided to snatch it from her. Right under her nose. She felt as if she was standing on a carpet and someone decided to snatch it from under her feet, causing her to crash to the ground with a loud thump.
She was storming down the cobblestone streets when she heard the chaos behind her. Quickly turning around, she saw the men coming after her, ready to snatch her away to a new form of life. A life she refuses. In less than a second she's off, zooming through the streets and vendors, ignoring the bickering and yelling that came after words. Risking a glance, the men were getting closer and closer, closing the gap between them. Adrenaline coursed through her body and in an erratic gesture, she knocked over a cart full of apples and bolted on through. The men tried to halt to a stop, but they were going too fast and it was too late. They slipped over the apples and toppled over one another, causing more chaos and the angry cries of vendors and potential customers.
Relief was an understatement to Lavender. She barely dodged the life she was now destined to have. Seeing a nearby alley, she ducked into the shadows and kept away from the steam coming out of the buildings. She doesn't need any injuries if she's going to hide from the men.
Iwaku Roleplays I'm In: Pennyblood, School for Fighters. I'm having issues finding RPs I want to be in.
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Kidnappable?: Sure, no problem.
Playing Habits: Mostly daily. Pretty active if I am not waiting on somebody to reply to my character's action.
Gender You Prefer Playing: Female but won't mind playing Male.
Favorite Genres: Fantasy, Scifi, Modern, Magical, Horror, Romance, Yuri, but mostly anything. Post-Apocalyptic
Genre You DON'T Like: Yaoi
Playing Style: Passive
Plot Candies: Sweet yuri subplot, the innocent love version. Dark mood.
Character Stereotypes: Either creepy or innocent minded girl characters. Tend to play child girl characters. Laid back male characters or very serious male characters. Outcasts and recluses.
Character No-Gos: Characters without depth to them.
Random Notes: Currently a GM for a Pathfinder game on another post by post roleplay forum. Love Pathfinder, dabbled in 3.5 D&D before discovering Pathfinder. Also have indulge myself in the World of Darkness tabletop roleplaying game. Really interested in playing a Promethean: The Created World of Darkness game. And I read comics and play Heroclixs so I really been wanting to play a super hero type role play.
Scene Sample: Everyday since the day I met you, Jessica Roland, I have kept my eyes on you. Rather you know it or not, your natural beauty attracts me like a moth to fire. I wonder if I get close to you would I burn and be engulf in flames? Oh how I wonder Jessica Roland.
Iwaku Roleplays I'm In: None currently.
Playing Habits: Every day baby!
I am Seeking: Both group and one on one rp's
Gender You Prefer Playing: Male
Favorite Genres: Modern, Horror, Romance, Yaoi,
Genre You DON'T Like: Fantasy, Sci-fi
Playing Style: Aggressive
Plot Candies: Romance like seriously, lots of guns, some yaoi (sometimes) every day life situations.
Character Stereotypes: Badass.
Character No-Gos: Real girly girls and pussys. -.-
Random Notes: I am interesting?
Scene Sample: ~Trevor

He was beat, tired..the range was rough today, stupid asses will never know how to shoot a gun. He was ready for his long waiting shrimp ring and a beer when he heard something large, something of his, fall to the floor in his bedroom upstairs. He rushed to the stairs, sprinting them in his combat boots. He slowed to a quiet tip-toed stance and crept toward the door. His big hands grasped the handle like an angel...time stood still until he flung open the door, smashing it against the wall and went into defense position ready to take on his enemy. He froze to find a woman, scared to death, shaking in the corner. "How long has she been here! I swear I let her go home..."
Iwaku Roleplays I'm In: None
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Kidnappable?: I do not mind people messaging me to ask for roleplays.
Playing Habits: I do not work and no school so I am on the computer over 12 hours a day.
Gender You Prefer Playing: I prefer female but if I like the plot I could be pursuaded into a male.
Favorite Genres: I love vampires, zombies, family, horror, thriller you name it.
Genre You DON'T Like: I don't like romance and or sex in my roleplays. I do not mind having a boyfriend or a husband and I don't mind a black out sex scene.
Playing Style: I prefer being passive with the person leading the story. I am not afraid to give ideas about the story at all though.
Plot Candies: I love having brother and sister roleplays no sex and no romance involved though. I always wanted a twin and that's why.
Character Stereotypes: I normally like to play a nice girl nothing bad with her.
Character No-Gos: Um don't think I have come across one I do not like.
Random Notes: Um not right now no.
Scene Sample: You will have to see.
Iwaku Roleplays I'm In: Have none on this website yet.
  • Like
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Kidnappable?: Yes
I am seeking: One x One
Playing Habits: Usually on just about everyday.
Gender You Prefer Playing: Female
Favorite Genres: Romance, Modern Fantasy, Medieval Fantasy, Royalty
Genre You DON'T Like: Furries, Yaoi/Yuri, Sci-fi fantasy, Horror
Playing Style: Passive
Plot Candies: Mature Romance, Forbidden Romance, Kidnappings, Drama
Character Stereotypes: Willing to try any type
Character No-Gos: Haven't found one
Scene Sample:
Abigail walked throughout the night. The moons beautiful light showing her the way back home. Every little sound caused her to jump and she was so frighten that she started to shake.
Poor Abigail was attacked by a group of vampires, and after hitting head off a rock, she's lost most of her memory. Her mind was in a fog and she was confused as to where she was.
The forest was dark, and soon she could barely see for the clouds decided to block her light.
The event that occurred last month is what led her to wander around here lost. All she remembers was running from something.
Abigail wore a white nightgown, that stopped about 2 inches above the knee, and it was covered in blood, though she couldn't find any wounds beside a few scar that looked like bite marks.
"I just want to go home..." she whispered to herself. She could hear the sound of running water, which told her there was a lake near by. And also meant she was prettf deep in the forest.
Her whole village was burnt down by the vampires last month when they were searching for her. Apparently she was born with a dark gift that the vampires want.
They still didn't know she lived, for after she was raped and bit several times in different places, she managed to run from them and hide before passing out and injurying her head.
But if she stayed here for too long, they might discover her, and she wouldn't have anyone to help her.
Abigails crimson hair blew in her pale face as she kept walking, her violet eyes looking around fearfully.
"Just keep moving.." she whispered, and did just that, doing her best to keep her mind focused and not get distracted in any way to prevent getting herself even more lost than she already was.
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Kidnappable?: Yes.

Playing Habits: I try to log on at least once a day, but sometimes I get caught up in real life stuff.

Gender You Prefer Playing: Female, but I can do guys too.

Favorite Genres: I gravitate toward fantasy roleplays, and related genres such as mythology, sci-fi, supernatural/horror, etc. But as long as you make a genre interesting, I'll try it.

Genre You DON'T Like: I tend to avoid the modern/clique-based role-plays. Also, most yaoi makes me feel uncomfortable. But like I said, if it's interesting, I'll try it.

Playing Style: Usually passive. Sometimes I will get up the guts to lead a role-play but what often happens is that I lose steam and the thread kind of fizzles out.

Plot Candies: A lot of people are saying romance, but I don't think any of my characters have ever had love interests... I love writing fight scenes and witty dialogue. Any opportunities for my characters to act like someone in a Zack Snyder movie is a plus for me.

Character Stereotypes: Seeing as most of my characters have been female -- usually either snarky gunslinging types, seductively evil women, or tough but silent femme fatales. The only males I've ever played have been witty, sarcastic jerks who can't keep their mouths shut.

Character No-Gos: I guess really stupid or melodramatic characters. Characters that whine and don't do anything for themselves.

Random Notes: No matter how much I complain about the stuff I don't like, I'd still probably play in those RPs/character types if whatever was going on interested me.

Scene Sample: Derp. I can't find any recent RPs that I like, so I'll copy and paste a scene from a story I abandoned.

The guards circled the crowd of men and women with their sacks, collecting weapons. When they finished, they tied their bags closed and began to escort the group into the city. Unused to visitors, children paused in their playing to stare, and mothers moved protectively to their sides. Curious adolescents crowded and trotted along beside them. Liang noticed their coloration – pale-skinned, light-eyed and -haired – and compared it to his own gold-toned skin and dark hair.

Suyin followed his gaze. "The mountain people were here long before the Continental Empire moved in. They've lived inside the Eastern Mountain range for millenia."

Thinking back, he recalled a childhood friend of his, whose lily-white hair and skin had shocked him when they first met. "Is Kuo from the mountain people?"

"Kuo is ..." She frowned, "an unusual case."

Before he could ask what she meant by that, the guards stopped them in front of an ancient building. It architecture was different from the other buildings; to Liang, it looked bland and unappealing, its windows all uncovered, its walls seemingly made from a solid block of stone. It was tall and thin, more of a tower than a home. The group climbed the stairs leading up to the front double doors.

When they entered the tower, Fuhua was already waiting for them, with a strange person at his side. The stranger had slitted reptilian eyes and seemed almost sexless, though a certain squareness of features suggested he was male. The man's hair was long, almost to his feet, and looked as if it had been spun from gold. He wore shimmering robes in shades of yellow. Liang felt no attraction toward the figure, only admiration.

Suyin stiffened at his side. "God damn it, a Yellow Dragon."

"Yellow Dragon?" Liang stared at her. "You mean, the Yellow Dragon Clan?"

"Welcome, mercenaries, to my home," Fuhua interrupted in a jolly, booming voice, hands on his large stomach. "Please stay as long as you wish, though I understand you have business to attend to."

The Yellow Dragon clansman gazed steadily at Liang, sending him a wry smile. The boy and his mentor relaxed; while the clansmen were certainly wild-cards with an agenda all their own, this one was clearly on their side. He nodded at them, acknowledging their grateful looks, before vanishing in a burst of golden dust.

Iwaku Roleplays I'm In: None yet!
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Kidnappable?: I'd love to be!
Playing Habits: For the last few weeks of summer, I'm on mostly all day except for Tuesdays - in which where I'll be online after 6. When school starts, I'll be online around 5pm-12am CST most of the time.
Gender You Prefer Playing: Female, but Male sounds good too ^__^
Favorite Genres: Slice of Life, Fantasy, Sci-Fi, Yuri, Romance, Anime, Cyberpunk, Zombies, Renaissance, Victorian, Modern
Genre You DON'T Like: No Yaoi for me.
Playing Style: Both. Also, I love sharing ideas to people to make it more interactive.
Plot Candies: Active RPers, people who are willing to communicate with me about what do next for the RP, backstage planning is key (: and also STUFF.
Character Stereotypes: Badass tomboy women, loner types (any gender), easy going joker guys, bad boys, feminine women (elegant, classy ones), Voldemort, twins, siblings, zombies, aliens, Bellatrix Lestrange, L, Near, Mello, Sasuke Uchiha, Alistair (DA), and ETC. :P
Character No-Gos: I don't play sluts. if I do it's more of NPC.

Random Notes: The shortest post I can ever make is one paragraph, I like to RP - very much. So you can expect me to be dedicated. I like cheesecake<3

Scene Sample:
Marian frowned as she collapsed on the seat, leaning against it "What is now, Aunt Alecto?"

"Something is interesting me." Alecto said as she turned toward her niece, a grim smirk formed on her lips as she crossed her arms "Did you see what happened in this train today? Those animagi?"

"Yeah. In fact I was in the compartment."

"That's why I called you here." Alecto said, glancing at the window "They seemed to have jumped off the train, find them. Investigate if they are one of ours, if not, just keep an eye on them...making sure they won't cross our path. It would be unfortunate to slay such...potential recruits."

(from my RP in

Iwaku Roleplays I'm In:
[MODERN] If Isn't Her (Ongoing)
[ONEXONE] The Dark Prince (Ongoing)
[SCI-FI] Of Broken Bones and Torn Flesh (Ongoing)
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Kidnappable?: Yes.
I am Seeking: Whatever comes my way, I don't prefer either one over the other, but one on one is easier to handle.
Playing Habits: Between school and my job, every so often. I have several sites in which I'm registered. But I usually pop into each one everyday if possible.
Gender You Prefer Playing: Male
Favorite Genres: Scifi preferably, but I'll do anything that comes my way.
Genre You DON'T Like: Fantasy, it's just to far out of my realm.
Playing Style: Doesn't really matter, if someone wants to lead the story along that's fine, I'm willing to lead one of my own.
Plot Candies: Anything but Fantasy, i.e Elves, Dragons, etc. Unless you're a bit more up to date with it, then I won't mind.
Character Stereotypes: I'm good with just about anything, though mostly Demons and Cybernetic beings. Seishin is actually a Demonic entity that specilizes in illusions, while my oldest most well known character on another site(Nix) is cybernetic and deals with advanced theoretical technology. But once again I'm handy with just about any chara if I have time to look it up.
Character No-Gos: Humans, it's just too limiting, and females since I'm a dude. Never really saw a point to Rping as a girl.
Random Notes: Nothing that I can think of.
Scene Sample: +The wind was still for now, the sky accented with hues of pink, red and purple as the sun made its descent into the horizon; lifting its snowy counter part in its silent wake. Clouds listlessly passed by; whispy underbellies dragging along the painted blue. A few stars began to wink their shiny eyes at the earth as if a devious lover would to their partner before pulling the silky blanket of black over the body.

Below the scenery a silent winding dirt road snaked its way down to the east; trees standing tall to either side. Birds sang their final songs for the eve, eventually to die away into stillness. With a sudden softness the faint tap of a bamboo walking stick alerted the life to the approach and retreat as it swayed to and fro in its handlers grasp. Tabied feet proceeding in soft tread and muscular form dressed only in a snowy white kimono with grey silk slacks beneath; upper dressing left tied about narrow hips by the sleaves to bare the torso and arms. A gentle breeze soon carressed broad shoulders and swept away black strands to the side before removing its cooling hands from the flesh.

Seishin Ichiro, The Illusionist, far from human and far from helpless despite his handicap. As he strode along blind violet eyes swiveled in their sockets, a muscle spazm, as if following the last sounds of the disappearing day. A low sigh of seeming content, or perhaps boredom, passed through pale lips as his free hand lifted to brush the hild of his katana. A massive sword it was, over thirty eight inches, its blade forged using the Soshu kitae method developed by Masamune. It's quality priceless; sought and fought for by hundreds, each hand that held it before severed allowing it to pass along to the next.

Blade as pure as the snow its silk wrap was colored after. Rumors of such a tainted soul resting in such an untainted body, causing warriors and merchants alike to lust after it like a pretty girl. A bloodlust never quenched no matter how much crimson soaked its blade. Years passed, lives lost before Sei had come across such a weapon, more years passed as it loyally served him. It brought the enemy to his knees, and he sated its hunger.

A sudden loud chirp jerked Sei from his thoughts; the day had finally come to an end. No light peeked over the horizon, only stars and moon were left to keep the wanderer company. Lonelyness, a word not in his vocabulary, only death. Corpses were his friends, graves of the fallen his blood covered throne. A sadistic smile curled Sei's lips as his keen ears were greeted with opposing footsteps approaching in what seemed to be a determined stride.

The sinister shadows covered the males form, his gender determined through his heavy footfalls. He wore boots, heavy ones at that, well worn. Chains, approximately two they sounded low on his body, perhaps near his hips or legs. The faint clank of a swords sheath against a heavilly clothed leg, the sudden crackle of leather; gloves on his hands. His voice was low, somewhat callous as he spoke. +

"Hello, Seishin. Are you ready?"

+Everything fell silent, no wind, no birds nor bats. Nothing moved, nothing breathed. Time stopped for that instant, both figures shadowed as they stood facing each other. Suddenly a shriek of metal, a foot step followed by a loud crack.+

Iwaku Roleplays I'm In: Currently none.
Kidnappable?: Totally! =]
I am Seeking: I am not really picky, whatever I find interesting along with people that can use me. lol
Playing Habits: Whenever I am not at work, not at school and that I am awake.
Gender You Prefer Playing: I prefer Female but I wouldn't mind trying out a male character if need be.
Favorite Genres: Romance for sure! I am also fond of Horror Fantacy and Comody
Genre You DON'T Like: I am not a big Si-Fy person.
Playing Style: I tend to do both, it just depends on the situation going on in the story.
Plot Candies: I love forbidden love stories and I love "bad boy/girl" characters, it makes things interesting. Love Triangles are also a lot of fun.
Character Stereotypes: My characters are usually very flirtatious and very sexy rather human, vampire, or other type of being. (Every once in a while that can lead to the "psyco ex" which is also fun and interesting).
Character No-Gos: I haven't really tried much else, if you have an idea for something else, let me know and I'll see if I can come up with something that can work. =]
Random Notes: I am one of those people that get really into these stories, sometimes that's a good thing, other times it's not. lol. But I really do enjoy RP and it is something that keeps my mind off of reality for a bit.
Scene Sample: From The Given Sword:
Kaminari shook her head. "If I die, then you will already be strong enough to defeat her. She will not walk away unharmed if she does win Hikaru. I would not be able to live with myself if you die in my place. Why can't you understand that? I don't know why you want to do this so bad. With how you feel about her, you should let me do it, I'm not afraid to kill her. I'm not afraid of her Hikaru. You guys telling me I'll die out there, do you think that is going to stop me? No. It makes me want to prove you all wrong!"

She looked off into space thinking of of what her words might do to Hikaru, she wasn't calling her a coward by any means, but she knew how hard it would be to kill someone that you had such strong feelings for. Kaminari thought for a moment what it would be like for her to have to kill Raiden, she knew she wouldn't be able to, but that would also be something she wouldn't be able to watch. "Why can't I just get this over with? If you need a back up plan, then you can be the back up plan."

Iwaku Roleplays I'm In: None yet. =[
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Reactions: 1 person
Kidnappable?: Go for it!
I am Seeking: Both! Though sometimes I get lost in group rps.
Playing Habits: almost everyday since I'm on Holliday but it will be different when uni starts.
Gender You Prefer Playing: Female
Favorite Genres: Fantasy, Modern, Magical, Horror, Romance, (never tried Yaoi and furry.)
Genre You DON'T Like: scifi. Maybe... Not sure lol. I'm up for anything really.
Playing Style: I'm good with both.
Plot Candies: umm... Romance, mystery, adventure, action, conflicts umm... Anything goes really.
Character Stereotypes: Badass mysterious type.
Character No-Gos: Super sweet Girl. That's just.... No.
Random Notes:I'm very sarcastic and make jokes about anything. Even if my posts are lame I still manage to crack myself up sometimes lol. Umm... I don't like rping in third person, I just find it weird for... Some... Weird reason.
Scene Sample: Sometimes long, sometimes short posts. Depending in how much I have to say or do. You'll have to find out.
Iwaku Roleplays I'm In: I just joined my first roleplay called a deadly beauty.
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Reactions: 1 person
Kidnappable?: Yes please!!!
I am Seeking: Short groups (7 or 8) or one x one.
Playing Habits: I only have internet at work, so it depends on how crowded the office is.
Gender You Prefer Playing: Male
Favorite Genres: Fantasy, Scifi, Modern, Magical, Horror
Genre You DON'T Like: Sparkling Vampire theme, high tech sci fi, if there's gonna be high tech I rather steampunk themed.
Playing Style: both passive or Aggressive.
Plot Candies: SciFi/Magical/Steampunk Tech Battles, not player vs player, but like the role players together versus enemies we made up; player vs player romance; wicked plot twists.
Character Stereotypes: Mysterious evil looking dude, with a heavy past, but rathers not talk about it; and the oposite, cheerfull cocking joking dude, who's so cocky and arrogant you think it's all bluff but in the end he's really that good and a much better person than anticipated.
Character No-Gos: wimps (not talking about gay people, but cry babies and stuff), gay (nothing against them, but I am straight and it's just weird playing a gay), dudettes (for the same reason)
Random Notes: Some of my ideas are taken from a book a friend is writting, so I don't want trouble with that, so if you RPing with me don't talk much about it if you see something that seems familiar.
Scene Sample:
Brain freeze now, will update later..
Iwaku Roleplays I'm In:
check my profile notes please!
Kidnappable?: Yes Please! :lol:
I am Seeking: One RPs and/or Group RPs
Playing Habits: Pretty much everyday.
Gender You Prefer Playing: I prefer Female
Favorite Genres: Fantasy,Modern, Magical, Horror, Drama, Romance, and I'll try anything once
Genre You DON'T Like: As soon as I have one I'll let people know lol
Playing Style: Passive/Aggressive. I like to keep the balance.
Plot Candies: Love hate relationships are always super, Sarcasm, drama, and comedy
Character Stereotypes: Sarcastic tough girl who's a softy deep deep deep down inside
Character No-Gos: I don't know yet.
Random Notes: I like to have fun, no ooc Drama. I'm new here but not to RP I FB RP on and off.
Scene Sample: OPTIONAL. I like running into people, sets up a kinda comical mood.
Iwaku Roleplays I'm In: I do a lot of Original Characters mainly on Facebook.
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Reactions: 1 person
Kidnappable?: Go for it!

I am Seeking: I love one[x]one but am happy playing both.

Playing Habits: It all depends on my course work but i'm usally pretty active.

Gender You Prefer Playing: I usally play female but will play a guy every then.

Favorite Genres: I love Fantasy, Scifi, Modern, Romance, pretty much anything really.

Genre You DON'T Like: Ummm, not sure. I'll let you know :P

Playing Style: Both

Plot Candies: Fantasy, supernatural, romance, drama and action!

Character Stereotypes: I tend to play sweet tomboy girls, characters with troubled pasts and tough guys. I'm trying to expand on this. :)

Character No-Gos:
I don't know yet :P

Scene Sample: (Coming Soon.)

Iwaku Roleplays I'm In: None yet