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"I'm glad that you had a nice sleep, even though you were on the floor." She replied, going through her closet to find something cute to where. Now that she had Wolf, she wanted to make sure she looked good for him. She picked another dress, though this one was a light shade of blue. She went into the bathroom and changed again, coming out with the blue dress on. She was smiling at him, just happy that Wolf was there.
"Wow....you look...absolutely stunning," he smiled, folding his arms over his chest and gazing at his wonderful girlfriend. He reached into his pocket, pulling out his scarf then wrapped it in his usual way and tugged on it to make sure it was securely around his neck. It was one of the few mementos he had of his parents and plus it went this his look which was a bonus too, "I feel a tad underdressed now," he laughed.
"It's just one of my dresses Ive had a few years, I don't think it's that good." She said, but inside she loved him praising her. It made her heart flutter and she couldn't help but smile at him after he mentioned her looks. "You're not under dressed, as long as you don't expect to wear that later at the ball. We're going out shopping." She told him.
Wolf feigned being scared, "Shopping? That dreaded action has brought many strong men to their knees," he finally laughed and unfolded his arms so they rested back at his side. "Alright, we'll go shopping then. And later is too to the ball," he replied with a smile.
"Well, we have to get you something really nice to where." She responded, smiling sweetly at him. "You can't just wear casual clothing. Not even this dress would work." She continued. "Plus, we will be together all day." She giggled a little, thinking about spending the whole day with Wolf.
Wolf nodded 'Alright we'll find something nice so we can show off your 'cute and cuddly boyfriend'," he replied adding in something Red had said yesterday and smiled back. His smile then turned into a grin, "If you look this good in a simple dress then I can't wait to see you in a ball gown," he responded, bent down to fold up in blankets in a neat pile before he took a few steps toward her. "Shall we get doing then?" he asked motioning towards her bedroom door
Red blushed at his comment. "I hope I will. I have a feeling you're going to look good all dressed up and I want to look the part. I wouldn't want anyone trying to take you away from me." She said. She went to her door and opened it for them to leave. She walked out and let him follow her before she closed the door but leaving a crack. "Would you like some breakfast first?"
"Even if someone tried I can guarantee that they would fail, my heart belongs only to you and will always," he replied as he followed Red out of her room then tapped his chin as he thought about breakfast. "No I should be fine for awhile, but thank you for asking," he said as he followed her through the hallway and down the stairs.
"Okay." She responded. She walked down the steps and towards the front door. She couldn't from pratically jumping for joy when he had said his heart only belonged to her. Once they had gotten out of the door and outside, closing the door behind them Red turned around. She abruptly pulled her body close to Wolfs and brought her lips to his, giving him a kiss.
Wolf stayed quiet as he followed Red but nicely waved to her parents when they passed a room they were in. When they were outside Wolf was about to take a step forward until Red's lips were suddenly against his, he smiled then wrapped his arms around her waist and kissed back. It surprised him but he enjoyed the feeling on her lips against his and holding her in his arms.
Red broke away for a few moments to speak. "I just couldn't help myself." Then pressed her lips again back to his. Yup, it was definitely going to be hard to keep her lips away from his when they wouldn't be able to kiss. There were some places that she knew it would be hard for them to kiss, but Red loved him so much.
Wolf was about to speak when she stopped kissing him but once again her lips were pressed against his, he didn't mind one bit though. He didn't know how he would fight the urges to kiss her when they were in school or somewhere that a lot of students from their school would be at. But Wolf didn't care, he'd even openly declare in school that he was dating Red if she wanted him to; it would destroy his reputation as being cold and unable to love but his girlfriend was more important to him then some lousy titles.
Red slowly pulled her lips away from Wolf's this time intending to stop for now. "Let's get going then." She said to him, taking one of the hands that were wrapped around her waist and placing it in hers so they could hold hands while walking. She turned forward and headed down to the sidewalk in front of her house. "We have to find you something good to compliment your good looks."
Wolf nodded then walked beside her as he lightly squeezed her hand with a smile, they were finally going on their first date and he was really excited and a bit nervous too. "it shouldn't be too hard to find something for me, but I believe the challenge is finding something for you. You'll look beautiful in everything you try on and it will be hard to decide."
"That's not true. But thank you for the compliment." She said, with a little giggle. She was even getting nervous as well. She was glad to be on a date with him, but what if she messed up and he didn't like something about her. What if she did something wrong? Though feeling his hand in hers made her relax a bit. They headed down the street, she hoped he didn't mind being out in public like this. She knew he had that reputation at school, if someone saw them she wasn't sure how Wolf would react.
Wolf chuckled as he walked hand in hand with Red down the sidewalk, it was a nice day and he was happy he was spending it with her. Without so much as a little effort or warming he pulled Red closer to him and gave her a toothy grin as he gave her hand another squeeze then turned his head back to face forward.
It seemed he didn't mind being in public after all, considering he brought her closer to him. She headed for the shopping area of the city. "I've never shopped for a guy before, so you're going to have to go easy on me." She told him. She saw a shop in the distance that she figured they could try first. She headed for the shops entrance.
"Don't worry I won't be too hard and besides you'll portably do great," he chuckled as he allowed her to lead, he noticed a few other couples shopping which caused him to feel happy. When they entered the shop he rubbed the back of his neck as he looked around before following behind Red as she went further into the clothing store.
Red headed for the men's suits and began looking around at each one. She would look at one, then shake her head no and put it back down. "That wouldn't work." She whispered. "He can wear a better looking one." Saying her thoughts out loud. She pick another one up and stared for a few moments. "Try this one on." She said to him, handing him the hanger with the black suit on it.
Wolf said nothing as he curiously watched as Red surveyed through the long assortment of suites, he had a half smile as he listened to her quietly say her thoughts out loud as he looked at each suite and put it back. He took the hanger from her then nodded and walked into the men's changing room. A few minutes later Wolf walked out now in the suit Red had chosen him but still wore his tattered scarf, "What do you think?" he asked tugging his scarf down a little so it now rested a little below his chin and the ends fluttered behind him as a light breeze blew into the store.
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